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1. PREFACE……………………………………………………………………………………………..4
2. It’s in the unfamiliar that we find hidden opportunities........................ 5
3. Be Daring………………………………………………….……………….………………………..8
4. Stop Pursuing Pleasure because Pleasure is not happiness.……………….11

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

5. Are you caught up in the vicious FOMO cycle? ….………………………………14
6. Do you practice moral hygiene?........................................... ................17
7. Opportunity utilization and Maximization.……………………………...….…....20
8. Be invested. Don’t be wasted……………………………..…………………………..…23
9. Be the Cycle breaker in your family.……………………………………………….….26
10. Avoid group thinking because its common and average.……………………29
11. Is your conscience healthy or seared? ………………………………………………32
12. You need shock absorbers…………………………………………………………………35
13. The Law of Affinity………………………………. ……………………………………….….39
14. Practice Patience and Impulse control.………………………………………….….42
15. Stop chasing. Start attracting………………………… ………………………………...45
16. Thinking vs. soaking in information ……………………………………….……..….48
17. Resolve to become more Astute………… …………………………………………...51
18. Learn to insist on Quality and Excellence.………………………………...........55
19. Be who you were before the negative stuff happened...….………………58
20. You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you attract ….………....61
21. Have a Fighting Spirit…………………………………………………………….............65
22. Avoid Prolonged Vulnerability…… …………………………………………………...68
23. Don’t grow up when it’s too late………… …………………………………………..71
24. Don’t make poor Financial choice……………………… ………………………..….74
25. Opportunities that hide in plain sight……………………………………………....77
26. The hands will eventually always work for the hands……………………….81
27. Misplaced and Misapplied education and talent…. ………………….…..….84
28. Cultivate Intellectual humility……………………………………………………………87
29. You don’t need more than 5 years to change your story…………………..89
30. How to turn Passion into Profit……………………………………………………..….92

31. Resolve to avoid Junk……………………………………………………………………….95
32. Its guts not genius that makes people successful……………………………..99
33. Your case is urgent…………………………………………………………………………..102
34. Develop a healthy relationship with Money…………………………………….106
35. Choose to be Obsessed about Success…………………………………………….109
36. Naughty, mischievous & troubled people…………………………… ..113
37. Don’t play defense as your long -term strategy……………………..117

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

38. The birthing of your idea or dream is long overdue……………….120
39. The best use of your Mind………………………………………………………………123
40. Do you see yourself clearly?...............................................................126
41. Conditions will never be Perfect. Just do what you have to do……….130
42. Take root downward, bear fruit upward…………………………………………133
43. Personal Alignment…………………………………………………………………136
44. Have Class. Don’t be caught up with status symbols………………………139
45. The value of financial education…………………………………………………….141
46. Shift up levels……………………………………………………………………….145
47. Vacant Opportunities and vacant possibilities in life…………….148
48. One shot is all you need……………………………………………………….151
49. Build on both your failures and your strengths…………………….154
50. Stop looking for open doors. Go for closed doors instead…...157
51. Brain Betrayal………………………………………………………………………160

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3
Copyright © 2021
Dr. Walubita Siyanga Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including storage and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from the publisher, except by a
reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

Gold nuggets are generally the most sought-after form of
natural gold due to the fact that they take time to form and
are difficult to find. Due to their rarity, gold nuggets tend
to fetch a higher price compared to other forms of gold on

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

the market. The brighter and shinier the nugget is, the
higher the percentage of gold in it, and thus a higher price.
This book is made up of wise shiny nuggets to lead you to
personal success.

A lot of people excel in life by using these principles

subconsciously without being aware. Now you will be
aware of them and they will start working in your life.

I strongly believe that in this book, I have provided simple,

concise and easy to apply wisdom for your daily personal
success. They have worked for me and I know they will
work for you.

This book is volume 3 in the series of many books to come.

Read this book over and over and let it guide you to a life
of sustained personal success.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“I have come to learn and appreciate that It's

actually in the unfamiliar that we find hidden

When human beings first learned how to control fire, it must
have been strange, unfamiliar, and weird. Today, fire allows
us to cook food and get warmth. It’s very interesting how we
relate to people or things that we don’t understand.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

We are quite guarded about the unfamiliar. Rightly so but the
unfortunate part is that most of us tend to judge too quickly
and negatively those things we do not know. At times, we
tend to think the worst of anything that we misunderstand.
(It's like that person you didn't like until you got to know them
for yourself.)

I have come to learn and appreciate that It's actually in the

unfamiliar that we find hidden opportunities. It's in the
unknown that we find hidden treasure. It's good sense to be
open-minded about what you don’t know. Do not hate
something because it's strange and do not despise what you
don’t understand.

Instead, learn to have a healthy curiosity for the new, the

strange, and the unfamiliar. Investigate the unknown. Take

up new things. Pioneer potentialities. The stranger can
become a great friend.

That new idea can unlock wealth for you. It may be the one
thing that changes your life forever.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So, take an interest. Be a bit more curious. Investigate things
that may be strange to you. Learn new things. Be adventurous
and discover new opportunities. Do this and see how
greatness will come your way.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

"You only really start to win when you are no

longer afraid to lose."

Think of anybody successful. Study people who are leading
in any industry or area of life and I will show you the one
quality that they all possess. That one quality is the ability to

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he dares to lose
sight of the shore.”

To be daring is to be radical, audacious, bodacious, and

brazen. It means to have the nerve to do things that others
won't naturally do. It's having no fear of loss or failure.

"Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is

part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also
avoid success." ~Robert T. Kiyosaki

Growth, development, change, prosperity, and progress all

happen when someone daring enough takes the step to
change the status quo. It's the hardest times in history that

have produced Billionaires and Agents of change that have
defined the future.
So, realize that nothing moves until you do. Your financial
status, relationship status, health status, etc. will not change
until you do something radical, audacious, bodacious, and

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

brazen. Life today is not business as usual.
In today’s world, if you are casual, you will be a casualty. So
when things become hard, you need to go hard too. When
things are tough, the daring tough it out and place a demand
on situations until things change. So, stop cowering. Be bold!
Dare big things! Attempt big things because nothing will
change until you dare to change things!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Many people spend their hard-earned resources

chasing pleasure when they could be more
productive and less wasteful by pursuing true

Pleasure is the state or feeling of being pleased. It’s a high
that is derived from gratification and frivolous enjoyment.
Many people today waste themselves chasing after pleasure.
They are into drinking, smoking, partying, sex, irresponsible
spending, and emotional entanglements, all the while, not

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

realizing that pleasure is not Happiness.

So how do I know that pleasure is not Happiness? Well with

happiness, you get a sense of fulfillment and contentment
with what you are doing. But with pleasure, you keep chasing
for more and more of something that gets you elated and
high and it's never enough. So, it's more and more drinking.
More substance abuse. More and more sex. It's party after
party and after the temporal high, you want to do more so
that you get a higher high.
However, the biggest challenge with all this is that many
people spend their hard-earned resources chasing pleasure
when they could be more productive and less wasteful by
pursuing true happiness.

The truth is that you are more productive and more
constructive in life when you are happy. Pleasure on the other
hand depletes you before it destroys you. It not only finishes
your money, but it also depletes your health, ruins the quality
of your relationships, and erodes the overall quality of your

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

The goal in life is to have true fulfillment and contentment
which embodies real freedom from bad habits and gives you
real peace. Always Remember this: Pleasure is not Happiness!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“FOMO means - Fear of Missing Out. It's having

that uneasy feeling that you are missing out on the

FOMO is a real word in the dictionary. It's was officially added
to the English Oxford dictionary in 2013. FOMO means - Fear
of Missing Out. It's having that uneasy feeling that you are
missing out on the latest. It's that urge to be in the know of
what is trending (juicy gossip, scandals, and news) when it

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

happens and where it's happening. It's wanting to have the
latest or to be the latest.

Fomo is what makes people check their phones first thing

when they wake up. It makes them check their phone again
and again all day so that they don't feel left out. It makes you
browse during meals and before going to bed at the expense
of human interaction. FOMO costs career and business
people a lot of productive time, browsing instead of working.

Well, Fomo is a terrible thing because it cocoons your life in a

loop that robes you of real-life which can only be experienced
away from social media. (Note that the only real life is real
life. Not social media.) Therefore, you must worry when social
media becomes more real than real life to you.

FOMO makes us compare our lives with our peers and few
will admit this truth: Fomo is an addiction that has become a
major source of depression, anxiety, and unhappiness for
most people today.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

We check social media constantly wondering if our lives are
measuring up to our peers and all the while, our Peers are
only posting their best moments, best pictures, best events
and that is what we constantly want to measure up to. So, my
question to you today is simple: Are you caught up in the
vicious Fomo cycle?


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Practice moral cleanliness and moral purity on a

personal level.”

So, what is moral Hygiene? Moral Hygiene has to do with
being able to practice the purest moral standards at a
personal level especially where no one is looking. E.g., People
condemn beer publicly but drink privately and some people
say 'i hate liars' meantime they are chief liars themselves.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

They say it's wrong to steal, meantime they steal at work in a
major way. They talk of faithfulness in relationships and
marriage yet they are masters at cheating on their partner.
For them, it's talking the standard, and then do the opposite
and make sure you don't get caught. So, when you talk and
practice a standard publicly and then turn to practice the
opposite privately, you must question your moral hygiene.

It's more like what Jesus spoke about the Pharisees in

Matthew 23:27-28 NIV - “Woe to you, teachers of the law and
Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs,
which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full
of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the

same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous,
but on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”
Maybe you say stealing is bad only because society says
stealing is bad. But until stealing is bad for you on a personal
level, you must question your moral hygiene.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

I encourage you today. Clean up on the inside. Bad must be
bad to you privately as well. Wrong things must be wrong to
you personally. So here is a challenge for you as you begin the
weekend: Practice moral cleanliness and moral purity on a
personal level.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“When you see an opportunity, move fast, act on

it, and profit from it!”

I define opportunity as a favorable time and occasion for
profitable results. The truth about opportunities is that they
are everywhere and they avail themselves all the time. But
the secret about opportunities is that they are like the sun.
Let me explain:

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

1. Opportunities come like sunrise - Most of us miss them
because at sunrise there is some darkness. Things are not so
clear, and we throw out brilliant (ideas) opportunities
because they feel vague and unclear.

2. Opportunities shine like the mid-day sun - Just like the

intensity of the mid-day sun, by the time an opportunity is full
and blazing, only those with capacity (financial and
otherwise) can take them on. Therefore, many who lack
capacity just watch opportunities get taken by those who can
afford them. So, if you lack capacity, you can't afford full-
blown opportunities.

3. Opportunities are like Sunset - Most people make up their
minds to jump on opportunities in the sunset of the
opportunity. We think of making a profit from opportunities
when they are just about to expire.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So, don’t wait to seize opportunities in their mid-day blaze or
in their sunset. That's too late! Capture opportunities in their
Sunrise. The moment you see it, grab it! Figure it out! Exploit
it! Make a profit off it! Be the one to introduce that
opportunity to others in its mid-day state.

Also, be the person to jump on another opportunity when

your previous opportunity hits sunset (expires). When you
see an opportunity, move fast, act on it, and profit from it! Do
you accept Challenge?


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Truly successful people invest resources while the

poor waste them.”

Time is a resource. Ideas are a resource. Age - older or
younger Is a resource. Talent is a resource. Who you know,
exposure, experience, education, and background are all
resources. Money is also a resource but it's not the only
resource. Fact: Truly successful people invest resources while

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

the poor waste them. So, I propose the following:

1. Invest in your personal development. Get an education for

personal growth. Not just for a paper. Study. Read. Grow in
thinking. Put in time. Put in money and energy developing

2. Invest in your health. Live well. Eat well. Rest well. Don't
make yourself sick. Health is the greatest wealth.

3. Invest in your Wife/Husband/Children. Family is everything

so never take family resources outside your family. No side-
chicks or Side-dudes - Only fools do such. Invest good money
in your Wife/Husband. Invest money in your children. Not just
school fees. Be a present. Mother/Father.

4. Invest in your Home. Spend on your house. Make it a
proper haven of rest. Don't treat your home like a guest
house where you just go and sleep. Let it be a place you enjoy.
Enjoy eating at home rather than eating out. Tragedy is when
you would rather go clubbing instead of being at home in your

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

free time.

5. Invest towards a secured future. Put in ideas, time, and

finances to secure a brighter future. Invest everything you
don't need today so that it enriches you and your family's

In conclusion, don't get wasted with negative social vices,

alcohol, illicit sex, side-chicks, side-dudes, and time spent
away from people who love you because you are clubbing. I
challenge you: Be invested. Don't be wasted.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“You too can resolve that enough is enough.”

Negative cycles tend to have generational impacts on us. E.g.
Some families have continuous financial struggles and
poverty seems to be prevalent generationally. In some
families, people just don't finish school and other families
have low levels of education with no degree, master's, or

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

doctorate holders. In other families, no one has had a
successful marriage and everyone ends up single or divorced,
while others end up with children outside marriage but never
getting married. In other families, they struggle with health
issues and there is a pattern of health challenges. Realize that
these negative cycles do not stop until a cycle breaker rises.

A Cycle breaker is a person who comes from a background

with struggles as mentioned above… but they choose to break
the cycle. You too can resolve that enough is enough and that
what destroyed your parents or what is prevailing in your
family will not destroy you. Decide that it stops with you! So
how do you stop the negative cycle? Well, the only way to
stop them is to do and be the exact opposite of the negative
cycles that naturally occur in your family.

So, if your family naturally gravitates towards poverty,
addictions, alcohol and drug abuse, bad or no marriages,
children outside marriage, or the same type of sickness killing
person after person from generation to generation then find
the appropriate solution. Seek spiritual, academic, marital,

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

and entrepreneurial help.

Pay the price! Go to school. Work hard. Create wealth. Get

married properly. Avoid substance and alcohol abuse. Stay
married successfully. Make sure you avoid having children
outside MARRIAGE and don't take any shortcuts. Be your
family's cycle breaker!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“If you want uncommon results in life, dare to do

what crowds avoid.”

With limited opportunities that are sought after by crowds,
only a few get them, and sometimes those that get them are
never even in the crowds.
If you want common results then do common things. If you
want group results, then engage in group thinking. But if you

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

want different results, dare to do things differently!

When others are in the crowd fighting for a limited

opportunity, learn to use retail thinking, not wholesale
thinking because it's retail thinking that gets you to the peak
of success. And as you know, it's not congested at the top of
success. Congestion due to group thinking is at the bottom of
the success ladder.

There is indeed room at the Top and those who get there
don't use group thinking. Let me give you some other
examples so that you understand me. E.g., Instead of waiting
to do your road tax on the due date, do it pressure-free a
week earlier and you won’t have to stand in the line for hours.

Instead of buying summer clothes when it's hot, buy them in
the cold season when they are cheap. Instead of going to the
movies when it's crowded on the weekend, go on a Monday
night. That is what I mean by avoiding group or common

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

What most people are doing is not always right. Just because
a lot of people go there and do this and that only makes it
common and average.

So, if you want uncommon results in life, dare to do what

crowds avoid, and next time you see a crowd gather for an
opportunity ask yourself this: Is that common, wholesale and
group thinking the best way of getting the most excellent
result in terms of the opportunity? I Dare you to be different.
Be unique. Distinguish yourself so that you enjoy a
distinguished Top life.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


"I came to this world with nothing, and all am going to

leave with is my conscience."
- Dr. Garth Alfred Taylor

A seared conscience describes a state in which one's
convictions have been desensitized through repeated
wrongdoing and exposure to bad morals. A sign of a seared
conscience is when a person's sense of right and wrong has
become numb to the point that a person is no longer affected

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

when they do something wrong or evil and they carry on
normally as if nothing bad happened.
An indication of a seared conscience is if you tell lies with a
straight face, feeling no shame or guilt. Your conscience is
seared if you can steal from a company/organization and still
show up the next day like you did nothing of sorts. Your
conscience is seared if you abort a child and carry on without
guilt. It's seared if you sleep with someone's husband/wife
and carry on like it's normal.
If you do evil and you have no sense of remorse or guilt, your
conscience is not only seared. It's damaged.
Realize that wrong is wrong and must never feel normal. You
may say to yourself - "But everybody does it." or "Am only
human." and that is exactly how people damage their

conscience. Understand that wrong must never be
normalized in your thinking and your emotions.
When you become comfortable with wrong, you are on a
path of destruction and sooner or later, evil will end your life.
It will destroy you without remedy. We may be living in evil

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

times but I suggest that you grow a conscience again.

Can you re-condition yourself to call evil and wrong for what
it is? Can you become sensitive again so that you can learn to
feel guilty about doing wrong and evil things? Wrong is wrong
and evil is evil. It must never feel okay and it's not normal.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“When those rough patches in life come, you need

shock absorbers because Life is full of shocking

A shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to absorb
and damp shock impulses in a Car. When a car lacks shock
absorbers it will bounce quite a lot and may roll, or dive
excessively. All of these actions can make the ride
uncomfortable. More importantly, a lack of shocks renders

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

the vehicle harder to control, especially at high speed. Well,
as it is with vehicles so it is with us in life. You see life has
rough patches and destiny sometimes has rough roads.
Sometimes you cannot avoid the potholes in business,
Marriage, and Careers.

So, when those rough patches in life come, you need shock
absorbers because Life is full of shocking situations. From
betrayals, accusations, hatred, lies, and manipulation to
unexpected events such as the loss of a job, divorce, death,
and other misfortunes. Realize that in life, it's not always
what you expect that happens.

Bad things do happen in life and things do go wrong
sometimes. So, if you lack shock absorbers, the shocking
things in life can take you to your grave before your time. So,
what are some of these shock absorbers?

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Shock absorber #1 - Realize that You are dealing with humans
and humans are not perfect. They make mistakes and they
can be selfish/self-centered. Never forget that!

Shock absorber #2- Have perspective. See things for what

they are. Do not be naive. Be realistic. Call a, spade a spade
and don't live in fantasy land. It is what it is.

Shock absorber #3 - Don't take things personally. Forgive

easily and release quickly. Don't hold grudges and never be
vengeful. It only hurts you when you do such.

Shock absorber #4 -Don't just expect the good only from
anyone and in any situation. You must also brace yourself for
the worst-case scenario as well all the time. Prepare a good
exit strategy just in case things don't work.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Shock absorber #5 - Don't be sentimental. Don't perfume
corpses. What is dead is dead. Whether it's a friendship or
relationship. Don't be loyal to dead things.

Shock absorber #6 - Never do anything blindly. Know what

you are dealing with and who are involving yourself with.

Shock absorber #7 - Don't give yourself to people anyhow.

People must earn the title of best friend or friend in your life.

They must qualify to be close to you. Anyone who is not

qualified must not be given that trust and position on a free


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Mere interest is not enough. Desire is not

enough. What you need is a deep knowing that
what you have inside you and what you are drawn
to outside you are the same thing in essence.”

The word affinity means a deep attraction to things of a like
essence. E.g., Not only do fish live in water, but fish has an
affinity for water. The fish can recognize that what it needs
and what sustains it is found only in the water.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So as a person of great potential in life, you must recognize
what you have an affinity towards. Mere interest is not
enough. Desire is not enough. What you need is a deep
knowing that what you have inside you and what you are
drawn to outside you are the same thing in essence.

You are meant for it and it's meant for you. Affinity is knowing
that the kind of success you want badly, also wants you badly.
It's allowing what you are chasing to also chase you. So, if you
need it as much as you need oxygen and if you can't breathe
i.e., live without it, then you have an affinity for it.

Affinity is not just chasing wealth. It's being able to attract

wealth. It's not just aspiring for leadership. Its leadership
positions following you were ever you go.

Realize that it’s only a person who is presidential Material
inside who will admire presidents and It’s only a person who
is pastoral Material who will admire pastors.

Affinity is grabbing a hold of the thing that is grabbing a hold

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

of you. It's embracing and removing limitations from the good
thing that you attract knowing that it belongs to you.
Greatness in life starts by being able to understand this law of


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Patience is something that

grows as you exercise it.”

One of the things that cause people to walk in folly, and
prevents many from acting intelligently is impulsive thinking
and behaviors brought about by impatience. I don’t know
whether you have realized this, but every time you disengage
your patience and you act rashly and without thought, the

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

results are never good.

For example, sudden anger will always shut down the mind
and will push people to act without thinking. Equally, sudden
and unchecked desires have also wrecked many people's
I have come to learn that even if it's good, exciting, and
desirable, you still need to exercise patience. If you don’t
understand this, you will fall prey to reckless emotions and
actions. Patience is something that grows as you exercise it.
Patience blossoms into objectivity, quality, excellence, and
It keeps you sober about everything and allows clarity of
thought about life. Think about it: How many decisions have
you made out of impulse, excitement, or fear that have cost

you? How many times have you spent money without
thinking? Remember that patience is not always about
waiting or taking time.
It’s much more about clear thinking and impulse control.
Patience enables you to evaluate all events and situations

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

calmly and thereby arriving at the most intelligent
conclusions and the most beneficial decisions. Practice
patience and impulse control today!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“The most elusive opportunities no matter how

difficult can be acquired by attraction not by

The best things in life are not acquired by chasing. They are
acquired by creating an attractive and captivating
environment that captures and subdues. From relationships
to resources, jobs, contracts, and money, indeed, the best of
these opportunities are harvested by putting more effort at

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

being the person with the capacity, understanding, and
knowledge to accommodate and contain rather than putting
effort in chasing.

"If you want to harvest water from the rain, it's best to set
a bucket in the rain rather than tire yourself chasing the
drops in the rain."

Chasing can be very exhausting. Attracting on the other hand

is refreshingly more sustainable. Have you noticed in life that
the more you chase after something, the more it eludes you?
E.g., Chase money or opportunity and see for yourself how
exhausting and futile it can be. Chase them and see how you
will soon resign, thinking that life is unfair.

This is the principle: The most elusive opportunities no matter
how difficult can be acquired by attraction not by chasing.
"You don't catch a fish or a bird, by chasing them. You catch
them by baiting/attracting them."

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

A fisherman knows that fish swims too fast to be easily
caught so he creates bait and a bird hunter knows that birds
fly too fast to be caught so he sets traps and snares. In the
same way, you must stop trying to chase opportunities that
are too fast and too elusive to catch. Instead, just put more
effort into creating attractive and alluring capacity that will
draw these opportunities to you.

Whatever you want in life, no matter how out of league it

seems, be determined to attract it. Don't chase it. Chasing
depletes and finishes you to the extent that even when you
capture by chasing, you will be too exhausted to enjoy what
you have caught. So, stop chasing. Start attracting.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Is your life a product of thinking, or is it a product

of the information you have been soaking in?”

It is said that 2 percent of the world's population thinks, while
3 percent of the world's population think they think and 95
percent would rather die than be thinkers. This sounds absurd
but it's actually true and below is the reason why. Most
people today soak up information and consume data from

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

newsprint, social media, listening to the radio, and watching
programming from television. They are programmed by
thinking done on their behalf which is fed to them through
various media platforms.

The fact of the matter is that there is a difference between

soaking in information and thinking. Just because you are
taking in information in your mind does not mean you are

Thinking is very different from consuming information.

Thinking is creative. Thinking is about engaging your
intelligence and reasoning. Thinking is taking a thought and
being the architect of its reality.

Thinking causes a manifestation of possibilities to emerge.
Instead of waiting to be fed by information, thinking allows
you to have your reasoning applied. Thinking is what solves
problems for humanity.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

It brings innovation and creates inventions. We become what
we think about and if we don't think, then we become the
programming and the information we have been soaking in
through various media.

So, these are my questions for you today. Is your life a product
of thinking, or is it a product of the information you have been
soaking in? Secondly, are you going to be part of the 2
percent, or the 3 percent, or the 95 percent?


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


"How many opportunities have passed you by

because you waited too long? and don't tell me it's
okay to lose opportunities because there is
nothing okay about it!"

The word astute means having an ability to accurately assess
situations or people and then turning this to one's advantage.
Today life has become complicated. People are sophisticated
and situations are complex.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

The simple and slow in thinking and actions get to suffer more
and more in today's world because life is no longer simple,
and slow. Now more than ever, being astute is non-
negotiable. Life happens fast. Deals, alliances, and
agreements are made quickly and money changes hands at
lightning speed.

It's now a world where opportunities can pass you by

overnight yet during the speed, it is expected that you still
need to make quality decisions and pull profitable moves. So
how do you pace up in terms of quality choices and quality

How do you capture opportunities that present and
disappear at light speed without compromising yourself?
Well, the answer lies in becoming astute. Reality check: In
today's world, you snooze, you lose. Time and opportunities
will not slow down to accommodate your pace.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

"Two people don't see the same event as opportunity. When
one sees it as a problem; other look to capitalize it for
optimum benefit" - Ashish Patel

So, within the next 24hrs, life-changing deals and profits will
be made. In 24hrs someone is going to clinch a life-changing
opportunity. All this will happen while you tortoise through
your day. Become more astute! How?

1. Realize that life (time, opportunity, people, and chance or

Luck) waits for No One!
2. Adjust your pace to the world. The world will not adjust to
your pace.
3. Practice making quality decisions quickly.

4. Be a risk-taker.
5. Be action-oriented. Talk less do more.
6. Don't be lazy mentally. Think and think fast!
7. Have a sense of urgency and timeliness.
8. Don't fear making mistakes and failure. They are stepping

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

stones towards success.
9. Never settle. Keep making moves.
10. Respect processes but pace up intelligently without
compromising quality.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Distance yourself from anything that lacks

representative quality and excellence. The danger
with accepting mediocrity is that it makes you

One of the distinctive marks of successful people is that they
always insist on quality and excellence. They loathe
mediocrity and for them, good enough is not good enough.
Successful people expect the best from themselves and
others as well.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Many times, I have been in situations where I am forced to
accept mediocre treatment, products, and/or services. I've
been made to feel guilty for insisting on quality and
excellence. Mediocre people tend to say things like 'It's not
that bad' and they even go further to make you feel guilty for
demanding excellence. To them, insisting on quality and
excellence is equal to arrogance and pride. It's as though
when you conceal dissatisfaction with a lack of quality and
excellence then you are humble and pleasant.

Well, today I insist that you start insisting on quality and

excellence. Demand the best from yourself and others.
Distance yourself from anything that lacks representative
quality and excellence.

The danger with accepting mediocrity is that it makes you
Mediocre. Accepting average things ultimately downgrades
you to average. So, make up your mind that for you, only the
best is acceptable - It's not pride!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

I assure you that if you start insisting on quality and
excellence, your life will graduate and upgrade to another
level of growth and success.
So, may I suggest the following:
- Insist on timekeeping.
- Insist on best practices.
- Insist on the best products.
- Insist on the best treatment.
- Insist on quality delivery of services.
- Insist on quality and excellence in everything!
I insist this of you!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“You need to learn how to continue being who you

were before the negative situation happened.”

Going through a negative experience while pursuing your
dream can be damaging and discouraging. Because of this, so
many of us eventually give up on relationships, marriage,
careers, business opportunities, and other worthwhile

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So how do you press through the negative impact of your
trauma and still do what you want to do regardless of the
discouragement and fear? It's simple. You need to learn how
to continue being who you were before the negative situation

I want to challenge you to refuse to be hypnotized,

traumatized, and discouraged by the power of negative
experiences. Choose not to continue to fear after you have
feared. Refuse to back down after discouragement.

If the person is worth it, choose to continue to love them after
you have been hurt. Stick to your passion as before even after
your passion has become tired in your quest for destiny and

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

This ability to continue as before even after a major negative
experience is what separates the weak from the strong. After
all, what cannot kill you only makes you stronger. So, go and
get that honey. Yes, bees will sting. Recover from the sting
and then go back again with knowledge on how to avoid
further stings but by all means, that honey must be acquired.

Continue being who you were before the disappointments,

the hurts, the pain, the betrayals, the lies, the heartaches, and
the trauma. Unless something or someone is not worth it
from before the negative experience happened. Otherwise,
go get your honey!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“If you think being a good person, or being the

most hardworking person or selling a good
product, or delivering the finest product
automatically entitles you to wealth then you are
in for a disappointing life.”

There are a lot of talented, gifted, honest, godly, and
hardworking people who have the false idea of justice and
thinking that simply because they do 'good work or they are
good' then its automatic that they deserve to be wealthy and
that wealth should occur in our lives.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Well, the hard truth is that the marketplace or life in general
does not function that way. If that were the case, then the
most hardworking people would be the wealthiest. The most
talented and gifted people and the most professional career
people would be the most successful.

The kindest, most wonderful people in the world would be

the richest. You see, virtue, or being more prayerful does not
entitle success otherwise the most prayerful would have the
most money. If you think being a good person, or being the
most hardworking person or selling a good product, or
delivering the finest product automatically entitles you to
wealth then you are in for a disappointing life.

To stretch this further, it's not even needs that attract wealth.
Money does not respect the fact that you need to pay rent or
you need to have a meal to feed your family, or that you need
customers in your business.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Scripture says "To him who has little, even the little he has
will be taken away." Mathew 25:29. So what is it that
produces lasting success and great financial fortunes in life?
Ecclesiastes 9:11 - “I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor
does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor
to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.”

Let me briefly unpack this truth here: -

1. It's Utilizing your time (season) and chances well which
results in Opportunities for wealth creation.
So, the question is how many chances have you squandered?
How many opportunities have you let pass you by?

2. It's Utilizing what you have in your hand well. e.g., Contacts,
Networks, and other available resources that result in wealth
creation. So, have you become familiar with what is available
to you? Do you despise and demean what you currently have
at your disposal?

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

3. It's Leveraging Circumstances especially negative ones
because in every problem there is an opportunity. So, you
must develop eyes to see opportunities that avail themselves
during difficult times. e.g., the security business booms when
there are many thieves, and the Car parts business is
excellent when roads are bad.

So, in conclusion remember this: You don't get what you

deserve. You get what you intentionally and deliberately
attract with respect to time and chance.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“You can't ignore the price and still get the prize.
You can't be a champion without a fight. Success
without suffering and sweet without sweat is not

There is no easy relationship or marriage in life and there
are no naturally successful business people out there. You
are not naturally employable and life is such that health fails
sometimes. That is life. Some heartache, disappointment,
loss of loved ones, betrayal, unfair treatment, and hatred.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

That is life. It may seem unbearable at times, but as long as
you have a fighting spirit, you will always emerge victorious.

Having a fighting spirit is about having the courage,

determination, and willingness to fight until you achieve
your goal. Life on earth is not a Comfort Zone. It's a battle
Zone and sooner or later, you come to realize that there is
nothing worth having in life that does not come without a

If you want a good life, you have to fight for it. Great
education, good health, abundant finances, a good job, a
great business, and good relationships including marriage
don't just happen. You have to fight to acquire them and
then you have to fight to sustain their success.

You can't ignore the price and still get the prize. You can't be
a champion without a fight. Success without suffering and
sweet without sweat is not possible.

If you feel shattered, depressed, and at your wit's end.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Please remember this: "... It's not what happens to us in life,
but what we do about what happens to us." ~ George Allen.
A fighting spirit keeps you going when strength has left you.
A fighting spirit is not physical strength and vigor. A fighting
spirit is that inner tenacity seen when you keep working at
things until they work.

So, is your health failing? Pray to God and get your health
back on track. Refuse to die prematurely! Do you need
finances or a job? Go get that job. Get that money. You may
have lost a partner in a divorce but know that you can fall in
love again!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Be a contributor also. Whether it's in your family,
love relationships, Careers, or as a business
partner, it's important to relate with others from a
position of strength.”

It's a hard truth but if you are in a vulnerable - needy state for
too long, you will end up being abused and mistreated.
Nothing wrong with asking for help. It's allowed but if you
make asking for help in your lifestyle, or if you are the one
who is always being done favors for, then do not be surprised

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

if some people begin to take advantage of you and even use
Too many of us are comfortable living from someone's
pocket. We are too comfortable being dependent and
knowing that if it's not for them, our lives would be a mess.
But instead of changing that, we would rather stay dependent
for years and if possible, the rest of our lives.

Nothing wrong with being helped but eventually you must

find a way of relating from strength. Have something to give
as well. Be a contributor also. Whether it's in your family, love
relationships, Careers, or as a business partner, it's important
to relate with others from a position of strength. Increase
your value. Have something to contribute.

Have something you bring to the table. Real love thrives when
both partners bring something to the table and no one needs
the other for economic reasons only.

Businesses where partners put in full contributions last longer

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

with fewer conflicts. Non-Parasitic Relationships among
friends are valuable and last much more than those where
one person keeps leaching and begging.

So, it’s not bad to ask for help but if you make it a perpetual
habit in any Relationship even with family, soon you will end
up used and abused.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Don't mature only because you are growing
older. Instead, mature as a response to
opportunities that demand growth.”

I will dare to say that real growth has a real price tag and many
people fear to pay the price. That is why so many people grow
up when it too late. They grow up when it's passed the timing
that was necessary for them to grow up.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

There is a timely and profitable type of growth and there is
growth that comes with age, where you have missed your
timing to profit from a particular opportunity that is
connected to a type of growth and maturity. Don't get me
wrong. There is benefit in growth by age, but what I mean is
that there are particular opportunities that require you to rise
to the challenge to be grown enough to handle those

However, many fail to grow into the required growth levels

that it will take to manage those opportunities and by the
time they choose to grow up, the opportunity that demanded
that growth has passed, and seldom does the opportunity
come round again. So later on, you are now mature and
grown without that opportunity that required that maturity.

The type of growth that comes with age is good but the type
of growth that results from actually paying the price and
responding to opportunities that demand growth is better.

Therefore, today I want to challenge you to stop fearing to

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

pay the price. Don't mature only because you are growing
older. Instead, mature as a response to opportunities that
demand growth. Please don't grow up when it's too late for
certain things. Don't grow up after the divorce. Don't grow up
after you are fired. Don't grow up after the company closes
because you lost customers. Please don't grow up after
tasting poverty and hunger. Don't grow up after you have
contracted an STI or HIV.

Today you have a great opportunity to buy into the price tag
of growth that is opportunity-driven. Pay the price and grow.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“You become richer or poorer every day

depending on how you choose to date your

The biggest problem we have as individuals is not resources.
The problem is resource utilization. Most people have times
when they have abundant resources but in no time, the
money finishes simply because we lack that multiplier ability
that creates wealth. It all boils down to our financial choices.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

You become richer or poorer every day depending on how
you choose to date your finances. It matters how you spend.
It matters when you spend and it also matters where to

As you are in the trading and business places and as you go

about transacting in normal life, your resources are either
bleeding out or you are exchanging them for real value.

I do understand that the marketplace does not wait for you

to make quality choices. I know that Opportunities don't wait.
You indeed snooze you lose. However, the best way to ensure
that you get the maximum value out of your money is to
always remember to engage the following principles:

1. Plan your spending. If it's not on a budget don't buy it.

2. Always go for quality no matter what.

3. Avoid being emotional about finances. Spend with your

head. Not your heart.

4. Always match the right price with the right quality -
Negotiate and get maximum value at a good price.

5. Don't spend on wants when you have plenty of needs.

Always make informed financial choices.

In conclusion, refuse to let an addiction or a bad habit deplete

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

your resources. Don't spend on useless things.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

"There are hidden opportunities for each person
everywhere and in everything, every day!"
~Sunday Adelaje

Arguably, everything you need for you to prosper is actually
in your immediate environment. Opportunities are vast all
around us, except they are always disguised. How are they
disguised? They are disguised by our perception. How we
choose to see things is what blocks us from seeing

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

opportunities that are in plain sight and right before our very
Opportunities that hide in plain sight come in many forms.
They come in form of relationships and friendships in the
neighborhood, at church, and at work. They also come in
simple situations that we take for granted. They can also
come in form of problems because hidden within every
problem are opportunities.

"The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak,

vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them.
Every newspaper article is an opportunity. Every client is an
opportunity. Every sermon is an opportunity. Every business
transaction is an opportunity." ~Orison Swett.

So how do you open your eyes so that you begin to see those
opportunities that are hiding in plain sight?
- For those who want Marriage, the person may already be in
front of you. You just need to stop seeing a friend. You must
start seeing a life partner. No need for a prayer points for

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

- For some of us, the conversation we have with friends and
neighbors must change from football to business. You will be
shocked that the guy you discuss football with can introduce
you to serious business and serious money.
- For some of us, the gossip must be replaced with talk about
how to make money. If the number of conversations invested
in gossip was invested in money talk our lives would change.
- For others, it's that church mate that may be a human
resource personnel in a government or corporate institution.
They can be a connection that can help you to get a job.

- For some of us, the problems we have must be looked at as
a challenge to be overcome. Not a problem to drown us. So,
you must see hidden opportunities in your problems.
Please open your eyes and start to see the opportunities
hidden right in front of you. It will change your life forever.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


"Don't just be a Carpenter, aim at becoming an

Architect. Architects design (Brainwork) and the
carpenters (Handwork) build."

Some exhale in working with their skilled hands and some
exhale in working with their skilled heads (Brains). But
eventually, those who are good with their skilled hands will
work for those that work with their heads. Head power
always and eventually employees hand power. Always!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he
becomes." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

You may be skilled with your hands and that is great, but as
much as possible, developmental and intellectual skills as
well. What rules the world is not hands. It's heads. It's a fact.

Thinkers rule! Thinkers are the ones who determine a lot of

things from trends and culture, to how we dress, what we eat,
the entertainment we will enjoy, and what the future will look
like for the masses.

So, when you see skilled hands that are paid very well, ask
yourself this - Which head is paying the hands well? Realize
that there is always a mastermind that governs and profits
from ideas. There are thought leaders who head operations
that employ many hands to make that idea profitable.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So, the more head power you possess, the more hands you
will employ. The more thinking you do, the more you attract
skilled hands to draw profit from your ideation.

Intellectual prowess, wisdom, and mental astuteness always

take the lead. Skilled hands are great, but you must strive for
a skilled head. Think of this today - Your two hands always do
what your head says.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges of our time is misplaced
and misapplied education and talent. The challenge today is
that genius and intelligence fail to find relevance and
expression that results in full value.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Generally, many brilliant people are not using their time, their
education (both formal and informal), and their talent
profitably. Most of us have value, yes, but it's either
misplaced, undervalued, underutilized, abused, and even
misused. Both in the corporate/business sector and the
creative industries, talents and abilities are abundant.

Today, formal as well as informal education has increased as

well. What bothers me is that there are so many talented
people who have no idea how to harness the full value out of
their talent. So yes, you are intelligent but is your intelligence
putting food on your table? Yes, you are gifted but is your gift
changing your economic status? You may be a genius but
have you been able to glean maximum value from your level
of genius? Did you get a Doctorate, Master’s DEGREE,

Bachelor's DEGREE, or Certificate just to end up in an average
paying job? I want you to get this truth today: Your level of
intelligence, talent, academic qualification, and informal
education have a place of value. Like a beautiful song that is
sung in the right key by a gifted singer, your value has a sweet

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

spot. You can yield maximum profit in terms of value from
your level of talent.
The tough truth however is this: It's up to you to position
yourself in that sweet spot where you are fully compensated,
appreciated, and valued for your worth. No one will do it for
you. So, while in your productive years, you need to find
mutually empathic relationships and contexts where you are
celebrated, supported, compensated, and valued not just
tolerated and undermined.
It's your responsibility whether geographically, socially, and
economically to find that sweet spot for your gift, your
profession, and your level of both informal and formal
education. So refuse to have misplaced and misapplied talent
and education.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

"Yet knowledge causes people to be puffed up (to

bear themselves loftily and be proud), but love
(affection and goodwill) encourages one to grow."
1 Corinthians 8:1

Intellectual humility is a virtue that encompasses open-
mindedness and intellectual courage and is opposed to
intellectual pride and arrogance. Learning takes humility, but
with Intellectual pride and arrogance comes ignorance and
the inability to absorb more knowledge. i.e., When you think

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

you know, you stop learning. Some with their knowledge are
stranded in life and many are struggling because of
intellectual pride and arrogance.
Learning never stops and even with a Doctorate or Master’s
degree, you can still learn from someone who has not been
to school. We sometimes miss solutions to predicaments
because we refuse to submit to knowledge from the house
help, security guard, ordinary person and even from our own
wife/husband or children.
If you want success in life, don't be Mr./Mrs. know it all.
Humble yourself. Put those titles aside and relate with a heart
that is willing to learn and acquire knowledge. Remember
this: Your level in life today is a direct result of your
intellectual humility or lack thereof.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“The rate at which technology, communication,
and other developments are moving has greatly
accelerated the speed at which success can be

Did you know that research has proven that you don't need
more than 5years to change your story in terms of success?
The rate at which technology, communication, and other
developments are moving has greatly accelerated the speed
at which success can be attained.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

I want you to realize that your life can have a new complexion
in 5 years. Yes, there is no overnight success and the process
can't be ignored when it comes to success but today, I want
you to realize that you can shade off all limiting beliefs and
the self-sabotage that normally causes us to lag and linger
instead of making progress in terms of our success.

So today I want you to try something: Get all your goals. Look
at the time that you planned to achieve them and then
deliberately cut the time in half. For example, I want to build
my own house in 6yrs time. Scratch that and do it in 3yrs
instead. Or I want a car in 2yrs. Scratch that and make it 1yr.
Please accommodate whatever was supposed to happen in
10yrs time into a 5yr plan.

It's very possible because this is not 1989. This is 2020 and the
technology and infrastructure to get accelerated goals is

I know it sounds crazy but psychology has proven that we

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

deliberately put double time on our goals because we factor
in our lack of seriousness, our inconsistencies, excuses, and
low impetus and drive towards achieving goals.

So, who do you want to become? What do you want to have?

What kind of success do you want to attain? I want you to
know that if you are focused enough, it can all be done by
2026. So, start now!

Get serious. Stop playing. Mean to do business. Dare to

change your story. Get focused! Zoom in! I promise you this.
It will only take 5yrs to change your story.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“A lot of people are passionate, but very few

people have packaged their passion into a product
they can profit from.”

Two principles can successfully turn Passion into profit are:

1. Packaging your Passion into a Product with a price tag that

solves a Problem will make a profit for you.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

2. Finding a problem and then becoming passionate about
solving it, then packaging a solution with a price tag to deal
with the problem will make a profit for you.
Either of the two principles above will turn passion into profit
without fail anywhere and anytime!

So, what is passion? Passion is that intense desire for

something. The word passion means suffering. It describes
both what you are ignited by and what you are willing to
suffer for as well. When you are passionate about something,
you are willing to go the extra mile for it.

For most, however, passion has not produced much for them
because they have not known how to turn passion into profit.
Unfortunately, many are passionate and broke.

A lot of people are passionate, but very few people have
packaged their passion into a product they can profit from.
You may be talented and gifted but if that talent or gift is not
packaged into a product, you will never realize any profit from
it! You may identify a problem but if you can't package a

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

solution and peg it with a price tag, you will not be able to
profit from it.

Always remember that Passion needs to be packaged into a

product that you can put a price tag on for people to buy into
and whatever you do, please don't end up a passionate broke
person. Don't be a talented broke person. Package that
passion into a product that has a price tag.

Finally, make sure your passion which is packaged into a

product with a price tag solves a real problem. Also, note that
the bigger the problem your Passion solves the more profit
you will make from it. It's that simple. If your passion does not
solve a problem, you will not make a profit.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Our generation today is fed on a consistent diet of junk
(Things that lack value. Things that deplete value and/or
things that corrupt value). Slowly and steadily, junk ideas,
junk mindsets, and junk ways of living life are suggestively,
persuasively, and even forcibly fed to us.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

More and more, we are breeding a generation that is
unhealthy physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and
psychologically all because of junk.

Well, one thing about junk food, junk entertainment, and junk
lifestyles is that junk feels good. It's tantalizing and you can
get hooked to it. Junk food is unhealthy but it tastes good -
The sugars, the oils and preservatives etc. are bad, but they
do taste good. Please note this: Just because it tastes good
does not mean it's good for you.

Junk entertainment emphasizes pleasuring yourself to the
most exhilarating levels. From lust, Illicit sexual tendencies,
drugs, alcohol, and reckless living, it's all very addictive while
it destroys you slowly but surely until your life is cut short.
If you are going to have a successful 2021, you must resolve

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

to wean yourself off the taste of junk.

You need to start developing a taste for healthy choices in

terms of your engagements in life. I want to challenge you to
avoid the following beginning:

1. Avoid Junk food - Avoid unhealthful food that is high in

calories from sugar or fat, with very little dietary fiber,
protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of
nutritional value.

2. Avoid Junk entertainment - Avoid unhealthy Entertainment

that destroys and degrades values, moral purity, healthy
principles, and lacks educational or inspirational value. Avoid

the sex outside marriage with whoever. Avoid the
drunkenness, drugs, and reckless living.

3. Avoid Junk Relationships - Avoid toxic relationships that do

not better you. Refuse relationships that don't feed your

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

future. Realize that if you follow people who are going
nowhere then you are also going nowhere. Hang around bad
friends and your life will be bad too.

4. Avoid Junk trends - Avoid bad dressing trends, ideas,

language, culture, and other trends that may erode good
morals, principles, and values.

5. Avoid mental junk - Pursue mental purity because of what

you feed your mind. i.e., what you put in. e.g., pornography,
fear, long hours of reality T.v or series, social media browsing
for hours. Etc. has the potential to ultimately ruin you.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Have the guts(courage) to turn genius into gold

(wealth) for yourself. Be courageous enough to
start something. Be bold enough to turn theory
into practice.”

I have interacted closely with very successful people in
different fields and professions and my finding is this: What
made these people very successful is not just their genius or
intelligence. NO! The one thing that made them successful is
simply having the guts(courage) to do what others fear to do.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

They dared to start something - A project, a consultancy,
and/or a business venture. Etc.

They succeeded because they dared to be practical about life

instead of just falling in love with theories and their academic
achievements. You see, many intelligent people are ever
planning with little or no execution of those plans and as the
saying goes, 'No guts, no glory!'

I know a lot of geniuses and intelligent people who are

struggling to make ends meet. These are Men and Women
who got 6 points at grade 12 and graduated with amazing
results from the university, just to end up in average paying
jobs, late alone struggle to make ends meet.

I have also noticed that People with Guts (Courage) are
actually in the habit of employing geniuses to work for them.
If you are a genius with no guts (courage) to convert genius
into Gold(profit) for yourself, then the likelihood is that a
person with the guts(courage) to start a venture will come

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

and employ you.

I want to challenge you with this thought: - Have the

guts(courage) to turn genius into gold (wealth) for yourself.
Be courageous enough to start something. Be bold enough to
turn theory into practice. Enough planning Ba genius, please!
You can't plan forever. It's time to implement. Work an idea
until it works out!

What will it profit a man/woman, to be a genius yet fail to use

that genius to get Gold? Unfortunately, the world uses
intelligent people to create resources for those people who
are courageous enough to start something of their own.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Deal with all trouble with a sense of urgency

because the trouble you tolerate festers like a
cancer and it corrupts your systems completely.”

Did you know that a person who arrives in an ambulance at
the hospital will be attended to faster than a person who is
just ordinarily taken to the hospital in any other way? Yes!
They will bypass the sick person on the line and attend to the
person brought in an ambulance. Why? Because an

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

ambulance signifies urgency and has a fast-track protocol
attached to it. It's the same thing with a car that is
accompanied by a motorbike swiper with a siren. It also has a
fast-track protocol. You are given no choice but to give it way
to pass.
On a personal level, if you were told that an important person
such as the president is coming for dinner at your home in the
evening, check how you will fix up your home with a sense of

So today my encouragement is that we must learn to package

our issues, challenges, and problems with that kind of fast-
track protocol strategy as well.

Determine in your mind that your case is urgent and never
allow any prolonged problems, errors, or challenges in your
life. You see, problems and certain difficulties are actually by
design supposed to have a short life span. Errors must be
corrected quickly and trouble must always terminate in the

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

shortest possible time.

Refuse to be broke for a long time, because you may end up

poor. Refuse to be sick for a long time without addressing the
issue, because you can end up dying. Refuse to have a long-
term problem in a marriage that must be addressed. That is
what leads to separation and eventually divorce. You MUST
treat every problem with a sense of urgency and have a fast-
track approach to dealing with it.

Deal with all trouble with a sense of urgency because the

trouble you tolerate festers like a cancer and it corrupts your
systems completely.

Our Lord Jesus, Christ said if an eye makes you sin, pluck it
out and if a hand makes you sin cut it off. Meaning that you
must deal with the area of your life that causes trouble
permanently so that it never occurs again.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So just like you don't play with fire when it's burning down
your house or a dangerous snake trying to bite you, don't
message trouble. Deal with it urgently otherwise you risk
failing to recover from certain things.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“The quest for financial Independence is very
noble. Money is not dirty. It's a clean medium of
exchange that must be valued.”

If money was a person you are dating or married to, what kind
of relationship would you have with money? If your
relationship with money is healthy, you will have more of it.
But if your relationship with money is bad, you will have less
of it. Most people are broke today because of a bad

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

relationship they have with money.

For many, when they have money, they are not comfortable
with it and they feel the need to finish it off. Others deplete
it while others feel the need to abuse it. Others hoard it and
fail to grow it.

We must get comfortable with having money and lots of it.

We must develop a correct attitude and mindset about
money. We must never view money as a bad thing because
it's not. Also, we must have a healthy desire to have enough
money to fund our futures as well as leave an inheritance for
the next generation.

The quest for financial Independence is very noble. Money is
not dirty. It's a clean medium of exchange that must be
People mess up with money because they allow money to
influence them emotionally. So just like love is not a feeling

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

but a choice in relationships, money is not an emotional
business. It must not excite you. You are not allowed to feel
about money. You are only allowed to think about money.

Unfortunately, I notice that most people don't think soberly

when they have money. They only think clearly when they are
broke. It's more money no budget. Just spend! and with less
money, it's let's budget. Don't waste.

So today I ask again. If money was a person you are dating or

married to, what kind of relationship would you have with


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“If you are not Obsessed with SUCCESS, you will

eventually become desperate for SUCCESS.”

There is one quality that the ultra-successful have. It's the
ability to willfully become obsessed about their success goals
and targets.

The word obsession means an idea or thought that

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. Most
times, the word obsession has been used in negative terms,
an obsessive fixation on negative things is indeed bad.

But success obsession is an arsenal that has mostly been

mastered by the ultra-successful in life. The ability to think,
breathe, eat and lose sleep over a successful idea is what
results in great success.

Great success never comes to people who are not obsessed

with success ideas or goals. So If you do not obsess over a
successful goal, you will never become successful. You must
be consumed with your goal just like fire shut up in your
bones. You must give yourself no choice but to succeed.

It's a lack of this mindset that has produced a lot of satisfied
and content average men and women. Below are some of the
benefits of becoming obsessed about your success goals and
1. Obsession will unlock creativity and innovation in you.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

2.Obsession actualizes your potential without delays from
laziness, procrastination, and other good excuses.

3.Obsession causes you to have great focus in life.

4. Obsession makes you courageous and bodacious and able

to do what others fear to do. It causes you to be daring.

5. Obsession boosts your energy levels and gives impetus and

drive for achievement.

6. Obsession makes you a person who does not stop pursuing

their goals despite people saying No or conditions becoming
harsh or unfavorable.

7. Obsession cultures you to be a hardworking and consistent
Remember that Dreams never come to pass for people who
are on and off when it comes to working on their dream. If
you keep starting over, you will always start over!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“If you have dynamite-like potential, the best
thing you can do for yourself is to understand that
potential as early as possible.”

Did you know that the most naughty, mischievous, and
troubled people are some of the most gifted, talented, and
charismatic people in life? That's right! These types of people
are great but the challenge is that they normally don't know
how to handle or even actualize their dynamite-like potential.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

As a result, they either mishandle themselves or others in the
process. Mostly themselves.

Put in another way, you are naughty because you are a great
person who does not know how to handle your greatness.
You are mischievous because you are a self-mishandled

Sadly, many great people have died because they imploded

or detonated with dynamite potential. Misapplied genius can
destroy a person and misunderstood potential can send a
person to an early grave.

So, the more dynamic your potential, the earlier you must
grow up and build the capacity to manage yourself, your life,
and all relationships around you.

If you notice, most greatly talented people abuse themselves

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

with drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, and other vices. Then they in
turn abuse those closest to them including family and friends.
They develop a bad attitude and they become abusive and
destructive and all this happens simply because of imploding
potential and unexpressed or misunderstood greatness.

Therefore, if you have dynamite-like potential, the best thing

you can do for yourself is to understand that potential as early
as possible. Secondly, understand how to actualize and
express your greatness most sustainably and profitably.

So, if you struggle with alcohol, drugs, secret negative vices,

illicit sex, bad relationships, and if you are a rebel or a
troublesome person to the extent that some people have

even given up on you, know that what is messing with you is
your inability to understand your potential and greatness.
Finally, realize that naughty, mischievous, and troubled
People are not a lost cause. They are loaded with potential
for a great cause!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Either you attack or you are under attack. That is

the binary truth about life and there is no middle

Either you attack or you are under attack. That is the binary
truth about life and there is no middle ground. So if life is
anything like a game, the team that plays defense as a long
term strategy will eventually lose the game.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Many of us play defense for so many reasons in life. Fear,
Comfort, poverty, lack, and Laziness just to mention a few.
Note that with the defense strategy, your efforts, focus, and
your energies are on protecting and preserving the 'LITTLE'
we may have so that we don't lose it. But with the offensive
strategy, your strength is concentrated on achievement. It's
about progress, increase, growth, and winning.

Yes, you will have opposition and you may suffer some pain
because scoring is no easy endeavor. Success will not just be
handed to you on a silver platter. Yes, you have to sweat for
it. You have to be smart and you have to be STRATEGIC. So
yes! If you don't keep attacking, you will never score.
What am I saying today?

Don't let any challenge in our current times stop you from
making progress. If customers stop coming to you, deliver
your product to them.

If it can't be done in person then do it online. If you can't

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

work from the office work from home. If you can't have a big
wedding, have a small arrangement with immediate.

All am saying is whatever happens, never go in defense mode

as a long-term strategy! keep attacking! Achieve! Score!
Grow! Make progress and don't hold back! Always realize that
progress must continue amid the trouble.

Stay relentless. Don't lose your relevance. Buildup. Change

methods but never change targets no matter what!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“You came into this world pregnant
with unlimited potential.”
Myles Munroe

If being full of potential is like pregnancy, then some of us
have been pregnant for far too long! Yes, you carry a seed of
greatness and yes you are loaded with immense potential,
but today I want to provoke you and help you to realize that
If you have been carrying a dream, vision, or idea for a long

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

time then it's time to birth it out!

Honestly, no pregnant woman gets comfortable with staying

pregnant beyond the full term of the pregnancy. From the
moment that pregnancy begins to cause discomfort, the goal
of the pregnant person is to carry the pregnancy to full term
and then to birth out what has been carried in the womb.

The birthing of that idea is long overdue! You can't keep

postponing birth. You can't keep postponing action on your
vision. You may say that conditions are not right but if you ask
any woman with birth pangs, the least of their worries is the
conditions. What they are worried about when the birth
pangs kick in is just delivering. That is the focus and that is
what consumes their attention.

In that moment all they want is to give birth. There is even no
fear in that moment because what has to be birthed has to
be birthed.

So, no more waiting! It's time to give birth! Do it today

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

because you are long overdue! It will be hard but you will
have to push. It may even be a life-or-death situation but you
have to birth it out! So, take action today concerning your
career. Apply for that job. Take action and start that business.

I challenge you today to give birth to that company. Buy that

property. Invest those resources. Stop trying to live with a
pregnancy that is past due time because pregnancy is just
supposed to be what transitions a seed into a being. Don't let
your dream die in the womb! You are long overdue! It's time
to give birth


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

“Enough of memorizing and remembering things.
Let's start thinking more and use what we know to
better our lives!”

Mostly in African education, the assumption is that if you can
remember and memorize things, then you are intelligent. Yes,
it's part of it, but did you know that the best use of your brain
is not memorizing, remembering, or even information
storage? No!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

The best use of your brain is idea and information processing.
It's the ability to solve problems through thinking. It's about
finding a way of using what you know to upgrade your reality
and improving your life and that of others. I propose
therefore that you free your brain from mere information
storage duties.

Write things down instead and then think! Do something

about what you know to improve your life. You don't keep
ideas in your head for months. Instead, you process and
release ideas by giving them life and making them a reality.

So, this is what troubles me: How much wealth has your
intelligence produced? Has the quality of your life and
relationships improved because of what you know? Yes, you

have academic qualifications: Certificates, diplomas, degrees,
masters, and Ph.D. But how much has that done for you in
terms of personal success? School is good but what you do
with school is more important. Polished English and good
academic papers without the ability to think will always

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

produce an average life.

Am not impressed by what you know. What impresses me is

what you do with your knowledge. Understand that thinking
is a God-given gift that enables us to conceive thoughts and
turn them into progressive realities.

So, today's lesson is simple: Enough of memorizing and

remembering things. Let's start thinking more and use what
we know to better our lives!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“The strongest and most likely people to succeed

in life are those that can see themselves clearly.”

Being comfortable with what you see/ know about yourself is
arguably the most important quality that you need to be
fulfilled and successful in life. We spend so much time feeling
unworthy within ourselves to the extent that the inner
turmoil in us cripples our productivity and progress. The guilt,

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

shame, self-loathing, self-criticism, self-condemnation, and
self-sabotage has robed many of us greatly.

So, do you like what you see when you check YOU out? Are
you comfortable with your own identity? From a physical
appearance point of view, to your personality. Are you okay
with you? From your ATTITUDE and CHARACTER, all the way
to your weaknesses and strengths? Can you manage and
develop yourself? Do you value your gifts and talents or you
wait for others to validate you with applause? Have you come
to terms with your failures and mistakes?

Can you live with those things you can't change about
yourself and do you have the courage to improve on those
things that you can change?

This is important because most times, we want to love others,
care for others, and lead others when we can barely do it for
ourselves. You can't want success outwardly when you are a
mess inwardly.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

You can't hate yourself and then manage to love someone
successfully in a relationship/marriage. Also, note that self-
leadership precedes leading others. Realize today that self-
avoidance and self-neglect does kill success and happiness.

That inner state of being conflicted within yourself only

produces fear and self-doubt leading to self-neglect and self-
avoidance. Many of us place a high premium on others and
we abandon ourselves too many times. We think others are
better than us and we try to be more like others instead of
wanting to be more like ourselves.

Well, today I want you to come to terms with who you are.
Your anger issues, your bitterness, your bad manners, your
body features, your personality, your talents, your attitude,
the negative things about you, and the good things about you
as well. etc.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Take a look at the emotional mirror. Look at the character
mirror. Look at the attitude mirror and the physical mirror.
Look at the spiritual mirror as well.

Take a good look and don't avoid yourself. That way, you can
then give yourself a chance to confront and change what
must change about you and you can also appreciate what is
not meant to change about you. Remember this: The
strongest and most likely people to succeed in life are those
that can see themselves clearly.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“I stopped waiting for perfect conditions

years ago. I just get things done.”

Ecclesiastes 11:4 (Living Bible) ~ "If you wait for perfect
conditions, you will never get anything done."

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be

perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each
step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and
more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and
more successful." ~ Mark Victor Hansen

"Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and
make it perfect!" ~ Aryn Kyle

"Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin.

Beginning makes the conditions perfect." ~ Alan Cohen

"Of course, we can always imagine more perfect conditions,

how it should be ideally, how everyone should behave. But
it is not our task to create an ideal. It's our task to see how
it is and to learn from the world as it is. For the awakening

of the heart, conditions are always good enough." ~Ajahn

" If you wait for perfect conditions to seize an opportunity,

you'll be waiting till the day you die." ~ Mark Batterson

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

The message is loud and clear. Do not wait for things to turn
outright. If you want something, go get it! Forget perfect
conditions. Just get things done. Meet your targets and
achieve your goals.

The problem with waiting for perfect conditions is that you

will have very good excuses why something can't be done.
Now, remember that an excuse is an excuse whether it be
good or bad. I don't tolerate good or bad excuses because
they are the breakfast for failures, under-achievers, and
average people.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


They shall again take root

downward and bear fruit upward.
Isaiah 37:31 (NKJV).

The best type of growth is the kind of growth that is two
dimensional. It's the kind of growth where you get more rooted
downward while you also get fruited upward as well.

Roots both establish the tree and draw nutrients from the ground

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

as well. However, the thing about roots is you can't see them. They
are buried in the soil and only the tree knows how deep its roots

Depth is none of our business but depth gets revealed eventually

through the quality of the fruit. Talking of fruit, being fruited is all
about productivity. It's about achievements and results. It's hitting
the targets. It's actual quantifiable success.

So today I want to challenge you with this truth: The rooted kind of
growth is just as important as the fruited kind. In all your growing,
make sure you grow downward as well as upward.

If you try to produce fruit without growing roots then your growth
is corrupt. Also, if you grow roots and draw good nutrients from the
ground but you can't bear fruit, that growth is corrupt. The concept
is to do both. Grow deep and yield fruit as well.

By all means, don't remain the same in terms of being rooted. Go
deeper. Study. Go to school. Keep learning. Get rid of all forms of
ignorance. Learn new skills. Expose yourself to new things. But
while you do that, there must also be tangible and undeniable
growth outwardly.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Business must grow. Finances must increase. You must get
promotions at work. You must acquire property. Buy land. Build a
house. Produce results.

To concentrate on ONE of these types of growth is CORRUPT. So,

take root downward (input growth) and bear fruit upward. (Output


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


"As long as your desire to live right

is at variance with your actions, you
are a self-defeated human being."

A lack of personal alignment and personal congruence is a
major reason for personal failure. The tendency to be one
way in thinking or desire and another way in attitude and
action destroys success. Self-deception is when you know
what must be done, but you still do the opposite.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Even when you do the right thing with wrong thinking,
success can't be sustained. So many of us know what is right
but we do what is wrong and our behavior constantly betrays
our beliefs. Successful living, however, requires congruence
and alignment. It requires that you are at ONE at all levels. i.e
How you think and how you act must be in tandem.

So, you can't intend to be a hard worker and yet have a

behavior that cherishes laziness and procrastination. You
can't want to be wealthy and yet have poverty perpetuating
tendencies such as careless spending and habitual debt
through constant borrowing.

Get yourself congruent. Don't be your own worst enemy.
Discipline yourself so that the great things you believe in and
desire are in alignment with your attitude and your actions.
To be healthy, think healthy, eat healthy and live healthy.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

To be wealthy, think wealthy, and have wealth-building/
promoting behavior. To be a great achiever, embrace the
principles of hard work mentally, in character, in attitude, and


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“The external trappings of status do not

necessarily mean that one has class.”

There is Class and then there is status. You can buy status but Class
is what you are. People who buy status symbols such as designer
clothes and other expensive things sometimes lack class and they
want to compensate for that lack of class by finishing their money
and going broke spending on status symbols.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

You want expensive clothes, designer perfumes, and expensive
cars to feel that you have a sense of worth and value. Well, don't
get me wrong. I have nothing against status symbols except that
many people lack class so they hide in status symbols. The two are
not the same. The external trappings of status do not necessarily
mean that one has class.

So have class. Don't let Status symbols define you. Instead, you
must define things and give them status. In other words, what you
wear must go up in value because you wear it. That is Class. When
you try to increase your value by wearing some designer clothes
that is just mere status.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Financial education is experiential and you can't

learn it by theory alone.”

One of the major causes of poverty today is a lack of
knowledge about how finances work. Money has principles
by which you make it and it has principles by which you
multiply it and grow it.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Unfortunately, so many of us simply want money because we
have an idea of its power when we spend it but we do not
have a good understanding of how to acquire it sustainably,
how to retain it, and its proper utilization.

One of my biggest regrets in life is that I started learning

about finances late. I must admit that I only began to
understand the value and the principles of finances much
later in life. This has disadvantaged me greatly because If I
knew at an early age what I know today about finances, I
would be much wealthier than I am today.

My point is this: Financial education is experiential and you
can't learn it by theory alone. It's something you learn in
practice and the earlier you start the experiential learning,
the earlier you build up and become financially independent.
In other words, put $100 000 in the hands of someone with

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

experiential financial education and you will see how well
they will manage and grow that money.

But put the same amount in the hands of someone with no

experiential financial education and see what disaster you
will have caused. So, the knowledge about finances is what
drives financial success. Not how much money one has.
Therefore, I urge you to start your experiential financial
education journey as early as yesterday!

Experiential financial education is one subject that you must

keep learning about from childhood to old age. You can never
make decent money in life if all you know is how to spend

Yes, some of us have a job and some of us may have a good
business but your biggest limitation to earning more money
is the depth of your financial education. Always remember
that the more you understand money, the more of it you will

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

The ability to shift up levels in all areas of our lives that
require consistent growth is so essential. You may be enjoying
that level you are on right now, but what if that level is
fatigued and tired of you?

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Anytime your level becomes a comfort zone, then that is a
signal to shift up levels. Otherwise, the next thing is that your
level begins to fight to eject you and your life will just become
a struggle.

You see, whenever you don't deliberately shift up levels,

eventually, you are shifted out. That is life. Systems always
eventually eject anything that has out-lived, over-stayed, or
expired in terms of its usefulness and relevance.

As an individual, you always need to shift up in terms of your

academics, your career your job, your business, and your
finances. The small shop has to become a big shop at some
point. Your title has to change at some point. Salary
increment and promotion must be regular and how much

money you make whether in business or your career cannot
be the same year in - year out.
Understand however that changes in levels are triggered and
instigated. They don't happen on their own. So, when you
start feeling fatigue on one level of income, or fatigue on one

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

position in your career, it's a sign that where you are is tired
of you. When the job you used to find difficult becomes easy,
then it's time to shift up otherwise you risk dwarfing your
growth process.

I challenge you. If you are not tired of where you are, then
just maybe where you maybe are tired of you. Check yourself.


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Life always has vacant opportunities and

possibilities because life does not allow for any

I once had a job where a position and a title that did not exist
was created for me. I created that opportunity for myself by
identifying a vacant opportunity where there was no vacant
job. I occupied that job without even going through the HR
formalities of interviews.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

So, this is the principle I used: - Where there are no vacancies,
you can identify a vacant opportunity and that vacant
opportunity will create for you a job vacancy for you to
occupy. This principle works in careers, in business, and other
areas of life. Where there is no business, you can find a
demand vacancy that will in turn place a demand on
customers to your business.

Life always has vacant opportunities and possibilities because

life does not allow for any vacuum. So, you need to have an
intelligence that can see vacant opportunities/possibilities in

By vacant opportunities/possibilities, I mean seeing how an
organization can make more money and then volunteering
yourself to champion that project to make more money.
When you do that, automatically you have a job. In business,
it's scanning the environment to identify what people need in

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

terms of health, food, education, and entertainment and then
packaging a product to meet that need.

Once you do that, you are in business and you will never have
a shortage of customers. Vacant opportunities/ possibilities
are always available for someone to identify them and take
ownership of them.

So as hard as the times may be, you must identify these

opportunities and possible vacancies. Where they are not
hiring, create opportunities for employment for yourself.
Where there is no salary increment, create a salary increment
for yourself by creating a value vacancy for yourself and
where there are no customers, create value that will attract
customers. Make it happen!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

We all have had life-changing opportunities that we have let
slip through our fingers several times because maybe because
we have not realized the value of always being at our best and
always doing our best.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Realize this truth: People can never ignore excellence and
quality. So, if you aim at doing your best at all times and in all
things, opportunities can never pass you by.

Secondly, destiny helpers are always giving us chances to

prove ourselves. Being in the presence of a decision-maker in
business or an influential person in an organization is always
an audition. Each time you are in contact with an important
person, that is an interview. Note that Important/influential
and wealthy people are always more than willing to help
others more than you know.

They give chances even when we don't know that we are

being given a chance. But the thing with these kinds of people
is that they will never tell you that you have blundered or

destroyed your chances when it comes to giving you a life-
changing opportunity. They will just let you be and not even
correct you because they believe that if you are good then
you are good and if you have what it takes then you have
what it takes. Important people have no time to babysit you

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

or to endure your lack of excellence and quality. They are too
busy and if you can't fit in their world with quality and
excellence, then you are fired even before you got the

So the moment you leave your house, don't be sloppy. Don't

tolerate mistakes from yourself. Have excellence in all you do
and practice being a total quality person. If you follow this
advice, I promise you this - You will never have to beg for
employment, business, or any other opportunity.
Remember that excellence and quality are hard to ignore and
they are the access point to having favor with people. So
never forget this: One shot at an opportunity is all you need
if you are an excellent and quality person.


“Sometimes you have to work with what you have Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

through the failures until it works out.”

In life, you do not only build on your strengths alone. Instead,
you must also learn to build on your failures as well,
otherwise you risk wasting your time and progress by always
starting over from the bottom time and again.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

Starting afresh sounds so nice an idea until you realize that
you are not growing any younger and that you are losing
opportunities for progress every time you allow yourself the
luxury of repeating grade one.

Sometimes you have to work with what you have through the
failures until it works out. Realize that failure does not always
mean that you must start over. It may mean that you learn
what is not working well in the process of building up.

So instead of tearing down the whole wall because of one bad

brick, you must learn to just remove or repair the bad brick
and keep building. Pick this clue: When there is a failure,
everything is not spoilt. It's just an opportunity to repair.

Don't despair. Fix the one thing without tearing down
- So that marriage is not over! Just repair. Don't despair.
- Your Career is not over. Just repair. Don't despair.
- Your life is not over - Repair! Don't despair!

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

In life, there is always some progressive good in things that
go wrong. To underscore my point, I want you to learn from
this: The Japanese never throw away broken pottery.

They always fix the broken pottery with gold, so that the once
broken clay vessel ends up looking more beautiful than the
one that has never broken before. Think about that!


Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


“Stop looking for open doors. It pays to knock on

the closed doors that everyone else fears to knock
on and enter in.”

The natural inclination for most of us is to go for what is
available. We like to follow the obvious opportunities. Call
them open doors. Well, today I want to challenge you to start
going for closed doors instead. Realize that closed doors have
more value and opportunity than open doors. You see,

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

people close doors to limit access. They close doors and even
lock them because they have something of value to protect.

Have a different perspective in your quest for opportunities.

Stop fearing closed doors. Just like a high-value woman who
is hard to get says no to your proposal several times, do not
be intimidated by closed doors. It may be closed yes, but
remember that a door is closed not to keep you out. It's
closed instead, to qualify those that are daring enough to
enter it. So, don't be intimidated by closed doors.

They may say, 'We don't have any business for you', but the
question is who are they giving business and why them
instead of you? Crack that and get some business as well. In
terms of jobs, don't fear the 'We are not hiring' sign.

Find a way to extract a Yes where you are told No. The best
places with the best jobs are difficult to penetrate and
businesses with profitable markets are very hard to penetrate
as well. But once you are in then you are in. So, if you go for
common jobs, you will end up in an average job/ salary. Do

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

common business and you will get common profits.

Be tenacious and ask for big money when you are quoting an
organization. Stop charging peanuts. Place value on yourself
and go big! Approach the people who are feared. Never be
shy to ask for the big stuff.

Stop going for the easy stuff that everyone goes for.
Penetrate the hard markets. Henceforth, stop looking for
open doors. It pays to knock on the closed doors that
everyone else fears to knock on and enter in.


“During brain betrayal, your own brain resists any Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3
major adjustments that you may be trying to work
out because your brain perceives such success
seeking actions as strange and foreign to your

Brain betrayal happens every time you want to make success
changes in your life without first programming your mind for
that success. It's like trying to force a particular software on
hardware which is not compatible. During brain betrayal,
your own brain resists any major adjustments that you may

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

be trying to work out because your brain perceives such
success seeking actions as strange and foreign to your life.

We are products of the information that we constantly

receive through our senses and we become programmed
according to what we hear, what we smell, what we see and
what we touch. Therefore, your brain will only allow you to
go as far as you can see, smell, hear and touch. Your brain will
not allow for you to reach for a reality that your senses are
not familiar with.

So, you can desire certain things in life but if your brain feels
that your character, behavior and habits cannot support your
new quest, then your brain will gently persuade you to stay
on course with what you are used to. So literally, you may

think - "I want to work hard" but your brain will
subconsciously do an access denied protocol and persuade
you to stick with laziness if that is what you are used to.

At the subconscious level, your brain believes that it's acting

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3

in your best interest to rule out that idea of change or success
which does not match your current state of life.

So how do you overcome brain betrayal? It’s simple. All you

have to do is expose your mind to success first, before taking
actions in pursuit of success. You must cause your brain to
see, hear, smell and feel success by all means so that your
brain no longer rejects the idea of success.

You need to create an environment of success around you.

Hang around the successful long enough, talk to the
successful long enough and get influenced by the successful
long enough and sooner or later, your brain will gravitate
towards success in terms of programming.

Consequently, every success seeking action that you
undertake after that will be gladly accepted by your brains
without your brain betraying you.

Life Building Wisdom Nuggets. Volume 3


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