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Esimerkkejä verkkolaskujen arvonlisäverotietojen kuvaamiseksi -

Luonnos kommenteille
Pakolliset laskumerkinnät
Veron ohje laskun tietosisällöstä:
Pakollisia merkintöjä laskussa ovat (AVL 209 e §):
 laskun antamispäivä
 juokseva tunniste
 myyjän arvonlisäverotunniste
 ostajan arvonlisäverotunniste, kun on kyse käännetystä verovelvollisuudesta tai
tavaroiden yhteisömyynnistä
 myyjän ja ostajan nimi ja osoite
 tavaroiden määrä ja laji sekä palvelujen laajuus ja laji
 tavaroiden toimituspäivä, palvelujen suorituspäivä tai ennakkomaksun maksupäivä
Ennakkomaksut eritellään informatiivisesti SubInvoiceRow-rakenteessa, jossa
maksupäivä voidaan esittää ja lisäksi verollinen summa annetaan
 veron peruste verokannoittain, yksikköhinta ilman veroa sekä hyvitykset ja
alennukset, jos niitä ei ole huomioitu yksikköhinnassa
 verokanta
 suoritettavan veron määrä
 merkintä myynnin verottomuudesta tai viittaus arvonlisäverolain tai
arvonlisäverodirektiivin kyseiseen säännökseen
 merkintä ostajan verovelvollisuudesta ”käännetty verovelvollisuus”
 merkintä ostajan laatimaan laskuun ”itselaskutus”
 tiedot uusista kuljetusvälineistä
 merkinnät ”voittomarginaalijärjestelmä–käytetyt tavarat”,
”voittomarginaalijärjestelmä–taide-esineet” tai ”voittomarginaalijärjestelmä–keräily-
ja antiikkiesineet”
 merkintä ”voittomarginaalijärjestelmä–matkatoimistot”
 merkintä verollisen sijoituskullan myynnistä
 viittaus aikaisempaan laskuun, kun kyse on muutoslaskusta.

Julkishallinnon ohje
Laskun tarkemmat Eurooppa-normin mukaiset sisältövaatimukset on julkaistu
Valtiokonttorin sivuilla
Vero- Vero- Koodin lisäksi annettava veroselite tai Tulkintaohje
koodi prosentti ALV:n poikkeuskoodi (VATEX-koodi)
S 10, 14, Ei poikkeuskoodia eikä selitettä Lasku, jossa vain yleisen tai alennetun veroprosentin
24 % Ei saa antaa ALV-poikkeuskoodia eikä mukaista tavaran tai palvelun myyntiä.
veron selitettä
Z 0% Pitää antaa arvonlisäverolain mukainen Suomessa alv-rekisteröityneen laskuttajan 0-verokannan
selite verottomuuden perusteesta mukainen lasku.
Esim. vakuutusyhtiön lasku tai osittain verovelvollisen
Z-verokoodin kanssa on annettava yleishyödyllisen yhdistyksen veroton jäsenmaksulasku.
vapaamuotoinen peruste, miksi lasku tai
laskurivi on veroton. Ei käytetä vientimyynnissä EU:n ulkopuolelle eikä EU:n
sisäkaupassa. Niille on omat koodinsa.
Peruste voidaan antaa laskurivin vapaassa
viestissä tai tuotteen nimen yhteydessä.

Esim. ”vakuutusmaksu 0% AVL”

E 0% Poikkeuskoodi tai selite Lasku, jossa on ALV:n poikkeus, jolloin tavaran tai
palvelun verokanta on 0 tai se on vapautettu verosta.
Lasku, jossa ALV-poikkeus, tulee Esimerkiksi SOTE-palvelut.
veroerittelyssä antaa E-koodille joko
VATEX-koodi tai selite.
Laskulla ei voi laskuttaa useampaa E-
Selite Koodia käytetään Suomessa vain kotimaan käännetylle
AE 0% Veroerittelyssä tulee AE-koodille selite arvonlisäverolle eli myyntiin, jossa sekä ostajalla että
“kotimaan käännetty ALV” tai ” AVL 8c §”. myyjällä on FI-alkuinen ALV-tunniste.

Yhteisökaupassa käytetään K-koodia sekä Käytetään esim. arvonlisäverolain 8c §:n mukaiseen

palvelu- että tavaralaskuissa. rakentamispalvelun myyntiin.
RAKENNUSALA pakollinen selite ” AVL 8c §”
Poikkeuskoodi tai selite Yhteisömyynti (EU:n sisäkauppaa).
K 0% Veroerittelyssä K-koodilla pitää olla
poikkeuskoodi tai selite ”Intra-Community

Vientilaskuilla ostajan alv-tunniste,

merkintä ”Intra-community supply”,
toimitusmaan koodi, toimituspäivä tai
laskutusjakso ovat pakollisia.

Poikkeuskoodi tai selite Vientimyynti EU:n ulkopuolelle.

G 0% Export outside the EU "G" pitää
veroerittelyssä olla joko koodi tai selite
"Export outside the EU"

Suomessa G koodia käytetään sekä

tavaralle että palvelulle (kansallinen
Poikkeuskoodi tai selite
O 0% O-koodi on käytössä esimerkiksi niille, joilla ei ole ALV-
Veroerittelyssä O-koodilla pitää olla tunnistetta (esim. yleishyödylliset yhdistykset, jotka eivät
poikkeuskoodi tai selite. harjoita miltään osin arvonlisäverolista toimintaa).

Verottomassa laskussa ei saa olla muita Jos laskulla on sekä verotonta että verollista myyntiä,
verokoodeja eikä myyjän ALV-tunnusta. käytetään O:n tilalla Z-verokoodia.
Euroopan komission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) ylläpitää Eurooppa-normin (EN-16931) määrityksissä käytettävistä
koodeista listaa.

Vatex-koodeissa viitatut direktiivikohtien mappaus Arvonlisäverolakiin

Code Code name Context of exemption (for definition refer to Remark Suomen arvonlisäverolaki
(english) legislation)
VATEX- Exempt based on Exemptions relating to repayment of expenditures. Repayment of expenditure is Suomen arvonlisäverolaki ei sisällä
EU-79-C article 79, point c not an exemption in the arvonlisäverodirektiivin 73 artiklan
of Council sense of the VAT Directive c kohdassa mainittua säännöstä.
Directive but may be handled as such Arvonlisäverolain 73 § 2
2006/112/EC in the context of the momentissa mainitaan autovero.
EN16931. Verohallinnon ohjeessa
laskumerkinnöistä todetaan, että
läpikulkuerien on oltava selkeästi
läpikulkueriä, koska pääsääntö on
se, että arvonlisäverolain 73 §
mukaan veron peruste sisältää
kaikki hinnanlisät.

VATEX- Exempt based on Exemptions for certain activities in public interest.

EU-132 article 132 of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply by the public postal services of services 33 b § Postipalvelu
EU-132- article 132, other than passenger transport and
1A section 1 (a) of telecommunications services, and the supply of
Council Directive goods incidental thereto.
VATEX- Exempt based on Hospital and medical care and closely related Arvonlisäverolaki 34 - 36 § Terveyden ja sairaanhoito
EU-132- article 132, activities undertaken by bodies governed by public
1B section 1 (b) of law or, under social conditions comparable with
Council Directive those applicable to bodies governed by public law,
2006/112/EC by hospitals, centres for medical treatment or
diagnosis and other duly recognised establishments
of a similar nature
VATEX- Exempt based on The provision of medical care in the exercise of the Arvonlisäverolaki 34 - 36 § Terveyden ja sairaanhoito
EU-132- article 132, medical and paramedical professions as defined by
1C section 1 (c) of the Member State concerned.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of human organs, blood and milk. 36§ 1.4 Terveyden ja sairaanhoito
EU-132- article 132,
1D section 1 (d) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services by dental technicians in their 36§ 1.3 Terveyden ja sairaanhoito
EU-132- article 132, professional capacity and the supply of dental
1E section 1 (e) of prostheses by dentists and dental technicians.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services by independent groups of 60a § Yhteenliittymä
EU-132- article 132, persons, who are carrying on an activity which is
1F section 1 (f) of exempt from VAT or in relation to which they are not
Council Directive taxable persons, for the purpose of rendering their
2006/112/EC members the services directly necessary for the
exercise of that activity, where those groups merely
claim from their members exact reimbursement of
their share of the joint expenses, provided that such
exemption is not likely to cause distortion of
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services and of goods closely linked to 38 § Sosiaalihuolto
EU-132- article 132, welfare and social security work, including those
1G section 1 (g) of supplied by old people's homes, by bodies governed
Council Directive by public law or by other bodies recognised by the
2006/112/EC Member State concerned as being devoted to social
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services and of goods closely linked to 38 a, 38 b ja (38) § Varhaiskasvatuspalvelu tai
EU-132- article 132, the protection of children and young persons by (sosiaalihuolto)
1H section 1 (h) of bodies governed by public law or by other
Council Directive organisations recognised by the Member State
2006/112/EC concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing;
VATEX- Exempt based on The provision of children's or young people's 39 ja 40 § Koulutuspalvelu
EU-132- article 132, education, school or university education, vocational
1I section 1 (i) of training or retraining, including the supply of services
Council Directive and of goods closely related thereto, by bodies
2006/112/EC governed by public law having such as their aim or
by other organisations recognised by the Member
State concerned as having similar objects.
VATEX- Exempt based on Tuition given privately by teachers and covering 39 ja 40 § Tässä esitetty käännös on
EU-132- article 132, school or university education. virheellinen. Direktiivi viittaa
1J section 1 (j) of verosta vapautetun
Council Directive koulutuspalvelun tukemiseen
2006/112/EC liittyvään yksityiseen opetukseen.
Olosuhteista riippuen tällainen
tukiopetus on joko verollista tai
verosta vapautettua
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of staff by religious or philosophical 40 a § Hengellinen apu
EU-132- article 132, institutions for the purpose of the activities referred
1K section 1 (k) of to in points (b), (g), (h) and (i) and with a view to
Council Directive spiritual welfare.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services, and the supply of goods Tuloverolaki 22 ja 23 § Arvonlisäverolakia sovellettaessa
EU-132- article 132, closely linked thereto, to their members in their huomioidaan tuloverolain 22 §
1L section 1 (l) of common interest in return for a subscription fixed in määriteltyjen yleishyödyllisten
Council Directive accordance with their rules by non-profitmaking yhteisöjen verovapaus
2006/112/EC organisations with aims of a political, trade-union,
religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or
civic nature, provided that this exemption is not
likely to cause distortion of competition.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of certain services closely linked to sport Tuloverolaki 22 ja 23 § Arvonlisäverolakia sovellettaessa
EU-132- article 132, or physical education by non-profit-making huomioidaan tuloverolain 22 §
1M section 1 (m) of organisations to persons taking part in sport or määriteltyjen yleishyödyllisten
Council Directive physical education. yhteisöjen verovapaus
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of certain cultural services, and the (Tuloverolaki 22 ja 23 § Ei suoraa vastinetta:
EU-132- article 132, supply of goods closely linked thereto, by bodies osittain) (julkisyhteisöt)
1N section 1 (n) of governed by public law or by other cultural bodies
Council Directive recognised by the Member State concerned.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of services and goods, by organisations Ei suoraa vastinetta: arpajaiset
EU-132- article 132, whose activities are exempt pursuant to points (b), 59.1.2 §. Arpajaiset on suppeampi
1O section 1 (o) of (g), (h), (i), (l), (m) and (n), in connection with fund- käsite kuin tässä kohdassa viitattu.
Council Directive raising events organised exclusively for their
2006/112/EC own benefit, provided that exemption is not likely to
cause distortion of competition.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of transport services for sick or injured 36.1 § 1 kohta sairaankuljetus
EU-132- article 132, persons in vehicles specially designed for the
1P section 1 (p) of purpose, by duly authorised bodies.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The activities, other than those of a commercial 6-8§ Julkisyhteisöt ja huomaa 85 a §
EU-132- article 132, nature, carried out by public radio and television
1Q section 1 (q) of bodies.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Exemptions on importation.
EU-143 article 143 of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The final importation of goods of which the supply
EU-143- article 143, by a taxable person would in all circumstances be
1A section 1 (a) of exempt within their respective territory.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The final importation of goods governed by Council
EU-143- article 143, Directives 69/169/EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and
1B section 1 (b) of 2006/79/EC (3).
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The final importation of goods, in free circulation
EU-143- article 143, from a third territory forming part of the Community
1C section 1 (c) of customs territory, which would be entitled to
Council Directive exemption under point (b) if they had been imported
2006/112/EC within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of goods dispatched or transported
EU-143- article 143, from a third territory or a third country into a
1D section 1 (d) of Member State other than that in which the dispatch
Council Directive or transport of the goods ends, where the supply of
2006/112/EC such goods by the importer designated or recognised
under Article 201 as liable for payment of VAT is
exempt under Article 138.
VATEX- Exempt based on The reimportation, by the person who exported
EU-143- article 143, them, of goods in the state in which they were
1E section 1 (e) of exported, where those goods are exempt from
Council Directive customs duties.
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation, under diplomatic and consular 94 § kohta 23 diplomaatit
EU-143- article 143, arrangements, of goods which are exempt from
1F section 1 (f) of customs duties.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of goods by the European 94 § kohta 22 Järjestöt
EU-143- article 143, Community, the European Atomic Energy
1FA section 1 (fa) of Community, the European Central Bank or the
Council Directive European Investment Bank, or by the bodies set up
2006/112/EC by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April
1965 on the privileges and immunities of the
European Communities applies, within the limits and
under the conditions of that Protocol and the
agreements for its implementation or the
headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not
lead to distortion of competition;
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of goods by international bodies, 94 § kohta 22 Järjestöt
EU-143- article 143, other than those referred to in point (fa), recognised
1G section 1 (g) of as such by the public authorities of the host Member
Council Directive State, or by members of such bodies, within the
2006/112/EC limits and under the conditions laid down by the
international conventions establishing the bodies or
by headquarters agreements;
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of goods, into Member States party NATO
EU-143- article 143, to the North Atlantic Treaty, by the armed forces of
1H section 1 (h) of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those
Council Directive forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for
2006/112/EC supplying their messes or canteens where such
forces take part in the common defence effort.
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of goods by the armed forces of the
EU-143- article 143, United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus
1I section 1 (i) of pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning
Council Directive the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which
2006/112/EC are for the use of those forces or the civilian staff
accompanying them or for supplying their messes or
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation into ports, by sea fishing
EU-143- article 143, undertakings, of their catches, unprocessed or after
1J section 1 (j) of undergoing preservation for marketing but before
Council Directive being supplied.
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of gold by central banks. 94 § 1 8 kohta kullan maahantuonti
EU-143- article 143, keskuspankille
1K section 1 (k) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The importation of gas through a natural gas system 94 § 1 2 kohta kaasu putkistoja pitkin
EU-143- article 143, or any network connected to such a system or fed in
1L section 1 (l) of from a vessel transporting gas into a natural gas
Council Directive system or any upstream pipeline network, of
2006/112/EC electricity or of heat or cooling energy through
heating or cooling networks.
VATEX- Exempt based on Exemptions related to international transport.
EU-148 article 148 of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Fuel supplies for commercial international transport 70 § kohdat 7 ja 8 vesialuksen varustaminen
EU-148-A article 148, vessels
section (a) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Fuel supplies for fighting ships in international sota-alukset
EU-148-B article 148, transport.
section (b) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of 70 § kohdat 7 ja 8 ja 71 § 1 3
EU-148-C article 148, international transport vessels. kohta sekä 58 §
section (c) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Supply to of other services to commercial 71 § 1 3 kohta vesialuksen varustaminen
EU-148- article 148, international transport vessels.
D section (d) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Fuel supplies for aircraft on international routes. 70 § 6 kohta ilma-aluksen varustaminen
EU-148-E article 148,
section (e) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of 70 § 6 kohta 71 § 1 4 kohta ilma-aluksen varustaminen
EU-148-F article 148, aircraft on international routes.
section (f) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Supply to of other services to aircraft on 71 § 1 4 kohta ilma-aluksen varustaminen
EU-148- article 148, international routes.
G section (g) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on Exemptions relating to certain Transactions treated
EU-151 article 151 of as exports.
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services under diplomatic and 72 d 1
EU-151- article 151, consular arrangements.
1A section 1 (a) of
Council Directive
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services to the European 72 d 2
EU-151- article 151, Community, the European Atomic Energy
1AA section 1 (aa) of Community, the European Central Bank or the
Council Directive European Investment Bank, or to the bodies set up
2006/112/EC by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April
1965 on the privileges and immunities of the
European Communities applies, within the limits and
under the conditions of that Protocol and the
agreements for its implementation or the
headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not
lead to distortion of competition.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services to international 72 d 3
EU-151- article 151, bodies, other than those referred to in point (aa),
1B section 1 (b) of recognised as such by the public authorities of the
Council Directive host Member States, and to members of such
2006/112/EC bodies, within the limits and under the conditions
laid down by the international conventions
establishing the bodies or by headquarters
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services within a Member 72 d 4
EU-151- article 151, State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty,
1C section 1 (c) of intended either for the armed forces of other States
Council Directive party to that Treaty for the use of those forces, or of
2006/112/EC the civilian staff accompanying them, or for
supplying their messes or canteens when such forces
take part in the common defence effort.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services to another Member 72 d 4
EU-151- article 151, State, intended for the armed forces of any State
1D section 1 (d) of which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, other
Council Directive than the Member State of destination itself, for the
2006/112/EC use of those forces, or of the civilian staff
accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or
canteens when such forces take part in the common
defence effort.
VATEX- Exempt based on The supply of goods or services to the armed forces
EU-151- article 151, of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of
1E section 1 (e) of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment
Council Directive concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August
2006/112/EC 1960, which are for the use of those forces, or of the
civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying
their messes or canteens.
VATEX- Exempt based on Travel agents performed outside of EU. Matkatoimisto välittäjänä palvelu
EU-309 article 309 of kolmannessa maassa
Council Directive
VATEX- Reverse charge Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-AE-10 Only use with VAT category
EU-AE code AE
VATEX- Intra-Community Second-hand means of transport - Indication that Only use with VAT category
EU-D acquisition from VAT has been paid according to the relevant code E
second hand transitional arrangements
means of
VATEX- Intra-Community Second-hand goods - Indication that the VAT margin Only use with VAT category
EU-F acquisition of scheme for second-hand goods has been applied. code E
second hand
VATEX- Export outside Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-G-10 Only use with VAT category
EU-G the EU code G
VATEX- Intra-Community Works of art - Indication that the VAT margin Only use with VAT category
EU-I acquisition of scheme for works of art has been applied. code E
works of art
VATEX- Intra-Community Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-IC-10 Only use with VAT category
EU-IC supply code K
VATEX- Intra-Community Collectors' items and antiques - Indication that the Only use with VAT category
EU-J acquisition of VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and code E
collectors items antiques has been applied.
and antiques
VATEX- Not subject to Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-O-10 Only use with VAT category
EU-O VAT code O

EN16931 koodit
Lisäksi on koodit IG Kanarian saarille ja IP Ceutan ja Melillan alueet. Näiden koodien käyttö on tarkistettava EN16931-kuvauksesta.
Finvoice 3.0 ja TEAPPSXML 3.0 kentät ALV-erittelyssä

Laskussa veroerittely annetaan VatSpecificationDetails-rakenteessa /

Verokoodi VatCode / SUMMARY/VAT_SUMMARY/@VAT_TYPE (BT-118) kenttään
annetaan verokoodi (S, E, AE, K, G, O)
Veron selite annetaan kentässä VatFreeText /
ALV verottomuuden poikkeuskoodi (VATEX-koodi) kenttään VatExemptionReasonCode /


Z Vapaamuotoinen verottomuuden peruste on EI
annettava laskurivin vapaassa viestissä tai
tuotteen nimen yhteydessä.
E SELITE tai VATEX-koodi
K SELITE tai VATEX-koodi
G SELITE tai VATEX-koodi
O SELITE tai VATEX-koodi

Laskuesimerkit ovat liitteenä.

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