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Look at the photo. In pairs,

discuss the questions.
1 What makes this situation
2 What is each person thinking?
3 What should the man with the

newspaper do?


Unit 3: Awkward situations

 Read different blog posts about

awkward situations
 Write a blog post about an
awkward situation
 Listen to an expert on how to
handle awkward situations
 Role-play awkward situations 29
What awkward situations can happen at these places?  Create an online forum
where people share
1 work 2 school 3 a restaurant
awkward situations
3 Lesson 1

A Track 6 Listen and circle B Track 6 Listen again. Circle T (true) or F (false).
the correct answers.
1 T / F It’s important to be kind when correcting others.
1 For awkward situations, Sally
suggests using wording that is . 2 T / F Using mouthwash yourself will convince a coworker to use it.
a clear 3 T / F If a coworker is too loud, it’s OK to wear earplugs at work.
b soft 4 T / F If a coworker’s food smells bad, ask another coworker nearby
c forceful what the strange smell is.
2 When speaking to a coworker 5 T / F If a coworker is a smartphone addict, tell their boss.
about an awkward situation, Sally
6 T / F It’s OK to help others do their work sometimes.
suggests .
a making eye contact 7 T / F You should never recommend friends for a job if they ask you.
b shaking hands 8 T / F You should avoid participating in office gossip.
c not standing too close
3 Sally thinks discussing politics in
the office is . C Track 6 Listen again. Write the indirect approaches Sally suggests
a usually necessary for each awkward situation.
b fine only if people agree
c never OK A coworker … Personal
4 If your cell phone rings in a 
1 has bad breath

meeting, Sally says you should turn 
the ringer off and .
a glance at the number 2 talks too loudly 
b put it away on the phone 
c quickly step outside
3 eats smelly 
5 If you accidentally send an
embarrassing email, Sally
recommends apologizing . 4 wears very 
a in person strong perfume 
b in another email
c over the phone 5 is a social 
6 When you are late for a meeting, media addict 
Sally suggests . 6 gossips in the 
a apologizing for being late

b explaining why you’re late
c sitting down without speaking
7 If you forget a client’s name, Sally
suggests .
D Track 6 Complete the conversation with three words in each gap.

a admitting to forgetting it Listen and check your answers.

b using ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ A: Right. And what should we do about an embarrassing email sent to
c reintroducing yourself (1) ?
8 If you spill something all over your B: Well, if it’s really embarrassing, the only way is to call the person you
shirt at a dinner with clients, Sally accidentally (2) and apologize personally.
says to . Another email would not be a good idea.
a act like it’s no big deal
b apologize immediately A: Good advice. How about some advice for social media addicts? How can we
c make a joke out of it get them to pay attention to anything other (3) ?
B: That’s a difficult one these days, but you can compliment them when they
(4) air and let them know how great it is to talk to
E In pairs, discuss the questions them (5) for a change.
about the radio show.
A: Mm-hmm. Now, what about another common awkward situation—being late
1 Have you ever been in an (6) ?
awkward situation like those B: The important thing is not (7) . Just apologize and
mentioned on the show? take a seat without interrupting the meeting further.

2 Which pieces of Sally’s advice

do you agree with? Which There was a guy in my class
30 do you disagree with? Why? who always wore cologne that was USEFUL EXPRESSIO
way too strong.
3 Suggest some other ways of How embarrassing!
rrassed in my life.
dealing with the situations
Really? What did you do about it? I’ve never felt so emba
n red.
discussed on the show. I could feel my ears tur

F Work in groups. Share an awkward situation you have experienced and how you reacted. Then discuss each
other’s answers.

G Look at the photos. In pairs, discuss the questions. Then share your answers with the class.
1 What would you do in these situations?
2 Do you think it is better to be indirect or direct in an
awkward situation?
3 Has someone ever offended you in an awkward situation?
What happened?
4 What is the best way to apologize for causing an
awkward situation?

H In pairs, role-play the six situations.

Who was that you were It’s just that you
talking to, Jim? were talking so
loudly. Was it a
1 Student A You bad cell-phone
office cubicle. Just now? It was a long-time
You work in an th e ph on e client. Why do you ask? connection?
loudly on
are speaking so m et im es
because your

ub le he aring you.
have tro
Student B crazy
r is driving you 2 Studen
tA same
Your coworke
ly on the ph on e all
PL n t to w o rk at the sk your
by talking loud ab ou t it. You wa as your friend. n.
something n y a tio
day. Try to do co m p a
re c omm e n d
r a
friend fo
tB to
Studen ed you
fr ie n d has ask o rk at your
Your th e m to w
en d think
Student A recomm but you don’t job.
y, t for the
3 Your coworker is eating very compan tually a good fi
smelly food for lunch and it annoys they’re
you. Try to do something about it.

Student B
You are at work eating a delicious
lunch that you brought from home. 4 Student A
e office gossip
Invite your coworker to try some. You have som your
to share with
that you want
Student B fice
r is sharing of
Your coworke Tr y to
u again.
gossip with yo iping.
hi m or her from goss
5 Student A dissuade
e at
g new perfum
You’re wearin ls gr ea t and
it smel
work. To you d it on sa le.
u foun
you’re glad yo
Student B ry strong
r is wearing ve
Your coworke
Unit 3: Awkward situations

d. Try to 6 tA
you can’t stan Studen ch with
perfume that h a ving lun spill coffee
about it. a re
do something You
nt clien
t and
importa urself.
all over
tB client
Studen portant
a n im pany
You are ch with a com
g lu n il ls coffee
havin ti v e w ho sp 31
on h se r
3 Lesson 2

A Label the pictures with the words in the box. B Complete the sentences with
the correct prepositions.
admit to burst in confide in crack up fall for
have something against knock down pay back result in 1 Donna always falls
the rubber spider trick.
2 I was on the phone when the boss
suddenly burst .
3 You can confide
1 2 3 Jeff. He’s good at keeping secrets.
I lent him some
Charlie won’t A good friend is
money, but he
making someone you can 4 No, I don’t have anything
the mess. always . Eric. We’re just
me .
very different people.
5 That awkward email mistake
resulted two
people losing their jobs.
4 5 6 6 Nobody would admit
A hand buzzer?
It was so funny, Office gossip can blocking the fire
Nobody will

he couldn’t help bad exit with a trash can.
but . feelings.
old trick like that! 7 That man running down the
street knocked
PL a woman.
8 It will take me 30 years to pay
the money I
7 8 9 borrowed.
He tried to
In bowling, you try Those two seem
, but the
to all to 9 I can’t look at his face during
secretary wouldn’t let
the pins. each other. the meeting or I might crack
him into the meeting.


Match to make sentences. Track 7 Listen and circle

the sentences that are true.
1 The boss admitted ¨ a back, I’m happy to lend you fifty dollars.
1 a Some people burst in her office.
2 My little sister burst ¨ b against John based on the way she
b Someone knocked her down.
looks at him.
3 Although I confided ¨ c up when Michael makes that funny face. 2 a He confided in Daniel.
4 I always crack ¨ d for an email advertising phony diet pills. b He has something against
5 I felt like a fool after I fell ¨ e down a vase accidentally and broke it. Daniel.
6 I think Carol has something ¨ f to giving himself a big salary increase. 3 a She wasn’t able to pay back
7 Our friend knocked ¨ g in Mark not speaking to Ellen for weeks. a loan.
8 If you promise to pay me ¨ h in my room while I was doing my b She admitted to having money
9 A big misunderstanding homework. problems.
resulted ¨ i in Lisa, she told my secrets to everyone. 4 a He fell for an April Fool’s Day
E In pairs, ask and answer the questions. b The prank made him crack up.

1 What is something that people find hard to admit to others?

2 What type of humour always makes you crack up? Why do you like it?
3 Name a person you feel you can confide in. Why do you feel that way?
4 Describe a trick, prank, or joke that people sometimes fall for. Would you fall

for it? Why?

32 5 Tell me about a person who you have something against.
6 If a friend forgot to pay back a small amount of money you lent him or her,
how would you handle the situation?
7 When can telling the truth result in an awkward situation?

Auxiliary verbs
I’m bringing Selma to the party, not Jennifer. I was parking my car when I looked over and saw you.
Are you taking your dog with you on holiday? Bad news. Our house was robbed last night, so no party.
Excuse me. Do you mind if I eat in here? I didn’t like the party at all. I’m so happy to be out of there.
It doesn’t matter to you, but it does matter to me. Did you take the last piece of pizza for yourself?
Sorry. I’ve already made other plans for Saturday. OK, what have you done this time?
He hasn’t left the office yet. But he’s supposed to When I got to the party, I realized I hadn’t dressed
be here now. appropriately.

F Read the grammar chart. Then G Correct the errors with the auxiliary verbs in the conversation. Write
circle the correct answers to the correct answers below.
complete the grammar rules.
A: Hi, Charlie! Wasn’t that a great class?
1 Am, is, and are are auxiliary B: Not really, Linda. I (1) hadn’t think it was very interesting.
verbs in the present simple / A: Gee, you seem a little down, Charlie. (2) How’s things going?
present continuous .
B: Well, I have to admit, things (3) did been better.

2 Was and were are auxiliary
A: I thought so. You look like you (4) was left by your girlfriend or something.
verbs in the past continuous /
present perfect . B: Actually, I (5) did. We broke up two months ago. But (6) we’ve been unhappy
together for a while, so it was for the best, I guess.
3 Was and were are also auxiliary
A: I’m sorry I brought it up, Charlie. I (7) doesn’t know why I said that. That
verbs in the past perfect /
was awkward.
passive forms .
B: That’s OK. A lot of people (8) did asked me why I’m always alone these days.
4 In simple present positive statements
/ questions , do and does are A: Well, cheer up! At least you still have that great part-time job!
necessary auxiliary verbs when B: Actually, I (9) had fired last month. (10) Doesn’t anyone tell you?
using main verbs other than be.
5 In the simple present, do and H Complete the second sentence with an auxiliary verb and a main
does add emphasis in questions / verb so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use no
statements with verbs other more than three words including the word given.

than be.
1 Tina hasn’t had a lot of free time lately. (be)
6 Doesn’t and don’t are auxiliary Tina very busy these days.
verbs in questions and negative
2 Edward had been fine until yesterday. (feel)
statements in the present perfect /
Edward sick until yesterday.
present simple .
3 My son doesn’t make enough of an effort at school. (try)
7 Have and has are auxiliary verbs in My son very hard at school.
the past simple / present perfect .
4 What you said caused Marla a lot of embarrassment. (embarrass)
8 Did is an auxiliary verb in questions Marla by your remark.
and negative statements in the 5 The audience wasn’t pleased with the band’s performance. (like)
past simple / past perfect . The crowd the band’s show.
9 Had is an auxiliary verb in the 6 Last Wednesday, I was still waiting for your package. (received)
present / past perfect. Last Wednesday, I still your package.

I In pairs, play the game. Take turns saying the sentences three ways: as a negative statement, a positive
Unit 3: Awkward situations

question, and a negative question. You get 1 point for each correct sentence.
Number one: I said the
Student A Pts Student B Pts wrong thing. I didn’t say the
1 I said the wrong thing. 3 1 He’s been rude all day. wrong thing. Did I say the
2 She loves to embarrass people. 2 She wants to use my car. wrong thing? Didn’t I say
the wrong thing?
3 I insulted my coworker. 3 We took it without asking.
4 He was shocked by what I said. 4 You were told to be quiet.
5 He’s taking his time today. 5 They’re having a bad day.
6 They were making me wait. 6 I was trying to avoid her. J Write new sentences 33
7 You’ve taken too much time. 7 I need to be more polite. with auxiliary verbs and
8 I’d seen her staring at me. 8 We’d started without you. play the game again
Total points Total points with a different partner.
d S i t u a t ion s
Awk wa r re’s just
ard sit uation — the rd
yo n e h as been in an aw kw
ut yo ur PE RSONAL awkwa
Ever abo
w ay a ro u nd them. Tell us rdness!
no kwa
om e nts an d share the aw
One day I saw the girl who I
I wasn’t planning on telling anyone was dating on the other side
My friend Laura and I use about this, but seeing the other of a really wide and busy
Spanish as our ‘secret language.’ confessions on this blog gave me street. Instead of shouting at
It sometimes lets us carry on a courage. My awkward situation her, I dialed her number on my
conversation that’s impossible happened at a baseball game. cell phone. I was smiling as I
for people around us to I was in my seat eating a giant watched her take the phone
understand. Well, last week we hamburger with everything on it, the out of her handbag. But then
were in a café having a ‘secret’ kind they sell at the stadium. I was she looked at the phone to see
conversation, and I realized a really enjoying it and had ketchup, who was calling and sort of
man and a woman were looking mustard, and barbecue sauce all shrugged her shoulders. It kept
at us from a nearby table. I got a

over my face and my T-shirt. That’s on ringing, but it soon became
little annoyed and unfortunately when the stadium camera focused clear that she wasn’t going to
started saying things in Spanish in on me, displaying my messy face answer it! Well, that certainly
like, ‘Why are they staring at
up on the giant stadium screen. I wiped the smile off my face. I
us? It’s so rude!’ Just then they looked completely ridiculous. I was miserable the rest of the
walked up and asked Laura in attempted to get away by moving day. I never mentioned it to her
Spanish, ‘Excuse us, but do you to another seat, but the camera because I didn’t want to make
go to school with our son Roberto followed me. I was wiping my face an issue of it. Still, I definitely
Suarez?’ They talked with her for on my shirt and just making the trusted her less after that. We
ten minutes about Roberto and mess worse! My friends made fun of broke up several months later.
didn’t even look at me once. I me for years after that!
wanted to crawl under a rock! Justin McInnis
Matthew Richards

Mary Philips

I’m certainly not known for my skills in the kitchen,

but I thought I’d surprise my friends by baking a cake
The other day I met an old schoolmate on the street,
for a weekend get-together. It was a chocolate and
and he seemed really happy to see me again. I was
coffee-flavoured cake, and I thought I’d followed the
surprised, because I didn’t remember us being that
recipe well enough. However, when I served it to my
close. But when he asked to meet the next day at a
guests, they started moving their mouths in funny
coffee shop to catch up, I agreed. When I got there,
ways and picking things out of their teeth. I guess I
he had a briefcase with him. As soon as I sat down,
should’ve been offended, but it cracked me up! My
he asked me if I wanted to get rich. I thought he was
friends said there were hard brown pieces in the
joking and answered, ‘Who doesn’t?’ But then he
cake, so I said, ‘That’s just the coffee. It’s supposed
started talking about how I could join thousands of
to be that way.’ Then they told me I was supposed to
people who are selling vitamin drinks across the country
have used instant
and earning lots of money. It was a really professional
coffee, not whole
sales pitch, but I was getting upset because I felt I’d READING STRATEGY
coffee beans.
been tricked. It was obvious he didn’t care about me The tone of a text is the
Oops! I went and
as a friend at all, and he had put me in a really awkward writer’s attitude: concerned,
got a package of

situation. Needless to say, we haven’t been in contact embarrassed, regretful, excited,

dental floss and
since. gloating, etc. Understanding the
34 passed it around tone helps you better grasp the
Shirley Martin the group. author’s point of view.
Charlene Milton
Lesson 3 3

A Circle the tone of each author’s blog post.

1 Mary Philips 2 Matthew Richards 3 Justin McInnis 4 Shirley Martin 5 Charlene Milton
a regretful a carefree a thoughtful a forgiving a concerned
b confused b embarrassed b amused b offended b easygoing
c offended c angry c disappointed c amused c embarrassed

B In pairs, discuss the C Circle the correct answers.

1 Mary was annoyed because the couple was looking at her.
1 How would you have felt in the a right b wrong c doesn’t say
situations described in the blog?
2 How would you have reacted? 2 Matthew didn’t care that the stadium camera was focused on him.

I think I would be able to laugh at a right b wrong c doesn’t say

myself if they showed me eating a
hamburger on TV. 3 Shirley thought her friend was interested in her romantically.
a right b wrong c doesn’t say

Really? I hate making a
fool of myself!
4 Justin thought the girl would answer when he called her.
a right b wrong c doesn’t say

5 Charlene used whole coffee beans instead of instant coffee on purpose.

a right b wrong c doesn’t say
D Write four questions about the reading and exchange them with a partner. Then write answers to your partner’s

E Scan the reading and circle the verbs you find.

has been have looked wasn’t planning was enjoying
i l iar
x s
were wiping didn’t remember have sold had been au verb
was dating were smiling was calling did want
am not known wouldn’t surprise is supposed have used

F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in yellow from
the reading.
The noun issue has several
1 I don’t like to share information with people I don’t know well.
meanings, including:
Unit 3: Awkward situations

2 A person who is is extremely unhappy.

• a topic of discussion or
3 I get when people talk on their mobile phone loudly at work. debate: the animal rights issue
4 Laura to apologize, but her boyfriend wouldn’t listen. • a newspaper or magazine
5 Climbing Mount Everest without help would be . publication: the December
6 Ralph enjoys debating controversial .
• a polite word for psychological
7 It’s that he thinks it’s funny—he’s cracking up. problems: That guy’s got 35
8 The movie’s plot was a little , but I still enjoyed it. issues

9 Rain is predicted for Saturday afternoon, so the picnic might not .


G Complete the letters with the words in the box. H Read the letter submitted
to Polite Peter’s advice
desperate dishonesty exact ignore issue parsley column. Then write an
pleasure politely pretend ridiculous stuck whisper answer to each letter as
if you were Polite Peter.

Polite Peter’s Advice for Dear Polite Peter,

Awkward Situations I guess my memory isn
it used to be. People fre as good as
quently walk
up to me and start a co
Dear Polite Peter, but I don’t remember th ersation,
At parties, I always find Dear Party Polly, How should I handle a eir names.
myself (1) Invite someone else to join your situation
like that?
with someone who conversation. Ask questions to get the
won’t stop talking about two people talking to each other, then Forgetful Frank
an (2) that (3) excuse yourself. If there’s
doesn’t interest me at nobody else around, say, ‘It’s been a
all. What should I do? real (4) talking to you, but I
have some friends I have to find before
Party Polly I In pairs, read the stories

I leave.’ If you’re getting (5) ,
you could (6) your phone is about people who
ringing and that you have to take the reacted badly to awkward
call. However, I generally discourage situations. Discuss what
PL . you would do differently.

Polite Peter I was giving a business

presentation to a group of
Dear Polite Peter, executives from another
company. Someone asked
The other day, someone me a question about our
I was speaking with had services that I didn’t know
a big piece of Dear Shy Sam,
the answer to, so I simply
(8) stuck in I know it would be a lot easier to just
said, ‘I have no idea.’ My
their teeth. It made (10) the problem, but you

boss was really unhappy.

them look rather must say something. Try to catch their
(9) . Should eye, then point to your own teeth in the
I have said something? (11) spot where their food is
stuck. If necessary, (12) the I went into a cafeteria-style
Shy Sam problem in his or her ear. restaurant, put a notebook
on a table to save my spot,
Polite Peter and went to get my food.
When I returned, an elderly
lady was sitting at the table,
and there weren’t any other
tables available. I told her to
leave, but she wouldn’t, and
after a heated argument, the
J Read the blog post about an awkward situation. Put the sentences in order. manager told me to leave.
Unfortunately, I was wearing old jeans, dirty sneakers, and a T-shirt.
He told me the address and I memorized it. It wasn’t far from my house.
I was so early I ended up waiting more than an hour for the other guests to arrive!
As the guests started coming inside the house, I realized they were all extremely K Write a blog post about
well dressed. an awkward situation you
She shook her head and said she hadn’t invited anyone named Chris to the party. experienced.
1 My friend Chris called to invite me to a party one night. I asked him where it was.

Not long after, I asked the hostess if Chris was coming anytime soon.
36 When I arrived, the hostess looked at me funny and said I was ‘pretty early.’
I realized I was at the wrong party! I apologized to the host and left, red-faced with Complete Activity K at home
embarrassment. if necessary.
Later that night, I left my house and got to the party.
Lesson 4 3

A Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. B Match the definitions to
the words.
ashamed challenge disappear disgusting famous
interrupt situation unable uncomfortable 1 ashamed ¨
2 challenge ¨
3 disappear ¨
4 disgusting ¨
5 famous ¨
1 2 3 6 interrupt ¨
I don’t know her name, He looks very 7 situation ¨
Don’t him.
but it seems that she’s in that
He’s on an important call. 8 unable ¨
. shirt and necktie.
9 uncomfortable ¨
a extremely unpleasant in taste
or appearance
b something difficult requiring
4 5 6 effort
Although they are They’re leaving c stop someone in the middle
Yuck! That’s
birds, penguins are her out. It’s not a nice of doing something

to fly. for her. d things existing and happening
in a particular place
e having or causing an
PL unpleasant feeling
f without the ability to do
7 8 9 something
Cheer up! Everyone makes I know I saved my work g embarrassed or guilty
She clearly enjoys
mistakes. It’s nothing to yesterday. It can’t just h very well known
a .
be of. , can it?
i to go missing or invisible

C Complete the story with the correct form of the words in the box. D In pairs, answer the
questions about the story

ashamed challenge disappear disgusting famous in C using the words in

interrupt situation unable uncomfortable brackets.

My name is Mark. Let me tell you about the most embarrassing and awkward 1 What was the story about?
(1) I’ve ever been in. When I heard that my favourite actress, Gina (situation)
LaTrobe, was in town for an awards show, I made plans to go and see her. I knew
thousands of people would be there because she’s very (2) . When I 2 Why did so many people
arrived, she was surrounded by a huge crowd. It was really a (3) to go to see Gina LaTrobe?
push my way to the center. Then I saw her! She was speaking to a reporter, but I (famous)
(4) her anyway, holding out a photograph of her and a pen. I had 3 Was it easy to get near Gina?
planned to ask her to sign it, but I was so excited that I was (5) to (challenge)
speak. She asked me, ‘Do you want me to sign that for you?’ When I tried to answer
her, I suddenly felt so nervous and (6) that I threw up all over my shirt! 4 Did Mark wait until Gina was
It was absolutely (7) ! I’ve never felt so (8) . I took out finished speaking?
a handkerchief and tried to clean myself off as best I could. When I looked up to (interrupt)
apologize, Gina wasn’t there. She had (9) .
5 What did Mark say to Gina?
Unit 3: Awkward situations

E Interview a partner. Add two more of your own. 6 What happened when
1 Tell me about a time you felt ashamed. he tried to answer Gina?
2 What kinds of clothing do you find uncomfortable? (uncomfortable, disgusting)
3 What challenges have you overcome in your life? 7 How did Mark feel after his
4 What are some things you are unable to do now, but you hope to be able accident?
to do in the future? 37
5 What foods do you find disgusting?
6 What famous people have you met or seen? Describe the situation(s). 8 Where did Gina go?
7 Do you often interrupt people when they are speaking? Why? (disappeared)

F Complete the grammar chart with

Future in the past the correct forms.
I didn’t know he was going to bring her to the wedding.
Future Future in the past
I’m dressed up because I thought we were going to go to the party.
am / is / 1 /
She promised that she would meet me tonight. are going to going to
I thought I’d buy her a gift tomorrow.
will / ’ll 2 /
I wasn’t planning on coming, but as it turns out I’m free on Friday.
I didn’t text you because I knew we were meeting tonight. present continuous 3

G Correct the sentences. H Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Use no more than three words including the word given.
1 I didn’t dress up because I knew
nobody else will either. 1 I thought I would meet more people living in the city. (going)
 I thought I meet more people living in the city.
 2 He said he was taking his car, so he’ll be here soon. (would)
He said he his car, so he’ll be here soon.

2 Jim is going to bring chairs, but he
forgot. I guess we’ll have to stand. 3 I thought you weren’t going to speak to Larry tonight. (would)
I thought you to Larry tonight.

4 You promised that you would introduce me to James. (going)
You promised that you introduce me to James.
3 I’m planning to go to Europe until I 5 We knew that you were coming, so we cleaned up a little. (going)
lost my job. We knew that you were , so we cleaned up a little.
 6 I thought I wasn’t going to have dessert, but it looks so good! (would)
 I thought I dessert, but it looks so good!
4 She said she’ll arrive by 8.00, but
it’s 9.00 and she’s still not here.
 I In pairs, role-play the game. You promised you were going
Student A uses future in the to wake up early today!

past to describe a broken plan or
5 We aren’t going to go to the game, promise. Student B makes up
but then my boss gave us free tickets. I know, but I worked really late
an excuse. Take turns playing
last night, so I was too tired.
 each role.
 Broken plans and promises Excuses
6 I know I said I’m not going to
1 wake up early today 
interrupt you, but the building is on
fire. 2 get to work on time today 
 3 study English more this year 

4 clean your room yesterday 
7 I thought the boss is leaving early
5 call your family yesterday 
today, but he’s still in his office.
 6 get concert tickets for me 
 7 take a vacation soon 
8 I’m going to call my son. He said 8 buy some new furniture 
he will be home an hour ago.
9 write a book about your life 

10 bake cookies for the class today 


38 J In pairs, use future in the

past to tell your partner When I was younger, I thought I was My parents said I would probably
going to become a doctor. But then I be an artist someday, but I actually
facts about your life. decided to major in business instead. studied accounting.
Lesson 5 3

A You will create an online forum for people to write about awkward situations they have experienced.
Tick the awkward situations that you have experienced. Then discuss the questions in groups.

1 What’s happening in these photos?

2 Have you ever been caught doing these things?
3 Would anything bad happen if you were
caught? What?
4 What would you say if you were caught?

B In pairs, match the responses to the awkward situations. You can C In groups, discuss your
match more than one response to each situation. answers in B and these
Awkward situations Responses
1 What would you do if you
1 riding in an extremely crowded train, subway, a Apologize experienced one of these
or bus immediately. awkward situations?

b Don’t let it 2 Would you write about your
2 calling someone the wrong name
bother you. experiences on an online forum?
3 accidentally taking someone else’s lunch order 3 If you wrote online about an
c Leave immediately.
from a deli
PL embarrassing experience, would
d Make a joke out of it you post your real name or stay
4 telling a joke nobody laughs at anonymous?
and laugh it off.
5 thinking someone is waving to you, but realizing 4 Would you read
e Make small talk. an online forum
they’re waving at the person behind you
about awkward
6 realizing you don’t have enough money to pay f Acknowledge your situations?
for something mistake.

7 not knowing anyone at a party g Smile politely.

8 being caught laughing as if you understand h Think about

something when you don’t something else. D Imagine you belong to an
online forum where readers
9 being asked to dance when you’re a terrible i Try to say it discuss awkward situations.
dancer another way. On a piece of paper, write a
short anonymous post about
10 forgetting a word or expression you want to say j Just do your best. an awkward situation you

E Create an anonymous username and avatar (picture) and add it to your post in D. Give your post to your teacher.

Unit 3: Awkward situations


F In groups, create an online forum where individuals write about awkward situations and other users post helpful
responses and advice. Follow the instructions.

Help for Awkward Situations

1 Choose an anonymous post from the
teacher. One student reads it aloud to The place to get real, confidential advice for
the group and everyone copies it into awkward or embarrassing moments.
the online forum. Include the author’s

2 Discuss the situation and talk about 

what kind of advice you could give to
the person who wrote it. 

3 Write a reply below the post with about 

50 words of advice. Create a username

for the response. 

4 Repeat this process for an additional 

two or three posts in your notebook.
PL Post



G As a group, read your online forum’s posts and responses to the class.

H Discuss the awkward situations and advice as a class. Which group gave the best advice?

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