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ALLC IH Beirut Listening SpeakOut 10.

General English Pre-Intermediate 3

A. Listen to two people talking about issues that concern them. Tick the issues that they
talk about.

 smoking  traffic
 drugs/alcohol  buildings in your
 crime town/city
 green issues  litter
 technology  imported food
 activities for teenagers  cost of living
 public transport  fast food

B. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1. The first speaker thinks that people should…

a. Import food
b. Grow their own food
2. He is angry because…
a. No one understands him
b. He wants local food
3. In order to convince people of his idea, he is going to…
a. Write about it
b. Film a movie about it
4. The second speaker doesn’t like the idea that teenagers in her town…
a. Don’t have anything to do
b. Are very problematic
5. There is a lot of crime because…
a. Parents don’t raise their children well
b. Teenagers get bored
6. She is going to help her community by…
a. Raising money to construct centers and clubs
b. Lower the cost of sports facilities

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