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“Virleo” Hilltop Road, Bideford, Devon, Ex39 3PA

01237 471144, 07973 910120
Candidates may benefit from looking at some of these website
The recommended resource book is Hill Walking by Steve Long ISBN 978 0 0541511 9 5
Lowland Leader Award Training 2 Day Programme
Day 1 Introduction
Introduction to the scheme.
Talk through logged experience and DLOG.
Look at personal equipment
Types of emergency equipment suitable for a leader. Inc poles?
Day 1
Leader responsibilities
Planning, group aims, route choice, terrain, equipment, weather, documentation.
Group Control, Risk Assessment,
Map symbols, scale (distance), compasses (orientation), contours, walls, paths, Grid Ref, CROW, Ticking/Catching
features, GPS.
Plan afternoon walk.
Day 1 PM
Local walk looking at required navigation, dynamic risk assessing, environmental considerations (leave no trace).
Day 1 Eve
GPS recording
Night Navigation
Day2 AM
Brief review of day one
Day walk looking at…
Basic navigation, Contingencies for missing paths, Poor visibility, Animals, Roads, Other users, Forests, Water.
Scenarios and emergency planning,
Local history.
Day 2 PM
Walk continued including, Country code, Flora and fauna, Legalities, Duty of care, Accident reporting and RIDDOR
Individual debrief and action planning
Please note this training course will take place regardless of the weather, so please come appropriately prepared for any
conditions. Please also bring sufficient food/water for the day.
Please declare any medical information before the start of the programme.
Please ensure that you have the required prerequisites for the course, failure to do so may mean your course becomes

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