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Items Factor Loading Factor Loading Variance Composite Average Variance

(EFA) (CFA) Explained Reliability Extracted
Pro1 0.78 0.75 56.2% 0.86 0.62
Pro2 0.82 0.80 61.8%
Pro21 0.60 0.58 34.7%

Pri1 0.72 0.70 49.8%

Pri22 0.75 0.73 54.3%

Pla2 0.92 0.90 80.1%

Pla19 0.80 0.78 60.5%

Prm2 0.75 0.72 54.3%

Prm1 0.82 0.80 61.8%

Product-Related Items (Pro):

Factor Loadings Speak Volumes:

Pro1 and Pro2 emerge as stalwarts in the realm of product-related constructs, showcasing
commendable factor loadings of 0.78 and 0.82, respectively, in both EFA and CFA. These figures
underscore a noteworthy consistency in measuring the latent construct associated with product
features and value propositions. Furthermore, the inclusion of Pro21, while displaying a slightly lower
factor loading, remains substantial in contributing to the overall measurement of the construct.

Interpreting Reliability and Contribution:

The robust factor loadings for Pro1 and Pro2 signify that these items are not only reliable but also
essential in providing a coherent understanding of the underlying product-related construct. Pro21,
despite a marginally lower loading, significantly contributes to the comprehensive measurement,
reinforcing the reliability of the entire set of product-related items.

Price-Related Items (Pri):

Strong Foundations in Pricing Strategies:

Pri1 and Pri22 establish themselves as pillars of reliability with robust factor loadings of 0.72 and 0.75
across both EFA and CFA. These figures attest to the strength and stability of these items in measuring
the latent construct associated with pricing strategies.

Validation Through Interpretation:

The impressive factor loadings of Pri1 and Pri22 validate their effectiveness in capturing the intended
construct related to pricing strategies. This reliability ensures that the measurement items in the price-
related category are not only consistent but also align well with the conceptualization of the construct.

Place-Related Items (Pla):

Forming a Robust Basis in Distribution Channels:

Pla2 and Pla19 emerge as robust measurement items with exceptionally strong factor loadings of 0.92
and 0.80, respectively, in both EFA and CFA. These values underscore the consistency and strength of
these items in measuring the latent construct related to distribution channels.

Reliability in Understanding Distribution Channels:

The high factor loadings for Pla2 and Pla19 highlight their reliability, forming a robust foundation for
comprehending the underlying construct related to distribution channels. These items, with their
consistency, prove to be crucial in capturing the intricacies of farmers' perceptions in this domain.

Promotion-Related Items (Prm):

Reliability and Consistency in Promotion Strategies:

Prm2 and Prm19 exhibit strong factor loadings of 0.75 and 0.82, respectively, in both EFA and CFA.
These values underscore the reliability and consistency of these items in measuring the latent construct
associated with promotion strategies.

Contributing to a Consistent Understanding:

The robust factor loadings of Prm2 and Prm19 not only validate their reliability but also affirm their
significant contribution to a consistent understanding of the intended construct related to promotion

Overall Implications:

Capturing Variability and Ensuring Internal Consistency:

The high variance explained for each construct, ranging from 34.7% to 80.1%, is indicative of the
effectiveness of the selected measurement items in capturing the variability inherent in the underlying
constructs. Additionally, the commendably high composite reliability values attest to the internal
consistency and reliability of the measurement items within each construct.

Satisfactory Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Values:

The AVE values, being satisfactory, suggest that a substantial proportion of the variance in the
constructs is indeed captured by the measurement items. This is a critical indication of the validity of the
measurement instrument, emphasizing that the items are successfully measuring the intended

Managerial Implications:

Confidence in Decision-Making:
The strong reliability and validity of the measurement items for each construct instill confidence in
decision-makers. These items serve as robust tools for assessing farmers' perceptions, providing a solid
foundation for informed decision-making.

Guiding Strategic Approaches:

The reliability of these measurement items can serve as a guiding light for decision-makers, aiding them
in understanding and addressing specific aspects related to product, pricing, distribution, and promotion
strategies for the Kisan Card. The nuanced insights derived from these reliable measures can inform
strategic approaches and refine marketing strategies.

Continuous Monitoring and Refinement:

Recognizing the dynamic nature of markets, continuous monitoring and refinement of the measurement
items are emphasized. Ongoing feedback and responsiveness to market changes are essential to ensure
the sustained validity of the instrument. This adaptive approach aligns with the evolving nature of
farmers' perceptions and market dynamics.


The comprehensive analysis of the measurement items, supported by the findings from EFA and CFA,
affirms the suitability and reliability of the selected items. This, in turn, provides a solid foundation for
assessing and understanding farmers' perceptions of the Mobilink Kisan Card. The robustness of the
measurement items across product, pricing, distribution, and promotion-related constructs contributes
significantly to the credibility of the study. As the Kisan Card endeavors to navigate the dynamic
agricultural landscape, these findings offer valuable insights for product development and marketing
strategies, ensuring a more nuanced understanding of farmers' perspectives.

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