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Smoking has become a significant problem that occurs in daily life.

Smoking warnings have

absolutely no effect on people to quit smoking. The impact of smoking is not only felt by smokers, but
also by the people around them. That's what makes me strongly agree with the prohibition of smoking
in public places.

The first reason is air pollution. We often see cigarette smoke scattered. Even though there was
only one smoker, the smoke was everywhere. It makes people around him may be disturbed. One
example is in the dining area. People who are enjoying their food should not have to breathe cigarette
smoke. Based on my experience, there are still many restaurants that do not enforce any smoking rules,
where people can smoke arbitrarily even though they are in a restaurant.

The second reason is health problems. As long as smoking only affects active smokers, it's not a
really big problem. But unfortunately, it is passive smokers (people who inhale cigarette smoke) who
receive the worse impact. The chance of disease in passive smokers is greater than in active smokers. It
can harm the people around who inhale cigarette smoke. So, the prohibition of smoking in public places
must be implemented immediately in all regions.

However, we cannot eliminate smoking. Several ways can be done to reduce the impact of
smoking. For example, making a special place for smokers. In some places, the government has provided
a place for smokers so they don't disturb other people. The second way is to tighten the rules against
smoking in public places. For example, setting a large fine if a smoker smokes in an inappropriate place.

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