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Solv.,, 2x2- x +3 = 0 Eq ualion of degree 2 ,

5 in one variable
Solution: 2x2....5x +3 0

,_.2--�xl� 0


Bv Completh �
/ ..!..
+ 2 = o= (x- ..i. f -
( - -5)1 ( 5} 2 . 4 16
4 =
0 ti;(' ,
-:r General F'onn a..'<2+ bx+c = 0

9t1<? n of a
(x-.§..)2 =..!.. = x ..i.
; 4 16
:t � .,.<" so \\\\\o (;2,uad1tatic a , b, c-real nmnbers

o.� ...x,c1:.q lioii l lquatio.,io

a ;t: 0
x =� + .! or x = �-.!
. 4 4 4 4 . ,,:;,
,., av. �

. 2 .... o
x =.l.orx=l
-"<tr Ro ots of ax2 + bx+ c 0 a re given by
- � � =
9 ,1t,
• 0 -.b + 'II,2'-<l ac
�p 1 ·1i1
.,; 0 I{/�
;:Q --,_


Find roots of 6x2....x-2 =0


Solulion: 6>.2+ 3.x-4x-2 = 0 For quadralic equation
3.x(2x+ 1)-2(2x + 1) 0
a..-< 2+ bx+c = 0 ,
(3x -2 )(2x+ 1) = 0
b2 -4ac is Discriminant (D)

The roots of 6x2-x -2= 0

(3x -
2) = 0 or (2x + 1) = 0
2 -1 S. No. Oiscriminanl Rools
X =
3 or x =2
1. D >0 Two distinct
Roots are 2,2
-1 real roots
2. D 0 Two equal
real roots

No real roots
3. D <0 (imaginaiy)


► St1:nut11rd for111 of q11adratic eq11atiou a>.2 + bx + c = 0, (a ;, 0). Solu tious of the quadratic equatious
(ouly real roots) by factori.zatiou, by co111pletiug the square 11ud by usiug quadraticfor11111 la. Relatiouslzip
beh11eeu discri111iu11ut aud uature of roots.
► Situatioual proble111s based Oil q11adratic equatious related to day t o day activities to be iucorporated.

Solution of Quadratic Equations
Solution ofQuadratic Equations
Quick Review ... P . 67

► A quadratic equation in the variable x is of the form a,?· + b x + c = 0, TOPIC· 2

wherea,b andc are real numbersanda.,O. Discriminant and Nature of Roots
.... P .87
► The values oix that satisfies an equation is called the solution o r roots or
zeros of the equation.
► A real number Cl is said to be a solution/root o r zero of the quadratic equation
a>.2 + b x + c =0, iiact2 + bet + c =0.
► A qwdratic equation can be solved by the following algebraic methods:
(i) Splittingthe middle term
(ii) Ma king perfect squares
(iii) Usingquadratic formula.
► Iia>.2 + b x + c = 0, a "' 0 can be reduced to the product of two linear factors, then the roots of the quadratic
equationa>.2 + b x+ c = 0 can be found by equatingeach factor to zero.
► Method for splitting the middle term of the equation a x2 + b x + c = 0, wherea"' 0.
(i) Form the product"ac"
(ii) Find a pair of numbersb 1 andb2 whose product is "ac"and whose sum is"b" (if you can't find such number,
it can't be factorised)
(iii) Split the middle term usingb 1 and "2, that expresses the termb xas b 1 x +b 2A·· Now factor by grouping the pairs
of terms.
► Roots of the quadratic equation can be found by equatingeach linea r factor to zero. Since product of two numbers
is zero, if either or both of them a re zero.
► Any quadratic equation can be converted in to the form (x + a}2 - /} = 0 by adding and subtracting some terms.
This method of findingthe roots of quadratic equation is called the method of making the perfect the square.
► Method of making the perfect square !or quadratic equationa>.2 +b x+ c =0,a .. o.
(i) Dividingthroughout by a, we getx2 + /J x+ c =0
n n
(ii) Multiplying and dividing the coefficient of x by 2
x + 2� x+ c =0
211 11
68 l
(iii) Adding and subtracting
b Ii b2 c =0
2a 4a2 4a2 a

or, (x + ;a) =
/J - ;a c

4a -

(x+ ;a)2 = ( J1} 4ac


or, 2:
If (J,2 -4ac);:: 0, then by taking square root
o� (x+ b)= ±J1} -4a c
? 2a
-b± J1} -4 ac
or, x=

► Roots of ax +bx + c
= 0, a"' 0 a re
_-_ +
_ . _
_ t
_ -
_ _ 4 ac
J ; _· _ and _-_/J-
_ 4_ _ac
_ ._ J_i;_ -
_ , whe re b 2 -4ac > O.

► Roots of aJ.2 + bx + c=0, a"' 0 are 2a and 2a , where b2 - 4ac= 0

-/; -/;

► Quadratic identities:
(i) (a + b)2 a2 + 2ab + b2

(ii) (a -b)2 ,?- - 2d, + b2
(iii) ,?- -b2 (a + b) (a -b)

Know the Facts

► The Old-Babylonians (1700 BC) staled and so lved problems inv o lving quadratic equations.
► The Greek mathematician Euclid developed a ge ometrical approach for finding out roo ts, which a re so lution of
quadratic equations.
► In Vedic manuscripts, pr ocedures are described for so lving quadratic equations b y geometric methods related to
completing a square.
► Brahmagupta (C.E. 598-665) gave an explicit formula to so lve a quadratic equation of the form aJ.2 + bx + c 0
► Sridharacharya (C.E. 1025) derived the quadratic formula for so lving a quadratic equation by the method of
completing the pe rfectsquare.
► An Arab mathematician Al-Khwarizmi (about C.E. 800) studied quadratic equations of different type s.
► Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-nasi, in his b ook 'Liber embaclorun{ published in Europe in C. E . 1145 gave complete
so lutions o f diffe re ntq uadratic equations.
► Edden ratio t is the roo t of quadratic equation ,_J. - x - 1 0. =

'lwo water taps together can fill a tank in 2-1 1 35

Q. • - hrs.
12 12
hrs. the tap of smal !er diametertakes 2 hours more 12
than the larger one to till the tank separately. Find Together they fill in an hour • tank
the time in which each tap can separately fill the
tank. Tap of larger diameter will fill the tank in one
Sol. : Step 1 : Let time taken by tap of larger diameter l
hour tank
be x hrs. and time taken by tap of smaller diam­


eter be Ix • 21 hrs. l
11 and other tap tank
x· 2

Together they fill the tank in 2 - hrs


Step 2: According t o question. Step 4 : No,v factonzing by splitting the middle term.
I I 12 6x' 30x• 1x 35•0
-+- a -
X x·2 35 or, 6'AX 51 • 71X 51•0
x·2·x 12 or, Ix 51 16x·71•0
a -
xlx·21 35
2x·2 a - 12
x2 ·2x 35 Reiecting x•
as time c annot be negative.
Step 3 : Cross multiplying 6
3512x • 21 ° 121x'·2xl Therefore l arger tap takes 5 hrs and smaller tap
or, 70x • 70 ° 12x' • 24x takes 7 hrs.
or, 12x' 46x 70 ° 0
or, 6x' 23x 35 ° 0

Very Short Answer Type Questions (I mark each)

IQ] Q.1 . Find the positive root of J3x2 + 6 = 9. or, IS x (x- IS) +l(x-lS) = 0
(x _ IS )( IS x + 1) = 0
(Board Term -2 2015, Set UD1CCY2) or,
SoL J3.,..2 +6 = 9 x =
✓3 , ✓3 1
3.,.2 + 6 = 81
3x2 = 81 - 6 = 75 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)
x = 75 = 25 IQIQ.4. Find the value of k, for which one root of the
quadratic equation -14x + 8 = 0 is six times
the other. (Board Term-2, 201)
Hence, Positive root = 5 1 (Board Sample Paper2016)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
Sol. Let one root= Cl
IQ] Q. 2 . lfx = --, is a solution of the quadratic equation Other root = 6ct
. ... = ct+ 6ct = 41
3x2 + Vo:- 3 = 0, find the value of k. Sumotroo.., -
(Board Term-2, 2015, Delhi CBSE (Set 1, ll, Ill))
7ct = 4 or ct =
or, .. . (i)
SoL Putting x = _! in 3., .2
+ 2kx-3 = 0 k k
Product of roots Cl (6ct) = -
. , -k-3 =0
or, 6ct2 = .. . (ii)
or k
Solving (i) and (ii),
k= - -3
4 6 = -8
- _
k= 4
4 6 X = -8k
k= -
= 1-k
Hence 1 3
4 or,
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) ki
IQ] Q. 3 . Find the roots of the quadratic equation ✓3 x2 - or, 3k = k2
2v - ✓3 . (Board Turm-2, 2012 (35), 2011 (Al))
or, 3k-k 2 =0
k[3 -k] =0
ISx 2 - 2x- IS = 0 k =0 or k = 3
k = 0 is not p:,ssible
or, IS.>2-3x+x- IS =0 Hence k =3 1
70 l
[QI Q.5. I f one root of the quadratic equation 6,r-x -k [QI Q.6. Find the 3value (s) o f k if the quadratic equation
=0 is , then find the value o f k. 3x 2 - k✓x+ 4= O has real roots.
3 [Sample Question Paper2017)
(Board Term-ll foreign-2, 2017) Sol.Di s cri m inantofquadratic equation si equal to zero,
Sol.On s ubstituting x = 2 , we get or more than zero then roots are real.
,) 3x 2 - k✓3x + 4 = 0
Compare wi t h ,,.,.2+bx+ c = 0
then a = 3, -k./3 and c = 4
D = b2-4'c
R:, r real roo Is b2 - 4ac ;;:0
4 2 ?
6x - -k =0 (- k./3r-4x3x4 ;;:o
9 3
k2- 16 ;;:0
(k-4)(k+ 4);;:0
· k�-4andk;;:4 1
k =2

Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each)

[QI Q.1. Find the roots of the quadratic equation 6x - x-


2 = O. (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (13)) or, 4x( .JS x + 2)-./3 ( .JS x + 2) = 0
SoL 6.>2-x-2 = 0
or, ( ✓3 + 2)(4x-✓'3) = 0
X ',h
or, 6.>2+ 3x-4x-2 = 0 '/2 ✓3
X =-✓
23 ' 4 ',h
or, 3x(2x + 1}-2(2x+ 1) = 0 '/2
or, (2x+ 1}(3x- 2) = 0 '/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2013, 2012)
or, 3x-2 = 0 or 2x + 1 = 0 [QJQ.4. Solve for x.
2 1
x = - or x = - - x2 -( ✓3+1)x+./3 =O
3 2
[Foreign Set I, ll, llL 2015)
.on are 2 and- 1 .
:. Roots otequatt
. '/2
SoL x -(✓ +1)x+✓
3 2 2 3 3 = 0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
[QI Q.2. Find the roots of the following quadratic
x2 -.J3x -1 x + ✓3 = 0 '/2
equation: x(x -✓3 ) -1 (x -✓3) = 0
15,r-10 ✓6 X+ 10 = 0 (x-✓ 3
)(x-1} = 0 1
(Board Term-2, 2012 Set (1)) x = ./3,x = l '/2
SoL 15.>,2-10 ✓6 X+ 10 = 0 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
3.>2-2-/6 x+2 = 0 '/2 [!] Q.5. Find the roots of the following quadratic
3.>,2- ✓6 X- J6 + 2 = 0
X '/2 1
../3x(../3x- .fi.)- .Ji( ../3x- .fi.) = 0 '/2 (x+3 )(x-1) =3(x- -)
(,/3 x- .Ji)(,/3 x- .fi.) = 0 (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (52), 2011 Set (Al))
.fi. .fi.
x = ✓3 ' 3
✓ '/2 SoL (x+ 3)(x-1} =
3(x- -)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
or, .>2+ 2x-3 3x-1
= 1
[!] Q.3. Solve the following quadratic equation forx: or, .>2-x-2 = 0
4 ✓3 x2+ 5x-2 ✓3 =O or, x2-2x+x-2 = 0

(Board Term-2, 2013, 2012, Set (22)) or, x(x-2) + l(x-2) =0

SoL 4 ✓3 x 2 + Sx-2 ✓3 =0 or, (x-2)(x + 1) =0
X = 2,-1 1
or, 4 ✓3 x2 + 8x-3 x -2 ✓3 = 0 '/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)
[QI Q. 6 . Find the roots of the following qwdratic equation: IAJ Q.9. Solve the following equation forx :
2 x2 -x--=0 3 4x2 + 4bx-(ff' -b 2) = 0
5 5 (Outside Delhi CBSE, 2015 Set I, ll, Ill)
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (40))
SoL 4 .>·2 + 4bx + T:l--a2 =0
" or, (2x + b) 2 -a2 = 0
SoL 2
-J: -.\·-- =0 or, (2x+ b+ a} (2.>·+ b -a) =0
5 5
"1 2 - 5. \ · - ::,.,
"'x -(n+b) n-/J
or, =0 '/2 or, x= x= --
5 2 ' 2
or, 2.,.2 -Sx-3 =0 '/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) 1/2 + 1/2
or, 2.>·2 -6x+ x-3 = 0
[QI Q.10.Solve the following quadratic equation forx:
or, 2.>·(x-3) +l(x-3) = 0 '/2
or, (2.>·+ l }(x-3) = 0 .r-2nx-(4b 2-n 2) = O
1 (Outside Delhi CBSE, 2015 Set Ill)
X =- - 3 '/2
2 '
SoL.>2 -2ax-(4b 2-a2} =0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Givenequationcanbe writtenas
[QI Q. 7. Solve the following quadratic equation forx: _,.2_2ax + ,,2_4b2 = 0
4x2- 4 n 2x + (n4 -b4) = 0 or (x-a) 2 - (2b)2 = 0 1
(Delhi CBSE Term-2, 2015 (Set I, ll)) .· . (x-a + 2b) (x-a-2b) = 0 '/2
SoLHere, A = 4 , B = -4a2, C = (a4 - b4) or, x = a-2b,x = a+2b '/2
) -B ± JB2 -4AC ± J( -4a2)2-' I X' l(a4-b4)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
[QI Q.11.Solve the quadratic equation, 2r2 + nx -n 2 = O
x = - -4 a
( 2x'I
for x. (Delhi CBSE, Turm-2, 2014 )
or, Sol.Here, A = 2,B = a, C = -a2

2 :. By the formula, x= -B± B 2 -4AC✓

4n ± J16n -16n 4 4+ 4
or, = 2A
-a±.Ja 2 -4x2x(-a 2)
= 1
4n ±_,__
or, =_ _ __ 1
2 2 =
-n±-Jn2 +8a2
4 n ± 4/} n ±/}
or, X = 4
8 2
n2 +//
Either, x = or x = 02 -1!2
1 4
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) = -a±3a
[QI Q.8. Solve the following quadratic equation forx: "
-4 +3a - a-:,c;
9,r-6b 2x-(n4 -b 4 ) = 0 x=
4 4
(Delhi CBSE Term-2 , 2015 (Set Ill))
SoLHere, a = 9,b = -6b2,c =-(a4 -b4) x= - -a 1
6/} ± (-6/})2 -4 x9x{-(a4 -1!4)}
[QI Q.12.Find the roots of the quadratic equation
4x2 - 4px + (p2 -rf) = 0
2x9 (Board Turm-2, 2014 )

61?± J36/J 4 + 36a 4 -36/J 4 1
SoLHere, a = 4 , b = -4 p,c = (,}-q2}
18 The roots are givenby the quadratic formula

6/} ± 36n4✓ x=
-/J± J1} - 4 a c
4p± .j16p2 -4x4x(p2 -q2)
- x= 1
18 2x4
n + /J2 b2 -n
2 2 2
x= 1 4 p ± J16p -16p + 16q
" "
.) .)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
72 l

4p± 4q 2
IA] Q.16. lfx = and x =-3 are roots of the quadratic
equation a.r
+7x+ b = 0 , find the values of n
:. The roots are p q p -q .
1 and b. (Board Term 2- Delhi Set I, ll, llL 2016)
2 ' 2 2
Sol. Substituting x = in a.>2 + 7x+ b = 0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014) 3
IA] Q.13. Sum of the areas of two squares is 468 m2• If the 4 14
-a + - +b
9 3
difference of their perimeter is 24 m, find the
sides of the two squares. or, 4a +42 + 9b = 0
(Board T e r m2,
- 2012 Set (28),2011 Set (Al)) or, 4a+ 9b = - 42 ...(i) 1/2
and subs tituting x = -3
SoL Let the side of the smaller square be yand the side 9a-21 +b = 0
ofthe longer square be x, then. 1/2 or, 9a+b = 21 ...(ii) 1/2
4x-4y = 24 Solving (i) and (ii), we get
or, x-y= 6 a = 3andb = -6 1
or, x = y+6 '/2 IA] Q.17. Solve forx : JGx + 7 - (2v - 7) =0
According tothe question, [O.D. Set llL 2016)
.,.2+I = 468 Sol. Given, J6x + 7 - (2x -7) = 0
or, 0+6)2+ = 468 I or, -J6x + 7 = (2.>·-7)
or, 2]+12y+ 36 = 468
or, 2/+12y-432 = 0 Squaring both sides
6x+ 7 = (2.>·-7)2 1
6x+ 7 = 4.,.2-28x+49
or, ]+6y-216 = 0
or, (y+18)(y-12) = 0 or, 4.>2-34.>·+42 = 0
y =-18,1 2 or, 2.>2 -17x+ 21 = 0
Rejecting y =-18,as side can not be negative or, 2.> ·2 - 14x-3x+ 21 = 0
y = 1 2 a n d x = 18 1 or, 2x(x-7)-3(x-7) = 0
Hence, the side of larger square =18 m and that of or, (x-7)(2x-3) = 0
smaller square = 12 m 3
or, x =7 or x = - 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012) 2
[QI Q.14 . Solve for x (in terms of a and b) : [QI Q.18.Find the roots ofx2 - 4x-8 =0 by the method of
n b completing square. (Board Turm-2, 2015)
--+- - =2 ,x,.n,b
x-b x-n SoL On completin� the square,
or, (x-2) -8 -4 = 0 1/2
(Board Term-2 Foreign Set Ill,2016)
or, (x -2)2 - 12 = 0
or, (x-2)2 = 12
=2 or, (x-2)2 = (2 ✓3 )2 1/2
or, x-2 =+2/3
a(x-a}+b(x-b) = 2[x2 - (a+b)x+ab] 1/2
ax-a2+bx -b 2 =2.,.2-2(11+b)x+2ab or, X= 2+2.J3
2.>2-3(11+b)x+(a+bf = 0 x = 2+2./3,2-2./3 '/2
2.>2 -2(11+b) x- (a+b) x+ (a+b)2 = 0 1/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
[2.>·-(a+b)] [x-(a +b)] = 0
IA! Q.19. A two digit number is four times the sum of the
n +/J digits. It is also equal to 3 times the product of
x = a+b - - 1 digits. Find the numbe&
, 2
(Board Term-2 Foreign Set I,2016)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) Sol. Let units digit and tens digitof the two digitnumber
✓x -2✓ = 0
2 3
[QI Q.15 . Solve forx : ✓3x
-2 be x and y respectively
:. Number is 10y+ x
(Board Turm-2 Foreign Set ll,2016) According toquestion,
10y+ X = 4(y+ x) '/2
Sol. ✓x - 3
✓2 . - 2✓ = 0
2 3
or, 10y+ x = 4y+4.> ·
✓xfx -✓(,] + ✓f x - ✓(,] =O 10y-4y = 4x-x
'/2 or, 6y = 3x
( x-J6)( ✓x+ ✓2) =O
'/2 or, 2y = x ...(i)

10y+ X = 3xy
or, X = -16, " 1
or, 10y+ 2y = 3(2y)y

or, 12y = 6]
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) or, 6/-12y =O
or, 6y0J-2)=0
SoL Let the number of wickets taken by Zahir be x .
or, y=0 or y=2 '/2
Rej ecting y=0 a& the number cannot be zero. The number ofwickets taken by Harbhaj an = 2x-3
or,. x =4 '/2
:. Required number i& 24. 1 According to que&tion, x(2x-3) = 20
IA] Q. 20. In a cricket match, Harbhajan took three wickets or, 2'·2 - 3x = 20
less than twice the number of wickets taken by
Zahi& The Product ofthenumberof wickets taken :. Required quadratic equation,
by these two is 20. Represent the above situation 2'·2-3x-20 = 0 1
in the form of quadratic equation.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
(Board Term-2,2015)
IA! Q. 21. Solve for x: J2x+ 9+x = 13 (Board T e r m 2- Outside Delhi Set ll 2016)


(Topper Ans we&2016)

IA! Q. 22. Find the roots of the quadratic equation Sol. For equal roots, D= 0
Sol. ✓2x2+7x+5.J2 = 0 · b2-4ac=0
(BoardTerm-ll Outside Delhi,2017) or, k2=4x2x8
Sol. ✓2 .,2· +7x+5J'f. = 0 k2 = 64
k2 = 64
J'f..,2· +2x+5x+5J'f. = 0
k= ±.J64
=} ✓2,(,+✓2)+s(x+✓2) =0 k=+S
=} (x+J'f.)(J'f.,+ s) = 0 IA! Q. 24. Solve for x :
-./3x 2+ 10x+7✓3 =0
x= -J'f.
(Board Turm-ll Foreign2017 Set-2)
J'f. Sol. -./3x 2+3x+7x+7✓3 =0
J'f. .J'f.

or, (x+.f3)(.f3x+7) = O
IA! Q. 23. Find the value of k for which the roots of the
quadratic equation 2.r
+ kY + 8 = 0 will have x= --./3
The equal roots ? 7
(Board Turm-ll Outside Delhi Compt. 2017) x= - ✓

IA! Q. 25. Find the value of p, for which one root of the quadratic equation px2 - 14x + 8= 0 is 6 times the other.
74 l ,

(Topper Answe� 2016)

Short Answer Type Questions-II- - - - - -- (3 marks each)

IQ] Q. 1 . Solve forx:

Sol. (x-2) (2'· -3 +2x)= 2.>2 -3x 1
--+- -= 4-
x+1 x-2 2x+3
- - ;x"' 1, -2, 2
x-1 x+2 x-2 or (x-2)(4x-3)= 2.>2 - 3x 1
(Board Turm-2 Delhi Set ll, 2016) 4-'·2 - llx+ 6 = 2.>2 - 3x

, -7. +0.)X +2 +., 7-. -".)X +2 or 2.>2 -Sx+6 =0

S01. . ., = 4.X - 8 - 2X - ".> 1 or .>2 -4-'· + 3 = 0
,. .- +x-2 x-2
(2'·2 +4) (x-2) = (2'· -11) (.> .2 +X - 2) (x-1)(x-3)= 0
or, 5.>2 +19x -30 =0 1 X = 1,3
or, (5x-6)(x+5)=0 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
or, X =-5 - 1 IQ] Q.4. Solve the following quadratic equation forx:
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
,r + ( n +n
X+ 1 =0

2x 1 3x+ 9
IQ]Q. 2. Solve forx: --+- - +- - - - ­ (Board Term-2 Delhi Set Ill, 2016)
x-3 2x +3 (x-3}(2x+3)
2 + --X a+/J
3 Sol. +-- X +1 =0
= O,x:.e3, --
(Board Term -2 Delhi Set I, 2016) a+/J a

a a +/J ) a )
Sol. 1'·(2x+3)+(x-3)+(3x+9) = 0
or, 2'·2 + 5x+3 = 0
1 (
x x+- - + -
- (x+- - =0
a a+/J

or, (x+ 1)(2'· +3) = 0 '/2 a a +/J

3 ( x+- - )( x+- -) =0 1
or, x=-1, x=
'/2 a +/J a

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) -a -(a+/;)

or, x= -, 1
1 2 1 2 a+b a
IQ]Q.3. Solve forx: -+- -= --, x;, 0, -, 2.
x 2x-3 x-2 3
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
(Board Turm-2 Foreign Set ll, 2016)
[QI Q. 5 . Solve for x SoL .,.2 + Sx -(a2 + a-6) =0
1 1
-- - - +- - - -
(x-J}(x-2 ) (x-2}(x-3)
= 2
;x.-l,2,3 -5± J25+4(a 2 +a-6)
X= - � - - -'- - - --'- 1
3 2

(Board Turm-2, O.D. Set I,2016)
(·: X = -
2 -'-
Sol. + " -- 2a
( x- 1) (x- Z) (x-2) (x-. ,) 3
-5 ±(2a+l)
x-3+x-1 2 2
or, "
( x-l)(x- 2)( x-3) ,)
2a-4 -2a-6
2 x-4 2 2 ' 2
or, " 1
X = a - 2, X = - (a + 3)
( x-l)(x- 2)( x-3) ,)

(CBSE Marking Scheme,2015) '/2 + '/2

2( x-2) 2
or, "
( x-l)(x- 2)( x-3) IA] Q. 9. Solve for x:
.r -
( 2 b- 1 lx + (b2- b - 20) =o

2 2
or, (Board Term -2 Foreign Set IL 2015)
or, 3=(x-l}(x-3) '/2 (2b-1)±.j(2b-1) 2 -4(b -b-20)
or, ., _4,. + 3 = 3
.2 SoL X= - - - �- - ---'- - - --'- 1
or, ->2-4x=O
x(x-4) = 0
or, 1
or, x = 0 or x =4 1 2
[QI Q. 6. Solve forx: 2h+8 2h-10
or, x = , X=
Jix2 - 2 ✓2x - 2.J3 = 0 2 2

(Board Term -2, Outside Delhi CBSE,2015 Set x=b+4,x=b-5 '/2+'/2

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
I,Ill,Foreign Set L IL Ill,2014)
Sol. [QI Q. 10. Solve for x: [Board Term-2 CBSE O.D. 2014)
✓?,x2 - 2✓x-2✓3 =0 16
_1 = 15
--; x :;,e:0,-1
X X+]
✓3x2 -[3✓,-2 ✓3 =0 16_ 15
Sol. 1 _
or, ✓?, x2 -3 ✓2x + .fi.x-2 ✓3 =0 1 X X+ ]
or, ✓?,x - ✓3✓3✓x + .fi., - ✓?, =0
2 16 15
✓3x[,- ✓3]+ .fi.[,] =0
16(x + 1) - 15x =.,.2 + x
16x + 16 - 15x =.,.2 + x
or, ✓3x[,- J6][,-J6 ] =0 1 X + 16 = .> + X

.,.2- 16 = 0
or, (x + 4) (x-4) = 0
X + 4 = 0, X - 4 = 0

or,x = JG = -J½ 1 X =-4,x=+4.

IA] Q.11. Solvethe quadraticequation(x-1 ) 2 -5(x-1)-6=0

[QI Q. 7. Solve forx: (Board Turm-2, 2015)
2x2 +6.J3x-60 = 0 Sol. Given, (x-1) 2- S(x - 1)- 6 = 0
or, .,.2-2x + 1-Sx + 5 -6 = 0 1
(Board Term-2 O.D.,CBSE,2015,Set ll) or, ., -7x + 6 -6 = 0

or, .,.2 _7.,. =0 1

SoL .,;2 +3✓3:,;-30 =0 '/2 or, x(x - 7) = 0
or, 2
✓3x-2✓3x-30 =0
.,· + 5· 1 X = 0, 7 1
[QI Q. 12. Solve the equation for x:
or, x(x + 5✓3)-2 ✓3( x + 5✓3) =O '/2
4 5 -3
--3=- - ;x;tO,­
( x+ 5✓)( x-2 ✓3) =0
or, x 2x+3 2
or, X =-5✓3, 2J3 (Board Turm-2 Delhi CBSE,2014)

'/2 + '/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
SoL --

IA] Q.8. Solve forx: 4(2x + 3)-5x

+ 5x -(n2 + n- 6)= 0 or,
x(2 x+ 3)
=3 1
(Board T e r m2- Foreign Set I,2015)
76 l

or, Sx+ 12-5x= 3x(2x+3) 1 1 11

[i] Q.15. Solve the equation, _ _-_ _ = _ , x"'-4,
or, 3x+12 = 6 .>2+9x x+4 x-7 30'
7 forx. (Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (1))
or, 6.>2+ 6x-12 =0 1
6x 2+ 12x-6x-12 =0 1 1 11
or, SoLGivenequation, - - -- -= -
or, 6x(x+2)-6(x+ 2)=0 x+4 x-7 30
x-7 -x-4 11
6(x+2)(x- 1) =0 or,
(x + 4)(x-7)
= - 1
X = 1,-2 1
or, 11) X 30 = l l(x+4)(x-7) 1
( -
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014) .>2-3x+2 = 0
[i] Q.13.Find the roots of the equation 2r 2 + x-4 = 0, by or, .>2-2x-x+2 = 0
the method of completing the squares. or, (x- l}(x-2) = 0
[KVS, 2014) X = 1, 2 1
Sol.On dividing by 2, we get (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)
[i] Q.16. Find the roots of the quadratic equation:
n2b2 + b2x -rrx - 1 = 0
2 (Board Term-2, 2012 (31))
Adding ands ubtracting (14 ) , we get SoLGiven, ,,21}_,.2+ 1l-x-dlx- 1 = 0 1
or, b2x(a2x+1)-l(a2x+1) = 0 1
2 2
.>2+2x (1)
+ (14 ) - (41) -2=0 or, (b2x - 1)(a2x+1) = 0
x = - I or
b1 I x = - -
or, 1 1 1
Hence, roots = b2 I

or, (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)

[i] Q.17. Solve the following quadratic equation for x :
p2x2 + (p2-,f}r-,f = 0
or, (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (Al))
SoLHere, a = ,},b =p2-c(,c =-c( '/2
or, =- 1 D = b2 - 4ac
= (,?- q2}2-4(p2)(- '()

= +q4-2,? q2+4p2'(

= p + +2p2 2
4 4

= (,?+q2}2

:. Roots are x = 1 -b ± )1;1 -4nc
[i] Q.14.Solve for x : 9x2 - 6nx + (n2 - b2) = O
(Delhi CBSE Turm-2, 2014, Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (40)) -(p2 -q),}(p2 +q2)
SoLGivenequation, 9x 2-6ax+J- /} = 0 2p2
6a±J(-6a) 2 -4x9x(a 2 -J;2 )
2x9 q 2-p2 ± J(P2 +q2t
or, x=
18 q2-p2+p2+q2 _ q2
6a+6/J 6a-6/J
? 2 -
or, x=- - x =- - 1 �P
18 ' 18
q 2-p 2-p 2-q2
6(n+/J) = 6(n-b) and x= = -1 '/2
or, x=
'/2 2p 2

a+b a-b
or, X = -o
- '/2+'/2 q2
Hence, The roots are 2 ,-1. '/2
.) .)

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011)
[QI Q.18. Solve the following quadratic equation forx: In right t:.PQR, by Pythag oras theorem
9x - 9(n + b}Y+ 2'1 +5nb+ 2b =0
2 2 PQ2 = PR2+R(!
(Board Term-2 Foreign Set L 2016) or, 172=(x + 9)2+ (x + 2)2 1
Sol. Given 289 =x2+ 18x + 81+ _,.2
9.,.2-9(a+ b)x + 2,,2+ 5ab +'21:,2 =0 +4x + 4
2,,2 + 5ab + 2b 2 =2tl-+4ab + ab + '21:,2 2
= 2.> +22x-204 0
2 =
or, x + llx-102=0 1/2
=2a[a+2b] +b[a+71,J
or, .> +17x-6x-102=0
=(a+ 2b) (2a + b) 1
or, x(x +17)-6(x +17) =0 1/2
Hence the equation becomes (x-6)(x +17) =0
9.,.2-9(a+ b)x +(a+7l,)(2a + b) =0 or, x= 6 or x - 17 1/2
or, 9 .,.2-3[3a+3b]x +(a+ 7l,)(2a+b ) =0 or, x =6cm
or, 9x 2 - 3[(a + 71,) + (2a + b)]x + (a + 7l,)(2a +b) (xcan't be negative)
=0 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) 1/2
or, 9 .,.2-3(a +71,)x- 3(2a + b)x +(a+ 7l,)(2a+ b)=0 IA] Q. 21. Three consecutive natural numbers are such
or, 3x[3x-(a +71,)]-(2a + b) [3x-(a +71,)] =0 that the square of the middle number exceeds
or, [3x-(a+ 2b)][3x-(2a+ b)] =0 1 the difference of the squares of the other two by
or, 3x-(a+ 2b) = 0 60. Find the numbers.
a+2/J (Board Term-2 O.D. Set Ill, 2016)
or, x =- -
Sol. Let the three consecutive natural numbers be x,
or 3x-(2a + b) =0 x+1 and x+2.
.. 2 2 2
(x + 1) =(x + 2) - (x) + 6 0
2a+b 1
or, x = '/2 or, 2
_, + 2x+ 1 =x + 4x+4-x + 6 0
.2 2
or, x2-2x-63 =0 '/2
Henee, the ... =-a+2/J-
,-2a+b- or, _, -9x + 7x-63 = 0
or, x (x-9)+ 7 (x-9) = 0
3 3
IA] Q.19. Solve forx : or, (x-9)(x + 7) = 0
+ 6x - (n2+ 2n - 8) =0 or,
rejecting-7, :.
x =9 or x =
x =9
(Board Term-2 Foreign Set Ill, 2015)
Hence three numbers are 9, 10, 11. 1
SoL _,.2+ 6x-(a2+ 2a-8) = 0 IA] Q. 22. If (,r + y2)(n 2 + Ir) = (ax + by )2. Prove that
+2a-8) X !J
X = -6 ± J36+4(a
1 -=-
a b
(Board Turm-2, 2014)

= -6±(2a +2)
1 SoL Given, (.>2+))(a2+I?) =(ax+ by)2
or, x2tl-+ x2b2+ ja2+)b2=,?-_,.2+ b2)+ 2abxy1

= 2a-4 -Za-8 or, J;?-

.,2b2+ -2abx{= 0
X or, (xb-y,) = 0
2 ' 2
[·:(a-b)2 = tl-+ l?-2ab]1
x = a-2,-a-4 '/2+'/2 or, x b =y,
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) X
- !J
=- Hence Proved. 1
IA] Q. 2 0 .P & Qare centres of circles of radii 9 cm and 2 a b
c m respectively. PQ =17 cm. R is the centre of [CBSE Marking Scheine,2014)
the circle of radius x cm which touc hes given
circles externally. Given that angle PRQ is 90•. IA! Q. 23. The sum of ages (in years) of a son and his father
Write an equation inx and solve it. is 35 years and produc t of their ages is150 years,
find their ages. (Delhi CBSE Turm-2, 2014)
(Board Term-2, SQP, 2016)
(Board Term -2, 2012 Set (40))
SoL Let the age of father be x years
and age ofson be yyears
x+y=35and xy=150 1
or y =35-x
Putting the value of y,
x(35- x) =150
or, x -35x+150=0
L--- __. ,
- 17 cm or, (x-30)(x- 5) = 0
or, x= 30, x =5 (rejected)
or, y =5
Hence The age of lather =3 0 years and the age of
son = 5 yea rs (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)1
78 l
IAJ Q.24. One fourth of a herd of camels was seen in or, ,?·+15x-14x-210 = 0
forest 'lwice of square root of the herd had or, x(x+15)-14(x+ 15) = 0
(x+15}(x-14) = 0
gone to mountains and remaining 15 camels or,
were seen on the bank of a rive� find the total '/4
number of camels. (Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (1)) or, x+15 = 0 or x- 14 = 0

Sol. Let the total number of camels be x x = -15 or x = 14 '/4

According to the question, Rejecting negative value
,. First number = 14
:...+2vx+15 =x 1
4 and consecutive number = 15
or, 3x-8 J;; -60 =0 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)

let J;; = y, then

IAJ Q.26. In a class test the sum of the marks obtained
by a student in mathematics and science is 28.
3y2-8y-60 =0 Had he got 3 marks more in mathematics and 4
or, 3)-18y+lOy-60 =0 marks less in science, the product of the marks
or, 3y(y-6)+10(y-6) =0 would have been 180. Find his marks in two
or, (3y+10)(y-6) =0 subjects. (Board Term-2 2012, Set (21))
10 SoL Marks obtained in maths =x
or, y = 6 or y = - -:;-
Marks obtained inscience = 28-x '/2
(not JX>Ssible) ( x+3)(28-x-4) = 180
So y or, y2 = 36
=6 or, (x+ 3)(24-x) = 180
x = / = 36 or, 24x-.>2+72-3x = 180
Hence the numberofcamels = 36. 1 or, 2
.>-21x+108 =0 1
IAJ Q. 25. The sum of the squares of two consecutive or, (x-9)(x-12) =0
natural numbers is 421. Find the numbers. x = 9 or x = 12 1
(Board Term-2, 2012 Set (12)) Case I :
SoL Let the first natural number be x Marks obtained in maths = 9
.. Second consecutive natural number = x + 1 '/4 Marks obtained inscience = 19
According to the question, Case 11 :
x2+ (x+1)2 = 421 Marks obtained in maths = 12
or, ,?·+,?·+2x+1 = 421 '/4 Marks obtained inscience = 16 '/4
or, ,?·+ x-210 = 0 '/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)

IAI Q.27. If the roots of the equation (n2+b2) .r -2 (nc+bd)x+(c2+ d = 0 are equal, prove that bn = �.


(Topper Answe� 2016)


Long Answer Type Questions (4 marks each)

(2x)2 (2x)
IQ]Q.1. Solveforx: - - +5 - --24 =0,x"'S
IQ] Q.3. Findx in terms ofn, band c:
x-5 x-5 --+ - b-=- 2c-,x:.en,b,c
x-n x-b x-c
(CBSE S.A�2, 2016, Set -HODM40L)
(Board Turm-2 Delhi Set 1, 2016)
(x�: S r 2
+s( �: )-24 =0
x s
Sol. a(x-b)(x-e)+ b(x-a)(x-e) =2c(x-a)(x-b) 11/2
_,.2(a+ b -2c) + x(-ab -ac -ab-be+ 2ac+ 2be) = 0
Let x bey 1 _,.2(a+ b -2c) + x(-2,,!, + ac+ be) =0 11/2
( -S)
nc+/J c- 2n/J
I+ Sy-24 =0 1 x = -(
n+/J- 2c )
(y+ 8) (y-3) =0 1
y =3, -8 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
Puffing y =3 3 4 29 1
2x IQ]Q.4. Solveforx:- -+- -=- - ;x=,-1, _
=3 x+1 x-1 4x-l 4
(Delhi CBSE Board, 2015 (Set 3))
2x =3x-15
3 4 29
X =15
Sol. --+- -=
x+1 x-1 4x-l
or � =-8
x-5 3x-3+4x+4 29
2x =-8x+40 or, ? = 4x-1
.,·· -1
lOx =40
7x +1 29
X =4 or, = 1
Hence, X =15,4 1 .,.2 -1 4x-1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) or, (7x+ 1)(4x-1) = 29_,.2-29
IQ]Q. 2. Solveforx: Or, 28.>.2-7X+ 4x- 1 = 29_,.2-29
2 4 or, zs_,.2-3x- 1 = 29.,.2-29
--+--=- -
x+1 x+2 x+4 or, x2+ 3x-28 = 0 1
X$-1, -2,-4 or, _,.2+ 7x-4x-28 = 0
(Board Term-2 O.D.Set I, 2016) or, x(x+ 7)-4(x+ 7) = 0 1
1 2 4
Sol. --+- -= -- or, (x+ 7)(x-4) = 0
x+1 x+2 x+4
Hence, X = 4, -7 1
X +2 + 2(x + 1) = -
or, 1 IA! Q.5. Thro pipes running together can fill a tank in
(x+ 1)(x+2) x+4
11 ! minutes.If one pipe takes 5 minutes more
3x+4 = -4- 9
.,..-? +JX" +2 x+4 than the other to fill the tank, find the time in
or, (3x+ 4)(x + 4) =4(x2+ 3x+ 2) 1 which each pipe would fill the tank separately.
or, 3_,.2+ 16x + 16 =4_,.2+ 12x+ 8 [O.D.Set llL 2016)
or, _,.2 _4x-8 =0 1 Sol.Let time ta ken by pi pe A be x minutes. and time
taken by pipe Bbe x+ 5 minutes.
or, x=
-b±..f1} +4ac
2a In one minute pipe A will fill .!. tank

-(-4)± J(-4) -4(1 )(-8)

or, x=
2x1 In one minute pipe B will fill tank
4±)16+32 pi pes A+ B will fill in one minut =
or, x=
2 1 1
-+- -tank
4±Jis 4±4"3 X x+5
or, x=
2 2 Now according to the question.
or, X =2+ 2"3
1 1 9
-+- - - 2
x x+5 100
Hence, x = 2+ 2"3 or 2- 2"3 1
so l
x+5+x 9 Sol. B
x(x+ 5) 100
or, 100(2x + 5) = 9x(x + 5 ) c;25cm
or, 200x +500 = 9.,.2 + 45x
or, 9x 2 - 155x -500 =0 1
or, 9.,.2-180x + 25 x -500 =0
or, 9x(x-20) + 25(x -20) =0 C b A
or, (x-20)(9x + 25) =0
Here a + b + c =60, c =25
a+ b = 60-c
- 25
or, x = 20, -
9 a + b =60-25 =35 1
Using Pytha go ras theorem
rejecting negative value, x = 20 minutes
,?- + b2 = 625
and x + 5 = 25 minutes Using identity(a + b)2 = a2 + fl+ 2ab 1
Hence pipe A will fill the tank in 20 minutes and 35 2 = 625 + 2ab
pipe B will fill it in 25 minutes. 1 1225 -625 = 2ab
IA] Q. 6. The time taken by a person to cover 150 km or, ab = 300 1

was 2.!. hours more than the time taken in the Hence, Area of MBC = .!. ab =150 cm2. 1
return journey. If he returned at a speed of 10 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
km/hour more than the speed while going, find IA] Q. 9. 'lwowater taps together can fill a tank in9 hours
the speed per hour in each direction. 36 minutes. The tap of larger diameter takes 8
(Delhi Set Ill,2016) hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank.
Find the time in which each tap can separately
Sol. Let the speed while go ing be x km/h fill the tank. [Foreign Set llL 2016)
:. Spe ed while re turning = (x + 10) km/h Sol. Let the tap with smaller diameter fills the tank in x
According toques tion hours
--- 150-
·. . T h e othertap fills the tank in (x-8) hours '/2
1 1 5
X X +10 2 -+- -= - 1
X x-8 48
or, _,.2 + lOx -600 =0
or, x-S+x 5
(x + 30)(x-20) =0 =
or, x = 20 1 x(x-8) 48
. · . Spe ed while going =20 km/h '/2 or 5x(x-8) = (2x-8) 48
and spe ed while returning = 20 + 10 = 30 km/h '/2
5x - 136x + 384 = 0 11/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) 136±J(136) -4x5x384
IA] Q. 7. The denominator of a fraction is one more than 2·5
twice its numerator. If the sum of the fraction 136± ✓18496-7680
and its reciprocal is 2.-, find the fraction.
= 10
136 ±104
(Foreign Set Ill,2016) x= - - -
'/2 = 24, ( rejected)
Sol. Let the fraction be - - 5
X 2x+1 58
:. Twotap;canfill thetankin16 hrs.and24hrs. '/2
- - +- - =- 1 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
2x +1 X 21
IA] Q.1 0 . The denominator of a fraction is two more than
21 [->2 + (2x + 1)2] = 58 (2.>2 + x) its numerato& If the sum of the fraction and its
or, 11.>2-26x-21 =0 1 34
reciprocal is , find the fraction.
11x 2 + 33x + 7x-20 =0
x = 3, -2. ( rejected) (Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (1))
SoL Let numerator bex .
Hence, Frachon
=- '/2+1 :. denominator = x + 2 . '/2
and fraction =
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) x+2
IA] Q.8. The perimeter of a right triangle is 60 cm. x+2 34
--+- -= - '/2

Its hypotenuse is 25 cm. Find the area of the X+2 X 15

triangle. (Delhi Set IL 2016)

15(x 2 +,?· +4'· +4) = 34 (->2 +2x) x-3 + 2

30.>2 +60x +60 = 34>·2 +68x 1
By the given condition, new fraction=
4,.2 +Sx-60 =0 x-1
.>2 +2x-15 = 0 1
_,.2 +5x-3x-15 = 0 x +2
x(x +5) -3(x + 5) = 0 x-3 x-1 29
(x +5)(x -3) = 0 - - +- - - -
X X+ 2 20
X = 3
.) or, 20[(x-3) (x +2) +x(x-1)] = 29(.>2 +2x)
Frac tio
. n = -. 1 20(x 2-x-6 +x2 - x) = 29_,.2 +58x 1
5 or 11x 2-98x-120 = 0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) or 11.>2 - 110x +12x-120 = 0
2 3 23 . (llx +12) (x-10) = 0 or, x= 10 1
[QJQ. 1 1 . Solve forx + x '° 0, - I, 2
+ 1 2(x _2) = S. .r; :. The fractbnis �. (CBSE MarkingScheme,2015)1
(Board Term -2, Delhi 2015, Set L ll)
IA] Q. 13. The diagonal o f a rectangular field is 16 metre
2 3 23
SoL - - +- - - more than the shorter side. If the longer side is
x+l 2(x- 2) 5x 14 metre more than the shorter side, then find
2x 23 the length of the sides of the field.
or, - -+ (Board Term-2, O.D., 2015 Set I, ll, Ill)
x+l 2(x-2) 5
2X2x (x-2)+3x(x+l ) SoL Let the length of shorter sid e b e x m .
23 .·. Lengthof dia gonal = (x +16) m '/2
' 2(x+l ) (x-2) 5 and, Length of lo nger sid e = (x +14) m '/2
_,.2 + X +14 2 = X +16 2 1
4x2 -8x + 3 x2 + 3x
or, ' 23
2(x--x-2) 5 X

l 23
or, '
2(.,·- - X - 2) 5
- 1 + 14
or, .> -4x-60 = 0

or, 35.>2-25x = 46.>2-46 x-92 x +6x-10x-60 = 0


or, 1 1 x 2-21x-92 = 0 1 x(x +6) -lO(x +6) = 0

� --
-/J ± 1}-4nc
✓ 1 or,
X = 6, X = 10

x = 10 m 1
2n :. Length of sid e s a re 1 0 mand 24 m . 1/2 +1/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
2L ±J(-21)2-4(11)(-92)
2x11 IA! Q.14. A train travels at a certain average speed for a
distance of54 km and then travels a distance of
- 21 ± ✓441 + 4048 63 km at an average speed of 6 km'h more than
22 the first speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete
the total journey, what is its first speed?
21 ± ✓4489
- (Board Term -2, O.D., 2015 Set L ll)
SoL Let the spe ed of the train be x km/hr. for first 54
21 ±67 km. and li::>r next63 km, sp eed = (x +6) km/hr.
22 According to the questio n
21+67 21-67 -+- -
5'1 63
or x =
or, X -
22 22 X x+6
-23 54(x+ 6)+ 63x
X =4, - 1 =3
11 x(x+ 6)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) or, 54x +324 +63x = 3x(x +6)
IA] Q.12. The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than its or, 117x +324 = 3x2 +18x
denominator. lf2 is added toboth the numerator or, 3x 2 - 99x-324 = 0
and the denominato� then the sum of the new or, x2 - 33x-108 = 0
29 or, .>2-36x +3x-108 = 0
fraction and original fraction is 20 . Find the
or,x(x-36) +3(x-36) = 0
original fraction. (x-36)(x +3) = 0
X =36
(Board 'Irem-2, Delhi, 2015 Set L Ill)
x =-3 rejected.
SoL Let the d enominator be x, the nnumerators = x-3 (a s it will never negative)
x-3 Henc e First spee d of tra in= 36 km/h
S::, the fraction be 1/2 1/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
82 l
IA] Q.15.A truck covers a distance of 150 km at a certain
average speed and then covers another 200 km 200
Original cost per metre = < =<10 1/2
at average speed which is 20 km per hour more 20
than the first speed. If the truck covers the total [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
distance in 5 hours, find the first speed of the IA] Q.17. A motorboat whose speed in still water is 1 8
truck. (Board Turm-2, O.D. 2015, Set ll) km/h, takes 1 hour more to go 24 km upstream
SoL Let the average speedof truck be x km/h. than to return downstream to the same spot.
15() 200 = Find the speed of the stream. (CBSE O.D. 2014)
X+ 20
5 11/2 Sol.Let the speedofstream be x km/h
Then the speedofboat up;tream =(18-x) km/h
or, 150x +3000 + 200x = 5x(x +20) Speed ofboatdownstream = (18 + x) km/h
or, x2 - 50x-600 = 0 1 According to the question,
or, _, -60x +lOx-600 = 0
.2 24 _ 24
or, x(x-60) +lO(x-60) = 0 18-x 18 +x
or, (x -60)(x +10) = 0 24(18 +x) - 24(18- x)
x = 60 km/h. 11/2 182 -x2
Hence firstspeedof the truck 432 +24x-432 + 24x =324-x2
= 60 km/h. 4Bx = 324-_,.2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) _,.2 +4Bx -324 = 0
IA] Q.16. The total cost of a certain length of cloth is<200. _,.2 +54x-6x-324 =0
I f the piece was 5 m longer and each metre of x (x +54)-6 (x + 54) = 0
cloth costs< 2 less, the cost of the piece would (x + 54)(x-6) = 0
have remained unchanged. How longer is the X + 54 = Q, X - 6 = Q

piece and what i s its ori ginal rate per metre? X =-54, X = 6

[Foreign Set L IL 2015) Since speedcannot be negative

The speedofsteam x = 6 km/h. 4
SoL Let the length of the cloth be x m .
200 x-3 x-5 10
cost pe r metre = < - �Q.18. Solveforx: --+- -
ITT! =-;x,.4,6
x x-4 x-6 3

New length of the c lath = (x + 5) m SoL

x-3 x-5
--+- -- -
200 x-4 x-6 3
New cost pe r metre = <(� -2 ) 1 (x-3}(x-6)+(x-4}(x-5) 10
(x-4}(x-6) 3
(x + 5) (�-2 ) = 200 1 x 2-9x+18+., ·2 -9x+20
.,· -10x+24 3
(x +5)(200-2x) = 3 (2.>2-18x +38)
=10.,.2-lOOx +240
X 6x2 - 54x + 114
=10.,.2-lOOx +240
or, 200x-2.>·2 +1000 -lOx = 200x 4'·2 - 46x + 126
or, 2.> ·2 - 23x+ 63
_,.2 +5x-500 = 0 2"2-14'·-9x+63
or, (x +25)(x-20) = 0 2x(x-7)-9(x-7)
or, x ;,e - 25, :. x = 2.0 (2.>·-9) (x-7)
Length of the piece = 20 m . 2.>·-9 =0,x-7
X = 9(2, X = 7

IA] Q.19.A motor boat whose speed is 24 km/h in still water takes 1 hour more to go 32 km upstream than to return
downstream to the same spot.Find the speed of the stream. (Board Term-2,O.D., Set ll 2016)


(Topper Ans we� 2016]

IA] Q.20 .A student scored a total of 32 marks in class :. Substituting this value
tests in mathematics and science. Had he 1 +1
scored 2 marks less in science and 4 more in y+ - = 2 or ;/ =2
mathematics, the product of his marks would !I !I
have been 253. Find his marks in two subjects. or I+ 1 = 2y
(Board Tu r m 2,
- 2012 Set (SO)) or /- 2y +1 = 0
or (y-1)2=0
SoL Let marksinMathematics =x
marks in Science = 32 - x 1
Putting -
or, (32-x- 2)(x +4) = 253 2x+1'
or, (30 - x)(x +4) = 253 .
·, -1 =1 or x -1=2x +1
or, '2fix - ,?· +120 = 253 2x+1
or, ,?·- '2fix +133 = 0 or X = -2
or, _,.2 _19x- 7x +133 = 0 1
x(x-19)-7(x-19) = 0 IA! Q.23.Find for x
or, x = 7 or x =19 1 2 6
--+- -=-;x ;,,O, 1, 2
Ifx = 7, then marks inMathematics = 7 1 x-2 x-1 x
and marks in Science = 25 (Board Outside Delhi Compt. Set-I, ll 2017)
ifx =19, then 1 2 6
marks inMa the matics =19 1 Sol. --+- - =
x-2 x-1 x
marks in Science =13.
x-1+2x- 4
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
(x-2)(x- 1)
= 6-
IA! Q.21.The sum of squares of two consecutive multiples x
of 7 is 637. Find the multiples. =} 3.,.2- Sx=6.>2 -18x +12
[Foreign Set ll, 2014) =} 3.,.2-13x +12 =0
Sol.Let 7x and 7x + 7 be two consecutive multiples of =} 3.,.2 - 4'·- 9x +1 2= 0
7. 1
=} x(3x-4)-3(3x-4)= 0
(7x'r + (7X +7)2=637
=} (3x - 4)(x- 3) = 0
or, 49x2 + 49x2 + 49 +98x=637 1
or, 98.>2 +98x - 588= 0 X = -" and3
x2 +x-6=0
or, (x + 3)(x- 2)= 0 4
Hence, X =3, -"
or, X=-3, 2

Neglee ting negative value, x=2 1 IA! Q.24. Solve for x :

:. The multiples are,14 and 21. 1 ✓3x 2
+10x+7 ✓3= 0
x-1 2x+1 1 (Board Foreign ll, Ill 2017)
IAJ Q.22.- +
-- - = 2 where x ;c --, 1
2x+ 1 x-1 2 Sol.Given,
(Out Side Delhi S e t l- ll 2017) ✓3.,2· +10x+7✓3 =0
.)X " \ ·+7.,,:+7,:;=0
+ .).
x-1 2x+1 '1::,
- - +- -=0
2x+1 x-1 (x+.J3)(.J3x+7) =0
,. -1 2x+1 1
Let ·
b e y so -, .- _-1-=
y (x+ .J3)(.J3x+7) =0
84 l
x = /;; or x = -
-7 IA! Q.28. Sum of the areas of two squares is400 cm2• If the
./3 difference of their perimeters is 1 6 cm, find the
sides of the two squares. (Board Turm-2, 2013)
If Sol. Let the sides of two squares be a and b,
then tl- +b2 = 400 ...(i)
and 4(11 -b) = 16
7 X .J'3 7../3 or, a-b = 4
x =
-,Gx,/3 = -3 or, a =4+b ...(ii) 1/2
From equations (i) and (ii), w e get
Henee, Roots ../3
::,, _ 7
../3 . (4 + b)2 +b2 = 400 '/2
- 3
or, 16 +I? + Sb +b = 400
IA! Q.25. The difference of two numbers is 5 and the or, '2h +Sb - 384 = 0
difference of their reciprocals is - . Find the or, 2
b +4b -192 = 0 '/2
10 or, I? + 16b -1'2h -192 = 0
numbers. (Board Turm-2, 2014, Delhi) or, b(b + 16) -12 (b + 16) = 0 '/2
Sol. Let the fir, t number be x or, (b + 16)(b -12) = 0 '/2
:. Second number = x + 5 b =-16
Now according to the question (Rejecting the negative value)
1 1 = 1 So, b = 12cm
X x+5 10 then, 11 = 16 Cm . ',h
x+S-x IA! Q.29. A train takes 2 hours less for a journey of 300
= km if its speed is increased by5 km/hr from its
10 usual speed. Find the usual speed of the train.
50 = ,?· +5x (Board Term 2,
- 2012 Set (22))
=} .rl + 5x -50 = 0 SoL Let the usualspee d oftrainbe xkm/hr.
=} x2 + lOx - 5x -50 = 0
x(x + 10) - 5(x + 10) = 0 300_300 =
=} 2 1
=} (x + 10) (x-5 ) = 0 X x+5
x = 5, -10 rejected or, _,.2 + 5x-750 = 0
The number, =5 and 10. or, _,.2 +30x-25x-750 = 0
IA] Q.26. The sum of squares of two consecutive even or, (x + 30)(x-25) = 0 1
numbers is 340. Find the numbers. or, x = - 30 or x = 25
[Foreign Set L 2014) Since,s peed cannotbe negative. 1
Sol. Let the numbers be x and x +2 1 .. x "-30, x = 25 km/hr.
2 2
(x) + (x +2) = 340 1 S pe ed oftrain = 25 km/hr. 1
or, ,?· + x + 4 + 4x = 340
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012)
or, 2.,.2 + 4x - 3 36 = 0
.> +2x-168 =0
IA! Q.30. The length of the sides forming right angle of a
or, (x + 14}(x -12) = 0 right triangle areSx cmand (3x-1) cm. If the area
or, x = 12 1 of the triangle is 60 cm2• Find its hypotenuse.
:. The numbers are, 12, 14 1 (Board Term 2,
- 2012 Set (44))
IA] Q.27. The sum of the squares of two consecutive odd Sol. Area oftriangle = .!. x base x height 1
numbers is 394. Find the numbers. 2
[Foreign Set I, 2014) (Board Turm-2, 2012 Set(12)) 1
= -x 5x x(3x-1) 1
SoL Let the odd 2x + 1 2
:. Consecutive odd number = 2x + 1 +2 According to the question,
=2x + 3
Now, according toquestion
(2x + 1 )2 + (2x + 3)2 = 394
=} 4.>•2 + 4.> · + 1 + 4_,.2 + 12x + 9 = 394
s.,.2 + 16x-384 = 0
_,.2 +2x-48 = 0
x2 + Sx-6x-48 = 0
x(x + 8) -6(x + 8) = 0
X = -8,6
B (3x-1)cm C
Ist number = 2 x 6 + 1
=13 or,
15x2- 5x = 120
3.>2-x-24 =0
and second odd number = 15
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) or, 3x2 - 9x + Sx - 24 =0
or, 3x (x - 3) + 8 (x - 3) =0 1
or, (x-3) (3x + 8) = 0 either x = 0 or x - 8 = 0
8 Rej ecting x = 0, :. x = 8 1
X= 3' X = --
" :. altitude oftriangle = 8 cm

hyp:,tenuse oftriangle 2 x 8 + 1 = 17 cm
Length can't be negative, so x = 3 and base oftriangle 2 x 8-1 = 15 cm 1/2
AB= 5 x 3 = 15 cm, BC= 3x-1 = 9 -1
IA] Q.33. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 82 m and
= 8 cm 1
its area is 400 square metre. Find the length and
AC= ✓�15_2 _+2_8_ breadth of the rectangle.
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (21))
= ✓225+ 64 Sol. Perimeter= 2(1 + b) = 82 m
= ✓2J39 = 17on. 1 or, l + b = 41 m 1/2
Hence hyp:,tenuse= 1 7 cm Let length be x m, then breadth= (41-x) m .
IA] Q.31.A takes 6 days less than the time taken by B to Area = l x b = 400 m2
finish a piece of work. If both A and B together or, x(41-x) = 400 1/2
or, 41x-_, = 400
can finish it in 4 days, find the time taken by B
or, _, -41x + 400 = 0
to finish the work. (Board Term-2 2012 Set (5))
or, (x-16}(x-25) = 0 1
SoL Supp:,se B alone finish the work in x days and A or, x= 16 or x = 25
alone takes (x-6) days. 1/2 Hence, iflength= 16 m, then breadth= 25 m 11/2
1 or, iflength= 25 m, then breadth= 16 m . 1/2
Kone day work = IA] Q.34. The product of'Ianay's age (in years) five years
ago and his age ten years later is 16. Determine
1 T.lnay's present age.
Kone day work = - ­
x-6 (Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (31))
and (A + B)'s are day work Sol. Let the present age ofTa nay be x years
1 (x -5)(x + 10) = 16
4 or, x 2 + 5x - 50 = 16 1
or, x + 5x - 66 = 0
According to the question,
x + 1 lx- 6x - 66 = -66

1 1 1 x(x + 11)- 16(x-11} = 0

-+-- =
X x-6 4 (x + 11 )(x- 6) = 0
or, ,?·-14x + 24 = 0 =-11,6. 1
or, x - 12x-2x + 24 = 0
Rej ecting x =-11,
or, x(x-12)-2(x-12) = 0 1 as age cannot be negative. 1/2
or, (x-12}(x-2) = 0 1 :. Present age ofTanay is 6 years. 1/2
or, x = 12orx = 2 1 IA] Q.35. Solve for x :
But x cannot be less than 6. Sox = 12 1/2 x+3 1-x 17
Hence, Bean finish the work in 12 days. - -- - - =-ix� 02 .
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012) X-2 X 4
IA] Q.32.The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle (Delhi Compt. Set-12017)
exceeds the length of its base by 2 cm and Sol. ----
x+3 1-x -= 17 1
exceeds twice the length of altitude by 1 cm. x-2 X 4
Find the length of each side of the triangle. x(x+3)-(1-x}(x-2) 17
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (12)) x(x- 2) =
Sol.Let altitude oftriangle be x . '/2
hyp:,tenuse oftriangle = 2x + 1 (x 2+3x)-( -x 2+ 3x-2) 17
and base oftriangle = 2x-1.

x2 -2x
= 4
Using Pytha goras theorem,
(2x + 1) 2 = x2 + (2x-1) 2 1 2 ,. 2· +2 17
or, 4_, + 1 + 4x = x + ,i_, + 1-4x
.2 2 .2 .,· -2x 4
or, .> -8x = 0
8.,.2 + 8 = 17x 2- 34.>· 1
or, x(x - 8) = 0
A 9.>2-34x-8 = 0
9.>2-36x + 2x-8 = 0
9x(x-4) + 2(x-4) = 0
(x -4)(9x + 2) = 0
X 2x+ 1 2
x = 4 or x=
Hence, x= 4, --
B 2x-1 C 9
86 l
IAJ Q.36. Solve forx: -4/J ± ,h 6/;2
-16/;2+ 16a2
4,r + 4bx - (rr-
- b2) = 0 8
(Board Foreign Set-lll 2017)
-4/J ± 4n
Sol. We have A = 4, B = 4b and C = 11-- a2 '/2 11/2
- - - 2-
-B±JB --
x =
2A '/2 (n+/J) (n-/J)
2 2
-4/J ± J(4/J)2 -4·4(/} -n2 ) (n-/J)
Hence the roots = - (n+/J)
2 2 '/2
IAJ Q.37.A rectangular park is to be designed whose breadth is 3 m less than its length. Its area is to be 4 square
metres more than the area of a park that has already been made in the shape of an isosceles triangle with
its base as the breadth of the rectangular park and of altitude 12 m. Find the length and breadth of the
rectangular park.
(Outside Set -ll Delhi, 2016)



(TopperAnswe� 2016)

IA] Q. 38. Solve for x :

x-1 2.x+l
- - +- -= 2, where X:;t--,1.
2.x+l x- 1 2.

(Topper Answe� 2016)

Discriminant and Nature of Roots

Quick Review
► For the quadratic equationa.>2+bx+ c = 0, the expression b 2 - 4ac is known as discriminant i.e., Discriminant
D=b 2 -4ac
► Nature of roots of a quadratic equation:
(i) Ifb2 - 4ac > 0, the quadratic equation has two distinct real roots.
(ii) Ifb2 - 4ac = 0, the quadratic equation has two equal real roots.
(iii) Ifb2 - 4ac < 0, the quadratic equation has no real roots.

How- iA- w � 01-v

!Bl Q. Find the value of k for which the equation 4x2 1e. l:f 4ac•O
• kx • 25 , 0 has equal roots. Step 3 : Substituting values in the above cond1t1on.
Sol. Step 1 : 4x • kx • 25 ° 0
2 lk2
1 41411251° 0
or, k2 400 ° 0
Comparing above equation with ax2 • bx • c• 0 or, k2 120P 0 O

a 4. b k and c 25
or, lk 201 lk • 201° 0
Step 2 : Cond1t1on for equal roots IS D• 0 or, k 20. 20

Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each)

IBJ Q.1. Find k so that the quadratic equation (k+1).>2 - k = -1 does not satisfy the equation
2(k+ l)x+1 =O has equal roots.
so k =0
(Board Term-2 2016 Set HODM40L)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
Sol. (k+1).>2 -2(k+ l)x+1 = 0 I!] Q.2. lf2 isa root o f the equation,r+kY+12 = 0 and
has equal roots the equation ,r+ kY+ q = 0 has equal roots,
D=O find the value of q. (Board Sample Paper 2016)
/j2=4ac 1
Sol.2 is the rootofx2+ kx+12 =0
4(k+ 1) =4(k+ 1)
or, (2)2+2k+12 =0
k2+2k+1=k+1 or, 2k+16 =0
k 2+ k =0 k =-8
k ( k+1) = 0 Put k =-8
k=0, -1 1 1n x +kx+q=O
88 l
or, .>2-8x+ q = 0 '/2 Butk ., 0, as coefficient of _,.2 can not be zero
fur equal roots
(-8)2 -4(1)q=0
k=6 '/2
64-4q = 0
(CBSEMarking Scheme, 2012)
4q=64 IBJ Q.5. Find the values of p for which the quadratic
q=1 6 1/2 equation4x2+px+3= 0 has equal roots.
(CBSE Marking Scheme,2016) (Board Turm-2, 2014)
IBJQ.3. Find the values of k for which the quadratic Sol.As the equation has equal roots
equation 9_,.2-3kx+k = 0 has euqal roots. .. D =0
(CBSEDelhi, O.D. 2014) D = b2-4ac = O 1
Sol. a=9 , b=- 3k, c=k
Since roots of the equation are equal or, p2-4x4x 3 =0
So, b2 -4ac = 0 or, ,,2-48 =0
(-3k)2-(4x 9 x k)=O or, p2 = 48
9k2 - 3 6 k=0 or, p = +4.J3 1
k2-4k=0 [!] Q.6 . Find the nature of the roots of the quadratic
k (k-4)=0 equation:
k=O ork=4 13JSx2+ lOx+,/3 =0
Hence, k=4. (Board Term-2,2012, (12))
[!] Q.4. If the equationkx 2- 2kx+6= 0 has equal roots,
then find the value ofk. SoL a=13 ,/3 ,b=10, c= JS '/2
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (22))
z,2 -4ac=(10)2 - 4(13 .JS )(JS) 1/2
SoL Since the roots are equal, then
D=0 =100 -156
D = b2 - 4ac = 0 =- 56 '/2
or, (-2k)2 - 4 (k)( 6 ) = 0 As D<O '/2
or, 4k2 - 24k= 0 So,the equation has not real roots.
or, 4k(k - 6)=0
or, k=0,6 1 (CBSEMarking Scheme, 2012)

Short Answer Type Questions-II (3 marks each)

or, 20k(k-2)=0
IA] Q .1 . lf2 i s a root of the quadratic equation3,r+ px- or,
8= 0 and the quadratic equation4,r-2px+k= k(k-2) =0
0 has equal roots, findk. [Foreign Set IL 2014) k., 0 '/2
Sol. Given,2 is a root of the equation, 3.,.2+ px- 8 =0 k=2 '/2
Putting x =2 in 3.,.2+ px - 8= 0 [!] Q.3. Find the nature o f the roots of the following
12+2 p- 8 = 0 quadratic equation. If the real roots exist, find
p =-2 them: 3,r- 4 JSx+4= 0
Given, 4.> · -2px +k = 0 has equal roots
4.,.2+4x+k = 0 has equal roots 1 (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (5))
D = b2-4ac = O
or, (4)2-4(4)(k) = 0 SoL b2 -4ac=(-4 J3 )2 -4 ( 3 ) (4) 1
or, 16 -16k = 0 1
or, 16k =16 =48-48=0 '/2
k =1 1 :. Roots are real and equal.
[!] Q.2. For what value o f k, the roots of the quadratic
equationkr(x-2 Js)+1 0 = 0 are equal?
:. Roots a re
(-�-),(- 2/Ja)

(DelhiCBSE, Term -2,2014) (Delhi2013) or '/2

Sol. kx(x -2 Js)+10 =0
or, k.>2-2 Js kx +10 =0 '/2 (CBSEMarking Scheme, 2012)
Here,a=k, b =-2 Jsk, c=10 [!] Q.4. Determine the positive value of 'I< for which
the equation , r+ kr+64= 0 and ,r- Sx+ k=
Given, roots are ecr-ial, D=b 2- 4ac=0 '/2 0 will both have real and equal roots.
or, (-2 J5k)2 -4xkx 10 =0 '/2 (Board Term-2 2012 Set (44))
or, 20k2-40k=0 '/2 (DelhiCBSE Term-2,2014)
SoL For equation x2+ kx+64 =0 or, 4k 2-Sk+ 4-4k-4=0 1
b2-4ac=O or, 4k2-12k=0
or, k -4 X 1 X 64 = 0

or, k2-256 = 0 or, 4k(}c-3) = 0

or, k = + 16 ...(i) 1 k=3 1
2-Sx+ k = 0
and for equation ->
b2-4ac=O (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]
or, (-8) - 4 X 1 X k = 0
[ii Q.6 . Find the value of k for which the quadratic
or, 64 = 4k equation(k-2}r+ 2(2k-3)x+(5k- 6) = 0 has
or, k= =16 ...(ii)l equal roots. (Board Turm-2, 2015]
k = 16
SoL Since equation hasequal roots,
From (i) and (ii), we get 1/2
Fork = 16, for given equations have equalroots. D=0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014] 1/2 b2-4ac =0
[ii Q.5. Find that non-zero value of k, for which the {2(2k-3)}2 - 4(k- 2)(5k -6) = 0 1
quadratic equation lo2 + 1 - 2(k - l)x + .>2 = 0 or, 4(4k2-12k+9)-4(k-2)(5k-6) =0
has equal roots. Hence find the roots of the
equation. or, 4k2 - 12k+9- 5k2+ 6k+10k-12 =0 1
(Delhi CBSE Board Turm-2,2015, Set I, Ill] or, k 2-4k+3=0
or, k2-3k-k+3 =0
SoL Given, k.,2+1-2(k- l}x+ .,.2 = 0
or, k(}c-3) -l(}c-3) = 0
(k+ l}x2 - 2(k-1)x+1 = 0 1
or, (k-3 )(k -1) = 0
For equal roots D = b2 - 4ac = 0
k = 1, 3 1
Here, a= k+ 1, b = -2(k- 1), c = 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]
4(k - 1)2 - 4(k+ 1) x 1 = 0

Q.7.If the roots of the quadratic equation (a-b}r+ (b- c}Y+ (c - a) = 0 are equal, prove that2n = b+ c.
(Outside Delhi, Set -ll, 2016]


(TopperAnswe� 2016]

[ii Q.8. I f the quadratic equation, (1+ n 2')ll-.r+ 2nbcx or,4Jb 2c2- [4b2c2-4b2m2+ 4a2 b2 c2-4Jb 2m2] = 0
+ (c2 - 1112) = 0 , in x has equal roots, prove that
c2 = 1112(1+n 2) (Board Turm-2, 2014] or, 4Jb 2c2-4b2c2+4b2m2-4a2b2c2+4Jb 2m2 = 0
or, 4b2[a2ni2+ m2 - c2] = 0
SoL Since the given equation has equal roots, D = 0
0 = 17 m +
or, 2 2 2 ,,, 2
S:,, D = b2-4ac = 0 1 or, c2 = m (1+a2}

(2abo) 2- 4(1+ l') b2( c2- m2} =0 Hence Proved. 1

or, 4a2 b2 c2-(4b2+4a2 b2}(c2- m2) =0 1 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014]
90 l
[QI Q. 9. l f -3 is a root of quadratic equation2.,r + px -15 [QI Q.11. Find the value of c for which the quadratic
= 0, while the quadratic equationx2 - 4px + k= equation 4.r-2(c + 1}v + (c + 1)= 0 has equal
0 has equal roots . find the value of k. roots. (Delhi Compt. S e t I- ll 2017)
(Outside Delhi Compt. Set ll, Ill 2017) Sol. We rav-e,A=4, B= 2(c + 1),C= (c + 1)
Sol. Given -3 is a root ofquadratic equalion For equal roots D= 0
2' ·2 + px -15 = 0 D= B2 -4AC=0
=} [2(c + 1)]2 - 4 X 4(c + 1) =0
=}2(-3)2 + p (-3)-15 = 0 2
=} 4(c + 2c+ 1} -4(4c+ 4) =0
=} 2 X 9 -3p -15 = 0
=} 4(c2 + 2c + 1-4c-4) =0
=} p=l 1
=} c2 -2c-3 =0 1
Now, ,?· -4px + k =0 has equal roots
c2 - 3c + c -3 = 0
.. b2-4ac=O
c(c -3) + l (c -3) =0
=} 42 -4k = 0
(c -3 )(c + 1) = 0
=} 16 -4k = 0 C =3, -1
4k = 16 Hence for equal rootsc=3, -1. 1
k =4
[QI Q.12. Show that if the roots of the following equation
[QI Q.10. ad� be, then prove that the equation. 11 C

(a2 + b2}r + 2(ac + bd}v + (c + d2)= 0 has no

are equal that ad= b e or -
=- .
real roots. (Board outside Delhi Set-I 2017)
.r(a2 + b2) + 2(ac + bd}v + c2 + d2= 0
Sol.We have, A= (tl- + b2}, B=2(ac + bd)and C= (ef' + cf)
(Delhi Compt. Set L ll 2017 Outside Delhi Set ll)
For no real roots, D < 0
,.e., D = b2 - 4'c < 0 Sol. We rav-e,A =a2 + b2, B= 2(ac + bd),C= l- + d2
= [2(ac + bd)J2 - 4(a2 + b2)(c2 + cf) For equal roots D= 0
= 4[a2c + 2abcd + b2d2]
2 ,.e., D = B2 -4AC = 0 1
-4[a2c2 +a2d2 + b2c2 + b2d2] =} [2(ac + bd)J2 - 4(tl- + b2}(l- + d2)= 0
=}4[,ic2 + 2abcd + b2d2 - tl-l- -a2 d2- b2c2 - b2JJ 4(,,2?- + 2abcd + b2d2}-4(tl-l- + a2 d2 + b2l- + b2d2)=0
=} -4[tl-c2 + b2c2 - 2abcd] 1 =}4(a2c2 + 2abcd + b2J -tl-l- -a2cP-b2c2- b2J)= 0
=} -4(,,1, -be ]2 =} -4(tl-d2 + b2l- -2abccl) = 0
Since (ad-bc)2=0
Therefore ad= be
Hence the equation has no real roots. --
a C
Hence Proved. ½
/J d

Long Answer Type Questions (4 marks each)

IA] Q.1. If roots of the quadratic equation.r + 2px + 11111 Sol. (i) For x2 + kx + 64=0 to have real roots
= 0 are real and equal. show that the roots of .. . (i)l'/2
k 2 -256 �O
the quadratic equation.r-2(111 + 11}Y + (1112 + 112
+ 2p2)=Oare also equal. (Foreign Set IL 2016) (ii) fur .>2 -8x + k=0 to have real roots
64-4k �O .. . (ii)l'/2
Sol. For equal roots of_,.2 + 2px + m11=0, 4p2 - 4m11=0
fur (i) and (ii)to hold simultaneously
or, 2
= m11 . . . (i)1
k = 16 1
fur equal roots of
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
x2 - 2 (m + 11}x + (m2 + 112 + 2,l'}=0
4(m + 11}2 -4(m2 + 112 + 2,l'}=0 1 [QI Q.3. Find the positive value ofk for which.r-Sx + k
2 2 2 2 =0, will have real roots. (Board Tu r m2,- 2014)
m + 11 + 2m11 -m - 11 - 2(m11)=O(From (i))1
:. Ifroots ofx2 + 2p x + m11=0 are e9. ual then those Sol. Since the given equation has real roots,
of _,.2 - 2a (m + 11}x + (m2 + 112 + 2p")= 0 are also 1. e. , D= b2 - 4'c= 0 1
equal. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) 1 Here, a= 1, b = - 8, c = k. 1
(-8) - 4(1 )(k)� 0 1
IA] Q. 2. Find the positive values ofk for which quadratic or, 64-4k �o
equations.r + kY + 64 = 0 and.r-Sx + k = 0 64
both will have the real roots. 4k <64
_ or,. k<
[Foreign Set 1-2016) or, k � 16 1
[!J Q.4. Find the values of k for which the equation or, 12/? + 4k-8 =0
(3k+1}r2 +2(k+1}r +1 has equal roots.Also or, 3k2 +k-2=0
find the roots. (Board Turm-2, 2014) or, (3k-2)(k+1) =0 1
Sol.Since the given equation has equal roots,
D=b2 -4'c=O 1 or, k= :;-, -1 1
11 = (3k +1), b = 2(k +1),c = 1
[2(k+1))2 - 4(3k+ 1)(1) = 0 Hence, roots =
or, 4(k2 +2k + 1) -(12k +4) = 0
or, 4/? +S k+4 -12k -4 = 0 1/2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
4k -4k = 0
IA] Q.7. lfx = -4 is a root of the equation.r +2r +4p =
4k(k -1) = 0 0 , find the values of k for which the equationx2
k = 0,1. 1 +px(1 +3k) + 7(3 +2k) = 0 has equal roots.
Put k = 0, in the given equation, [Foreign Set ll L 2015)
.,2 +2x+1 = 0
SoLx =-4 is the root of the equationx2 +2x+4p =0
or, (x +1)2 = 0 1/2
or x = -1 (-4)2 + (2 X - 4) +4p = 0
Aga in putk = 1, in the given equation, or, p =-2 1
4.,.2 +4x+ 1 = 0 Equation .,.2 _ 2 (1 +3k) x + 7 (3 +2k) =0 has equal
(2x+ 1)2 = 0 roots.
x = --
or, 1 4(1 +3k)2 - 28(3 + 2k) = 0 1
or, 9k2 -Sk-20 = 0
Hence, roots = -1 ,- or, (9k+ lO)(k-2) = 0 1
[!I Q.5. Find the values of k for which the quadratic or, k = -10, 2. 1
equations (k + 4}r2 + (k +1}r +1 = 0 has equal
roots.A!so, find the roots.
(Delhi CBSE, Term-22014) Hence, the value ofk=- 1i 2 ,
Sol.As the given equation has equal roots, D = 0
;.e., 2
b2 - 4'c =0 1 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
or, (k +1) - 4(k+4)(1) = 0 [!I Q.8. Find the value of p for which the quadratic
or, k2 +1 +2k-4k -16 = 0 equation (p + 1}r2 - 6(p + l}r + 3(p + 9) = 0,
or, k2-2k -15 =0 p,,.- 1 has equal roots. Hence find the roots of
or, (k-5)(k+3) = 0 1 the equation. (Board Turm-22015
, Set ll)
or, k =5, -3
rork 5,equationbecomes
= Sol.Here, 11 = p + 1,b = -6( p + 1},c = 3(p+9)
9x2 +6x+1 =0 rorequal roots,D = b2 - 4ac = O
(3x+1)2 =0 1 36(p+1)2 - 4( p +1) X 3(p+9) = 0
or .x = -­ " or, 3(p2 +2p +1)-(p + l)(p+9) = 0
or,3p2 + 6p +3 - (p2 +9 p +p +9) = 0

ror k = -3,equationbecomes
x2 -2x+1 =0 or, 2,}-4p -6 = 0 1
(x-1)2 =0 or, ,l-2p-3 = 0
X =1 1
or, ,J-3 p + p-3 =0
Hence roots are l and-:;-. or, p(p-3) + l(p-3) = 0 1
(p -3)(p+1) = 0

or, 1
IA] Q. 6. lfx = -2 is a root of the equation 3.r + 7x + p
= 0, find the value of k so that the roots of the p = -1 , 3
equationx2 + k(4x +k-1) + p = 0 are equal. Neglecting p .. -1.·.p= 3 1
[Foreign Set L IL 2015)
Now the equationbecomes 4.> 2· - 24x+ 36 = 0
.>2 -6x+9 = 0
SoLHere x=-2 is the rootofthe equation3.>2 + 7x+ or
p =O
or, (x-3)(x-3) = 0
or, 3(-2)2 + 7(-2) +p = 0
:.rootsare x = 3,3 1
or, p =2 1
[!J Q.9. If the equation 1( + m 2}r +2mcx + (c2- n2) = 0
Root of the equation .,.2 +4kx + k2-k + 2 = 0 are
has equal roots, prove that c2 = n2 1
( +1112)
(Delhi CBSE Board, 2015)
or, 16k2 -4(k2 -k+2) = 0 1
Sol.Here roots are equal,
or, 161?-4/? +4k-8 = 0
92 l
Here, A = 1+nf', B = 2mc, C = (c2-a2} 1
if (a-b)2 = 0 =}a = b
(2mc)2-4(1+nf')(c 2-a2} =0 (a -c}2 = 0 =}b = c
or, 4nf'c2-4(1+nf')(c2-a2} =0 (c -a}2 = 0 =} c = a
or, 2
m2c2- (c2- a2+n?c2-m a2} =0 1 :. a = b = c Hence Proved.
or, m2c
- J- + 2-
m2 2
+ m2 2
=0 1 IQ] Q.12. lftherootsof thequadraticequation(c2-nb } � -2
_ c2+,?-+n,2172 = 0 (n2 -bc}r+b2 - nc = 0 in x are equal then show
that either a = 0 or a 3+b3 +c3 = 3nbc
or, c2 =tl-(1+ nf')
(Board Outside Delhi Set ll, Ill 2017)
Hence Proved. 1
Sol. We A = (c2-ab)
IQ] Q.10 .If (-5) is a root of the quadratic equation 2x2 For real equal roods' D = B2-4AC =0
+ px + 15 = 0 and the quadratic equation =} [2(tl--bc)J2-4(c2-ab)(b2 - ac} =0 ½1
p(x 2+x)+k = 0 has equal roots, then find the
=}4(,,4+b2c2 - Y�) -4(b2c2-dla -ab3-a�) = 0
values of p and k.
=}4[a4+b2c2 - Y� -llc2+c3a +ab3-a�) = 0
[Delhi CBSE Board, 2015 (Set ll)) -4[a4+ad!+ab 3- 3tl-�J = 0
Sol. Since (-5) is a rootofgiven quadraticequation 2'· 2 =}a(J+c3+b3 - 3a�) = 0
+px-15=0 and the quadraticequationP(x2+x) -a = 0 or a3+b3+di = 3abc 1
+ k= 0 has equal roots, then fnd i the values ofp IQ] Q.13. Solve for x
and k .
1 1 1 1
2(-5)2+p(-5)-15 =0 1 - - -=-+-+- wheren+b +x;<O andn,b,
a+b+x a b x
50-Sp-15 =0
Sp = 3 5 -p = 7 1 x ,t O (Board Foreign Set IL Ill 2017)
Now p(,?·+x)+k =0 has equal roots
1 1 1 1
p:>.2+px+k =0 SoL
n+b+x x
= -+­
n b
S:, (b)2 - 4ac =0
(p )2-4pxk=0 1 -(n+b) b+n
(7f-4x 7x k =0 x2 +(a+b)x = --;;i; 1

28k=49 :,.2+(a+b)x+ab=O 1
49 7 (x+a )(x+b) = 0
k= -=-
28 4 1 x= -n, x=-b
7 Hence x=-a,-b. 1
hence p =7 and k =- . [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2009)
IQ] Q.14. The difference between the radii of the smaller
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2009) circle and the larger circle is 7 cm and the
IQ] Q.11. If the roots of the quadratic equation (x - a) difference between their areas of the two
(x - b) + (x - b)(x - c) + (x - c)(x - a) = 0 are circles in 1078 sq. cm. Find the radius of the
equal. Then show that a = b = c. smaller circle. (Board Compt. L IL Ill 2017)
[Delhi CBSE Board, 2015 (Set ll))
SoLWe have r2 -r 1=7cm,r2 > r1 ...(i) 1/2
Sol. Given,
and i.(r2-r1) 2=1078 cm2 ... (ii)
(x-a}(x-b)+ (x-b)(x-c) +(x-c}(x-a) = 0
=} i.(r2 - r1)(r2+ri} =1078 ½
+ac = 0 1078
r2 +r1 =- -= 49 ... (iii) 1
=}3:>.2-2ax-2bx-2cx+ab+�+ca = 0 22
For equalroots B2-4AC=0 On adding (i) and (iii) we get
or, {-2(a +b+c}} 2=4 x 3(ab +be +ca) 2r =56
or, 4(a +b+c}2-12(ab+�+ca} = 0 r2=28 cm
or, (a +b +c}2-3(ab +�+ca} = 0 and r1 =49 -28 =21 1
or,,?-+1l+c2+2ab+2bc+2ac-3ab-3bc-3ac =0 Hence radii oftwo circles =28 cm, 21 cm
or,a2+1l+c2-ab-ac-bc = 0 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017)
or, �[2a 2 + 2/;2 + 2c2 - 2ab-2ac- 2/Jc] = O IQ] Q.15.A train travelling at a uniform speed for 3(,()
km have taken 48 minutes less to travel the
same distance if its speed were 5 knv'hour
or, �[ (a 2 +/,2 -2ab)+(/J2 +c2-2/Jc)+(c2 +a2 -2ac)]=0 more.Find the original speed of the train.
(Sample Questions Paper 2017)
or, �[(a-b) +(/J-c)2 +(c-a)2 ] = 0 Sol.Let the original speed ofthe train be x km/hr.
,.. = Distance = 360
or, (a - b)2+(b -c}2+(c-a}2 = 0 ifa ;< b ;< c .
T1me tai<c:n -Speed
- -- x
(a-b)2 > 0, (b- c}2 > 0 (c -a)2 > 0
360 (dividing both the sides by 5)1
Time taken at increased speed = - -hours. 6 2
x +5 . ? --
\. - .\· = -
5 5
According to the question
On adding square of the half of coefficient of x
360 360 48
6 (3)2 9
X x+5 60 =
5x2 5 = 25
360[.!. - ] =4 6 9
x- --.l,: +- = 2
? 9
X x +5 5 -+-
5 25 5 25
? - -=-
18( )() 4
1½ --3
=±- -
,. -+5
- x 5 5 5
=} x2 + 5x-2250 =0 3 +./1-9 or 3-M
X=- -
=} ,_ + (50-45)x-2250 =0
=} ,_ + 50x-45x-2250 =0
Ve ri fication:
(x + 50)(x-45) =0
+;19f _6[3+;19]- 2
x =-5 0 or x = 45 5[
As speed can not be negative
:. Original speed of train = 45 km/hr. 11/2 = 9+6./19+19 18+6✓19
-( ) -2
IQ] Q.16. Check whether the equation Sx - 6x -2 = 0 5 5
has real roots and if it has, find them by the
method of completing the square. Also verify = 28+6✓19 _ 18+6✓19
that roots obtained satisfy the given equation. 5 5
[Sample Questions Paper 2017) =--------- -
Sol.Discriminant = b2 -4ac. 5
Here, a = 5, b = (- 6)and c = ( - 2)
= ( - 6}2-4x 5 x-2
=36 + 40 =76 > 0 1
So the equation has real and two distinct roots
5x2-6x =2 Hence, Verified. 1

High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions

1 1 1 1 Q.2.A pole has to be erected at a point on the boundary
Q.1. Solve- - - - -+-+-, 11 + b .. o. of a circular park of diameter 17 m in such a way
(1 1+b+x)=11 b x
that the differences of its distances from two
(Board SQP, 2016) diametrically opposite fixed gates A and B on the
boundary is 7 metres. Find the distances from the
1 1 1 1 two gates where the pole is to be erected.
Sol. = -+-+-
n+b+x n /J X [Foreign Set L IL 2016)
1 --1 = 1 1
-+- SoL
a+b+x X n /J
x-(n +b+x) n+b
or, = '/2
x(n +b +x) n/ J

=- -
x-a-b-x n+b
x(a+b+x) n/J

-(n+b) n+b A x+7

x(n+ b+ x)
= n/J
'/2 '/2
Let P be the location of the pole such that its
or, x(a + b+ x)= - ab distance from gate B, x metres.
or, ,_J. + (a + b)x + ab = 0 AP= x + 7 '/2
or, (x + a)(x + b)= 0 AB is diameter or, LAPB = 90• and AB= 17 m '/2
,_J. + (x + 7)2 = (17)2
or, x = -aorx = -b '/2 ,_J. + x2 + 14x-240 = 0
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
or ,_J. + 7x-120 = 0 11/2
94 l
-7±✓49+4 ---
192 192 -=
x = 80 or, 2
X x+16
-7±23 or, 192(x+ 16) -192x = 2(.>2 + 16x) '/2
X = - -- =8,-15 or, 192x+ 192 X 1 6 -192x = 2(.> + 16x)
_, + 16x-1536 = 0
x= 8m,x+7 = 15m 1
or, _,.2 + 48x-32x-1536 = 0
Hence distance between two gates = 8m and 15 m
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016]
or, x(x+ 48) -32(x+ 48) = 0 '/2
or, (x-32)(x+ 48) = 0
Q. 3 . Find the value ofk for which the distance between or, x = 32or -48
(9, 2) and (3, k) is 10 units.
Since s peed can't be nega live,therefore - 48 is not
(Board Term-2, 2012 Set (43); Set 2011 Set (B1)] possible.
:. S peed of pa ssenger train = 32 km/h 1/2
SoL 1 and S peed offast train = 48 km/h.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]
Q. 6.If the price of a book is reduced by�5, a person can
buy 5 more books for� 300. Find the original list
or, (-6)2 + P-4k+ 4 = 100 price of the book. (Board Term -2, 2012 Set (17)]
or, k2 -4k + 40 = 100 Sol. Let the original !is t price be�x
or, k2 -4k-60 = 0 300
· No.ofbooks boughtfor�300 = 1/2
or, P- lOk+6k -60 = 0 X

Reduced !ist price ofthe book =�(x-5)

or, k(k-10) + 6 (k-10) = 0
or, (k-lO)(k + 6) = 0 No.ofbooks bought for�300
k= 10, -6 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011, 2012] According toquestion,
Q. 4 . A shopkeeper buys a number of books for� 1200. 300 --
- 300 = 5 1
If he had bought 10 more books for the same x-5 X

amount, each book would have cost him� 20 less. or, x2 -5x -300 = 0
How many books did he buy ? or, (x - 20)(x+ 15) = 0 1
(Board Term-2 2012 Set (22)] x 20 or -15 (not possible)

SoL Let the number of books bought be x . Original list price =�20. 1
Q. 7.In a rectangular part of diametesions 50 mx 40 m
1200 _ 1200 = 20 1 a rectangular pond is constructed so that the area
X X+ 10 of grass strip of uniform breadth surrounding
or, x2 + lOx-600 = 0 1 the pond would be 1184 m2• Find the lenght and
breadth of the pond.
or, (x+ 30)(x- 20) = 0
or, x = -30 or x =20 1 Pond
Since number ofbooks cannot be negative, Crass Strips
X =20
(Board Foregin Set-I, Ill 2017)
Number of books bought = 20. 1 Sol. Let width of grass strip be x mts.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012] .. Length of pond = (50 -2x) mt
Q.5. Ajourney of192 km from a town A to town B takes and Breadth of pond = (40 -2x) mt
2 hours more by an ordinary passenger train than Andareaof par k -area of pond = area of grass strip
a super fast train. If the speed of the faster train is =} (50 X 40) -(50 -2x)(40 -2x) = 1184
16 km'h more, find the speed of the faster and the =} 2000 -2000 + 180x-4_,.2 = 1184
passenger train. (Board Term -2, 2012 Set (28)] =} �-�x+�6=0
SoL =} .> -37x-8x+ 296 = 0

A 192 km B =} x(x-37) -8(x-37) = 0

Let s peed of passenger train be x km/h 1/2 X = 8,37
:. s peed of s u perfast train = (x+ 16) km/h
1/2 37is rejected 1
Byquestion, T p,,,eng,,r = � Length of pond = 50 -2 x 8
= 34m
and T,uperfa,t = and breadth of pond 40 -2 x 8
(x+16) = 24m.
Q. 8. A car covers a distance of 2592 km with a uniform =} 9000 = 4.>2 + 20x
speed. The number of hours taken for journey is =} 4.> 2· + 20x - 9000 = 0
one half the number representing the speed in km/ =} .,.2 + 5x -2250 = 0
hour. =} x 2 + 50x -45x -2250 = 0 1
Find the time taken to ever the distances. =} x(x + 50)-45(x -50) = 0
(Delhi Compt Set-I, Ill 2017) =} (x - 45)(x + 50) = 0
X = 45, X = -50
Sol. Let the s peed of the car be x km/hr.
Speed can not be negative so -50 is rejected
There fore time taken = ; hour 1 Hence, originalspe ed oftrain = 45 km/hr. 1

Distance Q. 11. In a class test Raveena got a total of 30 mark in

Spe ed = English and Mathematics. Had she got 2 more
Tune marks in Mathematics and 3 marks less in English
- then the product of her marks obtained would
x= - 1
have been 210. Find the individual marks obtained
2 in two subjects.
.,.2 = 2592 X 2 1 (Outside Delhi Compt. L IL Ill 2017)
.,.2 = 5184 Sol. Let Raveena got marks in English be x.
.,.2 = ✓5184 :. She got the marks inMathematics = (30-x)
X = 72
Ifshe got marks in English = (x -3)
72 and in Mathematics = (32- x)
Hence the time ta ken = 36 hours. 1 According to problem
2 (x -3)(32-x) = 210
Q. 9. Speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hour. It goes =} 35x-96-.>2= 210
30 km up stream and returns back at the same =} .>2-35x + 306 = 0
point in 4 hours 3 0 minutes. Find the speed of the =}.>2-18x-17x + 306 = 0
stream. (Board Delhi S e t -L Ill 2017) =}x(x - 18)-17(x -18) = 0
Sol. Let the s peed of the Stream be x km/hr. =} (x -18}(x -17} = 0
:. Spe ed of boat up stream = 15-x X = 18,17

and s peed ofboatdown stream = 15 + x Hence,:. If she got marks in English = 18, then
now according to the question inMathematics = 17
Ifshe got marks in English = 17 then
-3() -+- -= 4-
3() 1
1 she got marks in Mathematics = 18
15- x 15+ x 2
152 __,.2
= -9 Q. 12. Thro taps running together can fill a tank in 3-
hours. If one tap takes 3 hours more than the other
900 X 2 = 9(152 - x2) to fill the tank, then how much time will each tap
9.,.2 = 2025- 1800 1 take to fill the tank? (Outside Delhi I 2017)
.,.2 = Sol. Two tap running together fill the tank in 3� hr.
9 1 1.,
.>2= 25 = ±5 4()
x=5 = hours. 1
Hence, the speed ofthe stream = 5 km/hr. 1
Iffirst tap alone fills the tank in x hrs.
Q. 10. A train travailing at a uniform speed for 360 km/ Then second tap alone fills it i n (x + 3) h r .
hr. would have taken 48 minutes less to travel the
1 1 13
same distance if its speed were 5 km/hour more. Now -+- - =
Find the original speed o f the train. X x+3 4()

[Sample Question Paper 2017) x+3+x 13

Sol. Let the original spe ed of the train be x km/hr. x(x + 3) 4()
:. The newspeed ofthe train = x + 5 km/hr. 80x + 120 = 13.>2 + 39x
Now according to the question
or, 13.>2-41x -120 = 0
360 36()
-- - - = 48 minutes 1 13x2 - (65 -24)x + 120 = 0
X x+5
(x -5)(13x + 24) = 0
36() (x+ 5) -36()x
= 4 .. .(i) x = 5 x= -
x(x+5) 5
360x + 1800 - 360x Hence, Is t tap takes 5 hours and Ilnd tap
= 4
.,-. + 5x
5 takes = 5 + 3 = 8 hours
96 l
1 1
Q.13. Thro bps running together can fill a cistern in 2�
Now, - +
x-5- X
- = -16
minutes. If one tap takes 1 minute more than the x+x-5
other to fill the cistern, find the time in which each x(x-5) = -16
tap separately can fill the cistern.
=} 12x-30 = x2-5x
(Outside Delhi S e t l- ll 2017)
=} .,.2 _ 17x + 30 = 0
Sol. Two tap; together fill the cistern in 2� minutes =} .,.2 - (15 + 2)x + 30= 0
11 =} x2 - 15x-2x + 30 = 0
3() =} x(x-15)-(x -15) =0
= - minutes 1
11 =} (x -15)(x-2) =0
11 · x = 15,x = 2 11/2
:. w·n
1 b· n 1n
· 1 minute
· = cJS tern 1 x=2 is rejec table
Hence, Bfinishes the work in 15 days '/2
Let first tap fills the same cistern in x minutes
:. Ilnd tap will take=(x + 1) minutes 1 Q. 15. Ram takes 6 days less than Bhagat to finish a piece
of work. If both of them together can finish the
1 1
-+- - =-11 work in 4 days, in how many days Bhagat alone
X (x + 1) 3()
can finish the work? (Delhi Compt. S e t -lll 2017;
= 11 Outside Delhi S e t -ll2017]
Sol. Ram and Bhagat together do the work in4 days
x(x+1) 3()
=} 60x + 30 =11.>2 + l lx :. Ramand Bhagat will do in one days=� work
=} 11.>2-49x-30 =0 4
=} 11.>2 - (55-6)x-30 =0 1
=}11x2-55x + 6x-30 =0 Let Bhagat alone does the same work in x days.
· Ram will take=(x-6) days
=}ll x(x-5) + 6(x-5) =0 11/2
(x-5)(1l x + 6) = 0 1 1 -1
. -+ - -=
6 X x-6 4
x =5,x=-11 (rejectable)
x(x-6) =
:. Hence A will fill in 5 minutes 4
and B will fill in 6 minutes '/2 Sx-24= x2 - 6x
Q.14.A and B working together can do a work in 6 days. =} .,.2 - 14x + 24= 0
If A takes 5 days less than B to finish the work, in =} .,.2 - (12 + 2)x + 24= 0
how many days B alone can do it alone ? =} x2-12x-2x + 24 = 0
(Outside Delhi Compt. S e t -I) =} x(x-12)-2(x-12) = 0
Sol.A+ B finish the workin 6 days. =} (x-12)(x-12) = 0
:. They will finish in one day= � work 1 =} x =12, x= 2
:. If Bhagat complete the worki n 2 days
Let Ba lone does the same workin x days Ram will take= 2-6=-4days (impossible) 2
:. Aalonewillfinish i t i n (x-5) days 1 Hence, Bhagat can finish in 12 days.

Q.16.A takes 6 days less than B to do a work.If both A and B working together can do it in 4 days, how many days
will B take to finish it?


(Topper Answe� 2016)

Value Based Questions

Q.1.A passenge� while boarding the plane, slipped or, ,.J.+120x -20x - 2400 =0
from the stairs and got hurt. The pilot took the or,x(x +120)-20(x +120) = 0

passenger in the emergency clinic at the airport or, (x -20)(x +120) = 0

for treatment Due to this, plane got delayed by or, x = 20 or x = -120 1
half an hou& To reach the destination 1500 km or, x = 20, [·: x = -120 is not
away in time, so that the passengers could catch possible]
the connecting flight, the speed of the plane was Hence the cost price of the toy is �20.
increased by 250 km/hour than the usual speed. (ii) Quadratic equation. 1/2
What is the usual speed of the Plane? (iii) Genuine profit. 1/2
What value is depicted in this question? Q. 3. The angry Arjun carried some arrows for fighting
(Delhi Set L IL Ill, 2016) with Bheeshm with half the arrows, he cut down

Sol. Let the usual s peed of plane be x km/h . the arrows thrown by Bheeshm on him and
with six other arrows he killed the rath driver of
-1500---1500-- 1 2 Bheeshrn. With one arrow each he knocked down
x x+250 2 respectively the rath, flag and the bow of Bheeshrn.
or, ,?· +250x -750000 = 0 Finally, with one more than four times the square
(x +1000) (x -750) = 0 root of arrows he laid Bheeshm unconscious on an
or, X = 750
arrow bed.
:. Usuals peed of plane = 750 km/h . 1 (i) Find the total number of arrows Arjun had.
Values depicted here are : (ii) Which mathematical concept is used in the above
(i) Helping the needy.
(iii) Which value should b e promoted in this problem?
(ii) Quick help to the injured. 1
Sol.(i) Let Arjun had x arrows.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
Number of arrows used to cut arrows of Bheeshm
Q. 2. A dealer sells a toy for� 24 and gains as much X
percent as the cost price of the toy. 2
(i) Find the cost price of the toy.
Number of arrows used to kill the rath driver = 6
(ii) Which mathematical concept is used in the above
Number of other arrows used = 3

(iii) Which value is depicted i n this problem? Remaining arrows = 4J; +1
Sol.(i) Let the cost price of the toy be�x, then gain = X
So, + 6+3+ 4J;+ 1 1

J; =
x% 2

or, Glin =�(xx ....::....) or, x +20 +8 2x
20 +8 J;
= �( 1';;) )
or, x
On substituting x = /, then
or, /-Sy-20 = 0
S.P. = C.P. +Gli n or, /-10y+2y-20 = 0
2 or,y(y-10)+2(y-10) = 0
=x+ - or, (y-10) (y +2) = 0
or, y = 10 or y = -2 1

x+ .::.._
= 24
'/2 or,

y 10, [ ·: y cannot negative]
= 100.

Hence, the number of arrows with Arjun is 100.

or, lOOx +,2 =2400 (ii) Quadratic equations. 1/2
or, ,2 +lOOx -2400 =0
(iii) Bravery, fight for truth. 1/2
98 l
Q. 4. Three eighth of the students of a class opted for 7
visiting an old age home. Sixteen students opted Q. 5. Out of a group of swans, times the square
for having a nature walk. Square root of total
number of students in the class opted for tree root of the number are playing on the shore of a
plantation in the schooL The number of students tank. The two remaining swans are playing with
who visited the old age home is same as the amorous fight in the water:
number of students who went for a nature walk (i) What is the total number o f swans ?
and did tree plantation. Find the total number of (ii) Which mathematical concept is used in the above
students. What values are inculcated in students problem?
through such activities? (iii) What is its value ?
Sol. Let the total number of students be x Sol. (i) Let the total number of swans be x,then number
1 of swans playing on the shore of the tank= J; .

= Jx It is given that there are two remaining swans.
:. According to the question,x= � J; + 2
or, 3x-128 = sf;
or, 3x- sf; -128 =0 or, x- E-2=0
Let J; =y
or, • 7
y-- .2=x
3/-Sy-128 =0 2
or, 3)-24y+ 16y-128 =0 or, 2)-7y -4=0
or, 3y(y-8)+ 16(y-8) =0 or, 2y2-Sy+ y-4=0
or, (y-8)(3y+ 16) =0 ½ or, 2y(y-4) + l(y-4) = 0
y=Sory=-16/3 or, (y-4)(2y + 1) = 0 1/2
or, y=4
y =8
or, x = 64 [ ·: y= _.:!_ is not possible]
y =-16/3 Rejected x = y2 = (4)2= 16 1
Number of students= 64 1 Hence the total number of swans= 16
Value: (ii) Quadratic equations. 1/2
Studentsshould be motivated for tree plantation. 1 (iii) Fraternity 1/2

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