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In modern time, the issues of smoking in public place have become highly controversial.

There a those
who believe that smoking in public place should be banned, however others believe it should not. In this
essay I will examine both side of the arguments and provide my overall opinion.

Generally speaking, there are two main reasons why people believe that smoking in public place should
be prohibited such as hospital, restaurant and train station. Perhaps the main reason why people are in
favor of this idea is because cigarette smoke is carcinogenic for the people who breath it. A good
illustration is that people who smoke and secondary smoker can develop lunch cancer. A further point in
favor of banning smoking in public place is that smoke from cigarette smells terrible. If you stand next to
someone who is smoking, your cloth might be smell like tobacco smoke for the rest of the days.

Despite these arguments, there is also a case for the idea that smoking in public place should be
allowed. The main reason why people thing that smoking in public place should not prohibited because
as a result some people may lost their job. As a result, unemployed people will be high in the society and
it will affect the whole ecosystem. secondly, government could lose a lot of tax revenue from cigarette.
This is because people will not buy lots of cigarette.

In conclusion, It must be said that smoking in public place has become a complex issue with no solution.
Despite arguments to the contrary, I strongly fell that smoking in public place should be banned from all
the public place. If the government implements this policy ,we will lead healthy and happy life.

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