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LinkUp Addis Event Organizer On-Boarding Document

Linkets: LinkUp Addis's Ticket Sales Scheme

About Linkets
LinkUp Addis has been one of the leading online media and event organizing companies in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. With a wide network and strong digital presence, it has been the most influential event
promotion platform for a few years now.

With its proven track record in promoting and organizing events in Addis Ababa, LinkUp Addis is
currently venturing into event management through its app and website that supports virtual event
booking (RSVP) and online ticket purchase.

Why You Should Be on and Use LinkUp Addis's Event Management Platforms
As an event organizer, having an event profile on LinkUp Addis and creating your events on LinkUp has a
lot of benefits. Below are a few of the benefits you get:

 As you create your event on our App/website, you will get postings on LinkUp Addis's social
media platforms that have tens of thousands of followers on Telegram, Instagram, and
Facebook pages, your events will receive a public exposure you that no other event platform can
provide your event (we post up to three posts/stories on each of our platforms given there is at
least a five-days' time before the event date
 As an event organizer selling tickets on LinkUp Addis, your event will enjoy paid/sponsored ads
of up to USD 10 (on LinkUp Addis's discretion) on LinkUp Addis's Facebook and Instagram pages
 Selling your event tickets on LinkUp Addis, LinkUp Addis will follow up on the ticket sales
process, assign event ticket checkers who will scan 'Linkets' with LinkUp's native ticket scanning
 In addition to Linkets' ticket scanning team, we will assign a team ticket sales people without
any charge/fee.
 With tickets that are ETB 200 (Two hundred Birr) value, LinkUp Addis does not take any
commission or service charge for the sale of the first 50 tickets.
 For your RSVP only events, LinkUp Addis helps you promote your event with at least two (2)
posts/stories on each of our social media platforms, assign RSVP checkers free of charge, and
transfer your event RSVP data.
Creating Your Event Organizer Profile on LinkUp Addis
You can create your event organizer profile on LinkUp Addis in Five simple steps:

1. Sign up/in to the LinkUp App or website ( with Google or by inserting
our email and password and verifying through our email inbox.
2. Once you Sign-in go to the 'Explore' page and tap on 'Become Organizer'
3. Insert all the requires information, and hit 'Register' (Your registration will be approved within
two-hours after registration)
4. Once your request is approved you can start creating your events in the explore page.

Note: Optionally, with your consent, our sales and marketing team can create both a User Account and
Event Organizer Profile on your behalf, and transfer it to you to manage it.

Selling Your Event Tickets and/or Collecting RSVPs on LinkUp Addis

1. Go to the 'Explore' page and hit 'Add New Event'
2. Insert all the required information about your event.
3. If your event is free but needs RSVP, hit 'Bookable'
4. If your event will sell event tickets on LinkUp Addis, hit 'In-app Ticket Sales'
5. If your event is neither RSVP nor in-app ticket sales, just add the optional nominal ticket price.
6. 'Save' your event
7. Your event will be approved within two hours.

LinkUp Addis's Sales Commission Scheme

Value Threshold Commission on the First Commission on the
50 Tickets (VAT Inc) Remaining Sales (VAT
<=200 0% 8%
201-500 6% 6%
501-800 5% 5%
>800 4% 4%

Collecting Your Ticket Sales Proceeds and Sales Commission

1. LinkUp Addis does not take any commission on the sales of the first 50 tickets for events with
entrance fee of ETB 200 or less.
2. The proceeds of the event ticket sales will be transferred to the 'Event Organizer's Account'
within a maximum of four work days through a bank account the event organizer chooses.

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