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Picture #1: Digital Parasite

Interpretation: This could represent that our increasing reliance on technology and
mobile devices can become overwhelming and all-consuming, to the point where
we feel like we are trapped or controlled by them. The spider-like cellphone parasite
could symbolize the negative effects that technology can have on our lives if we
become too dependent on it, such as addiction, isolation, and loss of control.
Alternatively, the image could also represent the idea that our technology is
controlling us rather than serving us, and that we need to be mindful of our
relationship with it in order to maintain our autonomy and well-being.
Picture #2: Illusion of Connection

Interpretation: The people lining up to enter the cellphone could symbolize the
desire for connection and communication. Meanwhile, the open cellphone could
also represent the idea that technology has become a gateway to a different reality
or world, where we can hide behind masks and present ourselves in ways that may
not be true to who we are.
Picture #3: Toxic Nourishment

Interpretation: The image could suggest that phones can distract us from the
important moments in our lives and lead us to make unhealthy choices. For
example, in the image, the woman is feeding the baby with soda instead of a more
nutritious option, which could have negative consequences for the baby's health.
Or maybe, the mother is making the child toxic by influencing the child to media
and technology by having more attention to her phone that her own child.
Picture #4: The Effects of the Digital Age

Interpretation: The image could represent the idea that the increasing reliance on
technology and virtual interactions can create a sense of disconnection and
detachment from the physical world and the people around us. The boy and girl on
the right seemed distant due to them focusing more on their phone than to their
relationship. On the other hand, the old man and woman that are hugging each
other are close has an intimate relationship because they stopped using media and
technology. The dropping of the canes on the floor could symbolize the idea that
the older generation may be less affected by technology and more focused on
physical interactions and connections.
Picture #5: Division by Devices

Interpretation: The image could represent the idea that the spread of technology
and media has created a culture of individualism and isolation, where people are
increasingly focused on their virtual interactions rather than their real-life
relationships. The large phone on the different photos symbolizes the ways in which
technology can dominate our lives and create a sense of detachment and
disconnection from the people around us.
Picture #6: Black Hole of Technology

Interpretation: In this picture, the people's faces being sucked into their phones
could symbolize the idea that technology can create a kind of vacuum or black hole,
where we become absorbed in the digital world and lose touch with our

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