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154 UNIT Reading 1: multiple matching (Part 4) 41 Look at the photos. These animals all have something in common, What do you think It Is? 2) Read the title and subheading of the text opposite and scan each section quickly to check your answer to Exercise 1 3) For questions 1-15, choose from the sections A-F. The sections may be chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, Unese may be given ier any order, There is ‘an example at the beginning (0). Which section of the article mentions 2 person who was often in a different country from their pet? ojc} ee ee ao someone who behaved in a way that was not typical of thern? 2 ‘Span ville gata pat bychiance? BL) 2a creature that started to behave in a disturbed manner? Gla a person who was very upset about leaving their pet? a @ statement vehich wos net believed by onether person? =: EF). a creature that was able to predict an event hagpneting et hceggar eta? ost a pet that got angry when its owner went out? io. a situation that could have been more serious than it was? 1] deindonc whe romegnicda coun made Bycharee: = BBL ‘a pet that appeared to be jealous? im) 2 creature that predicted a change in a routine? a.) 1 creature that only reacted in a particular way when its owner was involved? 4 Compare your answers with a partner and explain your choices. What parallel phrases did you find in the paragraphs to help you? Some pats vee to have an amazing ability ta Twat their rs, Twelve year-old Bobby Chesson eaime across ing pigeon in his back yar in West Virginia, USA. He eked altri, eallingit pigeon 167 afer the identification number on its leg-ring, and it became bis “ps Thea Dobby was taken to hoapital for un operation. dunk, snowy night about a week after his admission, tte boy heard Matiering. atthe window of his hospital tgom, He asked his nurse o open the window, telling her the his pigeon ys outside, Just to humour hi, she did = a in lew pigeon 167, having fo over 100 miles find him, 8 Unusual powors are not confined to pet bits but are seen in ther animals which have a close bond with thet ‘ovnet, Herminix Denot grew up on a ranch in Argentina, td Jeamed to ride alanost before she could walk She was ‘ery llached 10 her horse Pampero, but the time came ‘when she had to go away to boarding schoo! inthe “capil, Buenos Aires and, much © her dismay, Pampero coil rot accompany her. The gaucho (cowboy) who Tevhcl afer de on oui that ule ci of ach term, a time of Herminia’s return grew neat “Pampeto would envy, He used to gallon around the field neihings” nen she was due to arrive, the horse would stand by the i, looking south towards the train station. But on one “eceision, Pampero stood looking in the opposite diet ‘Aud this time Herminia arrives by road ~ from the north. c Anticipatory behaviour is common in various creatures. David Waite worked trom his ome in Oxford, but his Job 654 public relations consultant also involved lengthy wips Aroud, In his abvonss, David's paronte wed to cay! tn the ¢ w deal with telephone calls from his clients anc! 10 feed Godzilla, his cat. David used to ring home frequently fo check that dll was well and get any messages. nenever I culled,’ says David, “Godzilla would run and it bese the telephone as it sarted to ring. My calls were le at many different times of day ~ they weren't ‘egular. And she totally ignored all the other calls, The fonly explanation I can think of is that i€ was some Kind of wwlepathy." commmnication ean work From pet Dolores Katz, from New Mexico, tells the story “ofa time when her dog, Eric, seemed to communicate with her telepathically. “One day whale 1 wats at work it tnd rain, As 1 worked. I yot more and Are agitated. Somehow I knew that Eric needed ine, At “fas couldn't take it any more. I hardly ever take time j but this time I dropped everything and rushed home." Dolores found Eric lying in the back room surrounded by ‘animals have opccial powere that poeple have loct? Rupert Sheldrake looks at tha The unexplained powers of animals broken glass, with hic paws blerding badly. Frightened by the storm, he had run into a glass door, Fortunately, possibly tragic situation was avoided as she was able to get Erie to the vet in time to deal with hrs injures. E Occasionally, a pet’s attachment to one particular owner ‘can show itself in suange ways. Celia and David Watson. who live i Sussex, England, used to have a parrot called Oscar, "I eouldn’ go near Oscar when David was in the rou ~ ie seemed (9 resent sne taking David’ attention, says Celia, “The bird would just ry attack me without warning. | eouldn’t give him his food or even touch his ceage, And when David left the room, Osear sould fling hitbselF against the side of the cage in fury’ ‘The parrot was {quite calm when David was away at work, but started. 10 ect excited fen to twenty minutes before David arrived hon “Oscar used ta run around in hig rage making litle noises ‘and fluttering his wings, says Celia. “He always knew when David was going to arrive. 5) Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as: 1 keep someone happy by agreeing to their wishes (section A) very fond of (section 8) ‘one time (section D) vihen he was avay (section C) everything was OK (section C) teok no notice of (section C) couldn't accept tho situation (eaction 0) have a break from work (section 0) sometimes (section F) awn waxae 6 Rewrite the following sentences, using a phrasal verb formed with the verbs in brackets. Then check your answers in the text. 1 Booby took care of the pigeon. (look) 2. Herminia was brought up on 2 farm, (grow), 3 Davids parents used to take care of his phone calls, (deal 4 Volores’ dog nac nie 2 glass door. yun) 5. The parcot used to move about quickly in its cage. (run) 7 Do you know any similar stories about animals that have shown unexplained powers? Can you think of any scientific explanation for any of these stories? 155

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