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Media Campaign Project

Intergenerational Dialogue
An outline for the intergenerational dialogue over the issues of FGM and CM in Ethiopia

An intergenerational dialogue over the issues of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Child Marriage
(CM) in Ethiopia is an important platform for discussion and awareness-raising. Some of the topics to be
discussed on the dialogue include

1. Understanding the cultural and historical context of these HTPs: (BoWSA)

Discuss the cultural and historical factors that have contributed to the persistence of FGM and CM in
Ethiopia. The answer can involve:

 Sharing different perspectives on why these practices exist and

 Exploring alternative cultural practices that promote gender equality and women's rights.
2. Health consequences: (BOH)

Educating participants about the physical and psychological health risks associated with FGM and early
marriage, including complications during childbirth, mental health issues etc…

But it is equally important to discuss the healthcare services and resources available for people in need.

3. Legal framework and policies: (BOJ )

Raising awareness about existing national and international laws and policies related to FGM and CM,

 Legislations criminalizing these practices and

 Initiatives aimed at eradication of these practices.

Discussing the importance of enforcing these laws effectively and ensuring legal protection for survivors
is very important.

4. Education and empowerment:(BOH)

Highlight the importance of education, particularly for girls, in breaking the cycle of FGM and CM.

Discuss strategies to overcome barriers to education, such as

 Poverty,
 Traditional beliefs, and
 Gender stereotypes.

5. Engaging community leaders and elders: (Religious leaders)

Emphasize on the critical role of community leaders and elders in initiating change and challenging
harmful practices.

Discuss ways to involve them actively in community dialogues and fostering community-level
Media Campaign Project
Intergenerational Dialogue
6. Alternative cultural practices:

Explore positive cultural practices and traditions that promote gender equality, women's empowerment,
and the well-being of children.

 Sharing success stories and experiences from other communities where harmful practices have
been successfully challenged can be inspiring.
7. Youth engagement and activism:

Encourage young people's active participation in raising awareness and advocating for change.

Discuss the role of youth-led organizations, social media, and innovative campaigns in promoting
dialogue, providing information, and challenging harmful norms.

These topics should be handled with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives. It is important to
ensure a safe space for all participants to share their thoughts and experiences openly.

Possible suggestions for panelists and participants for an intergenerational dialogue

 Respected elders: from the community who can provide insights into the historical and cultural
context of FGM and child marriage. Their wisdom and traditional knowledge can help facilitate a
deeper understanding of the issues.
 Young people: Their perspectives are crucial as they are directly affected by these practices and can
offer valuable insights into the challenges they face and potential solutions.
 Survivors: because we need to give a voice to survivors of FGM and Child Marriage who can share
their personal stories, challenges, and the impact these practices have had on their lives. Their
firsthand experiences can help create empathy and understanding among the audience.
 Community leaders: including religious leaders and local influencers who can share their
perspectives on the cultural and social aspects related to FGM and Child Marriage. Their involvement
can help bridge generational gaps and promote dialogue between different age groups.
 Parents and caregivers: Include parents and caregivers who can share their experiences, concerns,
and aspirations regarding FGM and Child Marriage. Their perspectives are essential as they play a
crucial role in decision-making processes within families and communities.
 Educators: Invite teachers, school administrators, or education experts who can discuss the role of
education in preventing FGM and Child Marriage. They can also share best practices and strategies
for raising awareness among students and engaging them in discussions on these issues.
 Representatives from government bodies like the BoWSA, BOJ, BOH, and BOE responsible for
addressing and combating FGM and Child Marriage. They can provide insights into existing policies,
programs, and initiatives, as well as their plans for future actions.
 NGOs and civil society organizations: Engage representatives from local or international NGOs and
civil society organizations working on women's rights, child protection, or gender equality in
Ethiopia. They can share their experiences, ongoing projects, and efforts to address FGM and child
Media Campaign Project
Intergenerational Dialogue
The participants in the intergenerational dialogue can also include policymakers, gender and human right
activists, educators, parents, students, and other community members who are interested in learning more
about these issues and contributing to the dialogue.


1. Remember to ensure a balanced representation of both men and women on the panel to promote
gender equality and inclusivity.
2. The total no of participants to be 30 including the panelists.

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