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1. What is the connection of science and technology to good life and virtue?

Today, we cannot imagine our lives without science and technology spinning
around us at all times! Science and technology are incredibly important in our
daily lives since they have made things simpler, faster, and more secure.
Science and technology are two words that are closely related. Scientific
research and progress result in amazing inventions! Science and technology are
more than just academics. Rather, they are the means by which we can obtain
methods and products that will enable us to live a better life!
We all know that science and technology are constantly evolving; its
advancement will always make it easier to obtain knowledge in all spheres of life,
and as a result, it will help each and every one of us live a better life. Science
and technology contribute to a good existence in a variety of ways by assisting
and influencing humans. The advancement of science and technology acts as a
tool that individuals can utilize to construct and attain the happy life they desire
for themselves.

2. What does Aristotle say about good life? Does is still stand in the contemporary

The happy life is the good life. As experience shows, pleasure, power, and
renown do not create contentment, according to Aristotle. He convincingly argues
that the life of virtue is the only truly human life, and that happiness is a human
good, and that only the life of virtue can offer happiness. I don't see how science
and technology contribute to happiness other than by providing ways to relieve
pain and suffering, which distract from happiness, albeit some people display the
ability to be joyful in the midst of pain and suffering.
According to Aristotle, a good life is about enjoyment, which can only be attained
by high moral standards. The assumption that a happy life is about happiness
and that happiness can only be obtained by high moral standards no longer
holds water in today's environment. People increasingly engage in immoral
behavior as long as it makes them happy. Even if everyone's ultimate goal is to
be happy, there are several paths that people take to get there. Some people
obtain their wealth unlawfully in order to assure their happiness. This source of
joy is obtained through vices. Finally, Aristotle's assertion regarding the excellent
life is no longer applicable in the modern society.

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