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My name is Jack, people call me Jay for short.

I am tall in height and I have a medium build, I love

eating sweet foods like, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, chocolate eclairs, biscuits, all foods like that, but I

am very sporty so I burn off all the sweet food I eat.

I have a full head of very thick, dark brown, glossy, wavy hair which keeps flopping into my eyes, it

annoys me as I have to keep moving it out the way all of the time. I have a medium sized scar in my

eyebrow which I got once when I was climbing the blossom tree at the bottom of my garden on one

lovely spring day. That day I remember it being really warm and sunny, all I wanted to do was go out

and explore, especially as all winter we had really bad weather, like snow, sleet, rain, hail and wind.

So, the first chance I got to go out and play I did. I decided to climb our tree and one of the branches

flicked out and scratched my eyebrow making it bleed and leaving a scar. I had to have stitches on it

which were really cool.

I prefer to stay in my favourite pair of light blue jeans, my red hoodie (because of the toggles) and

my best trainers that I absolutely love. I like to wear comfortable clothing for when I am on my

adventures, that way I can run fast away from any danger.

One thing that really frightens me are clowns. Although I am very adventurous and active, clowns

really scare the living day lights out of me. This all started one time when my parents took me to a

circus while we were away on holiday in Benidorm. The clown came running towards me and all I

could see were his two creepy, big, yellow eyes and a massive red nose and an even bigger mouth.

Ever since then I hate going to circuses or birthday parties where there will be clowns. This is

something I have always kept to myself and not told anyone about, not even my mum and dad.

My best buddy, who always went everywhere with me, especially on my adventures, his name was

Chase, he was a black/brown German Shepherd, and he was massive with a wet nose. He was my

best friend and never left me alone and was never out of my sight. We had so much fun together

from hot summer evenings running through the yellow corn fields, at the back of my house, to cold

winter days, building snowmen and then sitting by the log fire drinking hot cocoa and Chase used to

eat all the marshmallows while we watched TV. Chase died a little while a go as he was old and this

broke my heart and left me feeling really really sad as I lost my best friend and companion ever.

It has gone really dark and the air around me has turned pitch black, I can hear a noise, it looks like
a shadow as if someone is in here with me. I remember now, I was running like I always used to
with my buddy and I found an entrance to what looked like a secret hideout, I went in and tripped
over, I hit my head, everything turned all dark and gloomy. I must have fallen asleep for a while
and not realised that it was actually dark outside and it was the evening, I can hear someone in
here with me, it’s my dad! He came out here looking for me because I had been gone for so long
had been gone almost the whole day, “Come on Jay, let’s go home and have our dinner, your
mother has made your favourite, roast dinner, you have had quite an adventure for today on your
own”, and off we went, with my dad holding my hand. Let’s see what adventures tomorrow will
bring and what tricks my imagination will play with me.

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