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Maya Angelou is a great writer who left behind so many great words to remember. Apart
from being a good writer and poet, she showed herself in many different fields and stood out
as an important human activists
Maya Angelou Essay's topics include fashion, entertainment, sensuality, racism, woman
and death. The essays were generally positive. When compared to the essays with Angelou,
it has many similarities between them. Firstly, she especially does not like the categorization,
in a world where men are superior, she doesn't like when things are as vague, as luck, as
the ocean, as nature is called "she". Because it is devaluing the women. This is a kind of
"classification" that reveals one side of being a woman but she says women are tender and
tough as well . She was an active and unswerving activist. She was totally opposite for
anything insulated women.
She says "being a woman is hard work"that is what she means, being a woman is just
like being a warrior to life. She has lots of tasks such as managing her husband, manage to
children. Moreover, she is optimistic about women's future. She thinks when women warriors
are armed with wit and courage, they will celebrate the victory. Also, she says " human
beings are more alike than unlike" she means that no matter how different we are, we
always have a common phase, we have an equal creation.
Also, not only her suffering but still her pains matured her thoughts and opened new
horizons in her, her pain did not deter her. She became even stronger and inspired the girls
who were exposed to bad things. She says" Your life is not over, you can still have a
beautiful life you want", she becomes a source of motivation for the girls. Furthermore, she
advised us not to imitate others, be ourselves, be original because she says, what matters is
not what you do but why you do . Again Angelou advises us is that being stay vigilant and
being careful how we allow ourselves to be addressed.
Maya Angelou is truly a heroine. She shows her courage, stubbornness and she is
spiritually strong. She had a horrible childhood, but turned her life around. She is also
amazing because she never let anyone let her down like some do. İn addition, she has
demonstrated unshakable faith and a commitment to the values of family, community and
culture.She advises us to take pleasure in small offerings, not being expectations, and be
happy with what you have. because what we don't have will never because, only if we think
like this , can we lead a meaningful life. She identifies herself with nature. It makes her free
and amazes her . If God loved her, she could do wonderful things she exceeds, can succeed
everything and so she can find the power to do something.
Moreover, she says we should avoid complaining and being deadlock. The change is
good if you don't have to, if you change with willingness, it is enjoyable. Some people do not
consider changing since they worry about new things, we even feel different and happy
when we change the object we have and it takes courage and must take the risk of failure. If
you do not like something, change it , if you can not change it, change your attitude. She
showed the way to progress to those who always make excuses by saying this quote

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