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How to

in P2E?

A Quick Guide
for Registration
and Login

By Rukshi Alam
Passport To Earning (P2E) is an e-learning solution to
empower India’s young people with relevant 21st Century
skills and abilities to thrive in school, work and life.
A Public-Private-Youth Partnership (PPYP), P2E is initiated
through the global partnership of UNICEF, Generation
Unlimited, Accenture, Microsoft, Capgemini, Unilever &
Wadhwani Foundation.

Skill Areas covered in P2E

⮚21st Century Life and

Employability Skills
⮚Digital Literacy
⮚Financial Literacy
⮚Mental Health and Well-Being
⮚Civic Leadership
⮚Entrepreneurship and Youth
⮚Green Skills

P2E is an online platform to train youth in 21st Century

Skills and provide them with opportunities. The platform is
mobile-friendly and works in low-bandwidth and even if
not always connected to the internet. Courses are curated
from the best available online programs; and are available
in multiple languages. Learners receive certificates on
completion of each course. They also receive a physical UN
certificate on completion of all courses with merit.
Improved capacity through Best in class 21st Century
Skills, Free courses in English and Hindi Languages!

This is a quick steps to register in P2E platform, So

follow these steps and move towards learning new
Step 1: open your browser and type
**. Now you a see P2E website, click
on Sign In or Get Started.
Step 2: As a new registration please look in the
last option *Sign up now*. And now a type your
Email ID and click on verification code (you will
receive code on the same Email ID you write in the
Step 3: Now check your g-mail inbox for
verification code (please note that code may take
some time depending on your internet
connection and other reasons). Now copy your
code and paste in the verification code box and
click on verify. After it being verified, create a
password and confirm the password (please make
sure you use 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 digit, 1
symbol in your password for security).
Step 4: Now let’s create you’re your profile. Fill
the asked details such as name, gender, age, role,
state, district, school, class, section, student id.
After filling all the required details, click on Done
tab. Now your Profile is created, please proceed
to Course library.
Step 5: Now you see that My Courses is blank, it’s
because you need to add courses from Course
Library. Click on the course and then click on
register. After adding your course in My Courses
section, you can start you course accordingly.

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