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After finishing my grade 9, I plan to pass my exams and go to

grade 10, because I want to continue my studies at school. I do

not want to go to any technical schools or colleges. The most
important reason for this is that I do not know what profession to
choose. Some of my classmates know for sure that they want to
be construction workers, joiners or carpenters, or chefs, and I
feel a bit envious of them.

I do not want to make a wrong career choice. I have made up my

mind to stay at school for another two years. I think this time
will be enough for me to explore my career options. All I know at
present is that after leaving school I will try to enter university
and get higher education.

It also gives some young people security that they may not have in their family life. I
completely agree with this, in adulthood you will not be safe alone. There will still be
time to grow older and gain more experience in life, so that it will be easier in
adulthood. And if I stay for another two years, then I will enter the university more
In general, it is better to stay for another two years. I think this is better.

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