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PROFESOR: Marbelis Josefina Rivero,

INTEGRANTES: Mónica Peralta Chumpitaz, Mathias Victorio


Observation :

We have observed how music in English is currently listened to by

young people and they do not know how important it is as a tool to
learn the language.

Problem statement :
What is the importance of music in English?

General objective:
The objective of this project is to analyze and demonstrate how music
in English can be an effective tool to improve listening comprehension,
vocabulary and pronunciation in learning the English language.

Hypothesis :
Music in English plays an important role in society, as it not only fulfills
entertainment functions, but also acts as a powerful cultural tool,
facilitating artistic expression, promoting and serving as a medium for
the transmission of values and experiences. shared globally.

Investigating how music in English helps language learning has value
because it can motivate students, allows for scientific analysis of its
effectiveness in language acquisition, and can lead to more effective
teaching strategies for the benefit of students and educators.

Theoretical framework:
The relationship between music and the learning of a second language has been the
subject of interest and study in various disciplines, such as psychology, linguistics and
education. In the specific context of learning the English language, music has proven to be
a valuable tool that can enhance and enrich the educational process. Several key aspects
are explored below.
Cognitive Stimuli and Memory:
Music, by having elements such as rhythm, melody and repetition, can act as a cognitive
stimulus that facilitates the retention and retrieval of information. Various studies have
shown that associating words with melodies can improve long-term memory, suggesting
that music can be an effective tool in teaching vocabulary and grammar when learning a
new language.
Motivation and Emotional Engagement:
Music has the unique ability to evoke emotions and create emotional connections.
Integrating music into the English language learning process can increase students'
motivation, making it more engaging and fun. Emotionally connecting with English songs
can generate a deeper interest in the language and promote more meaningful learning.
Development of Listening and Pronunciation Skills:
Constant exposure to music in English contributes to the development of listening skills
and improves the perception of specific sounds of the language. Additionally, by singing or
following the lyrics of songs, students have the opportunity to practice pronunciation
naturally, improving their ability to reproduce sounds and linguistic patterns.
Culturalization and Contextualization:
Music is a powerful cultural manifestation. Integrating English songs into the classroom
allows students to immerse themselves in English-speaking culture, providing an authentic
context for learning the language. This not only expands cultural knowledge, but also
improves contextual understanding of everyday idioms and forms of communication.
Playful and Collaborative Learning:
Incorporating music into playful and collaborative activities can foster an interactive
learning environment. Games, listening activities, and collaborative music projects can
strengthen language skills in a fun and participatory way.
In summary, music in English is presented as a multifaceted pedagogical tool that not only
facilitates the acquisition of linguistic skills, but also enriches the learning experience by
providing a playful, emotional and culturally contextualized approach.

Independent variable: Exposure to English Music". This variable represents the
amount and frequency with which study participants are exposed to English music
as part of their learning environment.
Dependent variable: "Performance in Learning English." This indicator would cover
various aspects, such as progress in vocabulary, grammar, listening skills,
pronunciation and understanding of the English language.

Experimentation :
We conducted a survey of students at the institution in which we
asked the following:
- Do you like listening to music in English?
- Do you think the song lyrics have helped you improve your
English vocabulary?
- Does music motivate you to learn English more actively?
- Do you think music can influence learning the English
Conclusions :
In conclusion, music plays a significant role in learning English, offering benefits
that go beyond the simple acquisition of vocabulary and grammar. Music in
educational practices can be a valuable strategy to improve the learning of English
learners, as the use of music in English learning can act as a motivator for
students. The combination of melody and lyrics can make language acquisition
more engaging and enjoyable.

Recommendations :
We recommend that to learn the English language, music can be very
helpful, since it will make you improve your listening comprehension,
your vocabulary and grammar, in addition to this you are making the
way of learning attractive, fast and fun. language.

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