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Section: BSN1-3

NSTP LAW: If you were to propose an activity/project that aligns with any of the three NSTP
components, what would it be and why? How will it positively contribute to you and to your
chosen community?

•If I were to propose an activity/ project it will be aligned in the CWTS, one of the components of
NSTP and it will be the SMILE and SIGHT, a dental and optal mission that can help to prevent
and treat oral and optal diseases. The target of this program is those people who are unable to
see and consult due to lack of money.

THE CITIZENSHIP: In order to attain a healthy and progressive system and governance, as
Filipino citizens, we must do our part as well and be grounded by these 4 Filipino core values;

For this topic, provide your own PHOTO (with a short caption) showing the ways/activities in
how you can apply these values in your life.

" Keep going because your life doesn't end in one failure"
LEADERSHIP: What kind of leader are you? Write about a situation in your life where your
leadership was challenged. How do you deal with it? What was the result of your management
of the group?

•I am a type of leader who always reminds her members what their role and goals are. I have
experienced being a leader in a sport where I am the one who guides and reminds them that
they should be calm inside the court so that the outcome of our game will be good but
sometimes we can't avoid to make mistakes because of nervous, even me, the one who was
assigned to guide them also lost in focus so I always remind them to trust and guide each other,
always be careful when playing because there is a high possibility of winning.

FINAL PETA: Paste here the copy of the brochure you have submitted for P1.

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