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SCI113: Physical and Biological Science (Secondary)

Weeks 1, 2& 3: Introduction, measurement and investigation & Energy


Some common laboratory rules include wearing appropriate protective gear, such as lab

coats and goggles, properly handling chemicals, following proper waste disposal procedures, and

maintaining a clean and organized workspace. These rules help create a safe and productive

environment for experiments and research, today this researcher will be explaining the

importance’s of three established laboratory rules. To begin with: Do move carefully when

carrying equipment and chemicals- when carrying equipment and chemicals in the lab, it’s

important to be cautious and move carefully to avoid spills or accidents. This helps ensure the

safety of both yourself and others in the lab. Take your time, watch your step, and handle the

items with care. Don’t poke things into electric sockets or touch them with wet hands. It's

super important not to poke things into electric sockets or touch them with wet hands, Doing so

can lead to electric shocks or even electrical fires. Always prioritize your safety when using the

laboratory equipment and washing your hands after, avoid any risky behaviors around electrical

outlets. Stay dry and keep those sockets off-limits to protect your safety.

Don’t use your fingers to touch chemicals. It’s really important not to use your fingers to

touch chemicals because those chemicals can be harmful and may cause skin irritation, burns, or

other health risks. Always use proper protective equipment and follow the recommended

handling procedures. Two typical examples of energy use: Electricity: We use electricity in

our everyday lives for various purposes. It powers our lights, appliances, and electronic devices.
We rely on electricity to charge our phones, run our computers, and even operate transportation

systems. It's a important form of energy that plays a crucial role in modern life. Transportation:

Energy is also essential for transportation. Whether its cars, buses, trains, or airplanes, energy is

needed to power these vehicles and enable us to travel from one place to another. Gasoline,

diesel, or electricity is common energy sources used in transportation, allowing us to commute,

explore, and connect with others. Two ways on how we can conserve energy are using

Energy-efficient appliances: Using energy-efficient appliances can significantly reduce energy

consumption. Look for appliances with energy star labels, they are designed to consume less

energy while maintaining performance. LED light bulbs are also more energy-efficient compared

to traditional incandescent bulbs.

Unplugging unused electronics: Unplugging unused electronic devices: Many electronic

devices continue to consume a lot of energy even when they're not in use. Unplugging devices

such as chargers and laptops when they're not being used can help save energy. We can also use

power strips with on and off switch to charge these electronic devices Here’s a little poem on

conserving energy:

In our hands, the power lies,

To conserve and be wise.

Turn off lights when not in use,

Energy saved, no excuse.

Unplug chargers, devices too,

They still draw power, it's true.

Choose appliances that are efficient,

Reducing energy, our commitment.

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