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Activity: Answer the questions and explain your answers.

1. Why is happiness the intrinsic good?
Happy individuals often exhibit greater creativity and productivity, leading to personal and
professional success.the benefits of happiness extend across physical, mental, and social
dimensions, ultimately contributing to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

2. Is developing a virtue the best way to be happy? Share your experience.

Developing virtues can contribute to a sense of fulfilment and well-being, but happiness is a
complex and individual experience. Engaging in acts of kindness or helping others often
brings a sense of virtue and happiness simultaneously. For example, I enjoy teaching my
friends who are struggling with major subjects. I find happiness in helping even without
expecting anything in return. Acts that align with virtues like compassion, generosity, or
empathy can create a positive impact on both yourself and those around you.

3. Why is virtue not an instinctive act but a conscious and deliberate process or
practising virtuous acts?
Because instincts are reflexive actions, whereas virtue entails purposeful decisions influenced
by moral principles. Practising virtue involves making deliberate choices aligned with ethical
values, rather than relying solely on automatic responses.

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