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Mathematics in the Modern

Direct, O God,
We beseech You
All our actions by Thy Holy
And help them on by Thy gracious
So that every prayer and work of
ours may begin with Thee and by
Thee be happily ended. Amen
Lesson’s Learning Outcomes
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the
2. Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is
how it is expressed, represented, and used.
3. Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as a human
The Elephant and the 6 Blind Men
Different Perspectives
Different Perspectives
What is Mathematics?
What is Mathematics?
• …all about the unbelievable patterns of numbers
formed by nature and of the universe
• …all about language in different forms like patterns,
shapes, music and so on..
• …all about what our eyes can see, what our ears can
hear and even what we can perceive in our physical
What is Mathematics?
 A formal system of thought for recognizing,
classifying, and exploiting patterns (Stewart)

 The great secret uncovered by mathematics:

Nature’s patterns are not just there to be
admired, they are vital clues to the rules that
govern natural processes.
What is Mathematics?
 The word Mathematics comes from the Greek
mathema, which, in the Greek language, means “that
which is learnt,” or “lesson” in modern Greek.
What is Mathematics?
Common notions associated with mathematics:
 numbers and counting (operations)
Numeric and Geometric patterns
 patterns of movement
Characteristics of Mathematics
Logical Sequence
Precision and Accuracy
A tool subject
A system of logical procedure
An intuitive method
Characteristics of Mathematics
• 1. Classification – makes an individual to group
together objects according to similarities and
differences depending on specific criteria such as
shape (polygon, round), color , size, etc.
• 2. Logical Sequence – making ideas need to flow in
an order that makes sense.
• 3. Structure – on a set, it is an additional
mathematical object that is related so that given set
in some particular characteristic or manner, and
attaches (or relates) to the set to endow it with some
additional meaning or significance.
Characteristics of Mathematics
• 4. Precision and Accuracy – accuracy is how
close a measured value is to the actual (true)
value. It is the degree to which a given
quantity is correct and free from error.
Precision, on the other hand, is how close the
measured values are to each other.
• 5. Abstractness – is the process of extracting
the underlying essence of a mathematical
concept by taking away any dependence on
real-world objects.
Characteristics of Mathematics
• 6. Symbolism – the language of mathematics
is the system used by mathematicians to
communicate mathematical ideas using
symbols instead of words.
• 7. Applicability – the applicability of
mathematics can lie anywhere on a spectrum
from the completely simple (trivial) to the
utterly complex (mysterious)
• 8. Generalization – it is the process of finding
and singling out in a whole class of similar
Mathematics as a Science of
A pattern is a visible regularity in the world or in a man-
made design. As such, the elements, of a pattern
repeat in a predictable pattern. Patterns, in a
mathematical sense, refer to the study of “tilings” and
“wall paper-paper symmetries.” This connotes order,
regularity, and lawfulness. In the modern world, the
patterns of counting, measuring, reasoning, motion,
shape, position, and prediction, reveal the powerful
influence mathematics has over people’s perception of
Patterns in Nature
Any person can recognize the beauty of nature’s
mathematical patterns without any mathematical

Recognize Deduce the

the clues underlying
of rules and
patterns in regularities
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
Where is Mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it in nature!
We see hints or clues of it in nature!

We see hints or clues of it in nature!

Logic Patterns
One kind of logic pattern deals with the characteristics
of various objects. Another kind deals with order. Some
patterns appear in a sequence which some possess
similar attributes. To construct or solve a pattern, find
the rule for the pattern, understand the nature of the
sequence, and analyze the difference between the two
successive terms.
Number Patterns
Mathematics is very useful in making predictions.
Working with number patterns leads directly to the
concepts of functions in mathematics. It is important
that students are able to recognize number patterns to
help them develop their problem-solving skill.
Where is Mathematics?
In our daily routine!
Where is Mathematics?
In our work!
Where is Mathematics?
In people and communities!
Where is Mathematics?
In events!
What is it for?
• Organize patterns and regularities as well as
• To be able to predict
• To help us control weather, epidemics
• Provides tool for calculations
• Provides new questions to think about
What is mathematics all about?
• Numbers, symbols, notations
• Operations, equations, functions
• Processes and “thingification” of processes (that are
• Proof – a story rather than a sequence of statements
How is mathematics done?
• With curiosity
• With a penchant for seeking patterns and
generalities (inquisitiveness)
• With a desire to know the truth
• With trial and error
• Without fear of facing more questions and problems
to solve
Who uses mathematics?
• Mathematics: pure and applied
• Scientists : Natural and Social
• Practically everyone

 Different people use different mathematics at

different times, for different purposes, using different
tools, with different attitudes (Diversity and
Why is it important to know?
• It puts order in disorder
• It helps us become better persons
• It helps make the world a better place to live in

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