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Soil composition and properties of the soil have a crucial role in the growth and

development of mung beans of any area. A self-of several studies that organic matter

and soil types of utilization have their effects on mung bean cropping system. Bi et al.

(2013) studied the efficacy of organic matter added to husk supports mycorrhizal fungi

inoculation and determined that mycorrhizal fungi inoculum carrying husk and husk

charcoal increased the leaf number and the dry root weight average of mung beans

than the treatments with organic matter.

Moreover, soil type was again retained as the important factor from Rolmer's work

(1974) and Logsdon's (1995) research papers. The structure of loam soil which is

composed of sand, slit, clay, and organic matter in a balanced ratio was found to be the

perfect medium for the cultivation of mung beans for the fact that it possesses the

capacity to conserve water while at the same time it provides essential drainage. On the

contrary, Soil of Red color, which is more silty and sandy, was judged worse as it has

less nutrients maintained, and it is unable to hold water well.

The studies highlight the critical roles of soils organic matter content, nutrient sufficiency

as well as inadequate drainage in leading to the mung bean's optimal development and

maturity. Loam soil will be ideal for bean plants given/due to its well-balanced

environment of growth.The other soil types like red soil will not be so suitable for bean

plants cultivation/growing because/since they will not have enough nutrients and water


Bi, C., Chen, Z., Wang, J., & Zhou, D. (2013). Quantitative assessment of soil health

under different planting patterns and soil types. Pedosphere, 23(2), 194-204.

Rolmer, R. (1974, August). Clay changes the growth of bean plants. International

Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 02(09),



Logsdon, J. (1995, November). Loam Soil Results. International Research Journal of

Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 02(09), 1825.


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