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2nd Semester AY 2022-2023

Course Title: Ethics Professor: Dr. Eder E. Magsayo

Course Code: Date of Submission: 09/15/23
Schedule of Class: Group Number: 5
Module No 3: Moral Dilemmas Student Name: Romeo P. Espinosa II

Learning Task: Read each of the case/scenario below. Each case/scenario is characterized by the
need to make a difficult decision. As with all moral dilemmas, there is no right or wrong answer.
Think carefully before responding. And remember, you may think of a better choice than those
Case 1. Telling a Secret
Your friend tells you that they committed a crime. They explain that they are having
trouble sleeping at night and feel you are the only one they can trust with their confession. A
few days later, you read in the paper that someone has been arrested for your friend’s crime.
Do you:

 Go to the police and tell them what you know?

 Encourage your friend to confess and warn him if he does not do so, you will tell?
 Say nothing because you will not betray a friend’s confidence?

Your answer on Case 1:

I will Encourage my friend to confess and warn him/her. If he/she does not do, I will not tell.
Ill let him/her suffer and have a trouble sleeping at night, until she/he realizes his/her wrong
doing and help my friend to confess.

Case 2. The Life Boat

You are on a cruise and the ship encounters an unexpected storm. The storm
continues to rage and eventually you and the other passengers are told you must head to the
lifeboats and abandon ship. As people begin to line up, you realize some lines have fewer
people, some have families, and some seem to have younger, single people. You know you
are strong and capable. Do you choose to help a group composed of three families with a few
young children, a group of seniors who obviously could use your help, or go with the young,
strong people, with whom you might have a better chance of survival?
Your answer on Case 2:

I’ll help a group of seniors, since old people knows more about life or survival, i will bet my
life on their knowledge in exchange to survive. If there’s a chance they know nothing of
survival, ill would still help them survive and avoid natural disaster since I am a strong

Case 3. Sarcastic Friend

Your friend has a great sense of humour. However, sometimes his jokes involve making
fun of others in inappropriate ways. He will point out a physical flaw or look for something
odd or different about a person and make an unkind comment. You feel uncomfortable when
your friend does this. Do you say something or just laugh along with him?
Your answer on Case 3:

I’ll stop them and teach them even if it leads to friendship over. I'll make my friend realize
that kind of joke is going too far

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