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What detail during Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate is found only in Matthew? (Mt. 27:24)

a. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod

b. Pilate takes water and washes his hands

c. Pilate has Jesus scourged in the middle of the trial

d. The crowd asks for the release of Barabas

When the apostles sent by Jesus will not be received by a house or town, what are they to do as a
gesture of complete disassociation from such unbelieving town which will be judged worse than Sodom
and Gomorrah? (Mt. 10:14)

a. Put a mark on the door with lamb’s blood

b. Pour a glass of wine in the house’ or town’s gate

c. Shake the dust from their feet

d. enlist the people’s name in the ark of the covenant

To whom did Jesus addressed this phrase talitha koum which means “Little girl, I say to you, arise”. (Mk
5: 22-14)

a. Daughter of Jairus

b. Nephew of Nathanael

c. Daughter of Amos

d. Nephew of Ephraim

Who was or were addressed by Jesus after the resurrection: “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go
to Galilee, and there they will see me”. (Mt. 28:10)

a. Mary of Magdala

b. Two disciples in Emmaaus

c. The women at the tomb

d. Peter and the Beloved Disciple

In teaching that a tree is known by its fruit, Jesus says that people do not pick __________ from
thornbushes, nor they gather ___________ from brambles. (Lk 6:44)

a. mustard, pods

b. figs, grapes

c. sycamore, vine

d. wild flowers, cumin

The prince of demons with whom Jesus is in league, according to the Pharisees and has a meaning of
“lord of the house”. (Mt 10:25)

a. Gehenna

b. Legeon

c. Immanu

d. Beelzebul




What is the portable sanctuary that contained all necessary for worship of the Lord under nomadic
conditions. It would serve as a prototype of subsequent permanent sanctuary of temple. (Ex 26:1)

a. church

b. tent

c. ark of the covenant

d. Tabernacle

When Rachel was about to die, what did she named her baby, which means “son of my sorrow”? (Gn

a. Heliopolis

b. Ben-oni

c. Shelah

d. Abimelech


Aside from Simon Peter, Simon of Cyrene, Simon the Pharisee, Simon of Zealot, and Simon the Leper,
these other characters in the Gospel bears the name of Simon. (Jn 6:7 and Mk 6:3)

a. Simon of Galilee and Simon of Nazareth

b. Simon, the father of Judas Iscariot and Simon the brother of Jesus

c. Simon, son of Nicodemus and Simon, the father of Jacob

d. Simon of Judea and Simon of Caiaphas

What do we call the cantile of Zechariah? (Luke 1:67)

a. The Invictus

b. The Afflictus

c. The Anilictus

d. The Benedictus

Because of the Israelites greed for meat of quail, the Lord sent them a great plague. The place where
they were buried was called? (Nm 11:34)

a. Gibeath – haaraloth

b. Wayyikrah – habaacoh

c. kibroth – hattaarah

d. Jedidiah – haccarah

Which incident at the death

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