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What is the purpose of assessment shown in the following assessment settings?

Select from the options below. Write only the letter. In 2 to 3 sentences, write a
short explanation why it is so.
A. Assessment as selection or placement
B. Assessment as instruction and providing feedback
C. Assessment as determining what learners need to learn next
D. Assessment as diagnosing learner’s difficulties and misconceptions
E. Assessment as determining progress along a developmental continuum
F. Assessment as program evaluation and accountability
The Assessment Settings:
1. A twelve-year old out-of-school youth who stopped during the fourth grade took a
test given by the Department of Education to go back to formal schooling. The
test determines the grade or year level appropriate for the learner.

2. Every year, a national normed assessment is given to grade 3 pupils in English,

Math and Science.

3. The teacher returned a student’s Math worksheet with written comments. The
teacher’s remarks consist of a compliment and a correction. An explanation was
provided concerning what the student did correctly and incorrectly, what was
accurate and inaccurate in the student’s work.

4. A Math teacher gives a test towards the end of the unit. He/she will use the test
items as starting point for discussion of conceptual problems revealed by the

5. An English teacher regularly assesses students’ skills by using probes which are
brief, easily-administered measures. The teacher then graphs changes in the
number of correct words per minute (reading) and compares each student’s
growth to the rate of improvement needed to meet learning goals.

6. A Technology and Livelihood Education teacher is teaching ICT to his students.

Through oral questioning, he asked several students about the use of the
Internet in searching for information and the computer file system. He also
provided a short computer exercise. After confirming what the students know
and can do, the teacher proceeded to the next segment – how to download files
from the Internet.

Answer Sheet
Assessment Scenarios
Purposes of Assessment

NAME: John Rafael O. Diaz DATE SUBMITTED: Nov. 01, 2020


1. A, because scenario number 1 shows the assessment as a selection or

placement. This assessment is used to place students into a course, course
level, or academic program. Also, it provides a convenient starting place for
determining a student's level of academic skill mastery within a specific domain.
2. F, because this scenario shows the grade, three pupils, in English, Math, and
Science, they giving a nationally normed assessment every year. It helps
the program to determine whether the strategies they are using to achieve
compliance are working. The results are used, as a basis for identifying problem
areas and making changes to improve effectiveness.
3. B, because this scenario shows that the teacher returned a student’s Math
worksheet with written comments. This assessment helps us to know how their
grade was derived. Also, to identify the qualities of the student and guide the
students on what steps to take to improve.
4. E, because this math teacher uses this strategy to identify his/her student who
are understand easily with his/her discussion. Allow the teacher to track and
pinpoint progress for all his/her students. And to identify benchmarks for
particular activities and to assess it.
5. D, because in this scenario shows the English teacher regularly assesses
students’ skills by using brief probes, easily-administered measures. An English
teacher regularly assesses students’ skills by using brief probes, easily-
administered measures. To helps to identify student learning problems so the
teacher can provide instruction to remedy those problems.
6. C, because as students engage in peer and self-assessment, they learn to make
sense of information, relate it to prior knowledge and use it for new learning. The
purpose of this assessment determines priorities, and the context of use or the
next stage of learning, given a learner's current state of understanding.

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