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English Language department

Worksheet 2, second term.

Name: Grade: 11th Date:

Objective: To show comprehension about adapted texts and apply vocabulary from the unit.
Vocabulary: Culture and Traditions.
Grammar spot: Present Simple and Perfect.
Skills: Reading and Writing.
Objetivo priorizado: OA3 utilizar su conocimiento del inglés en la comprensión y producción de oraciones escritas claras.

9 uniquely British traditions you must experience in the UK.

All across the year, we have an array of festivals, events and gatherings that mark particular points
of history in the UK – Most will guarantee you an awesome time, while others are downright funny
and bizarre!

1. British Morris Dancing in summer

The earliest records of Morris Dancing date back to the 15 th

Century, when “peasants” would dance the evening away! With
over 500 years of tradition passed down through generations.
Morris Dancers can usually be found at most Summer Fetes,
dressed and dancing to impress the crowds! If you ask nicely, they
will even let you join in at certain points so that you too can try the

2. British Maypole Dancing on May Day

Predominant in Britain and other parts of Europe, the

Maypole is a tall wooden poll that people
traditionally dance around on May Day or Whitsun.
The earliest records of Maypole dancing occurred in
14th Century Wales! Historians believe that people
danced around the Maypole for a number of reasons:

- To possibly promote fertility

- To create a symbolic place where local villages (often feuding could come together in
peace, or…
- Due to the Pagan notion of the universe being related to a tree (which I had no idea)!

Whatever the reason, it’s great fun…

If you want to join it on the celebrations, head to any large city park, or village fete that will
happen around Whitsun, you’re almost guaranteed to be dancing by the end of the day!
3. English Cheese Rolling in spring

Yes, as bizarre as it sounds! Cheese Rolling is held every year at Coopers Hill in
Gloucester, usually on the annual spring bank holiday – where thousands of
people will literally roll and chase a 9lb barrel of Gloucestershire cheese down
the hill! It is thought that this festival comes from the Pagan celebrations for
the end of winter, whereby barrels and burning bush would be rolled down the
hill. Anyone can choose to take part… just be prepared to have a tumble!

I. Pay attention to the bold words (keywords) and match them with
their synonyms.

1 Peasants 5 Something very strange or unusual.
2 Passed down 7 It’s said that Easter has heathen
3 Fetes 1 Farmhands are paid to work on a
4 Impress the crowds 6 Hamlets are located in the
5 Bizarre 2 Some traditions have been inherited
through the years.
6 Villages 3 Every country must have a peculiar
tradition or custom.
7 Pagan 4 In order to delight people, dancers
can be found at different festivals.

II. According to the text, write under each picture the correct statement. (two for each
 Fertility is possibly promoted in this tradition.
 Peasants danced the evening away.
 It is done every year at Coopers Hill in Gloucester.
 You can try the tradition if you ask them nicely.
 People run, roll and chase through a hill to catch a cheese.
 There is a wooden poll where people dance around.

  People run, roll and  You can try the

 Fertility is possibly chase through a hill to tradition if you ask
promoted in this tradition. catch a cheese. them nicely.
 
 There is a wooden  It is done every year  Peasants danced the
poll where people at Coopers Hill in evening away.
dance around. Gloucester. 
 

III. According to the text, look at this sentence and decide if the statements are True or

1. ___f__ the earliest records of Morris Dancing date back to the 16th Century.

2. ____f__ one of the reasons of Maypole was to create a place to come together in peace.

3. _____v_ it’s though that Cheese Rolling comes from the Pagan celebrations for the end of winter.

4. ____v__ British Morris Dancing has more than 500 years of tradition.

5. ___f___ The cheese is a 12lb barrel of Gloucestershire cheese.

6. ____v__ Maypole Dancing is related with a wooden poll where people dance around.

IV. Have you ever participated in one of these traditions? If not, tell us in what fete you
would like to participate and why? What kind of traditions do you have in your country?
What is your favourite tradition?

I have not participated in any of those traditions but I would like to participate in the English
Cheese Roll in spring because it sounds entertaining the traditions of my country are Emboque

Stick taught

My favorite would be the rodeo

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