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66 English in Use 2 Lead-in Gapped text > Task strategies pages 169 and 170 arwst mS PE, HELP > Question 2 You need to read the next sentence tw exclude possible options. > Question 3 Read the next sentence, Who does them cefer to? > Question 5 Not all the options can be followed by is and still make sense. ‘Task analysis Discussion (Paper 3 Part 6) 1 Discuss these questions. 1 How would you define intelligence? 2 Do you believe we can develop our intelligence? If $0, how? 2 a Read the text and decide whether these sentences are True or False. Ignore the gaps for now. 1 Intelligence refers to ability in one area 2 Identical twins have the same level of ability. 3. Studying can make your brain larger. b Do the task. Check the task strategies on pages 169 and 170 before you start and use the Help clues below if necessary. Read the text and then choose from the list (A) below the best phrase to fil each of the spaces. Each correct phrase may only be used once, ‘Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all Understanding intelligence According to one definition, inteligence is the ability to change ourselves and, where necessary, the conditions around us in response to a new situation, It is the kind of ability doctors need when they treat patients with an unfamiliar disease and have to try and find out more about it. Traditionally, intelligence has been understood as a combination of perception, learning, memory and the ability (1)______. However, in 1983, Dr Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard, pointed out that this combination is, in fact, a mixture of abilities that are very different from each other, and said (2) This ‘would include abilities in music, mathematics, awareness of size and Position, and the skill of creating good relationships with other people. How far inteligence is something we are born with and can't change is @ ‘Some of them argue that while inteligence might be in our genes, theless effected by our environment. Studies on twins would Seem to show (4)........, and because identical twins are almost the same in this respect, in tesis they show the same degree of inteligence. But the results is open to debate. Indeed, there is evidence that learning and studying can help improve a person's brain structure, and that dietary supplements, and even exercise, can make a beneficial change in the balance of chemicals in the brain, n'a recent study, it was even found (6)... of taxi drivers in London grew ‘A how we should interpret them B that being in the job is difficult C to solve problems D that part of the brains E. what the effects of premature birth are F that intelligence is largely due to the physical size of the brain G what scientists have been trying to discover for years H that what we needed was a theory of multiple intelligences I how they all disagree 3. Answer the questions about the task. 1 Which questions, if any, did you find difficult and why? 2. Which of the correct answers were noun clauses? 3 What clues helped you with the answers (e.g. grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, reference words}? 4 Which ideas in the text do you agree/disagree with? Language development 2 > Grammar re i page 179 Noun clauses Noun (or nominal) clauses are groups of words that function like a noun in a sentence. We can always refer to noun clause using itor that. Sometimes a noun clause can be replaced by a noun or pronoun. 1. Read the text below and mark further examples of: 1 that clauses a) following @ noun _b) following an adjective ©) as object of a verb 2. clauses beginning with a question word a) as subject of the sentence _b) following be ©) following a preposition 3. ~ingor to-infinitive clauses a) as subject b) following be ©) following a noun or adjective ‘Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory that people learn ‘teeny ‘might not be good for another. One feature of the theory is how it identifies ight different pathways to learning, help one learner, whereas another might benef from the use of music, pictures or movement. How you teach should depend on who you are teaching, not what you are teachin, If the goal isto help learners get the most from a lesson, iis important to adopt a variety of approaches. There is evidence that more people are becoming aware of ML theory, and it is encouraging that more teachers are adopting its ideas, although some stil have no desire to change their approach. To achieve the best results for ‘everyone must be the aim of al schools, but whether or not the ideas become uniformly adopted remains to be seen. 2. Mark the correct word in each pair. In some cases both are possible. 1 Neurologists have been able to identify which / what areas of the brain are associated with intelligence. 2 It is clear how / that there is a link between brain size and intelligence. 3. Ithas already been proved that / when you can improve your intelligence. 4. Itis highly likely / There's a strong likelihood that chile’s early environment affects their intelligence. Many people are interested in knowing hiow far / whether intelligence is affected by diet. 6 To identify / Identifying intelligence levels in young children is hard. 7. The effect of teaching on learning is that / what researchers have been trying to establish for along time. 8 ‘That / What we learn now will have consequences for education in the future. — ae 3 Complete the text with a suitable word in each gap. {im interested to KNOW (I).nau. Cah improve my memory. always forgetting 2)... 've let things oF @)nmennx People are when they call When | arrange 2 ‘meeting, never remember (4)... day its let alone (enn OF NOt Ive got the right time. t's lucky --» People usually call to remind me (7).. time to meet. The other day.a fend asked me (Benson 1 wanted to go to the cinema with her | couldnt decide (9)... to join her or not, as |had no idea (10) nnn. had Seen the fim oF not It seemed likely (I)... ! had seen it but it ict matter as | couldnt remember (12),....... the ending Was anyway. (13). People put up with me Ive 10 idea Recently | read about (14)... you can iny meroryby eating some ye oa The on prose (13) can't remember (16)... itis called! 4. Revrite these sentences using a suitable noun clause. I tis human nature that parents want what is best for their children It is human nature for eos What is best for their children, 2. There is debate about how parents should bring up children, .. should children is the subject of debate. 3 All the conflicting information we receive these days is very confusing, Tiigeny _.- by all the conflicting, information we receive these days. 4 Ie hard to know who to turn to for the best advice. - _. for the best advice is hard. 5 Understanding that every child is @ genius in a Aifferent way is important. nena. that every child is a genius in a different way 6 Parents can easily ignore their children’s emotional needs. It is easy... their children’s ‘emotional needs. 7 Isa mystery to me why some people have children, isa mystery to me. 5 Use noun dlauses to complete these sentences in a ‘way that is true for you. Then compare your answers with a partner, 1 Itis easy/hard/impossible for me 2. My main worry is how/when/whether ... 3. Llove/hate things that . 4 Ian never remember how/where ... 5 Tthink ... isa useful/clever way 6 Whether or not I... depends on .. 07

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