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Upfront Listing Agreement Questionnaires

1. I have a few questions to ask you so I'm prepared for our meeting. So that you
get the most from our time together. Is that fair? (A Value for the Seller)

2. Hey Client Name, when the home sells, where are you planning to move? (To
figure what is her plan or where she is moving)

3. How soon would you like it to happen? (Getting her time frames)

4. Will you need time after closing to live in the home or are you just planning to
move right away?

5-6 Is it an option to stay in the home? Maybe rent it or have you decided that you
need to sell at this point? (We are looking for the seller to sell us on their

7. I'm going to send you an email with a detailed pricing analysis, it's going to allow
you to look at the comparable homes and my listing plan. Can you review this prior
to our meeting? (Sharing the outline and to help pre-sell the appointment so the
chances of you getting the listing go up drastically)

8. Our meeting lee should only take about 30 minutes. We're going to cover our
pricing strategy that will cause our home to sell for a premium. We'll walk you
through the numbers and then at the end of our meeting we can discuss if working
together makes sense or not, okay? (This question is to determine whether or not
he/she is a real seller)

9. How much should I use for a mortgage payoff? So, I can work up the numbers
accurately. How much do you owe roughly?

10. Do you have any questions for me at this time or is there anything you want to
make sure we cover when we do meet?

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