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Chapter 1: Building Your Personal Brand

1.1. Self-Discovery
1.1.1 Identification of my Strengths and weakness
a. My strengths
Personal branding is a way to stand out from the crowd, so I practiced to be confident in my
personal communication skills. Therefore, this strength makes it easier for me to create
meaningful relationships and connections. This extroverted nature can pave the way for
effective communication and can help me excel at networking, expanding my professional
circle, and making a lasting impression.
Besides, IT proficiency is an important asset in today's digital age. People with IT skills
demonstrate technical aptitude and problem-solving ability. These skills are invaluable in
different career contexts, allowing people to adapt and excel in technology-related roles and
Moreover, being fluent in English is an advantage in global communication. English is a widely
used language in the world of business and technology, making me more versatile in an
international context. Good English skills enable clear and effective communication, both written
and spoken, helping me convey my ideas and opinions effectively.
Finally, Not only are my skills good enough in some specialized jobs, I also always improve
myself to become a good person. A good personality is a valuable asset in building a personal
brand. It includes a positive attitude, an innate ability to be a team player and leadership
potential. A positive attitude not only promotes a healthy work environment but also makes them
an attractive colleague. Their team-oriented mindset facilitates effective cooperation and
collaboration, and their approachability and respect naturally translate into leadership qualities.
From the above strengths, I have created a strong and influential personal brand to those
around me
b My weaknesses
While extroversion can be my strength, it can also distract me from concentration, while I'm
working in groups. In addition, proficiency in English can occasionally lead to overconfidence. In
addition, being proficient in English can sometimes lead to overconfidence, then I become
subjective in some important situations such as presentations,...
On the other hand, My desire to maintain a good personality sometimes makes me
accommodating, which can hinder assertiveness in certain situations. Besides, I will become
weak and find it difficult to refuse offers from others

1.2 Target Audience

1.2.1 Identifying My Target Audience
a. My target audience comprises recruiters from medium-sized businesses within the fields
of education and finance. These recruiters exhibit a welcoming demeanor during
interviews, offering insights into their company's culture. Furthermore, they offer job
opportunities aligned with my academic background in marketing, business
management, and communication, particularly English. Their role in helping me assess
my compatibility with the company's values, mission, and career advancement prospects
is pivotal.
These recruiters typically engage on reputable platforms like LinkedIn or TopCV, where
they post job openings and provide essential information for prospective candidates.

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