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Debbie Mason, 24, is a stewardess with Virgin Atlantic. She told

Sue Wheeler about her life on Richard Branson's airline and what it
takes to get on in this high-flying job.
Some time ago, I was working in an office when I saw a picture of
5 Richard Branson and read about him starting a new airline, Virgin. I
sent him a letter saying I was interested in working for him. After a
successful interview, I began their four-week training course. The
personnel officers say it's usually obvious at the start whether
somebody has the right qualities or not. Personality is very important.
10 You have to be flexible, attractive, and able to smile when duty calls -
even if you don't feel like it. Obviously you don't need airline
experience, but nursing, or other work with people, is useful.
The training course is really common sense although the practical
side includes things like life-boat sessions in a swimming pool, fire
15 fighting in a smoke-filled room and learning how to deliver a baby. In
reality, though, you end up dealing mainly with travel sickness. The
point is you have to be prepared for everything.
I work on flights from Gatwick to New York or Miami. Only 10%
of my work involves serving people. The emphasis is on safety and
20 that's what we're here for. Before every flight there's a briefing where
the crew are asked questions on first-aid and safety.
Those who claim that working in such a job makes you look much
older than you really are have a point. I also think this job ages you.
On flights to New York I'm on board from 2:15 in the afternoon until
25 nearly midnight our time. I have to drink eight pints of water per flight
to prevent my body from dehydrating, but it is nearly impossible to
consume that much. So my skin is probably suffering. But I think
these are minor disadvantages. When we get to New York it's only
6:55 pm American time and we usually go out and have a party!
30 I fly about four or five times in 28 days, which means I work hard
for two or three days, then take time off. I get at least eight days off
every month, so it doesn't feel like most other fulltime jobs. I get four
weeks holiday a year, three of which have to be in the winter. But as
one of the advantages of this job is being able to fly with any airline
35 for 10% of the normal cost, I can afford to go to far away places in
search of winter sun.
It's a sociable job on board and off. There are only 220 crew
members in total so there is a close relationship among us. This means
things are very friendly and I think it's obvious to the passengers that
40 we're having a good time, which helps them relax. When people leave
Virgin to work for other airlines they often miss the intimacy of a
small company and come back. But although the social life with
Virgin is fabulous, outside it is non-existent. Friends and family know
my time off is precious, but even at home I'm sometimes on standby.
45 The job puts a strain on any romance. Happily, my boyfriend works
for Virgin too, and we choose to work a 'married roster' which means
we fly together all the time. It's either this or taking the chance of
bumping into each other once in a while.

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