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Class - 4

Holiday - Home Work


1 - समाचार पत्र में से कोई एक शिक्षाप्रद कहानी याद कीजिए ।

2- रंगीन कागज से चूहा , चिड़िया , बनाकर अपनी कॉपी में चिपकाए।

3 - ' कौन ' कविता याद कीजिए ।

4 - दशहरा और दुर्गा पूजा के बारे में पांच - पांच वाक्य लिखिए।

5 -राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी के बारे में पांच वाक्य लिखिए।


1) Who was Hiawatha ?

2)draw or paste picture of animals and also write the name of their sound.

3)Write two sentences about Hiawatha.

4) make a list of animals or birds which you see in your daily life.

5)Write the name of your favourite animal,and also express why it is your favourite animal in two or
three lines.

Subject -EVS

1. School children face many problems while travelling to school. Mention any five such


2.Discuss how flowers are important in our life in five Points?

3.Draw pictures showing any two ways of cleaning the water.

4. Which is the lightest fruit or vegetable that you have eaten? Write its name and draw the picture .
5.Many steps are needed to grow crops. Draw them.

Subject- Math

1. Trace the circle using coins and bangles.

2.write the names of the geometrical instruments.

3.Using compass draw circles of the following radius. Mark the centre and the radius.

a) 2cm b) 3cm

4.What will be the diameter of the circle if the radius are as follows-

a) 6 cm b) 25 cm c) 18 cm

5.The diameter of a circle is 18 cm. Find it's radius?

1. What is Input Device? Example

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