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Ani_Tsamalashvili–Task 21

Evaluated student: Mark

I. Pre-discussion questions

Identify at least three question that can help your peers address any weaknesses or points needing further
qualification in the analysis.



Summarize the main argument.

Elaborate in a couple of the essential elements of the analysis, especially in relation to how you

- The research question.

- The justification for choice of sources (bibliography + policy documents)
- The assessment and conclusion on gender mainstreaming

Identify the strengths of the research/note presentation.

Provide a minimum on one point / area that is well progressed.

Identify the areas that could be further strengthened.

Provide a minimum of three points that could be further clarified or need reworking \improvement.
Make sure your feedback is constructive and whenever possible try to provide a suggestion for
improvement whenever you identify a weakness.

Please place particular attention to:

 The framing of the research question in relation to the specific policy
 The presence and clarity of key definitions
 The selection and justification of sources (and overall balance for the needs of the RQ)
 How each source is summarized\analyzed in relation to the argument
 The selection and analysis of policy documents
 The coherence of the overall assessment of the policy question with the evidence provided by the
 Whether limitations of the analysis are sufficiently elaborated

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