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Guide to 
Three effective elements of learning


Practical Exercises

Maya Angelou’s Story Manual Practical Exercises

Pretty women wonder
where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit
a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
• One of the greatest female
black writers

• Civil rights activist together

with Dr. Martin Luther King
and others

• An actress

• Screenwriter, dancer and poet

• The first black woman direc-

tor and producer for 20th Cen-
tury Fox.

Maya Angelou is a great example of how love to yourself can com-

pletely change a life of a woman.
She went through painful childhood with sexual abuse at age 8, had a child at
16, worked as a prostitute and managed to transform this experience into in-
credible success, inspiring greatest of the great. She said she had strength to
go through it all because she always loved and respected who she
She wrote 7 autobiographies where she told her story without a shame. These
books were named greatest books of the century.
She said: “I wrote about my experiences because I thought too
many people tell young folks, "I never did anything wrong. Who,
Moi? – never I. I have no skeletons in my closet. In fact, I have no
closet." They lie like that and then young people find themselves
in situations and they think, 'Damn I must be a pretty bad guy. My
mom or dad never did anything wrong.' They can’t forgive
themselves and go on with their lives. So I wrote this book"
With her words, she told generations what real self-love means. Accep-
tance, joy, change, belief. And much more.
“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to
be good to me?” (Maya Angelou)
Is it possible to go through such a life, and talk about it with a pride, be a
great example without deep love to your own self..? Maya grew this re-
spect to herself through all the abuse and pain. She developed it in-
side and transformed into success, changed the world.
Maya Angelou said love to yourself is a fuel. It helps you go
through hard times, it leads you on the way, it gives you a freedom to
choose, thrive and make dreams come true.
It’s especially important for women as women tend to give love to others
first. We forgot that we are the source of energy, we are a conjunc-
tion of the Universe and to remember that we have to love our-
"All talk of women's rights is moonshine. Women have
every right. They have only to exercise them." (Victoria Wood-
hull, the first woman to run for President)
A great myth is:

Love to yourself is something that comes naturally.
Love to yourself is something we DEVELOP.
“I can be changed by
what happens to me.
But I refuse to be re-
duced by it.”
Maya Angelou
Love to yourself
I am sure you heard a lot about the importance of this in general. What I
suggest you is to look deeper and see it in a different way that will help
you to understand a lot about yourself. Not just why love to yourself is im-
portant, but what is this, how it works, why and how we can develop in in-
For a woman, It is important not just to love, but to enjoy herself. When we
love someone, we enjoy spending time together, right? We create the
place of joy and comfort between each other and filling ourselves up.
When a woman enjoys and loves who she is she brings this joy to the com-
munication, relationship and the world. Men do it too, but the ways to
reach the state of joy often are different for men and women.
The same as we have relationship with different people, every woman has
her personal relationship with the Universe. We connect existence with
the life itself, we bring presence on Earth. We have deep and strong
contact with the world. But as any relationship this one has to be
developed and nourished. The Universe is honest and it answers us the
way we approach, it reflects our inner state. World loves us and gives us
what we want when we love ourselves.

“You get in life what you have the courage

to ask for.”
Oprah Winfrey

You ask what you believe you deserve. Women are givers by na-
ture. It doesn’t mean any of us have to be, but often we feel a great need
to share energy with others. We have several choices how to apply this
need in our life. We can run from it, deny the call and copy the way most
people live, we can put our aims higher than anything else, often suffer-
ing. We can lose ourselves in this need to be loving and caring, always
worry about close ones and exhaust ourselves.
Or we can find balance. We can achieve our aims through the
need of love and care, not against it. We can balance different parts of
life, being fuelled by every single one of them.
Need for love and connection is one of the basic
needs of humans. Both women and men want
Woman is a source of it in their lives. But men and women have slightly
love of the world. different psychology. Genetically women experi-
Woman is a connector. ence love more emotionally, let's admit it.

But it has always been and still is our great advan-

tage. We just have to put it to a good use.
Love, care, compassion always have been women’s privi-
lege. Nature granted us with it so we are able to have great en-
ergy potential.
We have the talent to transform our energy into any kind of achievement.
But for this, we have to learn how to use the Universal source of
the divine to fuel and open our own potential.
The key - love to yourself.
Women have developed amazing ability to love a long time ago, it proba-
bly was essential to nourish a child. Love and care were inseparable.
We were providers of love between the world and a child. But what we
forgot is that woman isn't just a provider. The great ability first was given
to her to love and fill herself up. The woman is a connector. The woman
is a source that has incredible ability to fill out anytime she wants, she
only needs to remember the tools her ancestries knew.
She is, in particular, connects higher energies of the Universe with the
material world we live in. She brings the energy of inspiration and crea-
tion to the world. She creates. Nourish. Inspire. Give.
The woman is a world's source of love. But you can't give what you don't
How much love and happiness are around you depend on your inner be-
ing. It's about our great talent. The feminine gift to fill ourselves and to
share it with the world. But to share, you have to love yourself first.
You are a source. The only one to fill the world with love, creativity, and
Please love yourself.

You are a source. The only one

The great ability to love
to fill the world with love,
was given to a woman to
creativity and inspiration.
love and fill herself up
“I don't trust people who
don't love themselves and
tell me, 'I love you.' ... There
is an African saying which
is: Be careful when a naked
person offers you a shirt.”
Maya Angelou
How to develop?
1. Pay attention to what you want

1. Concentrate on your inner state and feelings. Your sensi-

tivity is a gift as long as you can control it. Your feeling always comes
Start with just 5 minutes a day. Try to look and observe what is happening
inside of you. Ask yourself: what do I feel about it? Does it make me
Before we can figure out what we really want, we have to know and be
honest with ourselves about our real feelings.

2. Enjoy yourself.
Connect with nature and higher power. You are the connector. Just let
your own power in.
When we doing things we enjoy our brain produces hormones that make
all our body feels better. It alerts our attention, the perception of life, con-
centration and even ability to learn. When we experience the higher power
of performance, we feel more confident. Which helps us to form and ac-
cept love to ourselves. Not because we are doing better, but simply be-
cause this condition of efficiency forms the habit, creates new neural con-
nections in our brain - pattern to love and respect our own selves.
3. Say “No” to what you don’t feel is right for you. You can’t practice re-
spect to yourself without learning to say No. I believe it is extremely impor-
tant to take opportunities that come to us, but you can never gain prioritiz-
ing something over yourself. Not to choose yourself, your true desires is
victim stance. You always have something to blame when you had to do
that. “How could I’ve said no?!” You could. If you really needed yourself
time after a hard week at work, but couldn’t say no to babysitting friend’s
child, it doesn’t really make you a good person, because someone in this
relationship still isn’t cared about or even heard and noticed. And it’s YOU.
it makes you a victim. Love and kindness, compassion and care are great-
est qualities of a mankind. When we are able to give it to ourselves first.



2. Do what you love at least 30 mins a day

When we go with the flow of our creativity we subconsciously program

our mind to respect our own truth, which leads us to realize our best tal-
Develop your talents (the things that you like to do and that seems easy
to you. As researches show we usually don't see our own talents as it
seems too easy for us)
In society, we have a belief, pattern that many of parent passed to us. It
says: “You have to work hard”. But what we need to add here is to
achieve really great results you have to work hard doing what you love.
Hard doesn’t mean struggling, hard means passionate, devoted, in-
Doing what you love doesn’t start from a”big” moment, when you change
everything in your life, quit your job or move to another city. It starts from
very simple and often unnoticeable for others decision you make to re-
spect yourself enough to answer the call inside of you. To believe you
worth the talent you have, let yourself enjoy it, make yourself happy and
fulfilled just by doing it. It starts from very small and simple steps. Going
to the coffee shop Sunday morning with drawing book, music book or
book of algorithms. Reading about 100 greatest inventions during a
break at work and writing small notes of what your own invention can be.
It starts from your own choice to do what you love because you appreci-
ate yourself, your call, your talent.
Researches show that you can feel confident if you force yourself to
move, pose like a confident person. They say “body language can shape
our character”. With doing what you love principle is the same. You start
it, step by step, even from 10 minutes a day (as Tony Robins once said:
“If you don’t have 10 minutes a day for yourself, you don’t have a life!”)
and it shapes your self-esteem. It brings you closer to who you are and
forms a habit to love and respect your own truth.

If You don’t know what you love to do

Make an inner child list! These small exercises will help you.
Remember yourself when you were around 10. Try to recollect yourself
as a kid, get a feeling how it was for you. When you do that, imagine that
you appear in the hugest bookstore on the whole planet. They have every-
thing. Together with books you get beautiful toys on the topic of your read-
ing, films, and sweets. Bookstore consists of several floors, you see a
huge hall, balconies are filled with beautiful books. Shop assistant sug-
gests you a tour, he shows you different departments, a bookstore is di-
vided into sections. All of them are huge. Now you have to choose one
section you want to spend most of the time in. There are 6 sections you
choose from:
psychology and self-development art and creativity
body and sport
technology and innovation
society and organization
nature and animals
Your first thought and feeling, which one will it be?
Write it down. Here is your sphere of interest.
What do you like about this topic? What fascinates you most of all? What
inspires you? To talk about it, teach, write, research, develop or create....?
Write it down. This forms an understanding of actions you like to make in
the field you enjoy.
Often we forgot what we like to do, don’t notice our talents because we be-
lieve if it is easy to do for us, it is easy to do for anyone else. Researchers
show what is easy for us is exactly where our talent is. It is what we can
develop for the world class, genius level. The only reason why we often
don’t see it is our limiting belief. When we were children we were more
open to our true nature, went with the flow easily and in-
stinctively followed our talents. That’s why the con-
nection with your inner child is so effective. The
small girl inside of you doesn’t have all the lim-
iting ideas what she should or shouldn’t do.
The inner child is very significant part of us. MEANS PASSIONATELY,
The exceptional part of a woman that is re-
sponsible for unconditional love, joy,
amusement, creativity, and playful-
ness. Connect and explore the
beauty of your wonderful, sensi- STARTS FROM YOUR OWN
tive, loving inner child! It is defi- DECISION TO RESPECT

nitely worth trying! YOURSELF ENOUGH.

“Success is lik-
ing yourself, lik-
ing what you do
and liking how
you do it.”
Maya Angelou
3. Affirmations

Eyes are the mirror of the Soul. If we want to connect with ourselves, we
can simply look into our own eyes as we do when we talk with the person
we deeply love. This simple exercise once changed my life completely. It
changed the lives of many great people including one of the most popular
authors of all times, Luisa Hey, who inspired me to do this. Every day
when you pass by the mirror look deeply into your own eyes and say: I
love you. I deeply appreciate you. I am a woman, phe-
nomenal, exceptional, beautiful. I am loved and I am sup-
ported. The world always supports me, I accept gifts of
life, I accept miracles.

Why are affirmations effective?

It seems like we repeat the same phrases and don't see results straight

I thought the same until realized that I finally start to believe in what I kept
saying to myself.
Let's see how it works:
1) the way our mind works: it doesn't know the difference between what is
real or fantasy. ( that's why we experience emotions watching movies)
2) But until you won't make intended effort to give your brain new informa-
tion, it won't notice any of your ambition.
Simply because of a Reticular Activating System (RAS) of the brain that
filters information. It is responsible for the fact that we see only what we
are intended to. Have you ever noticed that as soon as someone told you
about a new car model you never saw before you suddenly started to see
it everywhere?
It works the same with something we want to develop. We have to give
our brain an order of what it will notice until it becomes natural and we
don't need to point it any more.
Research says that it takes 21 day to adopt a new habit, so it's good to re-
peat, write down (our subconscious loves writing!) affirmations for 3 weeks
at least.
Why don't affirmations work sometimes?
May be you already tried and it didn't work. Here is why:

We all have pain points. Some hard experiences and feeling we still can't
go through even if we already forgot where have it started, somewhere in
the early childhood or in past lives if you believe in reincarnation.
In this case, affirmation can only irritate you because it is hard to believe
in positive until old pain isn't healed.

To heal it is always helpful to find someone to assist, teacher, mentor or
even a book. Courses were extremely helpful for me personally as it gives
me space to work in my own rhythm as if I read a book and provide me
with a warmth of personal touch and experience of the person who al-
ready went through what I do now.
Together with this book you can download your special gift, little book of af-
firmations, you can print it to inspire you every day of a week! I made it
with great love! Get it in Freebies section on
“Nothing can dim
the light which
shines from
Maya Angelou

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