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NIM : 050980558
Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS 531
Judul : TUGAS 2

1. Dear Vincent Prasad - This part is the salutation or greeting of the letter. It's where the sender
addresses the recipient of the recommendation letter. In this case, Rachel Gomez is addressing
Vincent Prasad, the intended recipient.

Body of the Letter - This section constitutes the main content of the letter. Rachel Gomez is
providing a recommendation for Ashley Singer, a candidate for the Jr. Data Analyst role at
Clouddatanow Tech. In this part, Rachel explains Ashley's qualifications, skills, and positive
attributes, highlighting why she is a suitable candidate for the position.

Rachel Gomez, Sr. Project Manager - This part represents the closing of the letter. Rachel
Gomez identifies herself with her name, job title, and contact information. It's the formal
conclusion of the letter, where the sender signs off and provides their contact details in case further
information or clarification is needed.

2. There are several errors in the letter that need attention:

1. "Thank u": The use of "u" instead of "you" is informal and not appropriate for a business letter.
The word should be spelled out as "thank you."

2. "4 july": The date format should follow standard conventions. It should be written as "July 4"
or "4th July."

3. "n" instead of "and": The letter uses "n" instead of the proper conjunction "and."

4. "receive" instead of "receiving": The phrase "I look forward to receive your order" should use
the gerund form "receiving" after the preposition "to."

5. "Sales Manage": There is a misspelling in the sender's job title. It should be "Sales Manager."

These errors pertain to informal language, incorrect date format, improper use of conjunctions,
grammatical structure, and spelling. The letter needs revisions to align with formal business
correspondence standards.

3. Dear Prof. Allen Smith,

I extend my deepest gratitude for your invaluable participation as a guest speaker at our recent
international seminar. Your insights on [specific topic] were illuminating and greatly enriched the
discussions, leaving a profound impact on all attendees.

Your expertise and articulate presentation not only captivated our audience but also inspired
budding minds in the field. The depth of knowledge and experience you shared has undoubtedly
elevated the quality of our seminar.

Your willingness to contribute your time and expertise reflects your dedication to advancing the
field. Your presence truly made our event a resounding success.

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NIM : 050980558
Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS 531
Judul : TUGAS 2

Once again, I express my sincere appreciation for your involvement. We look forward to future
collaborations and the possibility of welcoming you again to our future events.

Warm regards,

Chairman of the Committee for the International Seminar

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