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Impressionism coined from an artwork, “Impression Soliel Levant”, by Claude Monet. It represents the viewers
momentary impression of an image. Artwork isn’t clear and precise, but more likely a fleeting fragment of reliaty caught
on canvas.
Famous Artist:
CLAUDE MONET most influential, he is known for his landscape painting particularly depicting floer gardens and water
lily pads at his home Giverny.
 ARTWORKS: Impression Soliel Levant/ Impression Sunrise, 1872 oil on canva
AUGUSTE RENOIR the central figure, his artworks are snapshot of real life and later on, a portraits of actual people and
figure paintings.
 ARTWORKS: Dancer, 1874
EDUARD MANET the key figure of transition of realism to impressionism. His artworks depicts modern life subject.
 ARTWORKS: Café Concert, 1878
Post Impressionism uses geometric approach, fragmented objects and distorting people faces, body parts, and applying
color that is not realistic and natural.
Famous Artist:
PAUL CEZANNE French artist that exemplified the transition of 19 th century Impressionism to a new radicall different
world of art in 20th century, paving the way to expressionism.
 ARTWORK: Harlequin, 1888-1890
VINCENT VAN GOGH his works depicts strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions and colors that appear almost
pulsate with energy.
 ARTWORK: Starry Night, 1889.
EXPRESSIONISM artist worked with their imagination and feelings/emotion rather than with what their eyes see.
Emotional force, distorted outlines, strong colors, and exaggerated forms.
Various Style:
NEOPRIMITIVISM art style incorporated elements from native arts of South Sea Islander and wood carvings of African
 Amedio Modigliani- Yellow Sweater, (oval faces and elongated shapes)
FAUVISM used bold, vibrant colors, and visual distortion
 Henri Matisse- Woman with Hat, 1905
DADAISM characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks and surprises.
 Georgio de Chirico- Melancholy and Mystery of a Street, 1914
SURREALISM depicts illogical, subconscious dream world that seems to exist beyond logical conscious physical one.
Morbid and gloomy objects. Derived from Super Realism , Artist seeing illusion od experiencing an altered mental state.
 Salvador Dali- Persistence of Memory, 1931
SOCIAL REALISM expressed the role of artisit in social reform, it is a protest against injustice, war, ugliness etc.
 Ben Shahn- Miner’s Wife, 1948
ABSTRACTIONISM appearance became unimportant, reduces elements of arts. Artist uses logical and rational thinking ih
his/her artworks.
Representational Abstractionism still recognizable subjects
Pure Abstractionism none recognizable subject. Subject could be discerned.
Various Style:
CUBISM derived from cube, a 3D geometric figure.
 Pablo Picasso - Three Musician 1921
FUTURISM depicts dynamic sensation such as motion, force, speed and strength of mechanical forms. Artist admired
fast paced, machine propelled age.
 Gino Sevirini- Armored Train, 1915
MECHANICAL STYLE depicts basic forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together and neatly in their
appointed places.
 Ferdinand Leger- The City, 1919
NON-OBJECTIVISM did not used figures, mostly it uses black, white and primary colors.
 Piet Mondrian- New York City, 1942
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM it depicts deep emotion and human experiences. This is a product of world war 2, where
reverse migration brought European artist to American shores, specifically in New York.
Action Painting uses huge canva scattered on the floor and squirting, dribbling, and splashing of colors
on it without a pre-planned pattern or design.
 Jackson Pollock- Autumn Rhythm, 1950
Color Field Painting uses variety of color saturation, to create a desired effect.
 Mark Rothko- Magenta, Black, Green, on Orange, 1949
POP ART it seems to enjoy nonsense subject and simply wanted to laugh at the world.
 Andy Warhol- Marilyn Monroe, 1967
OP ART form of action painting, where lines, spaces, colors were precisely planned and positioned ti give the illusion
 Bridget Riley- Fall, 1963
CONCEPTUAL ART artist brought ideas to life temporarily, using unusual materials.
 Joseph Kosuth- One and Three Chairs, 1965

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