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Category: Identify variables: How to be controlled/

manipulated/ measured

Independent variables (IDV) - We are changing the The time that the plates
time that the plates stay in the UV light
stay under the UV changes by 10 seconds
light. each time, affecting how
the bacteria grows and

Dependant variables - The control plate By counting the amount of

(DV) colonies , and the control in the plate colonie
antibiotic plate and antibiotics in the plate
colonies colonies.

Controlled variables (CV) - the time that the - All the radiation time
plates stay in the i put in the incubator
incubator for 24 hours , not
- The temperature of more than 24
the incubator - The temperature
doesn't change from
37 degrees celsius

2)Question: How many Antibiotic Plate Colonies did we end up having on the irradiation
time 50?

3) Hypothesis: I think that at 60 UV radiation time, there will be no more colonies on both

4) Control number: to compare the different amounts of colonies included in the


5) Materials: bacteria suspension, irradiated bacteria , antibiotic , control,

6) Procedure:
● Start the simulation by selecting a UV irradiation time.
● After irradiation, click on the test tube containing the bacterial suspension to plate
the bacteria.
● Click on the incubator to incubate the samples.
● Click on the plates to count the bacteria colonies on each plate.
● Click on "Restart Simulation" to start again.
● Flow chart of the simulation procedure

7) Data collection: (table at the bottom)

Data table/interpret data:

Irradiation time: Control Plate Colonies: Antibiotic Plate Colonies:

0 110 0

10 138 1

20 84 8

30 38 14

40 8 18

50 0 3

60 0 0

● The first graph tells me the control plate is decreasing as the irradiation time increases,
and it has a constant between 50 and 60
● While the second graph for the antibiotic plate tells me that my antibiotic plates increase
while the irradiation time increases, when it reaches its max point it decreases
● Both graphs have a decreasing point at 60 , 0

● We concluded that the control plate colonies will increase, while the antibiotic will
decrease, when the control plate decreases the antibiotic increases.
● Both of them are 0 at 60 irradiation time

explain the results of the data using scientific reasoning:

● The first graph tells me the control plate is decreasing as the irradiation time increases,
and it has a constant between 50 and 60
● While the second graph for the antibiotic plate tells me that my antibiotic plates increase
while the irradiation time increases, when it reaches its max point it decreases
● Both graphs have a decreasing point at 60 , 0

evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation:
● Our validity of the hypothesis is true, because at 60 UV irradiation time we did reach 0
control plates and antibiotic plates
explain improvements or extensions to the method:
● To improve we could maybe recount the control plates and the antibiotic plates to make
sure they were exactly accurate, and so our graph and conclusion could be slightly more

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