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Cómo Terminar una Relación de Manera Amable

How To Break Up with Someone Nicely
1. Be honest: Share your feelings sincerely. If you don't like how you're being
treated, communicate how it makes you feel and express your desire to be
treated better.
2. Don't play mind games: Avoid using the relationship to control or manipulate
the other person, especially if you want to end the relationship due to
inappropriate treatment.
3. Be direct: Address the breakup conversation directly and without beating
around the bush, avoiding absurd excuses or lies.
4. Don't prolong or make excuses: Don't continue the relationship out of fear, as
it will only cause more pain. It's better to end things immediately.
5. Don't promise friendship: If you have no intention of maintaining a friendship in
the future, be honest about it.
6. Avoid emotional outbursts and anger: Even if you feel hurt or angry, don't let
these emotions dominate the situation. Try to approach the breakup calmly.
7. Take responsibility: Don't blame the other person for your decisions. Accept
your responsibility in the relationship and explain your desire to end it.
8. Don't harshly judge: Avoid making negative or hurtful judgments about the
other person.
9. Don't rehash the past: Don't bring up old arguments or issues, as it will distract
from the current conversation.
10. Don't create false hopes: Don't think you can change the other person. People
rarely change without internal motivation.
11. Don't promise eternal care: Avoid saying that you will always care about them,
as this can be used against you in the future.
12. Give space: After the breakup, allow the other person to have their space and
time to heal.
Ending a relationship kindly requires honesty, understanding, and empathy
toward the other person.

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