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Тема 1. Структура и задачи Вооруженных Сил.

Занятие 4. Военно-морские силы.


Активная лексика

Naval Forces (Navy) Военно-Морские Силы (ВМС)

fleet флот
amphibious warfare морские десантные операции
riverine речной
littoral прибрежный
surface ships надводные корабли
amphibious ships десантные корабли
submarines подводные лодки
ancillary вспомогательный, добавочный,
подсобный; подчинённый
shore берег
ferry troops перебрасываемые войска
nuclear deterrence сдерживание путём ядерного
Submarine-launched ballistic missile баллистическая ракета подводного
distinction разница; отличие; различие
maritime морской; приморский; береговой
Упражнение 1. Прослушайте и переведите текст.

A navy or maritime force is a fleet of waterborne military vessels (watercraft)

and its associated naval aviation, both sea-based and land-based. It is the branch of
a nation's armed forces principally designated for naval and amphibious
warfare; namely, lake-borne, riverine, littoral, or ocean-borne combat operations
and related functions. It includes anything conducted by surface ships,
amphibious ships, submarines, and seaborne aviation, as well as ancillary support,
communications, training, and other fields; recent developments have
included space-related operations. The strategic offensive role of a navy
is projection of force into areas beyond a country's shores (for example, to protect
sea-lanes, ferry troops, or attack other navies, ports, or shore installations). The
strategic defensive purpose of a navy is to frustrate seaborne projection-of-force by
enemies. The strategic task of the navy also may incorporate nuclear deterrence by
use of Submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Naval operations can be broadly
divided between riverine and littoral applications (brown-water navy), open-ocean
applications (blue-water navy), and something in between (green-water navy),
although these distinctions are more about strategic scope than tactical or
operational division.
In most nations, the term "naval", as opposed to "navy", is interpreted as
encompassing all maritime military forces, e.g., navy, marine / marine corps, and
coast guard forces.

Упражнение 2. Посмотрите на рис.4 и опишите его на английском


Упражнение 3. Переведите описание и подберите подходящий

термин из коробочки.

submarine port installation enemy

warfare vessel navy

1) ………………… - a large boat or a ship;

2) ………………… - the activity of fighting a war, often including the
weapons and methods that are used;
3) ………………… - a ship that can travel underwater;
4) ………………… - the part of a country's armed forces that is trained to
operate at sea;
5) ………………… - a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour, or
the harbour itself;
6) ………………… - a country, or the armed forces of a country, that is
at war with another country;
7) ………………… - a place where there are buildings and equipment that
have a particular, especially military, purpose.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова из коробочки в пропущенные места,

а затем переведите текст устно.

capable aircraft construction personnel admiral chairman

reserve naval battle two navy

The United States Navy (USN) is the ________ warfare service branch of
the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the
United States. The U.S. _______ is the largest, most _________ navy in the world,
with the highest combined _______ fleet tonnage. The U.S. Navy has the world's
largest _________ carrier fleet, with ten in service, ________ in the reserve
fleet, and three new carriers under ___________. The service has 323,792
_________ on active duty and 108,515 in the Navy _________. It has 274
deployable combat vessels and more than 3,700 aircraft in active service as of
October 2016.
The Navy is administratively managed by the Department of the Navy, which
is headed by the civilian Secretary of the Navy. The Department of the Navy is
itself a division of the Department of Defense, which is headed by the Secretary of
Defense. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is a four-star _________ and the
senior naval officer of the Department of the Navy. However, the CNO may not be
the highest ranking naval officer in the armed forces if the _________ or the Vice
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are Navy officers, who by law, outrank the

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения с русского на английский.

1) Военно-морские силы Казахстана были созданы Указом Президента

Республики Казахстан 2 апреля 1993 года. Первоначально в городе Актау
была сформирована военно-морская база.

2) В июле 1999 года военно-морская база вошла в состав Морских

частей Пограничной службы КНБ Республики Казахстан.

3) 7 мая 2003 года издан Указ Президента Республики Казахстан №1085

«О мерах по дальнейшему совершенствованию структуры Вооруженных Сил
Республики Казахстан». С этого момента Военно-морские силы
окончательно сформировались как самостоятельный вид
Вооруженных Сил Республики Казахстан.

4) В феврале 2010 года Президент страны – Верховный

Главнокомандующий Вооруженными Силами Республики Казахстан
Нурсултан Абишевич Назарбаев вручил Боевое Знамя главнокомандующему
Военно-морскими силами Вооруженных Сил Республики Казахстан.

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