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Microbes are diverse – protozoa, bacteria, fungi, and

microscopic animal and plant viruses, and also prions. Microbes
like bacteria and fungi can be grown on nutritive Media to form
colonies. Microbes cause diseases to human beings. Also cause
harm to animal and plants , but many of these are useful too.
Aim :- microbes in human welfare

■ Microbes used in household products

■ Microbes in industrial use
• Microbiology The study of various microorganisms and their applications
in household , industry, and other uses is know as the branch of
biotechnology and microbiology.
• In large scale microbes are widely used to synthesize a number of
products valuable to human.
• Microbes are very tiny we can’t see with our naked eyes so some
instruments are use The term microorganisms describes many living
things that differ in size and characteristics.
• There are many products derived from microorganisms Such as – d for
there studies.
1. Food additives-
eg. – guar gum, artificial sweeteners, sodium bentonite
2. Metabolites -
eg. – ethanol, lactic acid , resins
3. Alcoholic and non alcoholic-
eg. – whiskey, fruit juices
4. Biofuels
Experimental procedures
❑Microbes in household
they are used in dairy products like curd, yogurt, buttermilk , bread etc.
1.curd -
• microorganism such as lactobacillus and others commonly called lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) grow in worm milk . A small amount of curd added to the fresh
milk as inoculum or starter contain millions of LAB which at suitable
temperature multiply thus converting milk to curd .
2.Dosa and idli –
• the dough Which is used for making dosa and idli is fermented by bacteria. The
puffed up appearance of dough is due to CO2 gas . This is anaerobic
respiration as batter is covered with lots lid no presence of oxygen.
3. Baking bread –
bread is baked by using bakers yeast also known as SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE

4. Cheese –
Swiss cheese have large holes due to production of a large amount of CO2 by
A view towards the reaction by
the help of Picture flow chart
❑ Microbes in industrial products
In industry, microbes are used to synthesize a number of products valuable to human
beings. Beverages and antibiotics are some examples. Production on industrial scale
requires growing microbes in very large vessels called FERMENTORS.

■ Fermented Beverages – microbes especially yeast have been used from immemorial
for the production of beverages like wine, beer, whisky, brandy, or rum . Yeast used for
baking bread is also used here ( saccharomyces cerevisiae ) commonly called brewer’s
yeast , used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices to produce ethanol .

■ Antibiotics ‐ antibiotics are produced by microbes are regarded as one of the most
significant discoveries of twentieth century. *Anti – a Greek word that means against
and bio – means In context of disease causing organisms . The first antibiotic discovery
was a chance discovery. Alexander Fleming working on staphylococci bacteria and due to
unwashed culture plates around which the bacteria could not grow.
❑ Chemical, enzymes and bioactive molecules —
Microbes are also used for commercial and industrial production of certain chemicals like
organic acids , alcohols and enzymes

▪ Acid producers are ASPERGILLUS NIGER (a fungus) of citric acid .

▪ Acetobacter aceti a bacteria of acetic acid .
▪ Clostridium butylicum a bacteria of Butyric acid .
▪ Lactobacillus a bacteria of lactic acid .

lipase are used in detergent formulations and are helpful in removing oily stains . Bottle
juices are clarified by use of pectinase and protease. STERPTOKINASE produce by bacteria
streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is used as clot busters for removing
clots from the blood vessels of patients who undergo myocardial infraction leading to heart
Some other uses of microbes —
❑Microbes are used in many other ways
• 1. In sewage treatment
• 2. In production of bio gas
• 3. As biocontrol agents
• 4. As biofertilizers
• 5. In biotechnology
Observations –
• Microbes are a very important component of life on earth . Not all
Microbes are pathogenic.
• Many Microbes are very useful to humans in day to day life. It is clear
from the diverse uses human beings put Microbes to that they play an
important role in the welfare of human society.
Conclusion –
■ Though microbes are disease causing but this also help us to know their
impact and importance on us.
■ They are helpful for farmers hence improving the lifestyle of farmer
and help to overcome their poor conditions
■ Microbes use to make fuels which help in economic development by
transport sectors.
■ Most of the nutritious food are prepared by microbes and because of
this we can able to store for longer period of time.
Reference –
■ Nature . Com
■ Biology at ase . Com
■ Biology online. Com

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