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Tips for the Driving Test

Starting the test

1. Check under, front and back of car before getting in. Look both ways and
open/close the door quickly. Test starts when you’re getting in the car.
2. Greet and tell your name to the officer.
3. Adjust the seat, room mirror and put on seatbelt.
4. Start the car, adjust side mirrors. Put it in D and when the officer tells you to start,
signal and safety check before pulling away from the curb.

General Driving Tips

1. Drive on the left. Turn right into the far lane, turn left into the front lane.
2. Be sure to stop behind the line for lights, stop signs and blinking red lights. When
stopping at any stop sign, it must be a COMPLETE stop (for 3 seconds).
a. If it is a blind corner, still stop behind the line and then (after counting to 3),
slowly creep up, constantly checking both directions.
3. If you touch the curb during the test, STOP and back up. Rolling over a curb is
automatic fail. Go slow through narrow parts. There is no minimum speed
requirement or time limit. They want to make sure you can get through them, not
ZIP through them. If you feel like you will hit the curb or hit the wall (or hanging
sticks), safety check, reverse and try again. You are allowed to back up without
penalty for the first time, they will deduct points for the second and third times, fail
for the fourth time.
4. Go slow around curves (around 10mph).
a. No signal is required around a curve in the road. A signal is only required
for a turn.
b. Speed up to around 40-50mph (Max.60mph) on straight parts to show that
you can speed up in certain places.
5. Check safety, then signal before changing driving line.
a. Signal 30 meters (100 feet) ahead of a maneuver, or 3 seconds ahead.
b. For a left turn, check safety, signal, check safety, get over towards left to cut
off scooters. Slowly approach the corner. Check safety and pause while
c. For a right turn, the driving line should be about 50 cm (2 feet) from the
center line of the road (check in the side view mirror). Approach the

intersection and pull ahead towards the diamond. Do not drive over the
diamond when turning right.
d. For obstructions in the road on the left side, keep 1-1.5 meters (3-5 feet)
between left side of car and obstruction. Signal both directions (right as
getting up to the obstruction to show you’ll veer into oncoming traffic lane,
left as you pass the obstruction to show you’re going back into your normal
driving lane).
6. Stay in the left lane while driving unless instructed to do so be obvious about
everything you do. Lots of safety checks! Constantly check your mirrors.
a. If you pass a road, check down it like you’re looking for oncoming traffic.
7. Every time when officer say something, please make sure to reply “Yes or Hai or
If you need to ask for directions again, you can say “Mou ichido Onegai shimasu”.
It is also ok to ask “Left?” or “Right?” or “Number 12?” if you aren’t sure and want to
confirm. The instructor is allowed to answer again to confirm directions. You are
allowed to make wrong turns…that’s not necessarily part of the test…as long as
you are able to get back onto the course.

The End
1. Pull into the numbered spot indicated by the instructor (safety check before
changing your drive line!!!). The pole should be about in line with the corner of the
car. Don’t pull up too far. Keep the signal on the whole way in until parking is
finished. You want to be about 30 cm (a little over 1 foot or the width of a binder)
away from the curb. Go slow pulling in.
2. Turn off the car.
3. Thank the instructor.
4. Do a safety check when getting out of the vehicle.

The main thing the driving center wants to confirm is that we can be safe, that we
can show we are aware of the road and traffic rules in Japan.

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