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Teks Meira : Pro sma

1. I studied at SMK for 3 years. And majored in Building Engineering Department.

 Saya belajar di SMK selama 3 tahun. Dan mengambil jurusan teknik gambar bangunan

2. Yes, I really regret going to high school. Because I was forced to enter SMK by my parents, not
my own choice. In addition, when I enrolled, I was promised that if I graduated, I would
immediately work for a big company, but in reality most SMK graduates are unemployed and
confused about going to college. So going to SMK is very useless
 Ya saya saya sangat menyesal masuk smk. Karena saya dulu masuk smk dipaksa orang tua, bukan
pilihan saya sendiri. Selain itu juga ketika saya daftar diiming imingi jika lulus akan langsung
bekerja diperusahaan besar, namun kenyataannya sebagian lulusan besar smk menganggur dan
kebingungan jika ingin berkuliah. going to SMK is so useless

3. SMA or SMK is not a guarantee of success in the future. but if you have to choose, it is more
appropriate to choose SMA. Because looking at Indonesian education today, the government has
not been able to equalize the image of SMA and SMK. so that high school graduates are
underestimated by the public. In addition, the chances of entering college are greater if you
study at SMA
 SMA atau smk bukan jaminan kesuksesan di masa depan. namun jika harus memilih, lebih tepat
jika memilih SMA . Karena melihat pendidikan Indonesia saat ini , pemerintah belum mampu
menyetarakan citra SMA dan SMK. sehingga lulusan smk dinggap remeh mata oleh masyarakat.
Selain itu peluang masuk perguruan tinggi lebih besar jika belajar di sma

4. I think of course it's better to go to SMA. because there are several reasons SMA is better than
SMK. The first reason is that the opportunity to enter your favorite college is bigger, the second
is to meet smart friends, and the third reason is that SMA has qualified teachers.
 Menurut saya tentu saja lebih baik masuk SMA. karena ada beberapa alasan sma lebih bagus
dari pada SMK. Alasan yang pertama peluang masuk perguruan tinggi favorit lebih besar, yang
kedua bertemu dengan teman-teman yang pintar, dan alasan yang ketiga SMA memiliki guru
yang berkualitas.

5. Because most vocational students have a bad attitude (I said most students, not all students).
And SMK graduates are the highest contributors to unemployment in Indonesia. Based on
existing data, unemployment for SMK graduates is recorded at 10.38%.
 karena sebagian besar siswa SMK memiliki attitude yang buruk (saya mengatakan sebagian besar
murid , bukan semua murid). Dan lulusan SMK adalah penyumbang penggaguran tertinggi di
Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang ada, pengangguran lulusan SMK tercatat 10,38%.

6. of course high school is superior to vocational high school because high school students have a
good attitude, broad insight, and have many achievements than vocational students.
 tentu saja SMA lebih unggul dari pada SMK karena siswa sma memiliki attitude yang baik,
wawasan yang luas, dan memiliki banyak prestasi dr pada siswa SMK

7. In my opinion, SMK graduates are better off working. the simple reason is that the skills obtained
are useful. But if you want to go to college, that's not a problem because you only have a
Vocational High School certificate, it will be difficult to get a job
 In my opinion, SMK graduates are better off working. the simple reason is that the skills obtained
are useful. But if you want to go to college, that's not a problem because you only have a
Vocational High School diploma, it will be difficult to get a job

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