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I chose the Amur leopard, which is critically endangered.

The Amur leopard feeds on larger prey such

as antelope, deer and wild boar. It feeds on small mammals such as rodents, rabbits and monkeys,
but it also feeds on birds and fish. a male leopard is 64-78 cm tall and 120 to 150 cm long. its weight
is 32 to 48 kg and it has 82-90 cm long tail. The female is slightly smaller than the male. they both
have the same tail and height. The female leopard 107 to 136 cm long and it weighs is 25 to 42 kg.
the Amur leopard lives in southeastern russia and china. in the primorye and khabarovsk regions. it
lives in forested and mauntinous areas and also in the taiga . the population of Amur leoparda is
increase.It is threatened mainly by poaching but also by deforestation. Mainly hunted for its fur and

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