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Smoking in the public places should be banned. Do you agree or disagree?


The prohibition of smoking in the public places has been applied in hospitals, parks, public
transports, religious places in many nations. I see this prohibition to be logical because not all people
are a smoker. I would agree with this ban because smoking in public places can affect the health of
those who do not smoke and also lessen the comfort of the public places.


The main reason why smoking in public is not allowed is because of the harmful substances that are
contained in the smoke, which can be inhaled by the non-smokers and develop smoking-related
disease, such as lung cancer, throat cancer, heart attack, and stroke. For an instance, The British
Medical Association found that non-smokers who were regularly exposed to tobacco smoke were 4
times more likely to develop lung cancer, than those who did not have to breathe it in. Although the
prohibition being applied in public places, for those who do not wish to get disease from tobacco
smoke are advised to not go to a place where smokers gather and smoke.


Another main reason is that it lessens the comfort of the public places and makes non-smokers
unable to enjoy or do their activities there. Non-smokers are not fond of the smell of tobacco smoke.
When smokers and non-smokers socialize together, the non-smokers tend to avoid the smoke. The
gestures of how they avoid are either they move away or simply tell you to not smoke there. This has
proven particularly effective in Ireland, the first country to introduce a nationwide band, where
people have to leave a bar or restaurant and smoke outside. However, smokers are difficult to be
reminded of quitting. There needs to be a solution to help the addicts from smoking.


What we can conclude here is that banning smoking in public places has to have other measures to
help smokers to quit. When it is possible, there needs to have a place where smokers can smoke
freely, say, smoking area.

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