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GExx MANDER Sorcerer 3 (Wild Magic) 963 uASs LEVEL EXPERIENCE POWNTS AER NAME Half-Elf Hermit BACETANCESTRY HERTIAG aRCKGROUND ‘AMPA or PLAVERTO speco FEATURES, TRAITS & MORE sTR #2, Morcencr anmon FEATURES, TRAITS BORE _ +0 BONUS ca “Rlgnment: Chaotic Neutral. follow my ag) mare hing whims wth ile concern about 10 rules or later consequences. 12 +2 30 ft. SAVING THROWS ‘armor Worn: none Hermit Background [PH8 p. 134) {astrenth Saves ‘feature: Oscover (great sere) DEX 42 Dexterty Saves {Tass Waiting os rom ey. Honest : uirpowts _wroKce ‘ +2 “Tligenes Saves 20 3d6 + Ideal Secrets to lve and let lve ia -Lmealigence Sa 1 Bond: ning from enemies. : {hlaw: Desperate further su $5 Gharsma Saves DEATH SAVES: Success 000 Fall 000 * * Prof. bonus added Half-Elf Traits [PHB p. 38] con seus WEAPON UNARMED ATTACKS 1 ceatre Tipe Humane +2 12 Aerobatics (De) Base Attack. One target per Atace scion + Medium Sie (5'11", 152 ibs) 15 11 Animal Handlog (1) { Darson (0 fet) 4 arcana) * ‘Quarterstafl. Melee Weapon atack: +2 ‘ey Aces (s charm, sees) 0 athades Wit reach ft ts 160 Sudgeonng 15 Deception 1) oe damage, (if used two-handed in melee, Sorcerer Class Features (PHB p. 99] int ) damage (us vo 2 Wile Mage Suge (ter casting spl, Lin 1 “4 Histor (ir) 29 chance of ong on the effects table - 48 Inia i | found on PH p. 108) Dagger Melee or Ranged Weapon atack: +410 3 £5 immiation (2a) * eget Mele Rage eon tock «rhs 0 Chaos fan od on att, ity ‘1 Investigation (int) thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage ‘or save roll once betw. long rests) v3 maine ne) longrange 21060) + Fort Of Magic use upto 3 sorcery points tet. ng ess) 4 Nature (nt wis int) MAGIC, FEATS & SPECIAL ATTACKS: ‘+ Flexible Casting (use 2 sorcery points for 4 Percention (Ws) EAS 8 SPL TNS ae eee cn seo es sea $1 Sa pertormance to) Ray Of Fast Cantlp. Ranged Spell tack: +510 eer 3s peusn cha) it targets one rete or object within 6O 12 ft. range. Mit: 148 cold damage and target's Religion ie) * Speed edced by 30 fet fot oe ound Metamatle PH p. 201} eee ee oo) * Distane Spl ford sorcery pln, double cquipwen a-teasune range of spel) CHA #2 Stealth (Dex at A TREASL “Extend spell for 1 sorcery point, double ‘+1 Survival (Wis) Carried Gear [PHB, p. 143]: two (2) daggers, ‘spell duration [max. 24 hours] +3 cuartrstaf, erbaism kt (clppes, mortar and D + rot bonus oles Beste, pouches and vaso heron set of Spelcsting PH p. 204) 11 Passive wisoom (PERCEPTION) PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES ‘arm ‘Weapons: dagger, dart, ight crossbow, quarterstaf sing Tools: none Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Skis: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion Languages: Common, Ehish, Goblin, Primodial common clothes a scroll case stuffed fll of personal notes, 2 winter blanket. (This load is About 12 bs. add 1 1b per 50 coins carried} Magic tems (OMG p. 135) * pation of healing (2442 hp} {2) tem attuned to character. Coins & Gems: gold peces (gpl 75 sver pieces (sp; 57 copper pieces (ep); 3 gems (worth 10 gp each) Spell tack Modifier +5 Spell Save 0¢13 Cantips Known: Light, Minor ilusion, Prestidigitaton, Ray of Frost Prepared Spells {st Love (4 slots): Burning Hands, Mage ‘Armor, Magic Missile 2nd Level 2 slts): Crown of Madness ENCUMBRANCE Lifting & Carrying: 150 Ibs. max. earvying ‘capacity; 300 lbs. pushing or dragging {speed 5); 300 bs. max It PLAYING THE GAME + The Dungeon Master (OM) describes a scene and players take turns deseribing their cnaracters' responses, + For ability checks, saving throws, and attack ras, rll 3620 + one ability modifier + proficleney bonus (if proficient in task) ‘The higher the total the better the efor. ‘The DM tracks minimum totals needed for successful results + Forinitiatve rol roll 1620+ Iniatve {ex} modifier. Higher toals act before ‘ower totals inthe same 6 Second round * During a turn, a character or creature may ‘dol movement, action and upto 1 bonus action. Between turns, do up to 2 + Advantage: Roll two 620s and use the higher result, Disadvantage: Roll two 420s and use the lower result, + On attack rolls only, a "natural 20" is always ‘3 ertical it, while a "natural 1” always + Saving throws are rolled as needed at any time due to atacks, spel, or hazards ‘A character may def failing three de saves while at Ot points, gaining 6 levels of exhaustion, or suffering certain deadly spells and hazards. + specifi tats, features, spel, ane magle tems may create exceptions to any rues [ACTIONS (1 per turn) ‘Attack: Rol to hit, melee or ranged. Some Classes and creatures make extra attacks at higher levels with tis action. + Cast Spell If casting te 1 action. + Dash: Double Speed ths turn. + Disengage: Avoiding all opportunity attacks vile moving; "defensive retreat. + Dodge: Give attackers disadvantage. + Escape: Try to break free from grapale + Grapple: Special melee attack + Help: Give anally advantage on one ability heck or attack roll + Hide: Stealth allowed oni if unobserved. + Ready: Plan to take action as reaction when trigger occurs. + Search: Perception or Invesigation check + Shove: Special melee attack + Stabile: DC 10 Medicine check to ab 0 hp. dying erature; automatic suecessif using healers kt + Use Object: Pick lock, activate magical item, cover 8 hooded lantern, ee. + Use Potion: Drink or administer + Use Shield: Equip or drop a shel BONUS ACTIONS (up to 1 per turn) ‘+ Ofthand Attack: If doing Atack as action, ‘may make one attack tis turn ight weapon in other hand + cast Spell I casting time 1 bonus ation, MOVEMENTS (imited by Speed) * Move: Distance equal to Speed + Crawl, climb, Swim, Squeeze, Move Across Difficult Terrain or Move While Grappling: Half speed," uses up 10% of Speed per 5 ft. stance. + Drop Prone: No costo Speed + Stand Up: From Prone posiion/conditon, costs half Speed that turn. + Take Cover: At end of move, half cover gives +2 0 Armor Class and Desterity saving throws; three-quarter cover gives #5:ACand Dex aves, REACTIONS (1 between turns) + Cast Spell: If casing time 1 reaction, + Opportunity Attack: Vay make one attack if enemy maves out of reach + Readied Action: After tigger occurs, else ‘action wasted FREE ACTIONS + Concentration (Maintain A Spell): Endsif ‘aster starts another concentration spel, forthe casters incapacitated, stunned, unconscious, or killed Feastr takes ‘damage, # Constitution saving throw is needed to avoid immediately ending spell OC is equal to 10 or hal damage taken, whichever i greater. Each hit needs a separate saving throw check. + Interacting With An Object: Generally part ‘of anather Movement or Acton, samples: Draw one weapon, crop held ‘object, or open an unlocked door.

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