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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan) PAKET 2

Hari dan Tanggal : Rabu, 23 Maret 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Isikan identitas Anda dengan benar!
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya dengan cermat!
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikirim / submit!
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan!

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban di bawah ini yang paling benar!
Read the following text.

1. From the text we learn that Liana is …. A. Herald’s niece

B. Herald’s cousin
C. Shinta’s sister
D. Shinta’s mother

2. The expression “ hold up strong through the highs and lows
of this rut ...” means that Herald and Shinta ….
A. hope for better life in their future

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B. still have a long way to go together
C. must face the life difficulties together
D. should be tough on any life difficulties
Read the following text.
Meet my little pet dog named Rocky. He is a German Shepherd and has been part of my
family for the last 3 years. He is friendly and playful. Anyway, outsiders often consider him
dangerous. This is due to the wavy coat texture and grey color of his body. He is so alert at every
moment and protects our home at all times.
Everyone in my family likes Rocky. We all treat him like a family member. I love to take
Rocky outside for some fresh air and sunshine. Rocky’s hair is super fluffy. That’s what I like
most. I like to wash it and play with it. Rocky will even walk right in the shower with me! He also
loves the blow-dryer and try to bite it at the warm air.
My family cannot even imagine life without him, especially me. I am the youngest child in
my family. My brothers are very busy with their activities, I often stay alone at home but I never
feel lonely. Rocky is always with me. We like having fun together. To me, he is my everything.

Adapted from:

3. The writer writes the text to ….
A. describe the characteristics of Rocky
B. show his close relationship with Rocky
C. introduce his favorite pet named Rocky
D. tell the readers how to look after Rocky

4. What does Rocky look like? He has ….

A. light blue color
B. red coat texture
C. super fluffy hair
D. medium body size

5. Rocky is so special for the writer mostly because he.…

A. is a German Shepherd dog
B. accompanies him a lot at home
C. likes to walk right in the shower
D. is quite dangerous for outsiders

Roland Gainer is a-22-year-old student. One day he rode an Uber taxi. At that time he
wanted to go to a location to meet his friends. However, during the trip, Roland learned something
about his taxi driver, Kenneth Broskey (69).
Kenneth had a cancer in several parts of his body. His doctors told him that he had only 10 weeks
to live. Roland was even more touched when Kenneth told him the reason why he must continue
working. Kenneth had to afford his medical check-up fee. He also had to raise his daughter and
“I want to give my daughter and son enough money. When I die, I don’t want they lose the house.”
Kenneth told Ronald.
Soon Ronald decided to create a fundraiser called “Go Fun Me” for Kenneth. Within five days,
Ronald managed to collect 100,000 US dollars. The money was enough for Kenneth to pay off
the house fees. Until now, Ronald admitted that he still meets Kenneth occasionally. He felt
inspired by Kenneth’s fighting spirit.

Adapted from:

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6. What can the readers learn from writer’s experience? A.
A miserable Uber taxi driver.
B. Ronald’s effort to help Kenneth.
C. A fundraiser program for Kenneth.
D. A very reliable father named Kenneth.

7. What did the writer do to help Kenneth?

A. Helping Kenneth by continuing his work.
B. Paying Kenneth’s medical check-up fee.
C. Giving Kenneth’s grandchildren some money.
D. Collecting money through “Go Fun Me” fund raising.

8. The word “raise” in the sentence “He also had to raise his daughter and grandchildren.”
means “….”
A. giving some funds
B. bringing to maturity
C. growing to better mentality
D. helping from the poorness

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9. Reading the recipe thoroughly, students of a cooking class are expected to ….
A. be informed about how to enjoy a traditional food from Manado
B. enjoy cooking some traditional foods from Indonesia
C. know what traditional foods from Manado look like
D. be able to make the special porridge from Manado

10. What would likely happen if we do not press-squeeze the pumpkin in the water?
(1) The water would be thin.
(2) The water would be condensed.
(3) The porridge would not be delicious.
(4) The mixture would not become yellow in colour.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (2) and (3).
C. (1) and (4).
D. (2) and (4).
1. Which of the following cooking equipment is mostly needed in making bubur Manado?
A. C.

B. D.

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2. Study the following statements carefully. Which pairs of problem and solution are in line
with the text?
Problems Solutions
(1) The princess was cursed. She dipped her hair into rose water to
break it.
(2) The people in her kingdom couldn’t sleep The princess asked the golden bird to
well. sing.
(3) All roses were picked by the witch. The princess asked people in her
kingdom to grow roses in their
(4) The princess was sad. The king called the princes to bring
roses for her.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (1) and (3).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

3. From the story we know that the princess was ....

A. spoiled and cheerful
B. caring and responsible
C. strong and unbeatable
D. determined and respectful

4. What moral value can we learn from the story?

A. Jealousy leads to misery.
B. Sincerity guides us to happiness.
C. There is always a way for good deeds.

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D. There will be contentment after sorrow.

Read the following text.

Dona : Did you hear what Miss Anita said before leaving our class just now?
Our vacation will start next week. Yeay!
Ivan : It’s the time we’ve been waiting for a long.
Dona : I will go to Raja Ampat with my family. How will you spend your holiday?
Ivan : I’m going to take a Japanese course, I have to prepare myself for my
stay there next year.
Dona : Gee. You’re such a hard worker.
Ivan : (laughing) I don’t think so.
Dona : Well, I hope your course runs well and you’ll soon master Japanese.
Ivan : Thank you. I hope so too.
By the way, let’s go to the canteen. Our lunch is waiting for us there.

5. From the dialogue we know that Dona is likely Ivan’s ….

A. schoolmate
B. classmate
C. teacher
D. sibling

6. It seems that Dona and Ivan have their conversation ….

A. right after a lesson is over
B. during a lesson in class
C. before a lesson starts
D. after a break time

Read the following text.

Cyber stalking is a form of harassment. It involves the use of the Internet and
digital technology to frighten and intimidate someone. Stalkers tend to continually
invade the victim’s privacy. Cyber stalking is one of the most dangerous forms of
cybercrimes. It is because the stalker shows advanced knowledge of their victim’s life
and movements.
There are three types of cyber stalking: email stalking, Internet stalking, and
computer stalking. Email stalking is sending threatening emails and spam. Internet
stalking is tracking the target’s movements on online platforms and spreading
rumours to slander the victims. Computer stalking is hacking the target’s computer,
taking control of it, and stealing personal information or documents from it.
There are some practical tips to overcome cyber stalking. The victims must
change their daily routine and habit until the problem goes away. They have to collect
evidence of stalking for example: phone calls, messages, and emails. After that, the
collected evidence can be used as the attachment to report the stalking to the police.
Lastly, tell other people such as family and friends about the stalker.

(Adapted from:

17. The word “slander” in “… and spreading rumours to slander the victims” means …
someone’s reputation.
A. strengthen
B. enlighten
C. threaten
D. blacken
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18. What will a stalker do in computer stalking?
A. Send threatening spams.
B. Hack the target’s computers.
C. Steal the victim’s personal information.
D. Save the information in computers.

19. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. We can practice some tips to do cyber stalking.
B. There are some ways to avoid in cyber stalking.
C. The cyber stalking can be reported to the police.
D. Some tips can be done to solve cyber stalking.

I just wanna talk about nothin'

With somebody that means something
Spell the names of all our dreams and demons
For the times that I don't understand
Tell me, what's the point of a moon like this When I'm alone again?
Can I run away to somewhere beautiful Where nobody knows my name?

I'm just lookin' for some real friends

All they ever do is let me down
Then I let somebody in
But I find out what they're all about
I'm just lookin' for some real friends All they ever do is let me down
I'm just lookin' for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town, yeah
20. From the lyric, we know that the writer is a person who ….
A. has a dream
B. feels excited
C. needs a friend
D. loves somebody

21. The expression “I just wanna talk about nothin' with somebody that means something”
means that the writer wants to ….
A. talk about something
B. chat with a friend
C. call someone
D. tell a secret

Text 1 Text 2

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Adapted from Adapted from

22. Which of the following information can we find in both texts?

(1) the last time when the owners saw the pets
(2) the name and the sex of the missing pets
(3) the phone numbers to inform the owners
(4) the last place where the pets were seen

A. (1) and (2).

B. (1) and (4).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

23. Both texts are written to ….

A. give information about lost pets and their characteristics
B. tell the readers about how to take care of lost pets
C. explain about pets can get lost to the readers
D. ask the readers to look for the lost pets

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How to Download YouTube Subtitles as Text & Transcript Files
Subtitles are an effective way to make video content more accessible to a wider
audience. Multilingual subtitle options benefit people who don’t speak the audio’s
native language and those who may be hard-of-hearing. Here’s how to download a
video’s subtitles for offline use:
1. Go to your desired YouTube video.
2. Check to make sure the YouTube video has captions/subtitles added with the
“CC” button.
3. Go to “Settings” and click on “Subtitles/CC” to see which subtitle languages are
4. On the menu below the video, click the three dots next to “Save” for more options,
then select “Open Transcript”. An interactive transcript will appear next to the
video on the right side of the window.
5. Click the dropdown menu at the bottom of the transcript to select the language
of your subtitles.
6. Click the three dots at the top of the transcript to turn the timestamps in the
transcript on or off.
7. Once you’ve selected your desired language and the timestamps fit your
preferences, highlight the transcript, copy it, and paste it to a word processor or
notepad app of your choice.
Adapted from
24. Someone who … will likely be interested in reading the text.
A. is hard-of-hearing
B. has YouTube account
C. speaks several languages
D. is writing YouTube transcript

25. What should we do to choose the language of the subtitle?

A. Go to the three dots at the top of the transcript.
B. Click the three dots next to “Save” for language options.
C. Click the dropdown menu at the bottom of the transcript.
D. Select the interactive transcript that appear next to the video.

26. Why should we check the “CC” button before starting to download the subtitles?
A. To set the subtitle to the language option that we need
B. To see what language options are available for the subtitles
C. To make sure that the language option we need is available
D. To know there are subtitles in the video that can be downloaded

Mrs. Heni : What’s up, Mrs. Tiara? You look so confused.

Mrs. Tiara : I do, Mrs. Heni. I am just wondering about my family. Rama spends much of his
time on smartphone and laptop. Keisha makes contact with her old friends on FB.

Mrs. Heni : Hmmmm. Social life has changed completely.

Mrs. Tiara : Sure. Unfortunately, I myself can’t be away from my handphone and laptop for
working. What should I do?
Mrs. Heni : Well, I think you should give a good model on using the smartphone and laptop.
You can spend time doing anything together. You must proof that family time is a
happy moment.
Mrs. Tiara : Good idea! I think I’ll start using one SIM card only. So, I’m still not cut off the world
in case urgency. I’ll spend more time together with them. Thanks for your advice,
Mrs. Heni.
Mrs. Heni : Anytime, Mrs. Tiara. Have fun. Now, let’s continue our working.

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27. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At home.
B. In an office.
C. On the street.
D. In a public place.

28. The word “cut off” in “So, I’m still not cut off the world in case urgency” means ….
A. break the relationship with
B. stop to connect
C. avoid to know
D. protect from

Read the following text.

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his
best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternatives. So, he had to remain there
until the next morning. The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw
the fox there. The goat asked, “What are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”
The sly fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and
see for yourself.” Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched her
thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found herself helpless to
come out.
Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head
and get out. Then I will help you come out too.” The goat was innocent enough to understand
the shrewdness of the fox. She did as the fox said and helped hi get out of the well.
While walking away, the fox said, “If you had been intelligent enough, you would never
have got in without seeing how to get out.”
(adapted from:

29. After reading the text, the readers will ….

A. get amusement
B. feel embarrassed
C. have the solution
D. know what to do

Read the following text.

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his
best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternatives. So, he had to remain there
until the next morning. The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw
the fox there. The goat asked, “What are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”
The sly fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and
see for yourself.” Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched her
thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found herself helpless to
come out.
Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head
and get out. Then I will help you come out too.” The goat was innocent enough to understand
the shrewdness of the fox. She did as the fox said and helped him get out of the well.
While walking away, the fox said, “If you had been intelligent enough, you would never
have got in without seeing how to get out.”
(adapted from:

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30. Based on the text, we know that the fox was ….
A. cunning
B. innocent
C. unfortunate
D. generous

31. The word “It” in “It is the best I have ever tasted” refers to ….
A. the well
B. the thirst C. the taste
D. the water

Read the following text.

Text 1

Leopard is a wild cat of Africa and Asia. They are sometimes called panthers. The
scientific name of the leopard is Panthera Pardus. They are found in forests, deserts,
grasslands, mountains, and rocky places. They are skilled climbers and good swimmers.

An average leopard weighs between 50 and 90 kilograms. It is about 2 meters long, not
including the long tail. Some leopards grow much larger. Most leopards have yellow fur on
the back and white fur underneath. Dark spots cover much of the body. The size and spacing
of the spots are different in different types of leopards.

Leopards are fierce predators that hunt mainly at night. Their prey includes antelope,
deer, dogs, and baboons. Leopards also eat cattle and may attack humans. Sometimes they
drag their prey high into a tree to protect it from other animals.
Adapted from

Text 2

Cheetah is the fastest land animal on Earth. They live in the wild parts of Africa. Most
cheetahs live in grasslands and dry, open areas.

Small black spots cover most of the cheetah’s sandy yellow fur. The belly is white, and
the tail is marked with dark rings. Black lines run from the eyes to the corners of the mouth.
Cheetah measures about 2 meters long, from the head to the tip of the tail. It is a slender
mammal that weighs about 34 to 54 kilograms. Its body is built for speed. Long legs allow
the cheetah to take big strides. Hard paws and exposed claws help it to grip the ground.

Cheetahs hunt small animals during the day. After creeping up on an animal, they sprint
at it from a few hundred feet away. They can keep up the chase for only a short time before
Adapted from

32. What is the most suitable topic for the fourth paragraph of the texts?
A. Physical features.
B. Life cycles.
C. Behaviors.
D. Habitats.

33. Leopards and cheetahs are different in term of their ….

A. lengths and belly colors
B. weights and lengths
C. dark spots and fur

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D. tails and claws

34. … their bodies are slimmer, cheetahs can run faster than leopards.
Which of the following words are suitable to complete the sentence?
(1) since
(2) so that
(3) because
(4) therefore

A. (1) and (2).

B. (1) and (3).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

Read the following text.

35. This notice is made when ….

A. the pandemic is on its critical period
B. people gatherings are about to be allowed
C. public health-care is prepared to do the service
D. physical distancing is unnecessary to implement

36. After reading this notice, an indoor workshop participant will likely ….
A. find rest rooms to wash his hands before joining workshop
B. take a seat to make face-to-face contact easier with others
C. waving his hand when he meets other participants
D. avoid shaking hands with strange participants

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Product A Product B

37. People who read these labels will take some benefits. Choose the correct ones.
(1) Those who are physically less active will likely choose product A.
(2) Those who have diabetic problem will likely take product B.
(3) Non sugary sweetener in both products will be harmful for consumers.
(4) Low carb enthusiasts will likely prefer product B.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (2) and (3).
C. (3) and (4).
D. (2) and (4).

38. The labels provide detail information for readers. Which statements are correct?
(1) In both products, the main source of calorie is fat and carbs.
(2) The total calories are derived from fat, sodium, and other minerals.
(3) Consumers can monitor the total calorie when eating these products.
(4) For those who need fewer calorie, it will be better to choose product B.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (2) and (3).
C. (3) and (4).
D. (1) and (3).

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39. Observe the advertisement more carefully. Why are the lift chairs and scooters
displayed in that way?
A. To showcase them as the most recommended items to buy with special price.
B. To convince customers that these products will provide lifetime warranty.
C. To persuade readers to purchase these products with maximum discounts.
D. To advertise the bestseller products in McKnight Medical.

40. The advertisement will most likely attract ….

A. nurses and paramedic who take care of aged patients
B. aged people who need assistance for their mobility
C. patients who are unable to do physical activities
D. those who have concern in nursing home care

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