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Теми презентацій*, 2 курс_рівень В2

1. Analyze the importance of happiness. What are the best ways to cope with stress?
2. Animal testing for medical purposes is unethical and morally wrong.
3. Being a pet owner in the twenty-first century entails a lot of responsibility.
4. Building techniques for the handicapped.
5. Cats are not as good as dogs as pets!
6. Diwali Festival, its importance to Hinduism, and pollution in Diwali.
7. Difference between health promotion and prevention.
8. Does new technology hinders creativity in building design?
9. Effects of Economy to Home Building Industry.
10. Evolution of Woodstock: a Rock Festival.
11. Future houses: my view vs. how experts see them.
12. Healthcare’s accessibility, disparity, and safety.
13. History and the symbolism of the Festival of Pesach.
14. How can we prevent depression?
15. How to promote a positive body image and prevent obesity in minors.
16. Interesting modern buildings.
17. Marketing of the Melbourne International Film Festival.
18. Problems that music festivals cause.
19. The effect of food tourism behavior on Food Festival Visitor’s Revisit Intention.
20. The impact of Edinburgh International Festival.
21. The negative effects of festivals.
22. Today’s most pressing global health issues.
23. Tomorrowland: Electronic Music Festival.
24. Traditions, practices and the processes in the Thaipusam Festival.
25. Venice Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival.
26. Vietnam: Lunar New Year Festival.
27. What is the difference between health and wellness? How can you ensure a healthy lifestyle?
28. What are ethical dilemmas in healthcare?
29. What are the positive and negative attitudes to aging-related changes?
30. Whatever: culture and Niagara Wine Festival.
31. Why are festivals bad for the environment?
32. Why is it necessary to make animal cruelty a crime?
33. Zoos are harmful to non-endangered living things.

*Презентація – не більше 10 слайдів!
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англ. і укр. версію питань) і надіслати у тому ж файлі, що сам текст.

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