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.t i
i I

i i
¡ I
. WeEthcr Prolected Type ll(WPlll t
The Lile-L¡ne O Weathe. Proleclcd fype ll ver'
tical motor ut¡l¡¿es lhe básic W,]alher Pro- t
tecled Type I mechanical pals. These basic I
pans are furthcr prolected by ¿n ouler fábr¡' 1

cated steel enveloDe wh¡ch provides 9.otec'

É t¡on 8s dcfined by NEMA (ñlG 1- L25H1. lt is
spec¡lic¿lly designed for pump¡i9 dutY in the
r¡ostsevere clcctric util¡ty. petrochem¡cal.
p¡pe line, min¡ng and i.rigation ¡pplicát¡ons.

n[frf] r-, -l
. Totálly Enclosed Fan Cooled Motors lTEFcl
The Life.L¡oe D Totally Encloscd Fan Cooled
vert¡Cal motOrS are sUilable ,or lhe most 5e-
vere purrping ¿pplicatioñs in electr¡c t,t¡l¡(ias.
F:-:i. chemical plants and reliñerie5 or where th!
ú enviroñment reeuires the ult¡mate in enclo-
sure and proteclion. l
For superior resistance lo chemical conlam- l
¡nants, lhese motors have a flbbed. cast irorr
lrame. Thesc r¡bs are open, clearly visib¡e añd
I l
readily áccess;ble for cleaninq ,.vhert neces-
s¿ry. Molor heat is dissipared by circulal¡n9
--:- ambienl oir over these exlernal ribs. ¡\ large
I external upper lan circulates air over lhe
upper brackel ¿s well as the frame-
The following oplions 3re availáblc lo. fudher l
t mocilication:
. Temperaturc detection s r,slems lo monilor
temperature chañges in any p¡rl of lhe motor.

. Surge capacitors to absorb s,¿/itching surges.

ir I
:l . Arreslors to protect lhe rnotor asoinsl light-
Ii¡ 1 .i
'ii n¡ng.
'l . Spac? heat( . lo protccl the motor lrom con.
dens¡t¡on and mo¡sture when not in use.

. V¡bral¡oñ switches lo assure automalic shut.

oíf whenevcr v¡bration excecds norñal
?ccepted l¡mits.
\- ri,.ry,ml '''qtP . lf elill fufther mod¡ficat¡oñ is nceded, the
Wesl¡nghoúse engineeíñ9 s:atf wi!l be happy
W.athor Prolc{ted Typo I to work out specilication reeuirerneñts ¡n
deto il.
Thc Life.Line D Large Ac vcnical motor ¡s screehs and b¡ackets designed lor maximum
tv¡r¡lable ¡ñ a var¡ety ol enclosures to meel a prolectiori and cooliñ9.
wido ran0c of spec¡f¡cation§.
. Weatl¡er P.otccted Type I w¡th Ai. lntakc
. Woothor Protcctod Type l(WPl) Fllters
The standafd Lifc-Linc O vcrt¡cal molo. is Th¡s is a particu¡arly good choice for morors
buill w'lh a lvcith!-.r ProrecrcJ fypc I an(to. lhal will be opcrating in dirly or s¿ndy arcas. I
¡tlro. All nrodcls h¡ve corrosron resisl¿nl
lnstructions for Large AC Motors
Uertical I It/lotor
- l.ife-Line'D I 1.L.3030.D1

rames 0 0 0 5800 6800 I

eat er P r 0 I e c t e d T el I

ea lrer- P r 0 t ee t c d ype
through louvered air outlets on all four sidcs. The Vpl
enclosure roüdes rotccti for indoor or.outdoo¡ use ¡

r!9§-9P9I4¡!E-99!{!,-q!§- a{g-_qo_Lextrellrc. T he lwll I

'enclosurc proüdes additioncl protec(ion
at air inlcts ¡nd
outlets from severe climates with additional turns ¡ni.l low
.yclocity inlet air passagcs. A light weight top
cap provides i
access to the top coup¡ing.
These instructions may not cover all dctails or varia- i
tf- tions in equipment that may be suppljer.l or every possible i
u, ít question in rcgard to the installation, operation or main- I

lenance. Should situations a¡ise that are not coverecl by i

these instructions, further information may be obtained
through Westin&house Sales and Se¡vice engincers.
t: I
i: ¡

,t Westinghouse warrants that the equipment dclivered by it
.will be of the tind and quality described ¡n the order or
contract, and will be free of defects in rvorkm:rnship or
material. Should any failure to conform to this warranty
appear within one year after date of initial operat¡on, not
.i: to exceed eighteen months after date of shipmcnt, West.
,. inghouse shall, on pronrpt notification from the pur.
t' . chaser, anrl proúded that (l) the equipnrcnt has been
il I stored, installcd, operated and maintained in accordrnce i

.l with the order or conrract, gcnerally acccptable industry

I .l
I practices and Westinghor¡se instructions, and (2) that the ;

\ rl I
equipment has not been subjóct to alteration, misapplica. ,j
i tion or misuse, correct suih non<onformity by rcpair or
replacemcnt F.O.B. point of sfupmcnt, of the non-
! conforrning ptrt or parts. Westinghouse shall not be
t responsible for proüding working access to the defecrs.
Correction of noo-conformitics, in thc manner and for thc
period of tinle provided above, shall constitr¡tc fullill¡nent
, of liabilities of Westinghouse wirh rcspect to the
quality of rhe equipment.


Wcstinghouse Life-Linc D vcrtical pump forcgoilg warranty is exclusive ¡nd in licu ofall rl
motors are -The
dcsigncd for normal or high thrust applications.
oürer warranties of quality, whether written, rl
oral, or i¡n-
These plicd, including any wsrranty of merchanr¡bi¡ity
squinel cagc motors are av¿ilablg wilh eithcr
a hollow o¡
or fitDess rl
s.uit tiil¡-li]álo^Irn-;iir";ffi. for purposc, i:
sy-stcm for the Wpl with air inlets t1
at tt c top bottoñ Any d.cfects that ¡nay dcvelop shoukl rl
altows iir "ud
ro pass oycr ,1. ,ir,"r-"trJrg bc rcfe¡¡cd to lhe
enos ¿s rvcll rs througlt the ne¡rest lvcstingl¡ouse Salcs
for co¡Dplelc scrvicing
rotor corc and cxfiausi irfo¡ntation. :l
Lff.cliyc, Fct ru¡ry l9? I l



It ls strongly ¡ccorI¡ncnclcd that opcrrtcd witl¡. r rust-inhibiting oil in thc ¡ubrication

vca systcrn. llowcvcr, it is rccor¡¡rnc¡rdcd (lr¡¡t thc oil rcscrvoir
ou .Ilotors fbr be fillcd i¡rn¡ediately with a gootl gr lc of rust.inhibiring i
and scrvice rlusl have I scllcd insul¡tir.¡¡¡ oil, ilnd s¡iatt should bc ro(¡tcd at onc-nrollth iltcrv¡ls. i
systcnl to mailtri,¡ thc würrr;ty, if tlrcy hlvc Wpl cn. Crcasc lubricütcd rollilg bclrings havc ao ¡nhcrcnt rust
closurcs and a¡c n¡ountcd outdoors alld olherv/¡se un- i¡rhibitor in thc gretsc, but thc shaft ould bc rori¡tcd ar
proteclcd. {
three-month intervals.

Unauthorized Rcpairs t
Off§eason Storage ¡
In thc evcnt that tlle custo¡ner sends his motor to an I
unauthorized repair shop, the coverage Drain and reñll with new oil. Run the motor for ¡ short
of this lvarranty time to put oil on parts. Allow sufficient ventil¿tion to
po¡¡cy ¡s ¡utomatically ternrinated. I
avoid condensation; plastic or canvas covers pronlotc ,
condensation. Weather protection is desirablc. Be sure I
screefrs are in placc. Drain waler from cooling coi¡s.

Mot<x should be carefully inspected úpon arrival. Any

darnage should be reportcd INSTALLATION
pronlptly to the carrier and to
the ncarest office of thc Wcstinghouse Electric Corpora.
tion. Unpmking
Remove the shipping braces which may be installeri (used I
to limit nlovement of the rotor during ship¡nent). Rcmove t-
HANDLING sluslüng compound on solirt shaft extension with I
petroleum solvent, observing safcty precautions. 1
The WPI motor should be liftcd by means of the two
hooks on frame corners diagonally opposite each other ")
Loca( ion I
neaf thc top of the motor.
Install the machine in a rvell vcntilated area not subject to
ambient temperatures above 4OoC (l04oF) o, uititr,l. \
STORAGE over 3300 feet. If protecting shields or guards are used,
they must not obstruct the f¡ee flow oirjr around the 1

If, et the time of purchase, it was spccified the motor be motor. ¡

packecl for long.term storagé, the package
should be left {vttnlL
intrct dr¡rir¡g lhe period of storage.
- {1o-i{. l.o..cq¡lons subject to excessivc steam vapors, oil
chemica-l fl..!l!qs, moisturc, dirt, dust, or- lini.
. lf
the moior is not packaged for long-term storage

is not to bc put into scrvicc i¡¡rrnediately, a"rtri-n pra-

c¡utions should be takcn to protcct it. 'j"::' ¡'luo i't'¡
au poslllc,
place thc motor u¡rdcr cover in a
clean, dry location.
D-,,lls-t!gs¡g , thc windina should be-p¡a¡rrrcd-frau
exüess !¿ n)oisture a by some safe and rcliable wlslg-bel4gus , infla¡n-
method of hcal in8. Space rlcatef,s, rso Ldgs t-¡ tq.-p r-esc n t, due,
ll¡Ippüed_ma Y--be
usctl for {ri:-r, t1¡p9.9-e. T)re tcnrper¡ture to the possib¡liry o[ e xplqsions or lire
and_danrrgc to
of the wi nding propcrty or injury to personncl. lnstnll
should bc ¡lrva ys ¡n¡intained ¡ lew dcgrees rnotors on :¡
ab ove the no¡r-combustible surfa ce
tcnrpcr¡lturc of tllc surrounding air.

Note thc air inlet and outlet locrtions

rnd preparation
for shipment, prccau,tions to prevent hot t¡ke
clt talll prccilulions xrc (jrkr.n to guard exhausl air [¡onr rccircrr la r ing
agrinrt aorrurio,r'of rnro ulc intake opcn¡ngs or to prcvent
thc bcarirrgs. M¡chi¡res rvirl¡ oli hot exlrrU §t air
lubr¡c-utcrl b.r;lü; ;;; rrom entcr¡ng tlte ¡nlct o[ an
adjJcent motor. )
I )


1?)z .t q
q3-291- 466

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ast1,l.-ilr.6- &rtL226
C1 tl




Fig. I Typicot ltigh-thntsr h<tllow shaft motor.vith sphericol rollcr

thn$t beorit¡E ord
ctu¡ch shoten for i,ustrotion on righir hu,i,i
and ratchct ott lcft.
t'¡iti,ii'pali''tnntst oc,ri,rg
Ilto un ( ing motor into the plutfoín to maint¿in ¡ccuri¡le positioning ') r

of thc lr¡otor. Thc holcs shoukl bc drillcrl and rcar¡rcJ I

Thc mountin I¡t form for the nlotor ¡nust bc U simultaneously with thc correspontling holcs in thc I
rigil|-to min rn¡zc vibralion and to ¡n¡ i0! ain-ali gnrocrr t fottndation and the dowcl pins inscrtcd. I
bclwccn t c r and urnp-lrlotors arc dynarnically
balanced at the frctory r o NENIA standard vil¡ration Coupling llollow Shaft .I ¡

li¡nits, However, vibration of motor 0nd pump in scrvice ,l

are dctermincd not only by balance but may be greatly The motor may be equipped with either ratchet, ctutch,
affccted by thc base on rvhich thd motor is mounted. To or bolted type couplings (as specificd by purchasu) I
mininrize ribration, a base with propcr rigidiry must bc
as I
follows: a
provided for the motor. A frequent cause of übration I
when motor and pump are first coupled up has been
inadequate rigidity of thc motor mounting base. Vertical 1. Ratchct Type I
molors are providcd with a base having a nrachined lorver t
face rvith ¡ rabbet fit. If nloror b¡se and platform have These motors are equipped with non-reverse ratchet rhal ¡
permit.s rotation in the CCW direction only (looking i
be _nachincd corrcctly, the parts can bc used for line-u¡r down). A ratchet is used when it is desirable to preven( I
with no problems. If sl¡afts do not linc up, ¡t is possible to
reversal of shaft and pump rotation aftcr shutdown. It I
bring thém into linc by shimming under the motor, i
howevcr, remachining the part in error is-more desirable. prevents $amage due to ovcrspeeding or darnage to pump I
bearings if falling water column tends to c¿use reverse i
Precautions rotation. The ratchet consists of a st¡t¡onary member with I
teeth o.r steps cast into it and a rotatiñg member with pins i

To assurc satisfactory service, it is important that bearing operatin8 in vertic¡l holes. lVhen the moror starts in the I

thrusts do not exceed recommended values. Thrust in forward or CCIV direction, the inclined faces o[ thc 1

cxcess of recommended valucs will result in ¡n extreme ratchet teeth throw the pins downward where they are
reduction in bearing life. Also, a minimu¡n ürust is held by centrifugal force and friction. lVhcn the motor i
required at all t¡mes on spheriéal rollo bcarings, except stops, the pins lift and prevent CW or revcrsc rotation by 'l¡\;
for brief trial runs. striking the vertical faces o[ the teerh. The ratchet should
not be lubricated. (Solid shatt ratchet assembly, Fig. 2) i
On hollorv shaft vcrticals, a flinger should be installed I
on the pump shaft berween the pur¡rp shatt gland and thc I
2. Clutch Type
bas¿ of the motor to keep w3ter that might spray frorn the
scal fiom entering the lower bearing of the motor.
These motors are equ¡pped with a disengaging clutch thf,t j
consists of a coupling and a drive hub. A clutch is used
to prevcnt driving the punlp in reyerse if the motor is run I
Coupling Solid SIaft with reversed ¡otation, and thus unscrdtving the pump I
lné-shaft joints. The drive hub is keyed to the motor I
The coupling should be mounted on the motor shaft shaft, and the coupling is kcyed to the pump sh¡fr and
before placing on pump plrt[or¡n. The coupling should be i
attached through.a screw to the adjusting nut. The I,
heated io oil before installation and slid into position onto coupling centers on the drive hub by means of r rnachined

shaft or installcd rvith a pushing device. Do not hammer [it. The coupling is driven by two pins ¡üached to the
because of possiblc d¡nlagc to bcari¡¡gs. I
coupling and engagjng corresponding holcs in thc drive I
hub. Disengagement of the clurch is caused by r lifting of I
Mcchanic¡l vibration and roughness during the opera. I
tlon of thr rnotor may bc indications o[ poor alignmcnt.
the pump sh¡ft which separ¡tcs the pins in the ccupiing ll
from thc holds in the drive hr¡b. Both typ", of.orplingl
In general, lineup by straight edges rcross, and a feeler are bolted to lhe drive hub at the factory for shipping I
[augc bctrvecn coupling halves, js not sufficient. It is PUTPOSeS.
¡ecommcnded that thc lineup be chccked with dial t;
lnd¡c¡tors cnd chccking birs connectcd to the nrotor and
A clutch typc coupling is not to be used ifuptlrrust is
pump shafts. il
preseDt. Caution should [¡c takcn to be surc that
ihe pump li

shaf¡ extension above the coupling is short enough to
Aftcr checking lineup rntl [.rstcning coupling, dorvel rllorv clcarancc bctween the top of thc shrtt aná the
pins may bc inscrtcd, if desircd, lhrough thc b¡se of the insidc of the cap when the shatt lifts as the coupl¡ng
, ri

frtoltr r55tñttt

¡rlortl ¡t¡tl l4lo ñoto, !il¡rf '



) sCt t0 tNrtt

Fig.2 Upper end of typical high thrust solid shoft motor witl¡ rofcl¡er. ( \l , , , 1.\

releascs. The distance betwcen inside surface of the cap\ ILECTRICAL CONNECl'IONS
and top of half coupling ¡s the following:
Motor and control wiring, overload protection and
Fr8m6 Sir! O¡rranc6 grounding should be in accordance with thc National
Eloctrical Codc and local requircrncnts.
5.56 inclrrs
5BO0 5.56 inches.
6800 6.62 inche§ The motor frame should be grounded by attaching a
ground strap f¡om a known ground point to one of the
conduit box bolts-
3. Bolted Coupting
Be sure thc motor is connected ¡s shorvn on the
'lhe boltcd coupling docs not have the non-reversc or
nameplate, anrl ürat the power supply (voltagc, frequcncy,
disengaging fe¡ture. The coupling halves arc boltsd to- and number of phases) corrcspoods with tirc narnephie
gethcr sccurcly to allolv the upthrust from the pump to
be data. The motors will continue to opcratc (but wirh
taken by the motor bcrrings.
charact€ristics so¡newhat diffcrcnt from thc rrarncpl;rtc
valucs) i[ (he volrage anrJ frcquency vary n.ithin
The motor shaft nrust be accuratcly aligned with the the
following rangcs:
pump shaft so (hat sha[t strcsses, vibration and coupling
*,car will bc rcduccd to ¡ mini¡num. Once the sh¿fts
bccn aligncrJ, assemblc the coupling.
havJ Voltagc . within ! lMo of the value stenrpcd on lhe
t l


. by the motor under full lord. Thcsc n¡otors are duc(ing dusts sllorten crcepage distancc and mry ¡¡

dcslgncd to withstxnd being slrut dorvn and rcstartcd pcnctrrte windirrgs, cuusing short circuils lnd grourtds.
once, prov¡ding tlrc motor is tllowed lo coast to rcst Sharp dusts tcnd to ¡¡brcdc thc ¡nsulatiL,n, alld shortcn its i
be[ore bcing rcst:rrted. lt ¡s recommcndcd thi¡t no uscful lifc us thcy lrc drivcn by nrotor 1a¡rs, Mrgncl¡c,(lust I
lcslart be nra<lc ulrtil all conditions affcctirg opera- is a particular lr¡zard to insulation bcc¡usc o[ thc :i

tion h¡ve bccn thoroughly clteckcd and thc nrotor magnctic propcrtics rnd agitation by magnctic ficlds. !
cxamined for evidcnce of cxccssive hcating. Light and relativcly harmlcss dust can bc blown out with
low pressure dry air. Grit, metallic, nragnetic and carbon I
[,ong accelerating timcs, resulting lrom low.voltage, high dust should be rernoved by suction.üth non'rnetall¡c
connected inertix, or other reasons, may seriously damage suction tips.
lhc rotor or shorten its life. If load inertia ir excess of
üat ¡ecommended by NEMA, MG1.20.42 is expected, the
Clcaning Insulation
nearest Westinghousc Office should be consulted to
dctermine if motor is suitable. The insulated windings should be kept rcasonably clcan o[
dirt, oil, metal particles, and othcr cootanrinants. A fi¡nr I
Hcating ¡
of oily dirt tends to accur¡rulate partic¡es that may intcrfcre
with the satisfactory ventilat¡on of the n¡achine. Cleaning
Consult üe nameplate for the cor¡ect temperaturc fating can be accomplished in several satis[actory mclhods,
<¡füe motor. The maximum continuous operatihg tem- some of which are suggested below:
perature of thc motor ¡s a rise stamped on the namcplate
plus the temperature of the sur¡ounding air. lf the motor .
l. Vacuum Cleaning
docs not have te¡nperature indicating devices, and ab-
normal herting coflditions are suspected, shut the motor For renroval of loose dust, dirt, and partrcles, the use of
down until the cause bf overheating can bc determined suctioi'l is prefcrable to blowing out rvilh compressed irir
and corrected. Temperatt¡re rise c¡n be determined by the since üerc is less possibility of dama8e to insulrtion and
change in'stator §,inding resistance. Do not exceed ste¡dy
\ value of nrmcplate a¡npercs times ser\¿ice factor.
less chance of getting conducting or harnr[ul particles into
a¡eas that mry later result !n damage durin8 opcr¡tion.

2. Cornpressed Air Clcaring

Compresscd air is effective and convenicnt'[or removing
A carefully planned program ol inspcction and main- Ioose dust and particles from inaccessible ¡re¡s such as air
tenance will result in m¡ximum equipment availability ducts, and between coils at the end turns. Caution should
and minhnum m¡intcnance cost. If it is necessary to be takcn, however, to make sure that the air supply is dry,
repair, recondition,. or rebuild these nrotors, it is recom- and free of oil. Excessive air pressure (in excess of 30 psi),
mended that the nexrest Westinghouse Apparatus Rcpair should not bc used.
shop be consulted.
3. Solvent C'learing
Irr ¡ddition to thc daily observation of the overall Oil or grerse arc not har¡rful to the insulation, ho\¡'ever,
condilion and operr(ion of the motor, it is recommcndcd they do tend to accumul¡te dust which nliy i¡nPair tl¡c
lhat a general inspcction routine be esiablished to check ventilation. Oil or grease may be removcd tüth a cloth
periodically the followirg itents: moistcncd, but not drippinS, with a Pclrolcunl solvent of
the safety type, such as Stoddard solvcnt or similar
l. Clcanliness materials av¡ilable undcr variotts tr¡dc n¡mcs. In usillE
2. Insulation and winding such solvcnts, prectution should be takcn becausc of thcir
3. I.ubricrtion and berrings flammability and possible injurious hcrlth rcaction. lf
4. Vibration there is evidcncc of rvinding ¡novclncnt or varnisl¡
deterioration, revarnishing the \ünding should bc
Clc¡nlincss considcred.

The interior and cxtcrior o[ the machine shouldbe kcpt

Moisturc ^4

frec fronl dirt. oil, rtrd grcrse. Oily vrpor, pupcr, chcntical, I
product, or textile drrst nray build up and block off DripprooI nlotors sllould always be guardcd against lhc I
ventilation, lcr«lin¡ to overhcrting oI rvindings Con' rccitlcntal irttrusion of water from'spl¡ttcr or splashing' I

Standby nrotors should bc run ct lcast once ¡ rvcck to Regrcasilg

guard agrinst nlo¡sturc condcnsxtion. Ivlotors rvitlt long
ldle pcriotls should norrnrlly be instullc<.1 with spücc Too much grcasc will causc clrurning, ovcrhclting, rnd
heatcrs in opcration during thc idle pcriods. greasc leakagc. Only a snrall'anrount of lubric¡nt is
necessary for lubrication, horvcver, this a¡nount nlust
Beiring Oil Recon¡mendarions always be prcscnt. Lubricünt also pcrforms other
For üll¡ng pad thrust bcrrings or oil lubric¡ted ball functions such a prcvention of üater and conta¡ninants
[rorn entering the bcaring and corrosion protec!¡on. .
bearings at nortnal ambient tcmper¡turcs, usc a good
Fadc of oxidation and corrosion inhibitcd mincral base
turblne oil vith a viscosity of 200 SUS at l00oF. When regrcasing, care must be takei¡ against
introduction of di¡t. Clean thc ñttings as this h¡s been
For found to be a primary cause of dirt introduction and
spherical roller bearingi ¡t nornral ambicnt
failure of bearings.
te--reratures, use a good grade of oxidation antl co¡rosion
iftrritcd nrilcral base turbine oil with a viscosity of 1000,
sUS ar loooF. - I lfohigh pressure guns are used, great care must be taken
to avoid over'lubrication.
Operation in ambient tenlpcratures _ tha t ¡re near or Wheir shipped frorn the factory, grease lubricated ball
below frcezing may require oil hecters or special oil.
bearings have sufflcient grease oI a rust inhib¡ted lithium
soap type to last for a ¡imited per¡od. flowever,o charge
Lower end bearings may bc lubricated for convenience
of grerse should be addcd soon after the motor is put into
It t*! viscosity-of oil as-top be¡rillgsn Automotive or operation, and thereafter at suitable interv¡ls as
deterSent oi¡s are not recommendirl.
determined by experience.

The reservoir should be drained approxímately every six NOTE ,)
months by removing the drain plug. More frequent
changes may be necessary iI discoloration or other Some motois for special app¡ications, such ,s high
contamination of the oil is observed, oil temperature is ambient temperature conditions, will requirc a
ne¡r the top(90oC) of t]le operating range, or for 3600 special grade of grease. Thesc motors will be
RPII machines. Flush with keroscne, if necesary, to identified by having a special nameplate giving
rc' .vc scdinrent. Chcck that nrcterirrg hole or holes are Eeasing instructions. In such cases, do not use thc
cl*r. Rcfill with frcsh, clean oil. standard grease.

l\lainter¡nce of Gre¡se Lubric¡ted Rolling Bearings

. when regreasing the motor, it is prcferable to s(op the )
Vticn motor is inst¡llcd. nirke certain that thc motor motor. To regrease, procced as follows:
turns easily, particullrly rvhcn thc nrotor is not installed
until sornc ¡nonths after bcing shipped. Extcrnal l. Wipe the lubrication fitting clcan, rcnrove the rclief
inspcction a[ter thc motor is put into opcration will plug, and frec the hole o[ hardencd greasc.
dctermine whe(hcr'.lrc bearings are operating quictly ¡nd
without unduc hcrt: l. 2. Add greasc slowly with a hand operatcd pressrrrc gun

The grcase used rs a lubricanl in grease lubric¡tcd 3. Operate motor for at least tcn n'¡inutes w¡th thc drain
ro¡ling bearings does not lose its lubricating ability plug removed to allow excess grease to drain out.
suddenly, but ovcr a pcriod o[ tirne. This time, ir¡ which
regressing would bc necessiry, dcpends upon thc typc of 4. On motors with long greasc pipes, pipcs should be
grerse, the size of the bearings, üre speed rt which üe thoroughly cleaned before regre¡sing.
bcaring oper¡tcs, and the scvcrity of operatinS conditions.
As a rcsult, it is not possiblc to rccuratcly prcdcterminc 5. lt it is necessary to regrease with thc machinc in
when new Srecse must bc addcd. Sonlc ofthe cond¡tions opcration, grcase added should be lintitcd and c¡rcli¡l
for rvhich morc frequent grclsing is required would bc attcntion paid to avoid over grcasing. Allow to rt¡n with
s{vcre d¡rt: expqsurc to wcathcr, high hunridity, splashing drain plug opcn for approximatcly tcn nlinutcs bcfore )
watcr; or hiSlt rnrbient tentp€rature. restorinB dri¡in plug to its sculcd condition.

As a gulde to thc an¡ount of gre:rsc to bc addcd and thc short circtlitcd wllcn tenlpcrature dctccting dcvices ofe in' I
frcqucncy of grcasing, sec following charts. sertcd into tllc bcaring.

Cro¡r¡ns Schodul6 Vibratioll

Groaslng lntsrv¿lt
Any excessive noise or vibr¡tion should bc trrccd to its I
llour¡ I Hr. 16 H¡. 24 Ht.
source a¡rd clinünated. Irtcrc:¡se in vibration may be itl'
Method ol Driv. Op€rar¡oñ o¡v oeY D3y I!
dic¡tive of change in balurcc (uncouple or discngage from
Couplcd pump to isolate moto(), possible inciPient dcrring or rotor I
(180O RPM or lest 2000 B [4o. 4 Mo. 2.213 Mo failure, electrical unbal¡rce, or change in alignntcnt.
Coupled I
13600 RPMI 1000 4 Mo. 2 Mo. 1-1l3 Mo.
Renewal parts information m¡y be obtil¡ncd frotn the I
cuido lo Arnoufll of Grsáso
nearest Westinghouse Sales Office. Be surc to nrntc (he
§¡.fi Oi¡mot!r Añount ol G.sáss
part or parts requiretl and SiYe the completc na¡nePlate
.t 8ráck.t ro Add
reading on the motor for positive identi,lc¡tion.
Up to 2-318 'l-l/4 cu. iñ.
Abov. 2.3/8 to 3 2 TNSPECTION -..-,)
Abova 3 to 4 3
The air outlet louver scr an be r-! Isqyqd--!g, theck I
Above 4 to 5 4 cl eanliness oI windings and necessity for furthe¡ ¡
disassembly [or cleaning I
Note: 1 oz. - 1-l/4 cu. ¡n.
) ¡
Strnd:rd Wasr¡nghouso Gr€as. 155272'8A ROLLING BEARING }lOTORS
I lb. cen S¡11781387
l. When necessary to disassctnblc the berring housing, I
ñrst thoroughly remove all dirt from the ¡diaccr¡t part, so i
5 lb. can
no dirt will fall upon the bearing or into the bcrrirrg hous- j
351b. cañ S,f t 781389 ing. I

2. Remove top bracket by unscrewing all the bolts th¡t I

Under operating cond¡tions of severe tem- dirt or hold the bracket to the fra¡nc and the bolts that hold the
perature, it may be desirable, for most s¡tislhctory service' inner caps to thc bcaríng housings. Upon rcnloving the
brackets and airshield, the rotor c¡n be ren¡ovcd.
lo open thc bearing housing once a year' or after every I

5,000 hours oPcration, to check the condition of the I

.3. Bearirrgs can be rcmoved using a whccl pullcr of
housing and gre¡se. lf diflicult to insPect thc drive end
. similar dcvice. The inncr cap shoultl be slid along thc shaft
bearing, the conditiorl of thc bearinB at thc oPPositc end I

w¡ll usually be rePresentative of both' If grense dcteriora- arvay fiom lhe be¡rings so that the pullcr can be used I

against the inncr racc cf the berring. !

lion has occurrcd or if dirty, the bearing housing parts I
should be thoroughly cleaned out and new 8re¡se added'

4. To replace a bcaring bn the shaft, be strre that thc I

Clcan with a suitable solvcnt, such as Trichlorethylene'
shatt fit and br¡ckct [its ¡re free lro¡n dirt, nicks' or burrs' I
taking ncccssary Prec¡utiolls. I
Thc i¡lternal sr¡rfaccs oftlte bcaring housing, tllc shllt' and i
the shaft l'it of tlre bcrring and the bcrring cirp shotrld bt !
Bcaring Currcnts
coated witll a thin fihn of the reco¡n¡trcnded grcasc llc¡t
tcndency to Producc har¡nful cir'
r the bearing in an oven or clc¡n oil bath for onc h¡lf'htrur
Certrin motors have I
cascs' tlte at a ter¡lPcriturc oI approxintatcly l90oF, bt¡t not'' I
culating ctllrcnts tllrouSll tllc bearirrgs' In sttch
not be cecd 2l ioF at any time. Slip thc hot bcarirrg on tltt'slrrft i
uppcr ielring is irrstrli¡tcd. This insul¡l'ion nrust


and hold lt in placc unlil bcaring has coolcd apprcci:rbly. 3. Tightcn thc lock out urrtil thc lowcr bcrring cornes up
Do not ¡sscmblc in br¿ckct until bearing lras coolcd. Fill agxinst thc housing shouldcr. This is casic¡ if tlrc sltrft is
bearing wilh grcrsc: prck outboard gre:rsc c¡vity in br¡cket jrckcd up until llrc lowcr bc¡rrinB bcrrs agxinst ilrc housing
approxinrrtcly onc.l¡rlf Iull. Do not fill i¡rncr bcaring cxp shouldcr ¡nrl t¡rcn thc nr¡t is tiglrtcncd.
with grcrse. Orient thc inner bcaring cap so tlrat grersc re-
licf passgc is líned up with similar passagc in the bracket. 4. Looscn lock nut approxinr¡tcly l/4 turn. This should
give about .020" sh¡ft end play.Check thc end plxy by
mounting a dial indicator on the upper brackct wilh grgc
DfSASSEI\tBLY OF l\fOTOR (Oil Lubric¡tcd) indicating thc sh¡ft runner in ¡n axirl dircctiqn. Ll)osen
fixturejacking bolts, and notc cnd play. Readjust lock nut.
l. Drain upper and lower bearing feservoirs. if necessary, to obtain .015..020" end play. Lóck nut in
2. Remove lower drain pipe and gauge.
B. Assembly of Motors With Oil
3 te¡nove hood, coupling (if l¡ollow shaft), ratchet plate, l-ul¡ricated "DT" Bcarings (-
lf"ñcd, and top cover platc. Do not remove water coils in l. Bearings with "DT" thrust bearing take momentar:/
water cbolcd bcarings unless coils need repair.
upthrust with tfie lower bcaring and required l¡,nited end
4. Remove nut and lock washer from upper end of shaft -t'
and pull runner and bearings from the sha[t. (Nut may bc 2. Tighten the lock nut until thc lower bearing comes up
¡cmovcd more readiiy if bottom end of shaft is jacked up.) againit the housing shoulder. This is easiet il thc shaft is
jacked up until the lowcr bearing bears against thc housing
5. lf cntirc rotor is to be removed, remove upper bracket shoulder. Tighten the lock nut to reÍtove any end play and
and a.irshicld. If solid shaft, coupling may lravc to be re- then loosen nut l/4 turn. Chcck end play by mountin8 a
movcd also. dial indiiator on the bracket with Sage indic¡tin8 the shalt
runner in an axial directiorl. Release jack from under shaft ') il

6. Remove bolts from lower bearing cartridge and pull and note end play. When jack is not used under shaft, lift
shaft and rotor. (lf upper bearing is preloaded, discard shaft with pry bar to measure end play. Readjust nut, if I

shims at lorver bearing cartridge.) necessary, to obtain .015-020" end play. Lock nut in t,

ASSEI\IBLY OF IiIOTOR C. Asscmbly of Other Oil lr

Lubricated Bearings
,4._,.iotors lVith Spherical Rollcr Thrust Dearings l. Motors with Kingsbury type thrust bearings, "DB" t.

(Spring Locdcd Bearings) (Fig. 3) ball thrust bearings or 7000/9000 ball thrust bearings t¡¡ke I
up and down tlrrust iD the uppcr bcarings and do not re'
l. Assemblc motor in revefse procedur€ as disassembly. quire end play adjustmcnt. Asscmble ntotor in rcverse I
procedurc is disasscmbly of thc nlotor. KeeP gre¡se out of I

2. Fully compress upper berring s¡rrings usilg asscmbly the bearing oü surnps (a small qr¡antity of grease in thc oil
fixture. The jacking screws slrould be tightened evrnly un' nrly cause severc loanting). Seal joints that ¡re r'\rl¡rerablc :

til thc bcarin8 is solidly seated (tor<¡rres irr table bclow to oil lerks or v¡ater into oil leaks wilh Permatex 12.
should assure that bcaring is scatcd).
Tel,.lo I For normal tlrrt¡st applications, geaselubricatcd b'.rü bear'
ings are used for the upper and lower bcarings. [lo$'cver,
Spr¡n0 Minirñum Torq(t lFt. r) lo. :

Bo¿r¡np Each Jackino screw l2) all yerticals for hiEh thrust applications have oil lubricatcd ¡

Si:c ltl 5/8" S.rew 4 upper and lower bearings. The follorving uppcr bcarings I

arc used for high thrust aPplication.
29326 3600 36 43
43 I
29425 3600 36
29430 5400 g 65 l. Sphcrical Roller Bearing I
3600 36 43
65 A sphcrical rollcr thrust bcaring supports thc wci§lrt of
29438 5!00 54
the motor rotor and ltas been sclecte«l to w¡tllst:¡nd thc
294r¿2 7200


-) '1 q
f-------------_1 -l .,] ) 1
lr I
r- 3¡¡att tt0c¡3 ;



rig t
Fig,3 lJppcr end of typicat high thrust hollov) shaÍt with spherical'roller bearings, showing assembly I
3. Angular contact Bearing (Fig.4) I
pump thrust as determined by the PumP manufacturer'
Coil springs undcr the outel race of üe roller thrust bear' I
An angular contact bearing is a sf,ecial ball bcrring
ing comPcosate for rotor üftirtg effect. Sinúlarly, these designed with a lúgh contact angle between baüs and ¡ace l

- springs are used on slower speed applications lvllere an to carry a mucl¡ greater th¡ust load than ¡ normal ball
upwatd thrust is imPosed by thc lunrp or when the thrust f
bearing. Two berri gs may ed to o¡ovidc duplex
excceds the weight of th. motor rotor. The downthrust'
'.- I
tandem or duple to back glA¿.e o¿rJ e{Palr$
rüth the cxcePtior¡ of momentrry upthrust, shor¡ld always r
cxcecd m&\inrum spring load. Note thal if motor is run The lower bearings used for hiSlt tluust aPPlications are
without downtluust, excessive vibration may occur' In oil lub¡icated bal.l bearillgs. The tyPc of t¡il uscd is the i
normal oPera(ion with downtluust sufficient to comPress same as üct required for the uPPer bearing in cach in' I
üc aprjngs, übration shotdd be norm¡l' dividual case.

2. Tilting Pad Bcaring
Water Cooling I

Thc tilüng parl (elf leveling ve¡ücal tlrrust bearing is con' it is accomPlishcd with a I
V/hen water cooling is rcquired,
structed baiically of two partsi the upper Portion orürust
continlrous coPPer tube immerscd in lhc oil with
wlter I
collrr which is Posilioned by thc sh¡ft runncr ¡nd lower connectiotrs brought out thc side of the Pot so that the
r¡ortion or lcvcling pads which is Positioncd by the fit
in I
aPProxim'1tcly thrcc
Thc sclf'¡ligning leveling pads are con' coil will drain. For pro¡rcr cooling, I
th" ,pp"t br¡cket. callons pe¡ nünute of ?OoF clcln watcr is re(luired;
eitller I
struci; of tin brsc b¡bbitt metallurgically bonded to a can bc uscd as thc ¡lllct' Use orüy purc' clean I
. ii..iir.ting. Radid position is nmintaiucd bv an (uPpcr) ".,nn.aüon
watcr unlo.s motor \Y¡s spccially ordered with a coil to I

slceve guidc be3ringi moment¡ry uPthrust

is tltken by a
withstand c )rrosivc wrtcr'
tfuust coll¡r on thc Euide besring' I



) !


la¡arrg a¡P

? co,,,¡cr 5KF'jZ3U Bqn

ü"á5 9a-.o?-s(6s
0lt ñ¿r t r r6 rtrrt

Fig.4 High thrust hollow sluft with angular contact ball bearirrys.

RclDlcenrent Bearings motor identity from the nameplate, the Propcr style re-
placernent bcarings can also be obtaincd.
tf for any rcrson it becomes naa"tr"ry to rePlace motor
bcarings, it is imPortant that the cxact tyPc be securcd. Replacement of tilting pad tyPe bearing scSments or
guide be¡rings is normally done by dislssembly oí the
bcarings are dcüvercC by the bcating danragcd bearing and rcbabbitting of same in a local West-
lAntifriction tyPe
sufiFlie¡ w¡th a cl"arrnce, ttsually geater tllan the bearing inghouse Apparatus Repair slroP.
shoüd hare in serYicc. Mte¡t tlte inncr ring of thc bearing
is móuntcrl $,ith a Prc§s fit, t¡c li¡rg exPaI¡ds elastically so
'ü\at üe bcaring looseness is reduccd. ln scrvice, the be¡r' T¿bl6 ll
lng clcarance is also affecteC by the heat distribution' Ac'
Bo¡r¡ng Silo Tyrt6 (w) stylo No.
cordingly, anüfrictio¡r bcarings shoukl be ordercd
üuougJr-fvcstngrouse by Westirrghouse style nurnber and Nor¡r¡l 2',t9 Ball Eear¡ng 38SD260620

not b-y contacting the l.rcaring supplier with his nuntber fhrul 226 Ball Eeoring
gall Bear¡n0
t603042 ¡

230 385D2GOG27
dircctl)'. See Tablc ll. 313 Báll Booring 1449545
3',t 5 Ball Beor¡ng 1449546
1291175 I
Bell Bearinq
Anlifrkation berrirrg Westin¡Jrouse stylc nunrbcrs arc 319n
Bsll Rearing 1297124
spccified on ccch apptic:rble motor otlllinc data 322R Eall Beor¡ng 4109D50c 14 I
' Éy notifying the neircst Wesli¡)ghouse Srles Ofllce of the

''" ¡


T¡blo ll (conr'd.l Rotor vibr¡tio¡r mry bc causcd by nús¡lignnrcnt of the

(Wl Styl. No
shrft, bearings, coupling or puntp sltalt. Uncvcn air gup
Bo¡r¡ñg S¡¡. Typo
bctwccn tlle rotor and tlle st¡tot r¡¡¡y be the rcstrlt of
High 29326 Spherical llollor goaring 388P535G01 tl¡csc lirctors of nrisalignntcnt. St¡üft runouts :rnd bc;rrin(
Thrust 29334 Spheric¡l Rollcr Bearinq 858C134G06 lig¡rn)cnt should bc chcckcd. Open rotor bars nmy result
29426 Sphcrical nrllcr Eear¡ng r603038
29430 Spher¡cál tlollcr Bear¡ng 1603039 in illcrersed übr¡tion (sce below).
2s438 Spherical nlollor Bearing r603040
294s2 Sphoric¿l nollcr
Eoar¡ng 858C134G t 4
10.5"'6 pád Tilling Pod Bear¡ng 2G7C705 lr. I
T¡lting Pad Booring
13.5".6 pad 268C841 lt. I
722204 Añgulár Conlact 8eáring 1603035 Unusua.l noise during oPeration. Certain motors built with
72220f Angular Contacl Eearing 374P6?2G0r
ratchet plates experience shrrp metallic souirds initially at
1230 Angular Cont¿ct Beariñg 345P611G01
723008 Angular Conlact gear¡ng 1603036 starting until centrifugal force acting on the r¡tchet pins is
723007 Añgular Contact Eearing 1603037 great enough for the pins to clear thc ratchet tecth. At
723204 Anqular Conloct Bearing 385P537G01
normal nrotor opcrating speed, dris noise is not Present.
72320f Angular Coñl¿ct B3¿r¡ng ¿r ocD42G39
9222t7222 Angular Contácr Eraring 374P675G01 Again when the motor is de+nergized, the noise will re'
923017230 Angulár Cont¡cl Bearing 386P464G01 appeir as the speed decreases.
923217232 Angular Contact Bear¡n0 a51CO2'1G12

219 Báll 8eáring 385D260G20 Noiscs should be localized during operation of thc
Gu¡d. 226 B6ll Eearing 1603042 motor, then at shutdown check that all nr'echanical
Ba.rlngtr 230 Ball B¿ar¡ng 385D260G27 clearancei are maintained. Note lvhether noise is reduced
when power is removed. If possible, tur¡t the rotor ovcr by
hand to see that it turns freely. Carelully inspect the air
gap and rotor for loose foreign objects. Ascertain that all
CO}f [TON PRO BLEllf S AND REI\I EDIES electrical clearances are adequate.

Oil Lrakrge Slowing Dorvn Under Load ¡nd

Reduccd Starting Torquc
Check oil pot designated oü level, check gaskets and seals
for excessive clea¡ance. (See Mai¡rtenance, previously dis' Thc symptoms are gcnerally cause by open ci¡cuits or
cussed.) broken joints betwecn the fotor end rin8e and the rotor
ba¡s. Cracks or breaks usually occur rvhere the hr¡s arc
Hot Bea¡infls connccted to the end rings or at a point just outside the
rotor lamin¡tions. If this condition is suspccled, note any
Check oil Pot (lcsignated oil lcvel. This level rppears on oil arcing during operation ¡nd eYidence of hca';ng at the end
gau8c. ring connections at shutdown a[tcr og:ration of tlte
motor under load. Dxcessive hceting is evident by dis-
I{ake certain the correct oil viscosity also is being used' coloring oI the rotor bars.
This appears atso on the oil nameplate' Check oil t€m-
pcrature. At shutdown, the rotor should be carcfully examined
for crackcd or broken brrs. Repair or replacemcnt of the
lr{isalignment o[ shalt, bearings, coupling or pr¡nrp rotor winding is required if cracks or breaks are evident'
shaft. Chcck sh¡ft runouts and Possibility o[ bent shaft' Such rePairs are normally performed at your local West'
inghouse Apparatus RePair shoP.
Make certain nlotor ventilation is not being restricted'
l{eathe¡ P¡otected Type ll Elclosure (Fig 5)
tf air filrers havc bcen provided, check that they are not
clogged. The WPII cnclosurc is an auxilirry enclostrrc arouncl a
vertical motor witlt ¡ir inlcts whiclr atc locctcd on the side
Yibr¿tion o¡r which the conduit box is n¡ounted and thc opposite
side. and ¡i¡ outlets otl the other two sides'
Statof vibratiotl, if Prevalcnt, mry be causcd
by loose
suPPorted pump head or
io,,ni*ion bolts. inadequately Extcr¡ding out of the toP of the lVPll cnclosurc
iou,t¿ution, or possibly founCation resonrncc' A check
üfting lrrgs which are to be used for liftilg
the motor'
should be rnadc if thcsc conditions cxist'

L ItI ¡tic LrJ6
u¡ftr orL f ltt c¡P

uP?tr 0tt 0 ¡6€

,2.. ¿'

ümn ott ltx

rlr l¡Lfrs
¡t[ 0tff LtT \''.\...

torf R 0ll. flLL ¡LUG


tortt 0[. G r6E

t 0l¡(R 0lt 0Fllt --

s§[ ñN-rI 116 ¡ccÍss NoLt

rdft¡ tF f¡LTEns lR€ 0n0t[€0, THCY l¡ltL BE risrrtr-t0 SElllti0 ll8 ¡¡LEI scRttxs.

Fig. S ilh t/,n¿st molor rvith lltcother hotectcd Type lI Enclosure

n N


ln ordcr to Brin acccss to the fl¡nge mounting bolts, glugc can bc vicwed tlrrough thc windov Provi(lcd ¡n thc !l
fóur covcrs nrust bc ¡cnror'cd fror¡r the enclosurc. Thc two sidc of the c¡rclosure. Ihe bottom bcaring rcscrvoir is
louvc¡ covcrs at tlrc bottorn of tl¡e enclosurc on opposite fillcd through top of thc.bottonr oil gi¡ugc which crtcnds
sidcs of lhe motor must l.¡c ¡c¡¡rovc<l as wcll as thc two fro¡n tl¡c sidc of tl¡c enclosure ¡t the bottom. i
small solid covers at thc botton¡ on tl¡e othcr two sidcs. ¡
Thcn thc mounting bolts are ¡cccssible. Iffilters arc orrlcred, they will bc ¡.rourtcd inside of
the air inlets. Filtcrs should be clcanctl periociically, as
Acccss to the coupling (if hollow shaft) is obtained by
cloggcd filters restrict the amount of cooling air and causc ,
rcmoving tl¡e top cap fro,n the top o[ the enclosure.
the nrotor to oYcrheat. f
Tlle top bearing oil reservoir is filled through the pipe i
cxtendi¡r8 fro¡n thc top of thc WPII enclosuie. The oil










Frequcncy . withifl t 57o o{ the valuc strnrped on thc rcscrvoirs througlt tl¡c plug in tllc top br¡ckct and thc top
namcplate plug of thc lolcr oil lcvcl g¡ugc witlr thc propcr rust lnd
oxid¡lion irüribitcd turbinc o¡l to thc standstil¡ lcvcl o
Voltage anrl Frequency togcther - within I I0% thc oil gr'u8c. This lcvcl nruy clr:rrgc slightly whcn rnotor
providing thc frequency is within t 57o o[ the v¡lue is in operat¡on. Sec p;rgc 8 for oil viscosities.
stamped on the nameplate.
' lf possible, lurn tllc rotor to nlike sure that it rot¡tcs
To change the direction of rotation on 3 ph¡se motors, freely; spherical rollcr bearings will lccl stiff due to spring
lnterchangc any two line le¡ds. Note: lf the direction of load,.but the(e shoultl be no binding.
rotat¡on is ¡ndicated on the motor, and it is desircd to
operatc ln the opposite direction, it w¡ll be necessary to Examine the rotor for loosc objccts or debris which
chrnge the rntchet if
used, and the blowers, as may have ¡ccumul¡ted to interfere w¡th operation. Chcck
unidirectional blowers have been used. Re[er to the factory mnde conncctions for tightness to make sure nonc
ncarest Westin8trousc Sales Otfice for assistance. have become looscncd during shjpnrent or storaBe. Re-
move shipping braces from rotor. If
the upper berring
requ¡lrcs water cooling coils, connect the ñttings and
INSULATfON RESISTA circulate üre water 8t thc flow rate ¡nd pressure spccificd
on the nameplate or instructions. Water pressure 75 psig
Before cnergizing motors, ¡t is recommended that the maximLm.
i¡sulation rcsistance be measurcd, particu¡arly if the
motor has bcen exposed to excessiva moisture in shipment Initi¡l Start
o¡ in storage. Thc insulation resistance of the stator
winding c¡n be measured with a "Megger" type in. It is recommended that the motor be initially started
itrument. This value should be not less than KV + ¡ ¡n uncoupled from the load. Check the direction of rotation.
megohms. For example, a 2300 volt motor should have a
minimum insulation resistancc of 2.3 + | or 3,3 megohms. After starting the motor, check the tempcr¡ture of the
bearing oil. If the oil is not water cooled, the normal oil
lf the insulation resistance is lorver úan this value, it ¡s operat¡ng temperature will be in the range of 75 to 90oC.
advisable to eüminate the moisture in one of the follorving Bearing tempeiatures may be higher than this, s¡nce oil is
ways: the cooling medium.

l. lf space heat€rs were supplied, energize these until At initial start, thc rate of rise of the bearing
nrctor dries out and until resistance becomes constant. temperature is more indicative o[ trouble than the totd
temperature. When slarting I motor for the first time, thc
-YEnclose the motor with canvas or sinlilar covering, bearing tcmperature should be observcd for a ¡nininum o[
lcaving a hole at the top for moisture to ercape. I¡rsert 'two hours. If at any time the rate of tempcrature rise
heating units or lamps and le¡ve thcm on until the ¡ppears too great or if thcre is excessive vibration or
insul¡tion resistance becomei practically const¡nt. unusual noises, shut down the motor inlmed¡ately ind
inspect the machine for possible causcs. Obscrve the
3, Wiü the rotor locked, using spproxinately l0% of standstill oil levels for scvc¡al days to insure no oil leakagc
rated voltage, pass a currcnt through the stator windings. has occur¡ed.
This current may be grrdu¡ll:/ increased until the tempera-
ture of the stator rv¡nding re¡ches 90oC. Do not exceed With the motor connected to the load, chcck for
ü¡s tcmpersturc. Ilaintain a temperature of 90oC unti.l satisfactory operation.
thc insu:¡tion resistance becontcs practic¡Uy constant.
Jogging and Repeated Starts


Stcps Prior to lnit¡¡l Start R€peated starts ,nd/or jogs of induction mo(ors
greatly reduce the l¡le of the winding insulation and
Bcfore startiog a motor rvith oil lubricated bcarings, the rotor. The heat produccd by each acccleration or )
re¡nove thc protective tapc on the oil g rges. Fill the oil jog is much more than rhat produccd and dissipated

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