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Cold Call Script

Intro: Hello Seller First Name! (Said as if you’re great friends. Pause.) It’s Your First Name, I
probably caught you at a bad time.

Seller: What’s this about?

I don’t know if you can help me. We’ve been trying to reach the owner of 123 main St. (Lost
puppy inflection)

That’s my house
Can I take 30 seconds to tell you why I called, and you tell me whether to continue the conver-

We work with homeowners who are frustrated about… anxious… and overall don’t want to use
a Realtor. I don’t suppose any of those apply to you…

NO: And you don’t own any other rentals or pieces of land you’d consider selling? And you don’t
know anybody who is thinking about selling?

Seller Responds: “make me an offer” “how much you pay” “I want X amount” “For the right
You: I don’t know what I can offer yet. I’m calling you first to see if you’re even interested in
selling that property.

Seller: “I might consider” or “Maybe” or “Sure”

You: When you say _______, what does that mean?

Seller: “I might be interested depending on the offer/price/what you pay/what you can do
for me/ I want to sell”
You: That’s not unusual. What were you hoping for?
Seller: Market value/ The highest price possible/the most I can get…
You: I understand. It sounds like you would only consider selling if you got market value/high-
est price possible?

Seller: “Of course”

You: That’s fair. I’ll be honest with you, buying properties for cash at market value is not some-
thing we do. If you were me, when can I have our listing agent call you to list for market value?

Seller: “No/Any reason besides call & price”

Great, may I share with you how we work to see if make sense for us to keep talking?

Perfect, I appreciate your time. Typically, what happens on these calls is I will ask you some
questions. Obviously we do that to determine if it even makes sense for us to potentially work
together. Is that fair? (Seller answers “Yes”) Great!

Pain Questions:
By the way, what has you considering selling?
How long have you considered selling? / How long has that been a problem?
Can you tell me more about that? / What have you tried to do about selling it?
Are you currently working any other real estate professional?
I appreciate you sharing that information with me. Given everything we talked about, (Reference
Pain Points)

Did I get that right?

On a scale 1-10 how important is it to get this done, not necessarily with me, but just to get this
done? (1 - You’ll be fine if you do nothing, 10 - You have to make it happen)

In the past with other sellers we’ve found out that there are 3 things that stop us from working
together: 1. Time; 2. Money; and 3. Other people who are involved. Which of those 3 do you
think would stop us from working together?

Next Steps:
I don’t suppose it would make sense for us to come out and look at the property? If you were
me, what day and time may we come out there? (If others will have input, confirm other per-
son will be there) What email can I send a confirmation to?

Close the Call: Can you think of anything that could stop us from meeting that day? If some-
thing does come up, how do you plan on letting me know about it?

If no face-to-face appointment set, go here: “Set future follow up” If you were me, when
can I call you back about this? See if you can contact then.

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